I will not feel right until the price is over $10k. For some reason when it is over I am calm. This low price makes me sad.
Same here. Even if I don't have any intention to sell for years, over $10K makes me feel fine... this prices makes me depressed.
I don't need it to raise much over $10K at this time because I don't plan to sell. If it went straight to $50K or $100K I would be forced to part some Bitcoins, and I don't want to.
I am still having some difficulties relating to some of you other bitcoin bulls.
Sure, I consider myself a bitcoin bull. What else could I be? Especially, similar to several of you in this thread (even those with whom I have vigorous disagreements), I continue to appreciate that bitcoin remains the ONLY real crypto that provides decentralized sound money, and the various solutions that develop along the way, through bitcoin, continue to strengthen it's foundation rather than getting distracted into serving as some kind of scam... and for those kinds of reasons, bitcoin remains a threat to traditional financial institutions that are going to have to join rather than to fight - largely based on Gresham's law in which good money is going to flow into the good assets, and so far, the strongest such asset remains bitcoin.
Yet, my price perspective remains o.k., even with these current prices in the $6k to $7,500 arena, and the seeming ongoing tests of price support in the lower ends of the range.
In the end, I am thinking that I would still be o.k. with BTC prices above $2k, but of course the lower the BTC price goes, then there are needs to reassess the situation, and to consider that the bear market is stronger and longer than what was expected. Actually on the way down from $19,666, I continued to believe that the blow off top bull run was not over; however, the longer that this current correction lasts, the more I become resigned to the possibility that this current correction is going to last longer and the more I become resigned to the possibility that it is going to take more energy, steam and buying power to get the trend to go back up and for the bull run to continue.
Sure, going down in price causes me to recognize that I am NOT as rich as I would have been with higher BTC prices, and I "could have" taken more BTC off the table on the way up.. but int he end, it remains water under the bridge and a BIG SO FUCKING WHAT? because in the end, an investment strategy of buying on the way down and selling on the way up remains a sound strategy that does not need to be changed, just continued considerations about how much to shave off of the top on the way up in order to continue to increase BTC holdings (measuring wealth in BTC holdings rather than measuring in that asset that we refer to as "value losing fiat").
In other words, I believe that I continue to be in a similar position to most of us who were in the BTC scene before 2017, and even if we made mistakes, largely our average cost per BTC remain in the 3 digits (below $1k), and surelty there are some longer term holders/traders who have accomplished trading methods that either put them in the two digits (below $100) or even quite low in the 3 digits.
Another possibility, for several of us, could be to engage in a kind of trickery in accounting and to cash out of BTC the amount that we invested, and in that regard, we are playing with house money, which is that we do not have any costs associated with the BTC that we hold. Personally, I don't feel any kind of compelling reason to employ such a harsh strategy or cashing out in order to "play with house money" because 1) that would be valuing my wealth in fiat rather than bitcoin, 2) there are no real fundamental threats to bitcoin, even if the price may perhaps go down to below $3k.. perhaps? Perhaps? and 3) Even if I am playing with both principle and interest, such practice gives me way more money to "play" with and it is like borrowing from myself to continue to use such value to invest in bitcoin (remembering one important principle that it takes money to make money and the rich get richer, which happens to be applicable to myself and to other BTC hodlers, especially referring to those who have been largely invested into BTC before 2017)