March 09, 2014, 03:55:01 AM |
Take witness to the prowess and undeniable speed of UTC's transaction times. You are witnessing a transaction being sent from the Netherlands to New York to Australia and back to the Netherlands in an astounding 2:31, confirmed. This is revolutionary and perhaps the greatest asset of any currency, digital or not. Do not underestimate the value being demonstrated here. Welcome to the future.
OC Development - oZwWbQwz6LAkDLa2pHsEH8WSD2Y3LsTgFt SMC Development - SgpYdoVz946nLBF2hF3PYCVQYnuYDeQTGu Friendly reminder: Back up your wallet.dat files!!
March 09, 2014, 03:58:44 AM |
buy up what ya can, prices aren't gonna be low for long....
OC Development - oZwWbQwz6LAkDLa2pHsEH8WSD2Y3LsTgFt SMC Development - SgpYdoVz946nLBF2hF3PYCVQYnuYDeQTGu Friendly reminder: Back up your wallet.dat files!!
March 09, 2014, 04:11:14 AM |
bumface: new contest idea, "Beat Bumfaces Record" See who can pass a transaction over the greatest distance in the shortest time, announce it for a week and give them a day or two to do it. Then do simple calculation to get miles or kilometers per second. I feel this will encourage people to get investing in UTC more than anything, well, in of the genre of promo's. It gives everyone a chance and participate in a fun activity getting worldwide recognition.
OC Development - oZwWbQwz6LAkDLa2pHsEH8WSD2Y3LsTgFt SMC Development - SgpYdoVz946nLBF2hF3PYCVQYnuYDeQTGu Friendly reminder: Back up your wallet.dat files!!
March 09, 2014, 04:25:02 AM |
Bumface: If you are going to tout the speed of this coin to media, be prepared to answer questions that are similar to this:
Why is Ultracoin any faster than other coins with 30 second block times like Maxcoin or Velocity coin?
I don't know if they are faster or slower, but I doubt the person that asks that question (and it could just be your semi-knowledgeable crypto enthusiast as well) knows the answer either. Have a good answer that makes people understand UTC really is faster than some alternatives (if it is).
March 09, 2014, 04:33:52 AM |
Website Updates:
NEWS: Updated news page to encompass weekly events ---If I missed anything, please let me know!
MINING: Added "Helpful Links" including Video Tutorial Updated miner downloads to include CUDA and CPU miners
ABOUT: Updated syntax
TODO: Fix contact form <<< There is a server side issue preventing submissions from being delivered properly Add live price ticker Add charts as per DCGIRL Add chat functionality <<< This is just about complete. Having some integration issues but almost there
I think that is all for now. Please let me know if you have any ideas or would like me to make any changes/updates/etc!
March 09, 2014, 05:04:23 AM |
Take witness to the prowess and undeniable speed of UTC's transaction times. You are witnessing a transaction being sent from the Netherlands to New York to Australia and back to the Netherlands in an astounding 2:31, confirmed. This is revolutionary and perhaps the greatest asset of any currency, digital or not. Do not underestimate the value being demonstrated here. Welcome to the future.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y898MEfaKtM&feature=youtu.be UTC is unbelievably fast and so much less frustrating than waiting for BTC confirms. The video is great but for noobs i think you should do a voice over, we may well understand it but for a noob it may be a little hard to follow what is going on voice over should fix that  ! Exactly, UTC really shines when it comes to transaction times and ease of use.... very stress free coin to use..... vs. bitcoin where sometimes transactions randomly go unconfirmed for upwards of an hour sometimes. This is why I think more efficient coins like UTC will inevitably replace bitcoin, first to market doesn't always win, people back bitcoin because it was the first one.... despite its blatantly obvious flaws compared to coins like UTC. There is no reason to use BTC over UTC for transactions.
March 09, 2014, 05:57:24 AM |

Activity: 63
Merit: 10
March 09, 2014, 06:02:12 AM |
My fiance and I made the worst possible video for ultracoin to help promote it. I am about to upload it to youtube. I'll post a link when it's finished.
EDIT: as in worst, i mean it looks like a 5 year old did it.
Here it is. Our masterpiece. Prepare to be amazed and awed by all the special effects it has to offer. Please donate handsomely if you enjoyed it, or think it is awesome. http://youtu.be/7TGpKdsOWe4Sure it could have been done better but we have no artistic talent or know how to do anything better. At least we tried to promote!! Awesome*1000
Btc : 19z2ZcvsVJZ83NsUeLv2iYXw4T1J41KJ4Q
Activity: 52
Merit: 0
March 09, 2014, 06:02:30 AM |
Hi all please, help me to tune rig with 2*280x and 3GB RAM
if parameters are: -d 0,1 -g 2 -I 12 -w 256 --thread-concurrency 16384 --lookup-gap 3 - 0ne of 2 cards doesn't start, driver crushes
if parameters are: -d 0,1 -w 256 -g 2 -I 12,11 --thread-concurrency 16384,8192 --lookup-gap 3 - One card do 115 kh, second 60 kh, no hw
is anybody know how to force both cards do 115 kh with 3 GB RAM?
