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Author Topic: SRBMiner-MULTI AMD & NVIDIA & INTEL & CPU miner  (Read 45601 times)
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doktor83 (OP)
Hero Member
Offline Offline

Activity: 2772
Merit: 626

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October 04, 2019, 03:52:12 PM
Last edit: February 06, 2025, 04:32:37 PM by doktor83
Merited by xandry (6), CjMapope (4), Vispilio (3), cryptomaxsun (1)

SRBMiner-MULTI AMD & NVIDIA & INTEL & CPU cryptocurrency miner v2.7.7
Windows & Linux
Mine up to 4 different algorithms/coins at the same time!



Discord channel



[0.85%]   [ C  A  -  - ]   argon2d_16000
[0.85%]   [ C  A  -  - ]   argon2d_dynamic
[0.85%]   [ C  A  -  - ]   argon2id_chukwa
[0.85%]   [ C  A  -  - ]   argon2id_chukwa2
[1.00%]   [ -  A  N  I ]   astrixhash
[2.00%]   [ C  A  N  I ]   aurum
[1.00%]   [ -  A  N  I ]   autolykos2
[1.00%]   [ -  A  N  I ]   blake3_decred
[1.00%]   [ -  A  N  I ]   blocx_autolykos2
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   cpupower
[1.00%]   [ -  A  N  I ]   cryptixhash
[0.85%]   [ C  A  -  - ]   cryptonight_ccx
[0.85%]   [ C  A  N  - ]   cryptonight_gpu
[0.85%]   [ C  A  -  - ]   cryptonight_turtle
[0.85%]   [ C  A  -  - ]   cryptonight_upx
[0.85%]   [ C  A  N  - ]   cryptonight_xhv
[0.85%]   [ C  A  -  - ]   curvehash
[0.65%]   [ -  A  N  I ]   etchash
[0.65%]   [ -  A  N  I ]   ethash
[0.85%]   [ -  A  N  I ]   ethashb3
[0.85%]   [ -  A  N  I ]   evrprogpow
[0.85%]   [ -  A  N  I ]   firopow
[0.85%]   [ -  A  N  I ]   fishhash
[2.00%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   flex
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   ghostrider
[0.85%]   [ -  A  N  I ]   heavyhash
[2.00%]   [ -  A  N  I ]   hoohash
[2.00%]   [ -  A  N  I ]   hoohashv1
[1.00%]   [ -  A  N  I ]   karlsenhashv2
[0.85%]   [ -  A  N  I ]   kawpow
[0.85%]   [ C  A  N  - ]   lyra2v2_webchain
[0.85%]   [ -  A  N  I ]   meowpow
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   mike
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   minotaurx
[1.00%]   [ -  A  N  I ]   nxlhash
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   panthera
[0.85%]   [ -  A  N  I ]   phihash
[0.85%]   [ -  A  N  I ]   progpow_epic
[0.85%]   [ -  A  N  I ]   progpow_quai
[0.85%]   [ -  A  N  I ]   progpow_sero
[0.85%]   [ -  A  N  I ]   progpow_telestai
[0.85%]   [ -  A  N  I ]   progpow_veil
[0.85%]   [ -  A  N  I ]   progpow_zano
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   randomarq
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   randomepic
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   randomscash
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   randomsfx
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   randomtuske
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   randomx
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   randomxeq
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   randomyada
[0.85%]   [ -  A  N  I ]   sha256dt
[1.00%]   [ -  A  N  I ]   verthash
[0.85%]   [ C  A  N  - ]   verushash
[1.00%]   [ -  A  N  I ]   walahash
[1.50%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   xelishashv2
[1.50%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   xelishashv2_pepew
[0.85%]   [ C  A  -  - ]   yescrypt
[0.85%]   [ C  A  -  - ]   yescryptr16
[0.85%]   [ C  A  -  - ]   yescryptr32
[0.85%]   [ C  A  -  - ]   yescryptr8
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   yespower
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   yespower2b
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   yespowerdogemone
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   yespoweric
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   yespowerltncg
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   yespowermgpc
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   yespowerr16
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   yespowersugar
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   yespowertide
[0.00%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   yespowerurx


