November 22, 2017, 01:30:50 AM |
So we need hardfork for CAP, then withdraw coins from Cryptopia and then start new coin CAPP and add it to another exchange.
Which exchange? I'm also assuming that the coins that would of been pre-mined to cover the 51% loss will no longer be? CAPP coin will be premined only with current CAP supply, without compensations to Cryptopia. Hacker have about 30M CAP now, and sell it on Cryptopia after deposit resuming. It was not fist attack, first was in September. I start develop test version tomorrow and after public testing add premine and restart chain. Privat key from checkpoint server will keep Tranz, not me.
November 22, 2017, 07:39:40 AM Last edit: November 24, 2017, 06:38:15 PM by vampirus |
I decide take richlist snapshot today. You anyway not get yours CAP from exchange. I remove some inactive and exchange addresses. If you not find yours address let me know. Et4SH71iB8sqnYsc14qmP1aixBZ3V9y57C 12,041,926 EhTog9YE9BtzcJTpPZzp7gBALjy9XRSseD 8,810,976 EnWZaSADrbQ4Dqqb3JMJ49hDhTMWwGdeE4 8,109,271 EzNukaC5pipborWF4VjMiPMYf9aJFX7Y71 8,122,690 EiZo8NwPGoh9vnKyznW6pq5yQpNJB3Wunj 6,469,396 F2JcokPB94AQmMV11fciePo7MSvrsjuFQV 6,349,148 EgkoeTfnAhariPSu9u5m17mqJz9pmnmPhM 6,003,643 EncLAvE4BQ4zCjttnkZVg8nDbz2uK2jHiY 5,830,675 F1CadB8T5Nmc5gyBQo4R8AVnj2XtQ7cX5o 5,820,169 EydgV89nB7SWWMYXCtDTLSgKteLCA3pmFU 4,807,772 Ej12gGJWgUXjvHrMkt9kwjhM8tVY9PUfA7 4,792,838 EtK92jJWZx6tByc8uTTzRDr683YonGhA1z 4,340,904 EtjLweDRgPG4PhNfJkKoNYzqMS7Ph6d3Ga 4,114,208 Ek96gyy4V4oKWor6CZQHSKkXvcsYgQXgxp 3,875,563 EtMLwePFNLN6P5sG95BvVpWusSwawjRC2a 3,802,875 EzCaps42xxq3ASrBMJ58Cb1ngVupsqPPQq 3,654,497 EzCAPsD3qrJxnLCeLppxmHu7H7xzxEGAS3 3,573,061 EuYAQ9t4oQ1KJQy7BwmMgHc1DrXtL9gnUv 3,429,065 Ej36HXyQjGPyzhw7semZt562nbpUGZmgfP 3,229,061 EwDuyy3PqdUPDTaDFW3oNRYueGzVdj9bDH 2,941,712 Emkz8zE67SbX91vqoWD3fSEPf8HvF9u43Z 2,151,047 Ej5tuxuXrTqARHpHCyK32iJk5Dgmk9rztc 1,966,916 EyQNuSYmHFSKvUqZMe4pmMT3BXih53uHXX 1,927,123 EmV7EF33Q4TXxhFFuzEf6ounpjZ86D7ZNA 1,867,337 EzZg5RWUEw7Tm2HLXp2FaZputnv6NK22Dn 1,861,539 F33f7ir8XREQnPWWrqYNJZwRjW3SW3hoF3 1,820,040 