basical the wallet itself have a logic that it try to select the coin pile where less coin age is destroyed for outgoing transactions
between 7-30 days only big or lucky coin pile mint successfull a POS block and the split stake methode is used
amd small coin pile below 100 dmdm size try to group together with other coin pile over 30 days age and below 100 dmd size and try to group stake
in fact what utahjohn do is by a lot of micromanagement increase his pos earning around 1%
because he make sure he instant merge coin pile after minting at 7 days together to a big pile again
to automatic cut the coins in network into enought pieces that always someone have something to mint
and merge coin piles together if enought pieces are existing (it dedect this by coin age)
this way never a status appear where noone have coin-age to spend minting and pos diff would fall very low and open doors for harmfull activities
How is POS working:
there is a easy and a complex answer
easy:each year ur coins will increase as much as the pos reward percentage say if u regulary (once a month) open ur wallet in minting mode for at least a day
complex:following is true for DMD POS
not all coins use the same
and some (most) coin devs dont full understand what i describe here
and so their code isnt utilizing POS in its full power or values not adapted to fit their coin amount
to test other coins just ask them to explain u how POS works in detail
u will get lot different and most of them are wrong answers (copycoder alarm .....)
coin weight
coin age
burn coin age
min time
max time
split stake
group stake
pos difficulty
pos block time
pos reward
pile = if u check coin control u see u have lot pile of coins
each pile try to POS on his own (only group stake act different)
coin weight=determined by amount of coin in pile and his age used to calculate ur chance to mint coin weight stop to grow once ur coins reach max time is reached (this is to prevent someone gather lot coin weight and be able do some kind of attack(no guide for attack here...) (which wont work anyway at DMD because of hybrid security))
coin age=determined by amount of coin in pile and his age used to calculate ur reward when u mint successful
coin age doesnt stop to grow and so do ur rewards get bigger and bigger until
u mint successful then ur coin age of the involved coin pile is set to zero
burn coin age/coin weight happens also for all coins in a pile which is involved in a transaction
that mean that pile get his coin weight and coin age reset to zero
if u have only one big pile of coins and u send every 5 days a little outgoing transaction
u will never ever be able to mint because u always destroy the coin weight before its big enough u get a minting possibility
min time is 7 days for DMD which mean once ur pile of coins is at least 7 days old he can compete to try mint a block if ur wallet is unlocked
between mint time and max time every successful minting will be split stake
max time is 30 days for DMD which means coin weight dont grow even if ur coins are older than 30 days (but ur coin age grow without limit even after 30 days)
any minting with coins older than 30 days will use group stake mechanism
split stake means when a pile of coins successful mint a block and is below 30 days old he will be split in 2 pile of coins where both pile will be increased with half of pos rewards u earned
group stake will be attempted by coin pile below 100 dmd and older than 30 days the they no longer are forced to try mint alone but can group with other coin pile also older than 30 days and below 100 dmd size
up to 100 DMD can group up and try to mint together. if successfull they merge together forming a single pile and get the earned pos rewards added to that pile. coin pile above 100 coins cant group but when they mint the group stake mechanism will prevent them from beeing split in 2 pile
pos difficulty u can see when u enter getdifficulty into console
it determine the chance that u will be able to mint
similar to POW but this time not pure hashrate of complex hashes and luck determine who able create next block
instead simple hashes created by wallet via cpu and modified with the coin weight of pile which try to mint compete against each other on the network
pos block time a diff adjusting will try to raise and lower pos difficulty to reach target pos block time (in case of DMD its 600sec because of our hybrid POW/POS setup we need no faster POS block generation and it helps keep ur wallet clean of POS spam (lot small pos rewards) instead u generate less but bigger minting rewards.
pos reward determined by coin age and actual pos stage of coin
example 50% per anno pos reward means a pile with 1000 dmd and age 30 days will if he mint successfull be
1000+(1000/100*50/12)= 1041.67 dmd
why?why POS works this way have the reason all this mechanics try to make sure coin opile size is small enought to make sure always someone try to mint and so we never run out of attempts to solve a POS block. and the group coin mechanic try to counter that coins get endless split and in the are so small pile which have hardly a chance to mint successfull
a POS coin which utilize split stake but not group stake will run sooner or later in troubles where people forced to manually do something to fix the mess
DMD POS setup allow endless POS without any manual merge of coins or transactions between addresses are required to get rid of the lot little coin pile
im pretty sure this answer is overkill for whatever u wanted to know
but it describe the prove of stake mechanism as detailed as possible
and i lead to more confusion in the face of people i explain it
BELOW Coin specs so u see how POS changes over time:
Proof of Stake
From 450,000 to 1,500,000 of total coins PoS is set to 50% per annum.
From 1,500,000 of total coins PoS is reduced to 25% per annum.
From 2,500,000 of total coins PoS is reduced to 5% per annum.
From 3,500,000 of total coins PoS is reduced to 1% per annum.
Proof of Work
The reward is 1.05 DMD per solved block.
1 DMD is granted to the miner while 0.05 DMD is contributed to coin support.
From 1,000,000 of total coins reward is reduced to 0.1 DMD per solved block.
From 2,500,000 of total coins reward is reduced to 0.02 DMD per solved block.
After that there will be no further reductions to the reward per solved block.
Foundation support will be decreasing with each consecutive switch.
(TOTAL COINS AND POW/POS COINS PER MONTH)RED LINE = new coins each month produced by POW (numbers on right side)
GREEN LINE = new coins produced each month by POS (numbers on right side)
TOTAL COINS (numbers on left side)
numbers on bottom of graphic are the months (the graphic represent a 30 year timeline)
i think for now market price is driven by insta-selling miners
daily *1500 diamonds have to be bought if people would sell instant
but keep a closer eye on coin specs and check how coin roll-out will develop over next 30 years
beginning with total coins 450000 a 50% POS will be simultaneous active with the 1 DMD POW reward each block
and start the diamond rush
(BLUE CIRCLE) on pic
if u analyze that u can see that this POW mining paradise only last a few months
(to be exact until 1 million total diamond are existing)
later most of coins are produced by
POS (GREEN ARROW) and to do so u need to have diamonds
everyone who sell 1 diamonds instant lose like at least 2 diamonds.....
because every diamond u mine now would at least double if u keep holding and pos it over time
the whole design of
diamond is to be a
wealth storage coin aimed to be a
good investmenti hope this visualization of coin specs long-term effect of on coin roll-out
can help u realize how valuable diamonds will be once POW is reduced by 90%
and high POS will be main source of coin creation
coins are required to create more coins (POS)will be the reason for lower availability of coins on exchanges and increasing prices
remember only coins in ur wallet gather coin-age and can generate POS rewards