June 25, 2019, 04:42:41 AM |
CK is there a way to manually set the DIFF when mining here I have a miner that seems to keep getting stuck at 10k diff never seems to adjust and on the rare time it is setting auto its not a power of 2 value showing.
I have attempted in password field x,d=2048 but Var diff seems to be pushing the miner to another diff.
Just curious, why do you care? This is a solo pool. Becuase when the miner freezes at 10k diff it fails to submit shares. they are rejected or stale. I know it's solo but the miner either selectes a diff that is not power of 2 or gets stuck at 10k not usualy the diff a S3+ likes to play at. Prior when I mined here in the past the miners would always land on a power of 2 DIFF like 512 or 1024 2048 ect but now IF the miners is given a Vardif by the pool it's DIFF 504 as per a post by CK before it was my understanding the miners used the power of 2 as the diff settings. If that is the case why are my miners picker DIFF that are not power of 2? submitting shares on a solo pool is pointless, only share that matters is that of current diff 7,409,399,249,090 - 7.41 T if your miner hasnt a greater share then its current max share, its not submitting nothing until its greater. example Elapsed 4d7h21m34s GH/S(RT) 13,962.10 GH/S(avg) 14,063.66 FoundBlocks 0 LocalWork 19,177,840 Utility 19.23 WU 195,842.85 BestShare 2369561591 <----------------------------------------------Thats my best share so far, and that was a few days ago. hasnt change and wont change until it submits a higher share then this Makes sense?
Activity: 2495
Merit: 1489
-> morgen, ist heute, schon gestern <-
June 25, 2019, 07:33:25 AM |
"bestever": 324549776 If it exceeds the current Difficulty (7,409,399,249,090) it means you solved a block.
does this mean that he still needs to go through 7.409.000.000.000 'sub-blocks' ? I though we are were working on the same block but only one gets the final prize for finding the 'right piece' Are other pools working on this same block or does it get assigned to the first that accepts the job? every sha 256 miner pointed to btc in the world is pointed to the same block About 46,000,000,000 gh I have about 1000 gh pointed here So my chance on the next block is about 46,000,000 to 1 46,000,000/144 = 319,444 to one on an average day As long as it is not equal to zero, it is worth doing it. 1TH is much more then some others got pointed here and on a pool you won't even "earn" the dust payout limit with that (and some pools not even pay dust)
from the creator of CGMiner for Solominers paused: passthrough for => stratum+tcp://
June 26, 2019, 04:27:08 PM Last edit: June 27, 2019, 04:33:38 PM by MagicByt3 Merited by frodocooper (10) |
I created a Pool / Miner / Network info checker for CK pool It's coded in python very simple to use just drop your own worker address into line 25 and line 158 ( line 25 for solo pool worker URL, Line 158 for wallet balance checking) it updates every 160 seconds and prints out the latest stats from Miner / Pool and grabs some stats from blockchain for fun and also checked the wallet address to see for new transactions. Workflow of the script. Work flow `1. Get Pool Status 2. Get Miner Status 3. Get Latest Block Hash 4. Get Current Network Hashrate 5. Get Blocks Per Pool 1 day ( Can change to max last 10 days ) 6. Get Estimated Time Until Next Block (Seconds) 7. Get Block Count 8. Get Number Of Unconfirmed Transactions 9. Get Probability Of Finding A Valid Block Per Each Hash Attempt 10. Get Average Number Of Hashes Needed To Solve A Block 11. Get Additional Blockchain Data (BlockCypher) 12. Get Bitcoin Spot Prices (CoinBase) 13. Check Wallet For JACKPOT 14. Shameless advert while waiting Wait 160 sec, auto clear terminal before next request.. Repeat. API's used : Blockchain API BlockCypher API Coinbase API # CKPool Python Miner & Pool Monitor # Donations welcome : 3JjsGHYQH8yVJA5G4mgPNHuoX4DHmU5fis # Will work for both solo and non-solo pools # users change the bitcoin address in line 25 & line 158 to there own worker # timeout is 160 sec between requests line 192