fishhash + cryptixhash
fishhash + walahash
fishhash + blake3_decred
fishhash + hoohash

autolykos2/blocx + cryptixhash
autolykos2/blocx + walahash
autolykos2/blocx + hoohash
autolykos2/blocx + blake3_decred
autolykos2/blocx + heavyhash
autolykos2/blocx + sha256dt

etchash + blake3_decred
etchash + heavyhash
etchash + sha256dt

ethash + blake3_decred
ethash + heavyhash
ethash + sha256dt

ethashb3 + blake3_decred
ethashb3 + sha256dt

karlsenhashv2 + hoohash
karlsenhashv2 + blake3_decred

... also ...
randomepic + any algo
progpow_epic + any algo



+ RX 7900/7800/7700/7600/7500
+ RX 6500/6600/6650/6700/6750/6800/6900/6950 s
+ RX 5300/5400/5500/5600/5700
+ VEGA 56/64/FE/VII
+ RX 470/480/570/580/590
+ BC-250


+ Blackwell
+ Hopper
+ Ada Lovelace
+ Ampere
+ Turing
+ Pascal
+ [for older try using parameter --disable-ptx-check]


+ Alchemist
+ Battlemage


+ Supports mining through socks5 proxy
+ Supports DNS over HTTPS
+ Mine up to 4 algorithms simultaneously
+ Guided setup mode
+ Run in background without a window
+ Hashrate watchdog that restarts miner on GPU error
+ Monitoring of GPU temperature, and auto turn off if temperature is too high
+ System shutdown on too high GPU temperature
+ Miner auto restart on too many rejected shares
+ API for miner statistics
+ Web based GUI interface for miner statistics
+ Multiple pools with failover support
+ Difficulty monitor, reconnects to pool if difficulty is too high
+ Job timeout monitor, reconnects to pool if no job received for a long time
+ Bunch of other useful features

EXAMPLES [ so you get an idea on how to set up things ]


Epic + Telestai + Zil
SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --algorithm progpow_epic --algorithm progpow_telestai --zil-enable --pool --pool --zil-pool --wallet 51pool-username --wallet your-tls-wallet --zil-wallet your-zil-wallet


EpicCash + Xelis [CPU]
SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --algorithm randomepic --pool --wallet 51pool-username --algorithm xelishashv2 --pool --wallet xelis-wallet

EpicCash + Monero[CPU]
SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --algorithm randomepic;randomx --pool; --wallet 51pool-username;monero-wallet

EpicCash + Ergo [GPU]
SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --disable-cpu --algorithm progpow_epic;autolykos2 --pool; --wallet 51pool-username;ergo-wallet


SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --algorithm cryptixhash --pool --wallet cryptix-wallet

SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --algorithm phihash --pool --wallet phicoin-wallet

SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --algorithm progpow_quai --pool --wallet quai-wallet

SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --algorithm walahash --pool --wallet waglayla-wallet

SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --disable-gpu --algorithm verushash --pool --wallet verus-wallet

SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --algorithm hoohash --pool --wallet hoosat-wallet

SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --algorithm astrixhash --pool --wallet astrix-wallet

SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --algorithm karlsenhashv2 --pool --wallet karlsen-wallet

SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --algorithm blocx_autolykos2 --pool --wallet blocx-wallet

SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --algorithm xelishashv2_pepew --pool --wallet pepepow-wallet

SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --algorithm progpow_telestai --pool --wallet telestai-wallet

SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --algorithm xelishashv2 --pool --wallet xelis-wallet

SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --algorithm flex --pool --wallet kcn-wallet

SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --algorithm randomxeq --pool --wallet xeq-wallet

Tuske Network
SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --algorithm randomtuske --pool --wallet tuske-wallet

Satoshi Cash
SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --algorithm randomscash --pool --wallet scash-wallet

SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --algorithm fishhash --pool --wallet ironfish-wallet

SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --algorithm meowpow --pool stratum+tcps:// --wallet mewc-wallet

SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --algorithm aurum --pool --wallet bitnet-wallet

SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --algorithm blake3_decred --pool --wallet decred-wallet.worker

SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --disable-cpu --algorithm ethashb3 --pool --wallet rth-wallet

SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --disable-cpu --algorithm autolykos2 --pool --wallet ergo-wallet-here --password worker-name-here

SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --disable-cpu --algorithm cryptonight_xhv --pool --wallet haven-wallet-here

SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --disable-cpu --algorithm kawpow --pool --wallet raven-wallet-here

SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --disable-cpu --algorithm evrprogpow --pool --wallet evrmore-wallet-here

SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --disable-cpu --algorithm sha256dt --pool --wallet novo-wallet-here

SRBMiner-MULTI thread - HERE
doktor83 (OP)
Hero Member
Offline Offline

Activity: 2772
Merit: 626

View Profile WWW
October 04, 2019, 03:52:47 PM
Last edit: February 06, 2025, 04:33:12 PM by doktor83

Updates :

+ Added support for dual mining FISHHASH/CRYPTIXHASH on AMD RDNA/RDNA2/RDNA3, NVIDIA (except Pascal)
+ Minor performance improvement on NVIDIA 30xx series for algorithm 'progpow_quai'
+ Fixed hashrate regression on PROGPOW algorithms that have DAG size over 4GB on INTEL GPUs
+ Sending stale shares on algorithm 'progpow_quai' is now enabled by default [poolside hashrate will be better]
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Added algorithm 'cryptixhash' (Cryptix Network) for GPU mining [AMD/NVIDIA/INTEL], fee 1.00%
+ Added algorithm 'phihash' (Phicoin) for GPU mining [AMD/NVIDIA], fee 0.85%
+ Updated algorithm 'progpow_quai' to use mainnet parameters
+ Added support for NVIDIA BLACKWELL architecture
+ Added new parameter '--forced-tls12' which forces usage of TLS1.2 for TLS connections
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Added support for dual mining AUTOLYKOS2/BLOCX + WALAHASH on AMD RDNA/RDNA2/RDNA3, NVIDIA GPUs
+ Fixed miner crashing when running a GPU+CPU algorithm combination
+ Fixes for epoch switching on progpow algorithms
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Added support for dual mining FISHHASH/WALAHASH on AMD RDNA/RDNA2/RDNA3, NVIDIA (except Pascal)
+ Fixed miner crashing when mining 2 or more randomx algorithms
+ Lowered default priority for cpu worker threads on Windows (GUI should be more responsive)
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Hashrate improvement for algorithms WALAHASH/ASTRIXHASH/NXLHASH on NVIDIA CMP GPU's
+ Added support for previous 'hoohashv1' algorithm - use it to mine coin PugDag*
+ Added support for Intel Battlemage GPUs
+ Added parameter '--cpu-threads-reduce' which reduces the number of threads used for cpu mining by the defined value (per algorithm)*
+ Fixed 'dual' mining of algorithm 'randomepic' with algorithms 'ghostrider' and 'mike'
+ Randomx fixes
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Added algorithm 'yespowerdogemone' (Dogemone coin) for CPU mining, fee 0.85%
+ Added support for dual mining KARLSENHASHV2/BLAKE3_DECRED on AMD RDNA/RDNA2/RDNA3, NVIDIA and INTEL GPU's
+ Fixed broken progpow algorithms on AMD VEGA GPU's
+ Fixed broken algorithm 'panthera' on non-ryzen cpu's
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Fixed miner crashing in some cases when mining ZIL
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Added algorithm 'progpow_quai' (Quai Network - Golden Age Testnet) for GPU mining [AMD/NVIDIA/INTEL], fee 0.85%
+ Updated algorithm 'hoohash' and it's ready for the hard fork [Nov. 15, 2024]
+ Fixed broken algorithm 'panthera'
+ Removed algorithm 'xelishash' (old one, not v2)
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Added algorithm 'walahash' (Waglayla coin) for GPU mining [AMD/NVIDIA/INTEL], fee 1.00%
+ Fixed algorithm 'astrixhash' on NVIDIA CMP100-210
+ Fixed parameter '--disable-huge-pages'
+ Reduced miner binary size: removed algorithms -> 'pyrinhashv2', 'pyrinhash', 'karlsenhash', 'blake3_alephium', 'sha512_256d_radiant', 'sha3d', 'ubqhash', 'progpow_veriblock', 'pufferfish2bmb', 'randomkeva', 'randomgrft', 'randomnevo',
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Added algorithm 'nxlhash' (Nexell-AI coin) for GPU mining [AMD/NVIDIA/INTEL], fee 1.00%
+ Hashrate/Efficiency improvement on 'astrixhash' algorithm for NVIDIA GPU's
+ Algorithm 'verushash' now accepts value 2 for '--cpu-threads-intensity' parameter
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Fixed 'low difficulty share' issue on algorithm 'verushash' for CPU mining
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Added algorithm 'hoohash' (Hoosat coin) for GPU mining [AMD/NVIDIA/INTEL], fee 2.00%
+ Added support for dual mining FISHHASH/HOOHASH on AMD RDNA/RDNA2/RDNA3, NVIDIA (except Pascal) and INTEL GPU's
+ Added support for dual mining KARLSENHASHV2/HOOHASH on AMD RDNA/RDNA2/RDNA3, NVIDIA (except Pascal) and INTEL GPU's
+ Added support for dual mining AUTOLYKOS2/HOOHASH on AMD RDNA/RDNA2/RDNA3, NVIDIA and INTEL GPU's
+ Added parameter 'autolykos2-preload' which enables preloading of the next dataset on Autolykos2/Blocx if GPU has enough free memory
+ Fixed mining of algorithm 'verushash' on Nicehash
+ Removed algorithm 'memehash'