EvAJFDcMKNvSKgrd5rUwnntHEkC2wVZvzs 1,800,225 EwD4gy3ZY7d2zxJYNx5DAHZ8HzE9Z4QckS 1,698,692 EuGFoMB5JW3DJmKRkccRkuZ1SpBRp9Bo7v 1,676,399 EvgF3mJNzaXYK94RaWjQQiAFSCS6XhN6k4 1,641,812 Eu2FfxVaAa494TQtsxc5uoxFML7dWpA6Hx 1,583,148 Evqn8UwoWGKfaxKjsBqYNmX6uWHSLbtiWy 1,456,526 EkoFQQGTUyUKtyrLp8tNaCnqJgQwHMz2FW 1,442,773 Ez3pmiJBboaj13VGox1uo35MDWV7tcrY9g 1,396,372 Es1TSdR7oRswcnFPJw3SqGw6JaQrpSGxn6 1,272,442 EhFUrAA1EPwmU2SGg7SPKfxwjB7wX4UGar 1,225,057 EtEPNSrrTeKjdwKMwbsSY73waKJYXSiBy1 1,165,337 EvnxW8knXV73Yo5TARHpcPiCm6kGEsi34J 1,094,436 Enig8DgWh9dJHEwwLVxP3VmLxDASTYYw39 1,086,142 F5hfAHUFPCWT3H2mvs7W7v9gqbv51YHByD 1,031,628 Ew8bAYrfKKDt3ZLMvKsRzQte6mcNLfiNfS 976,450 EkG39y1btXusdWbYkbPRT7mqDzcoWzmXRP 970,294 EgffRPXXGiNBMt5r6G2foeqGrG26wd6jVH 935,411 Erdkucn5v3ChiMStke559QTvW6VTPdkbc5 912,113 EwrpHmp7yAUNPM5Tg9EHWgCukQW18ScSrv 820,519 EobCopz73kkuNtyyCxrm2fKzYJG6qcvY7S 683,677 Ezc13JM1wL2zABuorsk4GhjY4A4Ff84QAR 660,915 F5UpoxwzUUmXXtDg1xebdhTCYQpHSTLcBb 650,309 F2zLc86x2JGH2r7BFDKzqUKtNjwEz9LZmr 637,775 EpkYwfdH9WtGMENt19qnqGmMgx46YvGmMU 596,284 EsvnQGJhRybzdxzGSHrN6tkqPrPtwqyYHe 583,263 EpHc7m5pUt5Mp1rM488eonfisDWYoMHYuS 505,094 F3jr6ntCNUbLAdwCAe7xFTZN79AFzsJoq4 500,750 Ejwjid28hd3qzdF7pp2zQAWVSSaDSxQABJ 453,640 EjhtKhL626sQfznxRjsppyzFmaZoTZXARS 459,000 F1aNKtzcTp6qdeYJ2GZpvCQLoru8pEmoP7 420,592 EqL9rqEDLBWWABwRBESwsJPoj5RwwvBEri 400,911 Eno6jkeDQXW1kitnzyc83wsAPZUv6hzgAf 388,468 Esybfcme1L4tykGcxs9293J6YNR1uPSKGx 372,532 F2QCEMyaF8UBrUuzmwYwPhyw4hZhJvebyb 315,866 ExVFygbXdaUAFKe1SKPkQNihw4xtp5wbfA 313,635 EtpojHJFxsSRPyjGTZakDjSTrT9ru8WV3a 306,452 EkF3aimyoZEMSksgrcFXQSsFmQtQUw39EV 290,442 Ejx2pQWmynudsKVpn8CE7qFt3jpmc12cts 301,961 EsBBzTgnMuNtqr8fxPyTZHGfxTR6vTJbb3 276,852 EpCF5BLnDNX5GCKiSResw9zfZdzJ6A7wxf 282,629 Eo829g1isjicPYgHo6N9XZwvTu4FrTC3F2 282,371 EgcPghx18EfypZvi7s3j5NWubGEAL21imo 281,388 EqzJtDJw9U52VYrfF4uFhWUi869aLwgp2P 275,298 EoSEh3mgmH3AZ2riyUD75vMKkn9ivHWbvt 265,226 EhiLUx4vKfTyad6Ly3cj7c5csGvJJ4rHhj 258,667 EsBDcpMPP9Z2ehxEMr8rpzKyaXNm8u4exo 236,022 ExFxKdDwCndbTuSy1nodH3T4RX3jfrQufM 234,692 EzmfLY5GhVZNi9FnFRAqAK38wBi29hj7Ef 225,324 