import urllib2 import json import time import os
## Welcome message print " ___________________________________________\n" print " ** Welcome To CKPool Multi-Monitor Tool **" print " ** Fetching Pool Status **" print " -------------------------------------------" time.sleep(3) print "\n" print " ** | No fuss 1% fee anonymous solo bitcoin mining for everyone **" print " ** | No frills, no ZERO FEE anonymous SPLNS bitcoin mining for everyone **" print "\n" print "\n" time.sleep(3) print " ** Fetching Pool Status **" print "\n" time.sleep(1)
## Check Pool Status Start while True > continue > (loop)
while True: req = urllib2.Request("") opener = urllib2.build_opener() f = json = ( print json print "\n" time.sleep(5) print " ** Fetching Miner Status **" time.sleep(2)
## Check Miner Status Page
req = urllib2.Request("") opener = urllib2.build_opener() f = json = ( print json time.sleep(7) print "\n"
## Break section
print " *** Fetching Network Data *** \n" time.sleep(4)
## Get Latest Block Hash
req = urllib2.Request("") opener = urllib2.build_opener() f = json = ( print " Lastest Block Hash \n" + json print "\n" time.sleep(3)
## Get Network Hashrate
req = urllib2.Request("") opener = urllib2.build_opener() f = json = ( print " Current Network Hashrate \n" + json print "\n" time.sleep(3)
## Get Diff
req = urllib2.Request("") opener = urllib2.build_opener() f = json = ( print " Current Network Difficulty \n" + json print "\n" time.sleep(3)
## Get 1 Day Block Stats
req = urllib2.Request("") opener = urllib2.build_opener() f = json = ( print " Blocks Stats Per Pool 1 Days \n" + json print "\n" time.sleep(5)
## Get Estimated Time Until The Next Block (in seconds)
req = urllib2.Request("") opener = urllib2.build_opener() f = json = ( print " Estimated Time Untill The Next Block (in seconds) \n" print json + " Seconds" print "\n" time.sleep(3)
## Get Block Height
req = urllib2.Request("") opener = urllib2.build_opener() f = json = ( print " Block Count \n" print json + " Blocks" print "\n" time.sleep(3)
## Get Unconfirmed Transaction Count
req = urllib2.Request("") opener = urllib2.build_opener() f = json = ( print " Number Of Unconfirmed Transactions In Mempool" print json + " Transactions" print "\n" time.sleep(2) print "\n" print " ** Fetching Probability Stats **" time.sleep(2) print "\n"
## Get Probability & Average Hashes Needed To Solve
req = urllib2.Request("") opener = urllib2.build_opener() f = json = ( print " Probability Of Finding A Valid Block Each Hash Attempt \n" print json + " %" print "\n"
## Get average number of hashes per block
req = urllib2.Request("") opener = urllib2.build_opener() f = json = ( print " Average Number Of Hash Attempts Needed To Solve A Block \n" print json + " Hashes" print "\n" time.sleep(3)
## Get Additional Network Info
req = urllib2.Request("") opener = urllib2.build_opener() f = json = ( print " ** Fetching Additional Bitcoin Data **" print " ** Loading **" print "\n" time.sleep(3) print json print "\n"
## Break For Price Data print "\n" print " ** $$$ Fetching Ticker Prices $$$ **" time.sleep(5)
## Get Price Data (ticker)
req = urllib2.Request("") opener = urllib2.build_opener() f = json = ( print " ** Bitcoin Spot Prices (Coinbase) **" print json print "\n" time.sleep(5)
## Break to print
print " ** $$ Checking Wallet For New Transactions $$ **" print " ** $$ !Fingers Crossed! $$ **" time.sleep(4)
## Check wallet for winning transaction
req = urllib2.Request("") opener = urllib2.build_opener() f = json = ( print " ** $$ Your Wallet Status $$ **" print json print "\n" time.sleep(2)
## Print & Wait Before Next Request ## Users can set there own sleep time on line 178 in seconds if they would like less often updates.
