The only people who seem to be dying from the Corona virus are the weak and barely alive, anyway.
Two Germans were tested positive for Corona at the start of the month, they were released symptom free and went back to wörk.
I am more worried about the kitten sized locusts.
I'm going to correct this because it may save some people from having a bad life.
The latest numbers are saying that NO age groups, sex or ethnicity are preferentially 'saved' except under 14yo rarely have serious symptoms. ALL other age groups are almost equally badly affected, with a slight bias towards 45-60 yo age group.
Yes, weaker and pre-existing condition patients have more fatal outcomes, as with any new disease.
15-20% of those infected develop serious symptoms. From that group, the 'lucky' ones that survive are seriously messed up, with severe damage, scarring to lungs, weakened hearts, kidneys, immune systems and testicular damage in males. Of the 15-20% developing serious symptoms approx. 25% perish (this number changes depending on level of care, access to ICU bed, forced oxygen ventilators (iron lungs), etc). Some of these may be shedding virus for weeks after recovering, some SARS patients were still shedding after 90 days.
80-85% do not develop serious symptoms but still shed the virus in various media, mucus, snot, fecal matter, blood and tears, perhaps even airborne particulates. They can incubate from 2-15 days and shed asymptomatically.
This is some serious shit and governments are likely not fully informing their citizens of the full extent of the pandemic in fear of spreading panic. If it gains a foothold, it is almost like this virus was designed to maximise the strain, and ultimately collapse, a modern healthcare system, with a massive peak and on-going care for years, perhaps decades.