ErqNXMS7HhWTWLhbBsiwppGt9YNygYKnvy 200,063 F5NtqZ7oNwqCe3E88uLDFucCaWQrNn6Jua 197,452 EjPd9stdmQMyjoRzQToapzzQmRbENXFqAv 270,000 Ev8299XZEpR46uYqE2J3x248NTV24Ch4cH 187,405 F2Z9jDEifkHJJMGAENsJCVa8y17gppUWhq 188,278 EvD2frjB7uBDAvGovvfeX53MwABM4VinPC 169,122 Evm93zeqaqvaG78d7qKuwywXsbumvttzf6 166,569 EuMEmWzASdsetqUrF4RePo4ahsqn9vB96r 160,873 Ev8xruks28PGiHYxe8vJdf5yBGMZzeoJXJ 142,000 F3LbEPwXchSsEZCNHdLkhHkbGdRBK8eQei 153,170 F3TeK9DY6oYUdjUcG4jtTynEKLBi3cfReL 154,051 EyqYgp1jdfYrYHbehXBuJVHjSziEZ15xhD 146,835 EmgXgdRkATiLn3TmFjCn43o4SeA66unSvZ 146,490 EiLgMVcxqX4Mp486ocNDcv5Vk3QYXYJPao 128,292 F2YzBsGnQqSyo8mkbTRJkDSG3EmEmx56Tu 116,047 EsCDBXmVm1VX2jsmZPn5SjAZFrrTQ2Q5LK 108,710 EnuKYsWmvNRh9TKRtfNGLrtVzMEjwmmaXk 106,963 EmNVRXRsVdPWKefoV9XxM4t25jPWc6DmK6 105,737 EvmfQeCLjrRmYLJ84GP3S8GEmRywk1s2xU 104,479 EsB5t8feR7Q9Re6DGvdu32XTByACNtW1ri 103,557 F3ZAC8vyQw2iN682QAHcLEHi6oFUVkh6H3 116,285 EvLUnnv5CPB25Nj1Ywz6KNMga3ZMEKTD1M 100,743 Emzw9gGmVdmU1yYrt29Me2YhwVBTpoRdri 100,228 EzypFVEsGB2iBXFXT6a74KWAWQWJAiyjqG 99,904 EvEQjBkh3fpMfnirDhmdbPi9c8KtdS7Mxa 96,162 Eu9bqbAygEtF8WLkuyGyLRDcPS55xtWZuK 95,071 F1KvzCdndhXamNRAvsj2tjGYgdW8wYH89K 91,529 F4ewHPL6RnRA5Fx3imRi5zxMieAGt4oZgv 91,415 EoisPq9penxfzFJ7uGMvR7DVuVZmztynW1 91,237 EvoCGG5seoakDUXnS8bjVBeaAWBqq3WQxZ 90,237 F3egn4Bpm1eJTF9VuAdBxwhQ6BCPtniC4X 88,259 Ehn4wmDNHRk2qrneCR3Qx5ZLA6rQuTPcgF 88,285 EpNc6r8Ag7hZ6b6udgtdFuWjEMgL1fiDah 86,121 Emq1A6HEi4sDMXXqn3b56sPabENDG9hhGL 89,739 EvsrBsum4JtcMzWVpxDoAQkJSycsBaKxgC 81,487 F1cBjE1C3xxfnB3UEDG64mLdoB6pbvTfr1 80,820 EuxsH9kne4CPKKbjvA9oJxNv9kMVeapgHT 80,728 F3f4bDaEBUzBDXbBEjgos9v3G7oLLsmUcD 80,612 F27e98qRPHF72vLSJWGS5fAQW3bQDXN7ZR 80,099 EiNbDw5TxRYSbfZHrNVsL8DdEkdmiZLWz9 80,014 Exe4PJK7fhqvsWpxoFmHNZvxjUGXTjPDp9 80,000 EzFbJ2FWQphNr6E6u7aNogcjd6x4TbLZYR 80,000 EjRqrfR6LuFvCjsqmQHMaMvNrEMJW3yLAM 80,000 EzqNAcxUWRmpY4d6DxbaYkEA2LZJ2et7e6 79,000 F2fD2nd4dAQbC6hY4eTB81HBtYEccUebra 75,804 ExeQmDSCsbktmLNJr2a2j88ostnndghotX 74,347 F1Tej1b4FaHaQPyGTpTwAgwbL3iKAdxqwK 74,337 EiB9hemajAcH2H54fSJLMFyAdWTrnbRCpZ 73,164 ErXeuehPJfyLzH2GLmyKwhTju5bVRDNq4x 72,908 