February 09, 2017, 11:12:41 AM |
Vanitygen PLUS! Now working on windows
Binary release out
This version also supports compressed keys
linux fully supported with both
I am very interested in compressed vanity keys for Bitcoin (I don't need any other cryptocurrency to be supported). I am a bit scared though to run software from unknown origin. Would it be too much to ask for just the source-changes to turn (ocl)vanitygen into a version that supports compressed keys? Going through the full source changes now will be too much for my limited programming knowledge, and I'm trying to keep my system trusted. I'm running Linux and will happily compile it by myself. https://github.com/exploitagency/vanitygen-plusSource look at commits
Donate Bitcoin: 1egacySQXJA8bLHnFhdQQjZBLW1gxSAjc
February 09, 2017, 11:20:38 AM Last edit: February 09, 2017, 12:39:27 PM by ExploitAgency |
Vanitygen PLUS!
Still working on finding time to finish fiddling with opencl in my vm to compile oclvanitygen properly currently just cpu vanitygen and updated keyconv on windows linux fully supported with both
VanityGen Plus gives out about 215KKeys/sec on my system, am looking forward to a GPU update when ever it arrives. You can always use vanitygen and the version code for the coin for which you want to generate an address from the table on this page: https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/List_of_address_prefixesto create addresses at GPU speeds. I'm on my phone right now so I can't test the command line syntax to tell you exactly what to type but I've been doing this for a while now to generate a variety of coin addresses using oclvanitygen. Be careful standard vanitygen with -x adds 128 to x for privkeytype. This is only right for about half the coins i have in repo. My fork adopts -y also for privkey type and works with more keys. But you dont need -x or -y just use my fork and -C COIN use -C LIST to see a list of coins
Donate Bitcoin: 1egacySQXJA8bLHnFhdQQjZBLW1gxSAjc
February 09, 2017, 11:34:26 AM Last edit: February 19, 2017, 04:25:18 PM by ExploitAgency |
Vanitygen PLUS!
Still working on finding time to finish fiddling with opencl in my vm to compile oclvanitygen properly currently just cpu vanitygen and updated keyconv on windows linux fully supported with both
VanityGen Plus gives out about 215KKeys/sec on my system, am looking forward to a GPU update when ever it arrives. Vanitygen plus with oclvanitygen is currently available as a binary for linux around 50mkeys sec on gtx 1070 You can always compile oclvanitygen yourself on windows following instructions listed in file INSTALL Windows vanitygen plus cpu only on dual hex core xeon gets over 2.5mkeys sec UPDATE: oclvanitygen plus released for windows as binary and gtx 1070 getting 50+ mhkeys https://github.com/exploitagency/vanitygen-plus/releases
Donate Bitcoin: 1egacySQXJA8bLHnFhdQQjZBLW1gxSAjc
Activity: 3962
Merit: 2286
February 09, 2017, 04:16:27 PM |
Vanitygen PLUS!
Still working on finding time to finish fiddling with opencl in my vm to compile oclvanitygen properly currently just cpu vanitygen and updated keyconv on windows linux fully supported with both
VanityGen Plus gives out about 215KKeys/sec on my system, am looking forward to a GPU update when ever it arrives. Vanitygen plus with oclvanitygen is currently available as a binary for linux only around 45mkeys sec on gtx 1070 You can always compile oclvanitygen yourself on windows following instructions listed in file INSTALL Windows vanitygen plus cpu only on dual hex core xeon gets over 2.5mkeys sec And as I said in a previous post, I don't have the ability to do that myself, hence I look forward...
Activity: 3878
Merit: 1733
February 09, 2017, 04:46:03 PM |
What should be done for the GPU version of vanitygen is that it should be less dependant on the CPU. Because my GPUs in my 1x slots are at 50% the speed from my GPUs in my 4x-16x PCIe slots.
February 10, 2017, 01:04:44 AM Last edit: February 10, 2017, 03:37:52 AM by ExploitAgency |
Vanitygen PLUS!