+ Added algorithm 'astrixhash' (Astrix coin) for GPU mining [AMD/NVIDIA/INTEL], fee 1.00%

+ Added algorithm 'pyrinhashv2' (Pyrin coin) for GPU mining [AMD/INTEL], fee 0.85%
+ Added support for dual mining KARLSENHASHV2/PYRINHASHV2 on AMD RDNA/RDNA2/RDNA3 and INTEL GPU's
+ Added support for dual mining FISHHASH/PYRINHASHV2 on AMD RDNA/RDNA2/RDNA3 and INTEL GPU's
+ Added support for dual mining AUTOLYKOS2/PYRINHASHV2 on AMD RDNA/RDNA2/RDNA3 and INTEL GPU's
+ Improved performance of algorithm 'autolykos2' on INTEL ARC GPU's
+ Algorithm 'autolykos2' not showing dataset related information by default anymore (enable --extended-log to see it)
+ Fixed a bug that produced 'validation errors' on algorithm 'autolykos2' after switching back from ZIL mining
+ Reminder : Algorithm 'karlsenhashv2' supported since version 2.5.8 on AMD/NVIDIA/INTEL GPU's - ready for HF at sept. 13

+ Added algorithm 'blocx_autolykos2' (Blocx coin) for GPU mining [AMD/NVIDIA/INTEL], fee 1.00%
+ Every dual mining combination that is available for 'autolykos2' can be used with 'blocx_autolykos2' [ decred / blake3_alephium / heavyhash / sha512_256d_radiant / sha256dt / karlsenhash / pyrinhash ]

+ Added algorithm 'xelishashv2_pepew' [Pepepow] for CPU mining, fee 1.5%
+ Improved hashrate for all progpow based algorithms on AMD VEGA and ELLESMERE GPUS
+ Minor hashrate improvement on 'progpowz' and 'progpow_telestai' algorithms on NVIDIA GPUS
+ Minor hashrate improvement on 'progpow_telestai' algorithm on AMD RDNA2 GPUS
+ Lowered devfee on algorithm 'xelishashv2' to 1.5%
+ Removed algorithm 'memehash_apepepow'
+ Removed parameter '--gpu-progpow-mode'
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Added algorithm 'progpow_telestai' (TELESTAI coin) for GPU mining [AMD/NVIDIA/INTEL], fee 0.85%

+ Added parameter '--dns-over-https' , accepts values 0-3 [0 - Google, 1 - Cloudflare, 2 - AhADNS, 3 - Belnet]
+ Added support for mining algorithm 'verthash' on NVIDIA/INTEL GPU's
+ Fixed a bug that crashed miner when mining algorithm 'randomepic' with another randomx algorithm
+ Fixed a bug that produced many stale shares when mining algorithm 'progpow_epic' with another algorithm
+ Algorithm 'firopow' now prepends prefix '0x' with submit messages which fixes StakeCubeCoin invalid shares issue
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Added AVX512 support for CPU algorithm 'xelishashv2'