EuP6kUyKmbCHjt2dBJU4PnhoaDCvU8jyCR 72,539 EmsT5V5h6jNEMF2ZcVbj5MLrfCtMVufjJs 72,329 Ey8HUM7vp9bgJeg5tRFsuR1Xi5EcrBy8au 69,855 EmUPdk5uNCfpLqYZfRaP7B8NBfGHNUwVrg 68,477 ExzhLMMwNsYKXHXdbssdRsNG1WFh1wtMyE 65,864 F2nLtGgCyy9gfJMmfK1wGPoQA2ovwGhG6p 65,424 Es3nFnr3uTar6GznLSHwVGf2N3Cd4aJeeV 65,000 EoB4sjS28kFZfirieMzEy7DgD8xcCknAsg 63,063 Euy9Jq7uJSnsEw6CsifwfVx5oqDvm9wYLK 61,576 EjtL89GKFbwvY4WeLTpUXMmi1WAPgBgQ1T 59,335 EmRdoHYa3voK4Rv7kMJafnAAAvNFXFMdqD 59,134 Ev828zqH4wcS5qTraiQ8U2fo6A4f7rJ6Hi 58,678
F12jBuswNVouKMzRiY1Tt93MQaV86BgcYH 24,189
F2N5ZPF4WXja5eWZu38WjxVvfMb4tqqBAE 58,670 Eh5xiuqTo6CLnDntMB7aSd92QeLpu33e5Y 56,493 Ejiq5FebJA3mQFyCSMnASB8Tn7oBNbQbFd 56,052 Erpy3oFACBTob6pUEYwitAEfafHgvkRUyQ 55,136 Egde9ocBBoNG57JdZUQGp3xDNF9zwQ9QtY 55,779 Etd6Uo2DP1mJXMJ6pmXm5X7xFGMLG8cyqj 51,773 EzgjxUUzFHHPDKHisoB4pnVv7eGHUrP8bv 50,155 EwHu72PRPXwSZQj22W3ixd9HFmtBciKJc5 49,061 EheMzirTdRfFXFHE7RjbDomHg5sX5ATH2j 48,799 Ej3wr5xVjQLNhUuzXwHmLkjN11kvqGYnSQ 47,756 Erq7P9WnHgJ3bJURbiVow3dgaoWNxminBT 46,937 EjELETFi6sB4pRweuaqsat5SfTEfDpRmo5 45,772 EzLfMJw24eGdGgdU8t5fViVcFp1VzExnca 45,761 EoZD3ok2kSqEmtJ4iwEJQRE1ujidYhLxVk 45,550 EqKJxjQz7dDDrHHQJUxcZ8DMhcgEG5XWyj 44,950 EtBuPtjLQmKwY6i9J7pALkp8qUA94rVZbF 33,111 EqGKdXySkqULt8Y2HXnc2nr7ngeZVhy4LJ 44,708 F1ifmSahM8LiQBRqJBn7eQNpmySg2sq4fz 44,542 Ek1jKNypvV241gJEwX69kCTbJ374gBaSD7 44,006 EuzaSF1aaa2NHYEz2m4eLCVUbAD7oUbWyV 43,592 EpLc4D6AkEV3oxBzxWhoNsP8ziY177nTBc 43,401 EwLMFp8zaunfbRCz1sYpxH5LTHzEpkLe3E 43,081 EvtqfYUtCFKs36m7UmCMvGsv2JKEHSFuHj 41,103 F3ANknqREB5ALPJZmHTorjGgrzuNpCg6f8 39,747 F46tH6jsyxGk5qZPUbVZrPzou8hthuyjT6 39,603 F3zdbqsgw2drp1ys3BxbsgVXtB6FcLKgWj 39,094 EvcVBokfqDPKTDQVAqGqnWq4XMRATxX9Hy 37,603 Ema8ef15JHnQijFcDWbph7V5XEH2Sc6Bmg 37,351 EmbJPTRgtAtWCdwKFp1hBSEh1dNjb73Kqj 36,767 Epy6UR2eiPXftQKNJGtp16GEVpYnSsXzah 36,626 EpLQd2dH82hEJ4EAhjAmAq84k8koNtr2kw 36,519 EmKSc9tiPi1N8LdEXLKcrhDRNP5y5WjSaz 35,908 Ep48BtbkCQK9Teg4BFA1p5BM7DDjjHdyhK 35,739
Egc8kS2F1jbpPQjM15atPZjEHUjCHX8CgJ 235,981
Added to: F12jBuswNVouKMzRiY1Tt93MQaV86BgcYH 24,189 Egc8kS2F1jbpPQjM15atPZjEHUjCHX8CgJ 235,981 from 38 addresses with low balance.