print "\n" print " ** Mine @ CKPool **" print " ** | No fuss 1% fee anonymous solo bitcoin mining for everyone **" print " ** | No frills, no ZERO FEE anonymous SPLNS bitcoin mining for everyone **" print " ** Price Data From Coinbase API **" print " ** Network Data From Blockchain API **" print " ** Additional Data From Blockchain API **" print " ** Built By MagicByt3 **" print " ** $$ Donations Welcome : 3JjsGHYQH8yVJA5G4mgPNHuoX4DHmU5fis $$ **" print " ** Auto Refreshing in 160 Seconds **\n" time.sleep(160) os.system('clear') continue How to use : Save the above as Edit line 25 with your own address used on the pool. Edit line 158 with your wallet address for transaction checking. run with python when it's run it prints the output like such.. ___________________________________________
** Welcome To CKPool Multi-Monitor Tool ** ** Fetching Pool Status ** -------------------------------------------
** | No fuss 1% fee anonymous solo bitcoin mining for everyone ** ** | No frills, no ZERO FEE anonymous SPLNS bitcoin mining for everyone **
** Fetching Pool Status **
{"runtime": 32184275, "lastupdate": 1561652901, "Users": 777, "Workers": 1672, "Idle": 295, "Disconnected": 63} {"hashrate1m": "2.03P", "hashrate5m": "2.05P", "hashrate15m": "2.07P", "hashrate1hr": "2.11P", "hashrate6hr": "2.87P", "hashrate1d": "2.96P", "hashrate7d": "2.85P"} {"diff": 121.0, "accepted": 9602448609370, "rejected": 64960673266, "bestshare": 4428906512263, "SPS1m": 166.0, "SPS5m": 141.0, "SPS15m": 131.0, "SPS1h": 128.0}
** Fetching Miner Status ** { "hashrate1m": "440G", "hashrate5m": "433G", "hashrate1hr": "415G", "hashrate1d": "407G", "hashrate7d": "185G", "lastshare": 1561652899, "workers": 1, "shares": 38997850, "bestshare": 58202808.11373531, "bestever": 58202808, "worker": [ { "workername": "3JjsGHYQH8yVJA5G4mgPNHuoX4DHmU5fis.Lucky888", "hashrate1m": "440G", "hashrate5m": "433G", "hashrate1hr": "415G", "hashrate1d": "407G", "hashrate7d": "185G", "lastshare": 1561652899, "shares": 38997850, "bestshare": 58202808.11373531, "bestever": 58202808 } ] }
*** Fetching Network Data ***
Lastest Block Hash 0000000000000000000f0b4533b9300159350358d77d5fbe9fea29af2aba4a02
Current Network Hashrate 63109877373
Current Network Difficulty 7.93471321963E12
Blocks Stats Per Pool 1 Days {"F2Pool":25,"Unknown":15,"SlushPool":14,"Poolin":20,"":30,"ViaBTC":10,"AntPool":16,"BTC.TOP":17,"Bixin":2,"":2,"BitClub Network":4,"BitFury":5}
Estimated Time Untill The Next Block (in seconds)
-511.8931 Seconds
Block Count
582706 Blocks
Number Of Unconfirmed Transactions In Mempool 72893 Transactions
** Fetching Probability Stats **
Probability Of Finding A Valid Block Each Hash Attempt
0.00000000000000000000002934329662701113 %
Average Number Of Hash Attempts Needed To Solve A Block
9223372036854775807 Hashes
** Fetching Additional Bitcoin Data ** ** Loading **
{ "name": "BTC.main", "height": 582706, "hash": "0000000000000000000f0b4533b9300159350358d77d5fbe9fea29af2aba4a02", "time": "2019-06-27T16:11:27.009907796Z", "latest_url": "", "previous_hash": "00000000000000000022864c4ade7278a05cd6072ed8eeaebd21d3f97a0caa5a", "previous_url": "", "peer_count": 1045, "unconfirmed_count": 53554, "high_fee_per_kb": 166751, "medium_fee_per_kb": 25000, "low_fee_per_kb": 15000, "last_fork_height": 581841, "last_fork_hash": "0000000000000000000f8f9b99a8ffc379af3c670713741de2e93b9e85542e12" }