Still working on finding time to finish fiddling with opencl in my vm to compile oclvanitygen properly currently just cpu vanitygen and updated keyconv on windows linux fully supported with both
VanityGen Plus gives out about 215KKeys/sec on my system, am looking forward to a GPU update when ever it arrives. Vanitygen plus with oclvanitygen is currently available as a binary for linux only around 45mkeys sec on gtx 1070 You can always compile oclvanitygen yourself on windows following instructions listed in file INSTALL Windows vanitygen plus cpu only on dual hex core xeon gets over 2.5mkeys sec And as I said in a previous post, I don't have the ability to do that myself, hence I look forward...Well look no further oclvanitygen now released compiled with vanitygen plus version https://github.com/exploitagency/vanitygen-plus/releases/tag/PLUSGenerate addresses for over 80+ cryptocurrencies i can not properly test this with a virtualmachine(gpu drivers) please let me know how it works for you. Please post hardware speeds and coins tested and verified working Thank you for your support!
Donate Bitcoin: 1egacySQXJA8bLHnFhdQQjZBLW1gxSAjc
Activity: 1736
Merit: 1006
February 10, 2017, 05:36:29 AM |
Vanitygen PLUS!
Still working on finding time to finish fiddling with opencl in my vm to compile oclvanitygen properly currently just cpu vanitygen and updated keyconv on windows linux fully supported with both
VanityGen Plus gives out about 215KKeys/sec on my system, am looking forward to a GPU update when ever it arrives. Vanitygen plus with oclvanitygen is currently available as a binary for linux only around 45mkeys sec on gtx 1070 You can always compile oclvanitygen yourself on windows following instructions listed in file INSTALL Windows vanitygen plus cpu only on dual hex core xeon gets over 2.5mkeys sec And as I said in a previous post, I don't have the ability to do that myself, hence I look forward...Well look no further oclvanitygen now released compiled with vanitygen plus version https://github.com/exploitagency/vanitygen-plus/releases/tag/PLUSGenerate addresses for over 80+ cryptocurrencies i can not properly test this with a virtualmachine(gpu drivers) please let me know how it works for you. Please post hardware speeds and coins tested and verified working Thank you for your support! it has the same RX 470/480 bug the other version has.. C:\Users\Aaron\AppData\Local\Temp\\OCL2728T7.cl:180:19: error: variable in const ant address space must be initialized __constant bignum bn_zero;
February 10, 2017, 10:41:56 AM Last edit: February 10, 2017, 11:36:06 AM by ExploitAgency |
Vanitygen PLUS!
Still working on finding time to finish fiddling with opencl in my vm to compile oclvanitygen properly currently just cpu vanitygen and updated keyconv on windows linux fully supported with both
VanityGen Plus gives out about 215KKeys/sec on my system, am looking forward to a GPU update when ever it arrives. Vanitygen plus with oclvanitygen is currently available as a binary for linux only around 45mkeys sec on gtx 1070 You can always compile oclvanitygen yourself on windows following instructions listed in file INSTALL Windows vanitygen plus cpu only on dual hex core xeon gets over 2.5mkeys sec And as I said in a previous post, I don't have the ability to do that myself, hence I look forward...Well look no further oclvanitygen now released compiled with vanitygen plus version https://github.com/exploitagency/vanitygen-plus/releases/tag/PLUSGenerate addresses for over 80+ cryptocurrencies i can not properly test this with a virtualmachine(gpu drivers) please let me know how it works for you. Please post hardware speeds and coins tested and verified working Thank you for your support! it has the same RX 470/480 bug the other version has.. C:\Users\Aaron\AppData\Local\Temp\\OCL2728T7.cl:180:19: error: variable in const ant address space must be initialized __constant bignum bn_zero;
Point me to a patch or working version and i will fix it Try running with -S flag and see if it works It was already compiled with nastyfans amd patch, try other driver? Will recompile with different sdk if someone who has 480 working on another vanitygen but not plus, need more users testing first, let me knowif you find a fix thanks ..
Donate Bitcoin: 1egacySQXJA8bLHnFhdQQjZBLW1gxSAjc
Activity: 3598
Merit: 18362
Thick-Skinned Gang Leader and Golden Feather 2021
February 10, 2017, 10:54:58 AM |
This version also supports compressed keys linux fully supported with both
I am very interested in compressed vanity keys for Bitcoin (I don't need any other cryptocurrency to be supported). I am a bit scared though to run software from unknown origin. Would it be too much to ask for just the source-changes to turn (ocl)vanitygen into a version that supports compressed keys? Going through the full source changes now will be too much for my limited programming knowledge, and I'm trying to keep my system trusted. I'm running Linux and will happily compile it by myself. https://github.com/exploitagency/vanitygen-plusSource look at commits There is a lot of information there, and I don't really know what I'm looking for.