+ Added algorithm 'xelishashv2' [Xelis] for CPU mining, fee 2.0%
+ Added algorithm 'karlsenhashv2' [Karlsen] for GPU mining [AMD/NVIDIA/INTEL], fee 1.0% *
+ Fixed miner crashing on 'ghostrider' based algorithms if no huge pages were available
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Improved performance on algorithms 'ghostrider' and 'mike'
+ Improved performance on algorithm 'flex' for AVX2 CPU's
+ Miner now automatically allocates the needed number of huge pages on Linux (must run with root privileges)
+ Removed parameters: '--disable-cpu-optimisations', '--disable-hw-aes'
+ Randomx bug fixes
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Added algorithm 'flex' [Kylacoin] for CPU mining, fee 2.0%
+ Added algorithm 'randomxeq' [Equilibria] for CPU mining, fee 0.85%

+ Added support for mining 'xelishash' algorithm on INTEL ARC GPU's
+ Added support for dual mining FISHHASH/KARLSENHASH on AMD RDNA/RDNA2/RDNA3 and INTEL GPU's
+ Performance improvement on algorithm 'xelishash' for AMD GPU's and AVX2 CPU's [up to ~13% depending from gpu]
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Added support for GPU mining algorithm 'xelishash' [Xelis] on AMD GPU's, fee 2.0%
+ Performance improvement on algorithm 'xelishash' for CPU's
+ Fixed mining of algorithm 'blake3_decred' broke in previous version
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Added algorithm 'randomtuske' [Tuske Network] for CPU mining, fee 0.85%
+ Added algorithm 'xelishash' [Xelis] for CPU mining, fee 0.85%*
+ Minor performance improvement on 'randomx' based algorithms
+ DevFee for 'randomscash' algorithm lowered to 0.85%
+ Fixed invalid shares on a few algorithms broke in previous version
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Added algorithm 'randomscash' [Satoshi Cash] for CPU mining, fee 1.00%
+ Performance improvement on algorithm 'fishhash' for AMD Rx400/500 GPU's

+ Added support for AMD BC-250 Mining GPU's
+ DevFee for 'fishhash' algorithm lowered to 0.85%

+ Added algorithm 'fishhash' [IronFish] for GPU mining on AMD/NVIDIA/INTEL, fee 1.00%
+ Added support for dual mining FISHHASH/BLAKE3_ALEPHIUM on AMD RDNA/RDNA2/RDNA3, NVIDIA and INTEL GPU's
+ Added support for dual mining FISHHASH/BLAKE3_DECRED on AMD RDNA/RDNA2/RDNA3, NVIDIA and INTEL GPU's
+ Added support for dual mining FISHHASH/SHA512_256D_RADIANT on AMD RDNA/RDNA2/RDNA3, NVIDIA and INTEL GPU's
+ Added support for dual mining FISHHASH/PYRINHASH on AMD RDNA/RDNA2/RDNA3 and INTEL GPU's
+ Added support for mining 'yescrypt' algorithms on AMD gfx1100 GPU's (RDNA3)
+ Fixed dual mining of AUTOLYKOS2/PYRINHASH on INTEL ARC GPU's
+ Auto setup (threads/affinity) for 'yespower' and 'yescrypt' algorithms on CPU should now work better
+ Removed support for AMD RX550/560 GPU's
+ Removed algorithm 'blake3_ironfish'
+ Removed algorithm 'xdag'
+ Removed parameter 'gpu-progpow-preload'
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Added support for GPU mining algorithm 'meowpow' [Meow coin] on AMD/NVIDIA/INTEL GPU's, fee 0.85%
+ Fixed possible invalid shares on PROGPOW algorithms [AMD Ellesmere GPU's]
+ TLS/SSL pool connections now supported over socks5 proxy (--proxy parameter)