** $$$ Fetching Ticker Prices $$$ ** ** Bitcoin Spot Prices (Coinbase) ** { "USD" : {"15m" : 10928.51, "last" : 10928.51, "buy" : 10928.51, "sell" : 10928.51, "symbol" : "$"}, "AUD" : {"15m" : 15617.31, "last" : 15617.31, "buy" : 15617.31, "sell" : 15617.31, "symbol" : "$"}, "BRL" : {"15m" : 42190.29, "last" : 42190.29, "buy" : 42190.29, "sell" : 42190.29, "symbol" : "R$"}, "CAD" : {"15m" : 14333.08, "last" : 14333.08, "buy" : 14333.08, "sell" : 14333.08, "symbol" : "$"}, "CHF" : {"15m" : 10673.07, "last" : 10673.07, "buy" : 10673.07, "sell" : 10673.07, "symbol" : "CHF"}, "CLP" : {"15m" : 7434392.59, "last" : 7434392.59, "buy" : 7434392.59, "sell" : 7434392.59, "symbol" : "$"}, "CNY" : {"15m" : 75156.46, "last" : 75156.46, "buy" : 75156.46, "sell" : 75156.46, "symbol" : "¥"}, "DKK" : {"15m" : 71737.73, "last" : 71737.73, "buy" : 71737.73, "sell" : 71737.73, "symbol" : "kr"}, "EUR" : {"15m" : 9612.76, "last" : 9612.76, "buy" : 9612.76, "sell" : 9612.76, "symbol" : "€"}, "GBP" : {"15m" : 8623.25, "last" : 8623.25, "buy" : 8623.25, "sell" : 8623.25, "symbol" : "£"}, "HKD" : {"15m" : 85401.39, "last" : 85401.39, "buy" : 85401.39, "sell" : 85401.39, "symbol" : "$"}, "INR" : {"15m" : 754314.17, "last" : 754314.17, "buy" : 754314.17, "sell" : 754314.17, "symbol" : "₹"}, "ISK" : {"15m" : 1361847.05, "last" : 1361847.05, "buy" : 1361847.05, "sell" : 1361847.05, "symbol" : "kr"}, "JPY" : {"15m" : 1189168.9, "last" : 1189168.9, "buy" : 1189168.9, "sell" : 1189168.9, "symbol" : "¥"}, "KRW" : {"15m" : 1.264483326E7, "last" : 1.264483326E7, "buy" : 1.264483326E7, "sell" : 1.264483326E7, "symbol" : "₩"}, "NZD" : {"15m" : 16314.17, "last" : 16314.17, "buy" : 16314.17, "sell" : 16314.17, "symbol" : "$"}, "PLN" : {"15m" : 40878.14, "last" : 40878.14, "buy" : 40878.14, "sell" : 40878.14, "symbol" : "zł"}, "RUB" : {"15m" : 689173.74, "last" : 689173.74, "buy" : 689173.74, "sell" : 689173.74, "symbol" : "RUB"}, "SEK" : {"15m" : 101337.77, "last" : 101337.77, "buy" : 101337.77, "sell" : 101337.77, "symbol" : "kr"}, "SGD" : {"15m" : 14791.27, "last" : 14791.27, "buy" : 14791.27, "sell" : 14791.27, "symbol" : "$"}, "THB" : {"15m" : 336488.84, "last" : 336488.84, "buy" : 336488.84, "sell" : 336488.84, "symbol" : "฿"}, "TWD" : {"15m" : 339094.86, "last" : 339094.86, "buy" : 339094.86, "sell" : 339094.86, "symbol" : "NT$"} }
** $$ Checking Wallet For New Transactions $$ ** ** $$ !Fingers Crossed! $$ ** ** $$ Your Wallet Status $$ ** { "hash160":"bb0428539fcb8d8708f9acff951d24f48f5ab8c6", "address":"3JjsGHYQH8yVJA5G4mgPNHuoX4DHmU5fis", "n_tx":0, "total_received":0, "total_sent":0, "final_balance":0, "txs":[] }
** Mine @ CKPool ** ** | No fuss 1% fee anonymous solo bitcoin mining for everyone ** ** | No frills, no ZERO FEE anonymous SPLNS bitcoin mining for everyone ** ** Price Data From Coinbase API ** ** Network Data From Blockchain API ** ** Additional Data From Blockchain API ** ** Built By MagicByt3 ** ** $$ Donations Welcome : 3JjsGHYQH8yVJA5G4mgPNHuoX4DHmU5fis $$ ** ** Auto Refreshing in 160 Seconds **
I'm sure someone will find this tool handy to keep eyes on things you could also set the last sleep function for longer intervals if required. ** Edit - Updated script for anyone who had versions before last edit time.
┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ┃ 𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔲 𝔰𝔥𝔞𝔩𝔱 𝔴𝔬𝔯ⱪ 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔟𝔞𝔤𝔰 ┃ ┃ ➤21/M ┃ ┃ ███▓▓ ███▓▓ ███▓▓ ███▓▓┃
Jr. Member
Activity: 52
Merit: 2
June 29, 2019, 03:17:56 PM |
How can i be? in cgminer i have an average hashrate of 33GH's with my gekko,
But ck stat's says "hashrate1m": "100.8G", "hashrate5m": "67.7G",
How is this possible ?
Activity: 3586
Merit: 1098
Think for yourself
June 29, 2019, 03:24:45 PM |
How can i be? in cgminer i have an average hashrate of 33GH's with my gekko,
But ck stat's says "hashrate1m": "100.8G", "hashrate5m": "67.7G",
How is this possible ?
It's called Luck! You probably found a high diff share. Stat's have probably already leveled out to close to your actual hash rate.
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text. Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing? A: Top-posting. Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet and in e-mail?
Jr. Member
Activity: 52
Merit: 2
July 01, 2019, 03:49:13 PM |
Hello again, At my Windows Computer i use F-secure. Which Ports do i need to Open for CKPool ? I tried 3333 but wasn't working- only if i deactivate the Firewall - but thats not a option.... second question; On my Debian8 Computer cg miner shows th date ; 1970-01-01 11:32:15.252 - i googled a lot but didn't find an answer to corrrect it. Does affect anything, or just look stupid? cgminer is v.4.11.1 Thanks !
Activity: 2495
Merit: 1489
-> morgen, ist heute, schon gestern <-
July 01, 2019, 08:55:07 PM |
Hello again, At my Windows Computer i use F-secure. Which Ports do i need to Open for CKPool ? I tried 3333 but wasn't working- only if i deactivate the Firewall - but thats not a option.... second question; On my Debian8 Computer cg miner shows th date ; 1970-01-01 11:32:15.252 - i googled a lot but didn't find an answer to corrrect it. Does affect anything, or just look stupid? cgminer is v.4.11.1 Thanks ! 1) you don't need normaly an open port, you initiate the connection 2) Is the Time set in debian (gui) or can you check on console by typing 'date' to see if the Time is set in linux, or use a ntp sever.
from the creator of CGMiner for Solominers paused: passthrough for => stratum+tcp://
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
July 07, 2019, 02:26:46 PM |
Hi brothers,
In last days some my miners that conected to solo ck pool find some blocks ,
I captured miners status , but after these days i see that no any btc transfered to my address , as same no any btc mined stamp with ck pool in last month !
Why this happened and why when my miners status show mined blocks with this pool and no any thing happened after weeks , months and years we must trust to this pool ?
If any mistake presist it was from pool side and mean we waste many time , resources , electricity , bandwith and equipment with this pool ,
Otherwise why this pool give us untrustabl blocks info and hashes for do our machines mining ?
I will upload my miners status with their blocks found in this pool for proof of all things.
Activity: 3586
Merit: 1098
Think for yourself
July 07, 2019, 02:31:32 PM Last edit: July 07, 2019, 02:42:24 PM by os2sam |
In last days some my miners that conected to solo ck pool find some blocks ,
Found some blocks? How many blocks have you found? How many hundreds of Petahash's of ASIC Miners do you have hashing at this pool that would have enabled you to "Find some Blocks"? Edit: this pools total hash rate is under 2 Petahash. That is less than two blocks a year. So even *IF* this pools hashrate was entirely your miners it would be impossible for you to have found some blocks, as in more than one.
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text. Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing? A: Top-posting. Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet and in e-mail?
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
July 07, 2019, 02:37:23 PM |
Hi brothers,
In last days some my miners that conected to solo ck pool find some blocks ,
I captured miners status , but after these days i see that no any btc transfered to my address , as same no any btc mined stamp with ck pool in last month !
Why this happened and why when my miners status show mined blocks with this pool and no any thing happened after weeks , months and years we must trust to this pool ?
If any mistake presist it was from pool side and mean we waste many time , resources , electricity , bandwith and equipment with this pool ,
Otherwise why this pool give us untrustabl blocks info and hashes for do our machines mining ?
I will upload my miners status with their blocks found in this pool for proof of all things.
