You can use dyndns. Slush has also provisioned it to allow for a domain name.
What's the format for a domain or IP range?
For example can I enter * ?
Not sure what you mean there. I'll give you an example of what I use.
I use zoneedit for dynamic dns. It's free.
Set up a free account with them.
Get yourself a domain name and use that on zoneedit's site.
I have a Linux box that is my gateway/router/firewall/web server. On that computer in my /etc/rc.d/rc.local file I added the following line.
Then you can paste the following into a file and give it execute permissions. I called it ddns.update and put it in /usr/local/bin.
# DDNS Automation Script -
# File: /bin/ddns-update
# Set Account Details
# Constants - change files if needed
# Send update request and save results
wget -O $TMP1 --http-user=$USER --http-passwd=$PASS --no-check-certificate \
echo - DDNS Update > $TMP2
echo Time: `date '+%T - %e %B'` >> $TMP2
cat $TMP1 >> $TMP2
cat $TMP2 | mail -s " - DDNS Update for $HOST" $EMAIL
rm -f $TMP1 $TMP2
You could probably launch it via cron as well in case your isp updates your IP even if you do not restart your modem.
ZoneEdit may have a newer script. I've been using this one for 4 years now. You could google "zoneedit script".
If you are using a wireless router you could put dd-wrt firmware on it and simply fill in a few boxes with your info and it will do the same thing.
Then instead of putting in an ip address on slush's site you put your domain name. Ex...
There are other dynamic dns services out there as well.
I hope this was helpful.