Activity: 227
Merit: 26
“BitCloud [BTDX]”
November 22, 2017, 11:57:34 AM |
nice idea Now swap or have/to let 2 blockchain (CAP and CAPP) ? I decide take richlist snapshot today. You anyway not get yours CAP from exchange. I remove some inactive and exchange addresses. If you not find yours address let me know. Et4SH71iB8sqnYsc14qmP1aixBZ3V9y57C 12,041,926 EhTog9YE9BtzcJTpPZzp7gBALjy9XRSseD 8,810,976 EnWZaSADrbQ4Dqqb3JMJ49hDhTMWwGdeE4 8,109,271 EzNukaC5pipborWF4VjMiPMYf9aJFX7Y71 8,122,690 EiZo8NwPGoh9vnKyznW6pq5yQpNJB3Wunj 6,469,396 F2JcokPB94AQmMV11fciePo7MSvrsjuFQV 6,349,148 EgkoeTfnAhariPSu9u5m17mqJz9pmnmPhM 6,003,643 EncLAvE4BQ4zCjttnkZVg8nDbz2uK2jHiY 5,830,675 F1CadB8T5Nmc5gyBQo4R8AVnj2XtQ7cX5o 5,820,169 EydgV89nB7SWWMYXCtDTLSgKteLCA3pmFU 4,807,772 Ej12gGJWgUXjvHrMkt9kwjhM8tVY9PUfA7 4,792,838 EtK92jJWZx6tByc8uTTzRDr683YonGhA1z 4,340,904 EtjLweDRgPG4PhNfJkKoNYzqMS7Ph6d3Ga 4,114,208 Ek96gyy4V4oKWor6CZQHSKkXvcsYgQXgxp 3,875,563 EtMLwePFNLN6P5sG95BvVpWusSwawjRC2a 3,802,875 EzCaps42xxq3ASrBMJ58Cb1ngVupsqPPQq 3,654,497 EzCAPsD3qrJxnLCeLppxmHu7H7xzxEGAS3 3,573,061 EuYAQ9t4oQ1KJQy7BwmMgHc1DrXtL9gnUv 3,429,065 Ej36HXyQjGPyzhw7semZt562nbpUGZmgfP 3,229,061 EwDuyy3PqdUPDTaDFW3oNRYueGzVdj9bDH 2,941,712 Emkz8zE67SbX91vqoWD3fSEPf8HvF9u43Z 2,151,047 Ej5tuxuXrTqARHpHCyK32iJk5Dgmk9rztc 1,966,916 EyQNuSYmHFSKvUqZMe4pmMT3BXih53uHXX 1,927,123 EmV7EF33Q4TXxhFFuzEf6ounpjZ86D7ZNA 1,867,337 EzZg5RWUEw7Tm2HLXp2FaZputnv6NK22Dn 1,861,539 F33f7ir8XREQnPWWrqYNJZwRjW3SW3hoF3 1,820,040 EvAJFDcMKNvSKgrd5rUwnntHEkC2wVZvzs 1,800,225 EwD4gy3ZY7d2zxJYNx5DAHZ8HzE9Z4QckS 1,698,692 EuGFoMB5JW3DJmKRkccRkuZ1SpBRp9Bo7v 1,676,399 EvgF3mJNzaXYK94RaWjQQiAFSCS6XhN6k4 1,641,812 Eu2FfxVaAa494TQtsxc5uoxFML7dWpA6Hx 1,583,148 Evqn8UwoWGKfaxKjsBqYNmX6uWHSLbtiWy 1,456,526 EkoFQQGTUyUKtyrLp8tNaCnqJgQwHMz2FW 1,442,773 Ez3pmiJBboaj13VGox1uo35MDWV7tcrY9g 1,396,372 Es1TSdR7oRswcnFPJw3SqGw6JaQrpSGxn6 1,272,442 EhFUrAA1EPwmU2SGg7SPKfxwjB7wX4UGar 1,225,057 EtEPNSrrTeKjdwKMwbsSY73waKJYXSiBy1 1,165,337 EvnxW8knXV73Yo5TARHpcPiCm6kGEsi34J 1,094,436 Enig8DgWh9dJHEwwLVxP3VmLxDASTYYw39 1,086,142 F5hfAHUFPCWT3H2mvs7W7v9gqbv51YHByD 1,031,628 Ew8bAYrfKKDt3ZLMvKsRzQte6mcNLfiNfS 976,450 EkG39y1btXusdWbYkbPRT7mqDzcoWzmXRP 970,294 EgffRPXXGiNBMt5r6G2foeqGrG26wd6jVH 935,411 Erdkucn5v3ChiMStke559QTvW6VTPdkbc5 912,113 EwrpHmp7yAUNPM5Tg9EHWgCukQW18ScSrv 820,519 EobCopz73kkuNtyyCxrm2fKzYJG6qcvY7S 683,677 Ezc13JM1wL2zABuorsk4GhjY4A4Ff84QAR 660,915 F5UpoxwzUUmXXtDg1xebdhTCYQpHSTLcBb 650,309 F2zLc86x2JGH2r7BFDKzqUKtNjwEz9LZmr 637,775 EpkYwfdH9WtGMENt19qnqGmMgx46YvGmMU 596,284 EsvnQGJhRybzdxzGSHrN6tkqPrPtwqyYHe 583,263 EpHc7m5pUt5Mp1rM488eonfisDWYoMHYuS 505,094 F3jr6ntCNUbLAdwCAe7xFTZN79AFzsJoq4 500,750 Ejwjid28hd3qzdF7pp2zQAWVSSaDSxQABJ 453,640 EjhtKhL626sQfznxRjsppyzFmaZoTZXARS 459,000 