March 09, 2014, 06:11:18 AM |
My fiance and I made the worst possible video for ultracoin to help promote it. I am about to upload it to youtube. I'll post a link when it's finished.
EDIT: as in worst, i mean it looks like a 5 year old did it.
Here it is. Our masterpiece. Prepare to be amazed and awed by all the special effects it has to offer. Please donate handsomely if you enjoyed it, or think it is awesome. http://youtu.be/7TGpKdsOWe4Sure it could have been done better but we have no artistic talent or know how to do anything better. At least we tried to promote!! Proof of steak! Awesome! 
March 09, 2014, 06:13:02 AM |
Ultra Coin will be 20$ by the end of June. Litecoin and Bitcoin simply can't compete with ease of use and speed, it will catch on and people will start to use it more and more. We all know bitcoin is dead because its slow as hell, it can never compete on global scale because its too slow for the masses to use it, something will/has come to replace it.
The world needs a coin that transacts at the blink of an eye, you can see bitcoin suffers everytime there is a sell off the network speed grinds to a halt because it cant process the transactions fast enough, imagine billions of transactions a minute like with a global economy? transactions would almost never complete, it would take days to send money using bitcoin under a high volume environment like that.

Activity: 63
Merit: 10
March 09, 2014, 06:28:12 AM |
My fiance and I made the worst possible video for ultracoin to help promote it. I am about to upload it to youtube. I'll post a link when it's finished.
EDIT: as in worst, i mean it looks like a 5 year old did it.
Here it is. Our masterpiece. Prepare to be amazed and awed by all the special effects it has to offer. Please donate handsomely if you enjoyed it, or think it is awesome. http://youtu.be/7TGpKdsOWe4Sure it could have been done better but we have no artistic talent or know how to do anything better. At least we tried to promote!! Awesome*1000 Lmao, glad you enjoyed it, or at least pretended to. XD seriously, that' brilliant . no need to pretend ... i would prefer something enjoyable, it makes learning fun
Btc : 19z2ZcvsVJZ83NsUeLv2iYXw4T1J41KJ4Q
March 09, 2014, 06:41:02 AM |
@Spacerocket Thanks for the tips! Implemented. The wallets page does look much better now!  Also, great video Caterpie! I really like it. Its entertaining and informative in a well struck balance. Hope you don't mind that I posted it to the Facebook page.
March 09, 2014, 06:55:02 AM |
@Spacerocket Thanks for the tips! Implemented. The wallets page does look much better now!  Also, great video Caterpie! I really like it. Its entertaining and informative in a well struck balance. Hope you don't mind that I posted it to the Facebook page. Not all all. Very cool that you did! It's just something fun I whipped together. I didn't think anyone would really enjoy it but maybe I'm wrong! PMSL funny video maybe you could have a fat man eating a piece of cake when it shows the cake and say Ultra coiners have there cake and eat it !!!! Sending you 10 UTC now to keep you off the streets its better than nothing 
Activity: 22
Merit: 0
March 09, 2014, 07:09:17 AM |
Got an answer now, and www.altoutlet.com will add Ultracoin within a couple of days!
March 09, 2014, 07:23:30 AM |
caterpie: you said there was cake here..... WHERE IS THE CAKE?? Been here a month and no cake...  the video was very entertaining. thanks, made me laugh a lil bit.
OC Development - oZwWbQwz6LAkDLa2pHsEH8WSD2Y3LsTgFt SMC Development - SgpYdoVz946nLBF2hF3PYCVQYnuYDeQTGu Friendly reminder: Back up your wallet.dat files!!
Activity: 6
Merit: 0
March 09, 2014, 08:41:36 AM |
is there anyway we can make our own way to purchase UTC with the USD?  ? first off I find it crazy that coinbase and localbitcoins are the 2 best ways to get introduced into cryptocurrency to begin with for people in USA. I know somebody said our own exchange, and that seems like a lot of work. I'm talking something simpler. Just quick easy way to purchase UTC with USD that we can market that to USA consumers. Jeez even a buy button in the wallet idk. any thoughts?
March 09, 2014, 08:44:06 AM |
March 09, 2014, 08:44:10 AM |
is there anyway we can make our own way to purchase UTC with the USD?  ? first off I find it crazy that coinbase and localbitcoins are the 2 best ways to get introduced into cryptocurrency to begin with for people in USA. I know somebody said our own exchange, and that seems like a lot of work. I'm talking something simpler. Just quick easy way to purchase UTC with USD that we can market that to USA consumers. Jeez even a buy button in the wallet idk. any thoughts? https://crypto-trade.comusd/eur-utc
PS4 Funds for my brother. Help me get it. Thanks!  BTC: 1MqhiNvDfSBRzFuXLkdvUfve4zavoFw2f8 UTC: UdGz8AS2tzTnf5qZ59uYbCRbVqEQJZrQC2 LTC: LTUMKwRAkqtvbyA5s8TeNHduvWk9t3DvkN WDC: WjMWs8GUAyJXXtPJRXQXzJ9yjkda1GBbYs