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
July 07, 2019, 02:45:13 PM Last edit: July 07, 2019, 03:05:05 PM by Amirsm |
In last days some my miners that conected to solo ck pool find some blocks ,
Found some blocks? How many blocks have you found? How many hundreds of Petahash's of ASIC Miners do you have hashing at this pool that would have enabled you to "Find some Blocks"? Edit: this pools total hash rate is under 2 Petahash. That is less than two blocks a year. So even *IF* this pools hashrate was entirely your miners it would be impossible for you to have found some blocks, as in more than one. Do you see screen shots ? If you wants i able to give you original shots with time stamp Edith : i think you answer my asked questions with my questions ! I asked when my miners conected to this pool in solo and their stats show these miners found blocks no thing happened ! You ask me how many and how much hashrates of my miners ?! You think i have one usb miner with 50Gh/s When pool accept my shares it means pool accept my hardwares work , when sysyem stat show n block found it means hashes that pool got to my hardware was solved with target hash , I realy dont understand that when mining is an accidental and chances work why you sitting and calculating with this pool hashrate it must mine n block in n days ?! I think you dont know exact mining foundation , mining play on Probabilities condations , there isnt any guarantee that when you have x ammount of hashrate you will solve x ammount of blocks in x ammount of time ! Over than 70% of asic mining equipments play on under 15ths , each 3 to over than 45 minuts ( it must 10 minutes on paper in reality it varies with many factors ) one of them may found 1 block . Its not predicted wich devices may found next block we only know one of them may do that. And my questions presist as start ; why this pool show that my equipments found blocks , my equipments are standard equipments , they are bitmain antminer s9 with standard firmware
Activity: 3586
Merit: 1098
Think for yourself
July 07, 2019, 02:48:48 PM |
In last days some my miners that conected to solo ck pool find some blocks ,
Found some blocks? How many blocks have you found? How many hundreds of Petahash's of ASIC Miners do you have hashing at this pool that would have enabled you to "Find some Blocks"? Edit: this pools total hash rate is under 2 Petahash. That is less than two blocks a year. So even *IF* this pools hashrate was entirely your miners it would be impossible for you to have found some blocks, as in more than one. Do you see screen shots ? If you wants i able to give you original shots with time stamp No I don't see your screen shots. I DO NOT click on untrusted links. - Try posting the actual text instead of a screen shot graphic. Again what is your hash rate that has enabled you to "find some blocks"? What type of ASIC mining hardware are you using? How many hundreds of these machines do you have to enable you to find some blocks at this high difficulty?
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text. Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing? A: Top-posting. Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet and in e-mail?
Activity: 128
Merit: 36
July 07, 2019, 03:21:54 PM |
Last block found on Solo CK was March 9th. This is public information you can find in pools stats.
Difficulty is now around 7.93 Trillion so your best share needs to be that much to solve a block.
Antminer GUI has a "FoundBlocks" window on the summary page that I have no clue how it gets activated but is known to NOT be a block found counter, if you are going by that, write Bitmain so they can explain, or maybe someone here can Illuminate us in what that box actually is?
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
July 07, 2019, 03:57:12 PM |
Last block found on Solo CK was March 9th. This is public information you can find in pools stats.
Difficulty is now around 7.93 Trillion so your best share needs to be that much to solve a block.
Antminer GUI has a "FoundBlocks" window on the summary page that I have no clue how it gets activated but is known to NOT be a block found counter, if you are going by that, write Bitmain so they can explain, or maybe someone here can Illuminate us in what that box actually is?
Thank you for your answer , About bitmain foundblock i had this question years ago and for giving my answer i do many tests on some antminer devices with mining many sha 256 coins with lower difficulty for long time ( ex.joule coin , emark and etc ) in solo . On system stat you can see one pool addresse for do these tests in last. I never see any fake or incorrect foundblock in conventional solo mining , Some cases having foundblock whithout mined original coin that after i check pool dashboard shown that pool doing merged mining and these blocks that miner show found realy founded from machine side , but the founded blocks was not blocks of mining main coin . They mined for merged coin from pool side . I dont think ckpool doing merged mining or maybe doing this without inform pool users . Again i looking for clear and technical answer that why ckpool get solved block from our machines but these blocks not appear anywhere.