F1aNKtzcTp6qdeYJ2GZpvCQLoru8pEmoP7 420,592 EqL9rqEDLBWWABwRBESwsJPoj5RwwvBEri 400,911 Eno6jkeDQXW1kitnzyc83wsAPZUv6hzgAf 388,468 Esybfcme1L4tykGcxs9293J6YNR1uPSKGx 372,532 F2QCEMyaF8UBrUuzmwYwPhyw4hZhJvebyb 315,866 ExVFygbXdaUAFKe1SKPkQNihw4xtp5wbfA 313,635 EtpojHJFxsSRPyjGTZakDjSTrT9ru8WV3a 306,452 EkF3aimyoZEMSksgrcFXQSsFmQtQUw39EV 290,442 Ejx2pQWmynudsKVpn8CE7qFt3jpmc12cts 301,961 EsBBzTgnMuNtqr8fxPyTZHGfxTR6vTJbb3 276,852 EpCF5BLnDNX5GCKiSResw9zfZdzJ6A7wxf 282,629 Eo829g1isjicPYgHo6N9XZwvTu4FrTC3F2 282,371 EgcPghx18EfypZvi7s3j5NWubGEAL21imo 281,388 EqzJtDJw9U52VYrfF4uFhWUi869aLwgp2P 275,298 EoSEh3mgmH3AZ2riyUD75vMKkn9ivHWbvt 265,226 EhiLUx4vKfTyad6Ly3cj7c5csGvJJ4rHhj 258,667 EsBDcpMPP9Z2ehxEMr8rpzKyaXNm8u4exo 236,022 ExFxKdDwCndbTuSy1nodH3T4RX3jfrQufM 234,692 EzmfLY5GhVZNi9FnFRAqAK38wBi29hj7Ef 225,324 ErqNXMS7HhWTWLhbBsiwppGt9YNygYKnvy 200,063 F5NtqZ7oNwqCe3E88uLDFucCaWQrNn6Jua 197,452 EjPd9stdmQMyjoRzQToapzzQmRbENXFqAv 270,000 Ev8299XZEpR46uYqE2J3x248NTV24Ch4cH 187,405 F2Z9jDEifkHJJMGAENsJCVa8y17gppUWhq 188,278 EvD2frjB7uBDAvGovvfeX53MwABM4VinPC 169,122 Evm93zeqaqvaG78d7qKuwywXsbumvttzf6 166,569 EuMEmWzASdsetqUrF4RePo4ahsqn9vB96r 160,873 Ev8xruks28PGiHYxe8vJdf5yBGMZzeoJXJ 142,000 F3LbEPwXchSsEZCNHdLkhHkbGdRBK8eQei 153,170 F3TeK9DY6oYUdjUcG4jtTynEKLBi3cfReL 154,051 EyqYgp1jdfYrYHbehXBuJVHjSziEZ15xhD 146,835 EmgXgdRkATiLn3TmFjCn43o4SeA66unSvZ 146,490 EiLgMVcxqX4Mp486ocNDcv5Vk3QYXYJPao 128,292 F2YzBsGnQqSyo8mkbTRJkDSG3EmEmx56Tu 116,047 EsCDBXmVm1VX2jsmZPn5SjAZFrrTQ2Q5LK 108,710 EnuKYsWmvNRh9TKRtfNGLrtVzMEjwmmaXk 106,963 EmNVRXRsVdPWKefoV9XxM4t25jPWc6DmK6 105,737 EvmfQeCLjrRmYLJ84GP3S8GEmRywk1s2xU 104,479 EsB5t8feR7Q9Re6DGvdu32XTByACNtW1ri 103,557 F3ZAC8vyQw2iN682QAHcLEHi6oFUVkh6H3 116,285 EvLUnnv5CPB25Nj1Ywz6KNMga3ZMEKTD1M 100,743 Emzw9gGmVdmU1yYrt29Me2YhwVBTpoRdri 100,228 EzypFVEsGB2iBXFXT6a74KWAWQWJAiyjqG 99,904 EvEQjBkh3fpMfnirDhmdbPi9c8KtdS7Mxa 96,162 Eu9bqbAygEtF8WLkuyGyLRDcPS55xtWZuK 95,071 F1KvzCdndhXamNRAvsj2tjGYgdW8wYH89K 91,529 F4ewHPL6RnRA5Fx3imRi5zxMieAGt4oZgv 91,415 EoisPq9penxfzFJ7uGMvR7DVuVZmztynW1 91,237 EvoCGG5seoakDUXnS8bjVBeaAWBqq3WQxZ 90,237 F3egn4Bpm1eJTF9VuAdBxwhQ6BCPtniC4X 88,259 Ehn4wmDNHRk2qrneCR3Qx5ZLA6rQuTPcgF 88,285 EpNc6r8Ag7hZ6b6udgtdFuWjEMgL1fiDah 86,121 Emq1A6HEi4sDMXXqn3b56sPabENDG9hhGL 89,739 EvsrBsum4JtcMzWVpxDoAQkJSycsBaKxgC 81,487 F1cBjE1C3xxfnB3UEDG64mLdoB6pbvTfr1 80,820 EuxsH9kne4CPKKbjvA9oJxNv9kMVeapgHT 80,728 F3f4bDaEBUzBDXbBEjgos9v3G7oLLsmUcD 80,612 F27e98qRPHF72vLSJWGS5fAQW3bQDXN7ZR 80,099 EiNbDw5TxRYSbfZHrNVsL8DdEkdmiZLWz9 80,014 Exe4PJK7fhqvsWpxoFmHNZvxjUGXTjPDp9 80,000 EzFbJ2FWQphNr6E6u7aNogcjd6x4TbLZYR 80,000 EjRqrfR6LuFvCjsqmQHMaMvNrEMJW3yLAM 80,000 EzqNAcxUWRmpY4d6DxbaYkEA2LZJ2et7e6 79,000 F2fD2nd4dAQbC6hY4eTB81HBtYEccUebra 75,804 ExeQmDSCsbktmLNJr2a2j88ostnndghotX 