+ Added support for mining PROGPOW algorithms on INTEL GPU's [kawpow, firopow, progpow_epic, progpow_zano]*
+ Added support for GPU mining algorithm 'aurum' on AMD/NVIDIA/INTEL GPU's
+ Added support for dual mining ETHASHB3/SHA512_256D_RADIANT on INTEL ARC GPU's
+ Added support for algorithm 'heavyhash' on AMD VEGA GPU's on Linux (ROCM)
+ Performance improvement on PROGPOW algorithms on AMD/NVIDIA GPU's
+ Performance improvement on algorithm 'aurum' for CPU's
+ Returned support for mining algorithm 'cryptonight_ccx' on CPU and AMD GPU's [ UltraNote Infinity coin ]
+ Setting any cclock or mclock OC parameter's value to 0 will now reset the value of core clock / memory clock to the default value
+ Fixed a bug with 'autolykos2' that could cause bad dataset creation (invalid shares)
+ Fixed a bug with nonce distribution for algorithm 'randomepic' on EpicMine pool
+ Removed parameters and functionality for : '--gpu-buffer-mode', '--gpu-disable-auto-buffer', '--max-difficulty', '--start-block-height', '--gpu-autolykos2-preload', '--multi-algorithm-job-mode', '--gpu-auto-tune', '--gpu-ethash-mode'
+ Linux releases will be packed with tar.gz from now on [ not tar.xz as before ]

+ Performance improvement on algorithm 'aurum' for AVX2 supported CPU's
+ Fixed broken 'yespower' algorithms
+ Fixed broken algorithm 'blake3_decred'
+ Fixed broken --gpu-coffset and --gpu-moffset parameters (Linux)
+ Added parameter '--cpu-numa-bind' which can force binding of CPU worker threads to a specific NUMA node (per algorithm)*
+ Default --esm (ethereum stratum mode) value for algorithms 'ethash' and 'etchash' is now 2 (EthereumStratum 1.0 + nicehash mode)
+ Renamed parameter 'disable-numa' to 'disable-numa-binding'
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Added algorithm 'aurum' (BitNet) for CPU mining, fee 2.00%
+ Minor performance improvement on algorithm 'blake3_alephium'
+ Added support for algorithm 'cryptonight_turtle' on AMD gfx1100
+ Added Vega56/64 rocm binary for algorithm 'cryptonight_turtle'
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Minor performance improvement on algorithm 'karlsenhash' for AMD RDNA2 GPU's
+ Minor performance improvement on algorithm 'sha3d'
+ OC parameters (NVIDIA) should now work as expected on both WINDOWS and LINUX
+ Fixed issue with lower poolside hashrate on algorithm 'blake3_alephium' introduced in previous version
+ Fixed an issue that caused higher difficulty to be used than what the pool sent - on some algorithms, introduced in previous version
+ Removed algorithms : blake2b, blake2s, yespowerlitb, yespoweriots, yespoweritc, yespowerres, yespowerarwn, cryptonight_talleo, cryptonight_ccx, randomhash2, scryptn2, k12, keccak, dynamo, minotaur, kaspa