February 10, 2017, 11:01:25 AM Last edit: February 10, 2017, 11:36:32 AM by ExploitAgency |
This version also supports compressed keys linux fully supported with both
I am very interested in compressed vanity keys for Bitcoin (I don't need any other cryptocurrency to be supported). I am a bit scared though to run software from unknown origin. Would it be too much to ask for just the source-changes to turn (ocl)vanitygen into a version that supports compressed keys? Going through the full source changes now will be too much for my limited programming knowledge, and I'm trying to keep my system trusted. I'm running Linux and will happily compile it by myself. https://github.com/exploitagency/vanitygen-plusSource look at commits There is a lot of information there, and I don't really know what I'm looking for. Just download binary run vanitygen and read the options, it will tell you flag for compressed key. Youll be fine Or clone repo and run "make all" This version is safe, anyone can easily compare it to the samr7 lifeboat fork. Download samr7 and run a diff on my source
Donate Bitcoin: 1egacySQXJA8bLHnFhdQQjZBLW1gxSAjc
Activity: 1736
Merit: 1006
February 10, 2017, 11:28:02 AM |
Vanitygen PLUS!
Still working on finding time to finish fiddling with opencl in my vm to compile oclvanitygen properly currently just cpu vanitygen and updated keyconv on windows linux fully supported with both
VanityGen Plus gives out about 215KKeys/sec on my system, am looking forward to a GPU update when ever it arrives. Vanitygen plus with oclvanitygen is currently available as a binary for linux only around 45mkeys sec on gtx 1070 You can always compile oclvanitygen yourself on windows following instructions listed in file INSTALL Windows vanitygen plus cpu only on dual hex core xeon gets over 2.5mkeys sec And as I said in a previous post, I don't have the ability to do that myself, hence I look forward...Well look no further oclvanitygen now released compiled with vanitygen plus version https://github.com/exploitagency/vanitygen-plus/releases/tag/PLUSGenerate addresses for over 80+ cryptocurrencies i can not properly test this with a virtualmachine(gpu drivers) please let me know how it works for you. Please post hardware speeds and coins tested and verified working Thank you for your support! it has the same RX 470/480 bug the other version has.. C:\Users\Aaron\AppData\Local\Temp\\OCL2728T7.cl:180:19: error: variable in const ant address space must be initialized __constant bignum bn_zero;
Point me to a patch or working version and i will fix it Try running with -S flag and see if it works It was already compiled with nastyfans amd patch, try other driver? .. https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=25804.msg17757357#msg17757357
February 10, 2017, 10:33:22 PM Last edit: February 10, 2017, 11:27:29 PM by ExploitAgency |
I FIXED IT!!! Sorry I am usually at work and can't read messages thoroughly, sometimes my responses are off. But its fixed now, or should be. I would be grateful if you tested it and post speeds OS, 32/64bit, and hardware FIXED in v1.1 binary https://github.com/exploitagency/vanitygen-plus/releasesNotes on manual patch for vanitygen plus v1.0 Open calc_addrs.cl with WordPad not NotePad Find(Line 180) change __constant bignum bn_zero; and then change it to this __constant bignum bn_zero = {}; It works on Intel's OpenCL for CPU in virtualbox Windows7
Donate Bitcoin: 1egacySQXJA8bLHnFhdQQjZBLW1gxSAjc
Activity: 1736
Merit: 1023
February 11, 2017, 05:30:28 AM |
Anyone know if there is an oclvanitygen version that supports the regex search feature like the cpu vanitygen has? Not sure why the oclvanitygen doesn't support this option as it would come in handy when looking for specific addresses or vanities near the end of the address instead of the front.