74,347 F1Tej1b4FaHaQPyGTpTwAgwbL3iKAdxqwK 74,337 EiB9hemajAcH2H54fSJLMFyAdWTrnbRCpZ 73,164 ErXeuehPJfyLzH2GLmyKwhTju5bVRDNq4x 72,908 EuP6kUyKmbCHjt2dBJU4PnhoaDCvU8jyCR 72,539 EmsT5V5h6jNEMF2ZcVbj5MLrfCtMVufjJs 72,329 Ey8HUM7vp9bgJeg5tRFsuR1Xi5EcrBy8au 69,855 EmUPdk5uNCfpLqYZfRaP7B8NBfGHNUwVrg 68,477 ExzhLMMwNsYKXHXdbssdRsNG1WFh1wtMyE 65,864 F2nLtGgCyy9gfJMmfK1wGPoQA2ovwGhG6p 65,424 Es3nFnr3uTar6GznLSHwVGf2N3Cd4aJeeV 65,000 EoB4sjS28kFZfirieMzEy7DgD8xcCknAsg 63,063 Euy9Jq7uJSnsEw6CsifwfVx5oqDvm9wYLK 61,576 EjtL89GKFbwvY4WeLTpUXMmi1WAPgBgQ1T 59,335 EmRdoHYa3voK4Rv7kMJafnAAAvNFXFMdqD 59,134 Ev828zqH4wcS5qTraiQ8U2fo6A4f7rJ6Hi 58,678
Activity: 1288
Merit: 1000
CRYPTO-CITY.COM 🌟 Communities
November 22, 2017, 05:33:48 PM |
I decide take richlist snapshot today. You anyway not get yours CAP from exchange. I remove some inactive and exchange addresses. If you not find yours address let me know.
Looks good. I'm on there.
Activity: 1033
Merit: 1005
November 22, 2017, 07:20:46 PM |
I decide take richlist snapshot today. You anyway not get yours CAP from exchange. I remove some inactive and exchange addresses. If you not find yours address let me know.
Looks good. I'm on there. Verified my address as well.
This space not for rent...
Activity: 1033
Merit: 1005
November 22, 2017, 07:22:31 PM |
So we need hardfork for CAP, then withdraw coins from Cryptopia and then start new coin CAPP and add it to another exchange.
Which exchange? I'm also assuming that the coins that would of been pre-mined to cover the 51% loss will no longer be? CAPP coin will be premined only with current CAP supply, without compensations to Cryptopia. Hacker have about 30M CAP now, and sell it on Cryptopia after deposit resuming. It was not fist attack, first was in September. I start develop test version tomorrow and after public testing add premine and restart chain. Privat key from checkpoint server will keep Tranz, not me. I know, just making sure we're not paying off Cryptopia just for the hell of it if they're not doing anything for it. Cheers.
This space not for rent...
Activity: 227
Merit: 26
“BitCloud [BTDX]”
November 22, 2017, 11:02:58 PM |
hmm to day i have free cap on the wallet Im not alone
Activity: 10
Merit: 0
November 23, 2017, 12:38:13 AM |
Some more time should be given to those that have not been aware of what is going on to get their coins into a single address. I thought we had until January 1st. before a snapshot would be taken.
November 23, 2017, 01:21:54 AM |
Some more time should be given to those that have not been aware of what is going on to get their coins into a single address. I thought we had until January 1st. before a snapshot would be taken.
Just give me addresses that you have with balance less then 60K.