Activity: 3586
Merit: 1098
Think for yourself
July 07, 2019, 04:46:24 PM Last edit: July 07, 2019, 04:57:36 PM by os2sam |
And my questions presist as start ; why this pool show that my equipments found blocks , my equipments are standard equipments , they are bitmain antminer s9 with standard firmware
So you have an S9. How many? Just one? If so the chances that you have found several Bitcoin blocks is very small. Are you mining through a proxy service such as Nicehash? If so you can never be sure of which pool you are actually mining through, so somebody could be renting your hash on an altcoin and you could be seeing those blocks found. Also as another person has pointed out, Bitmains hack of CGMiner may report incorrect block finds.
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text. Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing? A: Top-posting. Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet and in e-mail?
Jr. Member
Activity: 52
Merit: 2
July 07, 2019, 04:47:38 PM |
Thank you for your answer , About bitmain foundblock i had this question years ago and for giving my answer i do many tests on some antminer devices with mining many sha 256 coins with lower difficulty for long time ( ex.joule coin , emark and etc ) in solo . On system stat you can see one pool addresse for do these tests in last. I never see any fake or incorrect foundblock in conventional solo mining , Some cases having foundblock whithout mined original coin that after i check pool dashboard shown that pool doing merged mining and these blocks that miner show found realy founded from machine side , but the founded blocks was not blocks of mining main coin . They mined for merged coin from pool side . I dont think ckpool doing merged mining or maybe doing this without inform pool users . Again i looking for clear and technical answer that why ckpool get solved block from our machines but these blocks not appear anywhere. [/quote] ... You only found a Block when your Bestshare - hits 7,934,713,219,630 + just copy and past your miner stats from ck pool here. like this: "hashrate1m": "92.1G", "hashrate5m": "70.9G", "hashrate1hr": "253G", "hashrate1d": "309G", "hashrate7d": "371G", "lastshare": 1562516611, "workers": 1, "shares": 631192036, "bestshare": 3742319396.025044, <---- This is what counts. Nothing else -matters- "bestever": 3742319396,
July 07, 2019, 07:09:27 PM |
So whater that zergpool crap coin pool you have in there is possibly what is registering your found blocks. because your bestever share for BTC is not quite there. so id advise of taking out that zerg from your miner configuration, to not confuse yourself
Activity: 2702
Merit: 1030
Yes I am a pirate, 300 years too late!
July 07, 2019, 08:49:16 PM |
Your best share is no where near the share needed for a BTC block. Maybe you found a block on another pool you have listed. But you DID NOT find a BTC block.
Activity: 2495
Merit: 1489
-> morgen, ist heute, schon gestern <-
July 07, 2019, 08:53:05 PM |
According to your displayed btc-adress,{ "hashrate1m": "0", "hashrate5m": "0", "hashrate1hr": "6.13G", "hashrate1d": "1.85T", "hashrate7d": "1.16T", "lastshare": 1562506154, "workers": 0, "shares": 1247843211, "bestshare": 593881802.880121, "bestever": 593881802, "worker": [ { "workername": "3F8kvsy8fcBqTsxKLtouVk5JGVVqM99HAy", "hashrate1m": "0", "hashrate5m": "0", "hashrate1hr": "6.13G", "hashrate1d": "1.85T", "hashrate7d": "1.16T", "lastshare": 1562506154, "shares": 973223211, "bestshare": 593881802.880121, "bestever": 593881802 } ] } So the DIFF. is => 7934713219630 your bestshare: 593881802 good morning
from the creator of CGMiner for Solominers paused: passthrough for => stratum+tcp://
Activity: 4340
Merit: 9028
'The right to privacy matters'
July 08, 2019, 02:52:02 AM |
Actually I wish he had shown full and perfect screenshots.
I don’t understand how the blocks show up.
I know when I point to nicehash I get lots of blocks which I know show due to hitting little crappy off coins.
I think the problem here is the screen shots are choppy.
He certainly did not hit a btc block so it was an off coin showing up.
I know ckpool does not mine off coins.
I have pointed huge amounts of hash here and I have hit three blocks here. All were btc blocks.
I never showed a little bs block of alt coin which those screen shots are showing.
I don’t think he faked the shots but they are not full shots so they are effectively a waste of time.
If you have solo.ckpool first and nicehash second
And you drop your solo.ckpool connection it rolls over to nicehash you could hit two,or three bs blocks and it could then re connect to solo pool. It would then show 2,3,4 blocks hit and mining on solo.ckpool
But in reality they would have been bs altcoin blocks hit at nicehash.