February 11, 2017, 05:39:56 AM |
Anyone know if there is an oclvanitygen version that supports the regex search feature like the cpu vanitygen has? Not sure why the oclvanitygen doesn't support this option as it would come in handy when looking for specific addresses or vanities near the end of the address instead of the front.
https://github.com/exploitagency/vanitygen-plusMy fork has regex under oclvanitygen, but... it uses cpu only... I'm looking into it though
Donate Bitcoin: 1egacySQXJA8bLHnFhdQQjZBLW1gxSAjc
Activity: 1736
Merit: 1023
February 11, 2017, 03:35:11 PM |
Anyone know if there is an oclvanitygen version that supports the regex search feature like the cpu vanitygen has? Not sure why the oclvanitygen doesn't support this option as it would come in handy when looking for specific addresses or vanities near the end of the address instead of the front.
https://github.com/exploitagency/vanitygen-plusMy fork has regex under oclvanitygen, but... it uses cpu only... I'm looking into it though Yeah, it would be nice if the GPU mode supported regex searching as well which greatly speeds up searches. If you can figure out a way to add that, it would be great!
February 11, 2017, 03:55:57 PM |
yeah regex was removed from oclvanitygen because it used code for cpu i just added the flag back so you can accidentally use oclvanitygen with regex or just one tool to do all you need if you wanted vs using two versions...
I'll look into it, but I have extremely limited free time for these projects.
Donate Bitcoin: 1egacySQXJA8bLHnFhdQQjZBLW1gxSAjc
Activity: 2772
Merit: 3284
February 12, 2017, 01:46:27 AM |
I'm kinda worried about running ExploitAgency's fork (though I really like the additions). Would it be safe if I generated all my keys using his version using split key generation? Or theoretically, could he still get the full private key that way?
I'm fairly confident that the fork is legit, but want to be very safe about this. I don't have a machine that's not connected to the internet for generating keys, so that's not an option for me.
taking a break - expect delayed responses
Activity: 1736
Merit: 1023
February 12, 2017, 01:58:37 AM |
I'm kinda worried about running ExploitAgency's fork (though I really like the additions). Would it be safe if I generated all my keys using his version using split key generation? Or theoretically, could he still get the full private key that way?
I'm fairly confident that the fork is legit, but want to be very safe about this. I don't have a machine that's not connected to the internet for generating keys, so that's not an option for me.
You might be able to set up a firewall rule that prevents any outgoing connections from the app via your firewall perhaps to effectively make it offline.
February 12, 2017, 05:02:09 AM Last edit: February 12, 2017, 10:55:10 PM by ExploitAgency |
I'm kinda worried about running ExploitAgency's fork (though I really like the additions). Would it be safe if I generated all my keys using his version using split key generation? Or theoretically, could he still get the full private key that way?
I'm fairly confident that the fork is legit, but want to be very safe about this. I don't have a machine that's not connected to the internet for generating keys, so that's not an option for me.
You might be able to set up a firewall rule that prevents any outgoing connections from the app via your firewall perhaps to effectively make it offline. Clone the samr7 repo and my repo and do a diff on the code, if your running linux this is easy, else download a tool to compare files on Windows. I don't use Windows you'll have to ask someone for a suggestion or Google it. It will be easy to validate there have been no malicious changes. Also you can use something like Wireshark to see that there are no packets being sent(make sure network is not in use) or a Windows specific tool like "netstat -a -n -o" and compare the PIDs to vanitygens PID(unless running oclvanityminer you should NOT find vanitygens PID in the list) this will show vanitygen doesn't "dial out" and the command should be built into windows unless they removed it to justify a pro version. I don't know what else to say other than trust no one and investigate things for yourself. It is an open source project. Look at the code and compile it yourself. I provided binaries to be helpful as most people who use Windows struggle to get things to compile. Download one of those firewalls that warns every time a new program tries to make an internet connection, I like that idea too. I strongly encourage users to encrypt their private keys. I don't want to see anything happen to someones coins. Always practice common sense security. Using the -E option and specifying the password as an argument with the command just so happens to save that password to your command history. I encourage you to use the -e option which prompts for the password input thus not saving a password to decrypt your private key in the command history. I care about security, I put that tip right in the readme. Thats all I can say, investigate things and then vouch for me when you come back and post a thumbs up :-). Someone please audit my code i need testers! There is no good gpu passthrough for vm's but you can run intel's opencl runtime and do opencl on the cpu for testing and checking security. This is how I am testing my windows binaries.
Donate Bitcoin: 1egacySQXJA8bLHnFhdQQjZBLW1gxSAjc
Activity: 1736
Merit: 1023
February 26, 2017, 08:24:07 PM |
It seems that when I run oclvanitygen with GPUs, it is also using CPU power to mine. Is there some way to disable CPU usage when using oclvanitygen with GPUs?