November 23, 2017, 03:18:39 AM |
Some more time should be given to those that have not been aware of what is going on to get their coins into a single address. I thought we had until January 1st. before a snapshot would be taken.
Just give me addresses that you have with balance less then 60K. what about all the coins on cryptopia? If you want to start your own fork it should be done once cryptopia is settled and the community can withdrawal their coins. I believe that Tranz is working on an update.
November 23, 2017, 04:37:38 AM Last edit: November 23, 2017, 05:17:22 AM by vampirus |
Cryptopia have zero balance of CAP. CAP and CAPP will be 2 different coins, like ETH and ETC. I myself have 1M CAP on Cryptopia.
Now I can see more addresses in richlist and add accounts with 40K and more.
November 23, 2017, 11:58:24 AM |
Some more time should be given to those that have not been aware of what is going on to get their coins into a single address. I thought we had until January 1st. before a snapshot would be taken.
Just give me addresses that you have with balance less then 60K. What is the deadline for reporting additional addresses? I will try and consolidate as they stake, but currently I sit on ~40 addresses with less than 40k
Activity: 1033
Merit: 1005
November 23, 2017, 02:44:40 PM |
Some more time should be given to those that have not been aware of what is going on to get their coins into a single address. I thought we had until January 1st. before a snapshot would be taken.
Just give me addresses that you have with balance less then 60K. What is the deadline for reporting additional addresses? I will try and consolidate as they stake, but currently I sit on ~40 addresses with less than 40k Should provide a deadline for the swap. for example: "# of CAP listed @ presstab rich list on 11/25 will be converted to CAPP at a rate of 10 CAP to 1 CAPP"
This space not for rent...
November 23, 2017, 03:50:59 PM Last edit: November 23, 2017, 08:30:08 PM by vampirus |
Some more time should be given to those that have not been aware of what is going on to get their coins into a single address. I thought we had until January 1st. before a snapshot would be taken.
Just give me addresses that you have with balance less then 60K. What is the deadline for reporting additional addresses? I will try and consolidate as they stake, but currently I sit on ~40 addresses with less than 40k Make consolidation as soon as possible, but send coins in 1-2 step, I check transactions history. No deadline for swap small amount addresses, but they must be old and not minted after November, 22 2017. PS. Now added accounts with 35500 CAP and more.
November 23, 2017, 11:43:36 PM |
Some thoughts, it would be great to still have the old name, Bottlecaps instead of Bottlecapps, etc. Have any other coins been hacked recently on Cryptopia?
they've had metalmusiccoin (MTLMC) locked out for about 3 months now, and i believe Casinocoin (CSC) was nailed down a couple weeks ago.
Explorer and full node hosting at
November 24, 2017, 03:08:43 AM |
What is your suggestion on how to deal with Cryptopia CAP balances?
The swap should wait until this is sorted out imo.
Activity: 166
Merit: 10
November 24, 2017, 03:17:42 AM |
A swap to a fresh chain would solve that problem.
November 24, 2017, 09:21:41 AM |
Some more time should be given to those that have not been aware of what is going on to get their coins into a single address. I thought we had until January 1st. before a snapshot would be taken.
Just give me addresses that you have with balance less then 60K. What is the deadline for reporting additional addresses? I will try and consolidate as they stake, but currently I sit on ~40 addresses with less than 40k Make consolidation as soon as possible, but send coins in 1-2 step, I check transactions history. No deadline for swap small amount addresses, but they must be old and not minted after November, 22 2017. PS. Now added accounts with 35500 CAP and more. dev vampirus Hello! why you do not develop a coin QBT, or work continues.
November 24, 2017, 04:23:33 PM |
Some more time should be given to those that have not been aware of what is going on to get their coins into a single address. I thought we had until January 1st. before a snapshot would be taken.
Just give me addresses that you have with balance less then 60K. What is the deadline for reporting additional addresses? I will try and consolidate as they stake, but currently I sit on ~40 addresses with less than 40k Make consolidation as soon as possible, but send coins in 1-2 step, I check transactions history. No deadline for swap small amount addresses, but they must be old and not minted after November, 22 2017. PS. Now added accounts with 35500 CAP and more. I had about this amount then Cryptopia froze. Some of us invest in 50 or more coins to kind of play the index or do a fund. I don't know why with the tragedy of this coin you don't distribute it across and are doing this "rich list" idea.
November 24, 2017, 06:47:18 PM |
Added for user with 40 small balances. Egc8kS2F1jbpPQjM15atPZjEHUjCHX8CgJ 235,981 QBT work normally and later try some optimization to reduce CPU load. Cryptopia balances: wait if @Tranz create hardfork for original CAP and roll back chain to November 6.