Windows simplified instructions to setup namecoin & get your namecoin address1) Download the windows namecoind binary Extract namecoind.exe and save to a folder, any folder (example c:\namecoin\)
3) Open a command prompt to where you saved namecoind.exe, and run namecoind ( "
4) You will get an error message.
This is normal. It will create the folder for config file and install some files.
Read the error message it will tell you where to make a config file. For Windows Vista/7 users it likely will be in:
C:\Users\<YOUR USERNAME HERE>\AppData\Roaming\Namecoin\
For Windows xP:

Maybe someone can let me know and I will update it
Note: AppData folder may be hidden in Vista/Win7. If you can't see it then in explorer hit Alt key, select View menu then Folder Options, turn on hidden files & folders.
5) Once you locate your configuration folder (you should see bunch of files including a wallet.dat) create a new text file in that folder, name it bitcoin.conf (yeah it is bitcoind not namecoind).
Edit the text file and copy these lines
Obviously change your_user & your_pass to something unique. It doesn't matter what being unencrypted it provides only token security.
Note: Sometimes in windows it will save the file as a text file. For example bitcoin.conf.txt not bitcoin.conf.
If it does: Hit Alt key, select Tools, Select View menu then Folder Options, uncheck "hide known extensions". Edit the filename so there is no txt. It should be bitcoin.conf exactly.
6) Go back to your command prompt and run namecoind.exe again ("namecoind"). If you get no error then good.
On Windows there will be nothing but blinking prompt.
DON'T CLOSE THIS WINDOW. Just minimize it if you want.7) Open another command prompt to folder you saved namecoind.exe. Just to be super clear this is a second command prompt, different than your previous one. You must leave the first command prompt w/ namecoind running open.
namecoind listreceivedbyaddress 0 true
It will display something like this:
"address" : "NKZTF7365tuyEUZZZZZZZZZZZX8sL8S7a",
"account" : "",
"label" : "",
"amount" : 0.00000000,
"confirmations" : 0
The "NKZTF7365tuyEUZZZZZZZZZZZX8sL8S7a" (this one is not real/valid) is your namecoin address. Copy it into your account page in slush's pool.