The above post from Boffin1818 is great. I have noticed the quiet on this thread since the loudest reactor detractors have had their say and (apparant) win.
cryptonit, I will put 1500 DMD in a wallet to stake at normal rate for payout in cloudmining shares. My one condition is that I'm not selling those 1500 DMD and can have them back later in 12/18/24 or other months.
The purpose is for network security right?
If the purpose is solely to support cloudmining, I will just continue to buy shares separately.
Regarding a referral program, I have neither the time or inclination to be involved.
Perhaps if we provide some great reward, we may find one of the guys with great reactor objections can sell a product/service?
chilo im not sure i understand u
the idea i presented was that people get cloudmining shares for their DMD
what u get with ur idea?
u place 1500 dmd in reactor but get no shares but after x months u get 1500 back?
so this way u describe it u would get some rewards back because u own cloudmining shares already and that shares would profit from reactor generated pos earnings
hmmmmm do u think that is better?
for me it would be ok too follow ur idea
whatever solution find a majority that create and fill a mighty reactor
what other people think
and please if now people start to criticize us because we stopped original reactor plan
(which i would prefer abouve all this no wallet code impact solutions)
then really i feel in a lose-lose situation
whatever we do we get criticized
no fun to work under that conditions
but depending of the outcome of the business talks alex runs about some great possible project
the return to original plan might be impossible (incompatible/inapplicable)
so lets keep brainstorming about a no wallet code changing required reactor solution
i hope people understand the main aim why i want to add this additional pillar to dmd cloudmining
because if dmd value raise a lot
earnings a reactor produce will be unchained in power
while all btc -> dmd buypower then lost a lot in coingeneration power for investors
and that value will raise that is in my opinion certain
that additional reactor shorten available DMD and protect networks with big 24/7 wallet
and create additional buypower to have dmd to invest are additional reason