+ Added algorithm 'pyrinhash' (Pyrin) for GPU mining on AMD/INTEL, fee 0.85%
+ Added algorithm 'blake3_decred' (Decred) for GPU mining on AMD/NVIDIA/INTEL, fee 1.0%
+ Added support for dual mining AUTOLYKOS2/PYRINHASH on AMD RDNA/RDNA2/RDNA3 and INTEL GPU's
+ Added support for dual mining AUTOLYKOS2/BLAKE3_DECRED on AMD/NVIDIA/INTEL GPU's
+ Added support for dual mining ETHASH/BLAKE3_DECRED on AMD/NVIDIA/INTEL GPU's
+ Added support for dual mining ETCHASH/BLAKE3_DECRED on AMD/NVIDIA/INTEL GPU's
+ Added support for dual mining ETHASHB3/BLAKE3_DECRED on AMD/NVIDIA/INTEL GPU's
+ Improved efficiency on algorithm 'blake3_alephium' for AMD RDNA2/RDNA3, NVIDIA GPU's
+ Miner will now create '--gpu-id' parameter values internally (if not already defined) when using an OC parameter that has multiple different values.
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Performance improvement on algorithm 'karlsenhash' for some AMD GPUs and INTEL ARC GPU's
+ Added support for dual mining AUTOLYKOS2/KARLSENHASH on AMD RDNA/RDNA2/RDNA3 and INTEL ARC GPU's
+ Added support for dual mining ETHASHB3/KARLSENHASH on AMD Ellesmere, RDNA/RDNA2/RDNA3 and INTEL ARC GPU's
+ DevFee for 'karlsenhash' algorithm lowered to 0.85%
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Minor performance improvement on algorithm 'karlsenhash'
+ Added support for AMD gfx906 (VII) GPU's on Linux for drivers > 22.40
+ Added telemetry for INTEL ARC GPU's on Windows
+ Fixed power draw metric for AMD RDNA3 GPU's on Windows
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Added algorithm 'karlsenhash' (Karlsen) for GPU mining [AMD/NVIDIA/INTEL], fee 1.0%
+ Added algorithm 'randomnevo' (NevoCoin) for CPU mining, fee 0.85%
+ Added support for dual mining ETHASHB3/SHA256DT on AMD/NVIDIA/INTEL GPU's
+ Lowered devfee on algorithm 'memehash' to 0.85%
+ Removed algorithms 'randomxl' and 'randomwow'
+ Added parameter '--gpu-disable-oc' which completely disables built-in OC functionality
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Added support for algorithm 'cryptonight_xhv' on NVIDIA GPUs
+ Added support for algorithm 'cryptonight_gpu' on NVIDIA GPUs
+ Added support for algorithm 'ethashb3' on INTEL ARC GPUs
+ Added support for dual mining ETHASHB3/BLAKE3_ALEPHIUM on AMD Ellesmere GPUs
+ Added support for dual mining ETHASHB3/SHA512_256D_RADIANT on AMD Ellesmere GPUs
+ Added support for dual mining ETHASHB3/BLAKE3_ALEPHIUM on INTEL ARC GPUs
+ Improved performance on algorithm 'autolykos2' for NVIDIA, INTEL ARC and some AMD GPU's
+ Improved auto tuner for DUAL mining [control A0/A1 ratio with --gpu-dual-max-loss]
+ Removed algorithm 'dynex'
+ Removed built-in AMD GPU memory tweaking options
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Fixed invalid shares issue on algorithm 'dynex' [introduced in v2.3.8]
+ Performance improvement on algorithm 'dynex' for some GPU's
+ Reduced devfee for algorithm 'dynex' to 2.0%
+ Added accepted/rejected/compute error stats per GPU in json API->algorithms
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Added support for NVIDIA 'Volta' architecture - displayed as 'unknown_nvidia' but supported algorithms should work
+ Dynex bug fixes
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Performance improvement on algorithm 'dynex' on AMD and NVIDIA GPUs
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Added support for algorithm 'dynex' on NVIDIA GPUs
+ Performance improvement on algorithm 'dynex' on AMD GPUs
+ Removed Dynex optimised dual kernels
+ Lowered devfee for algorithm 'ethashb3' to standard 0.85%
+ Added parameter '--busy-wait-recheck' which sets the NVIDIA/INTEL GPUs OpenCL busy wait recheck value per algorithm

+ Added support for dual mining ETHASHB3/BLAKE3_ALEPHIUM on NVIDIA and AMD RDNA1/2/3 GPUs
+ Minor performance improvement on algorithm 'ethashb3'
+ Minor performance improvement on algorithm 'dynex'
+ Lowered devfee for algorithm 'ethashb3' to 1%
+ Added field 'wallet' to API->algorithms->pool
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Added algorithm 'ethashb3' (RETHEREUM coin) support for NVIDIA GPUs
+ Added support for dual mining ETHASHB3/SHA512_256D_RADIANT on NVIDIA and AMD RDNA1/2/3 GPUs
+ Added gfx906 (Vega VII) binaries for algorithm 'dynex' on newer drivers (tested on 22.40.6)
+ Fixed gfx900 mining on algorithm 'dynex' broke in previous version

+ Added algorithm 'ethashb3' (RETHEREUM coin) for GPU mining, fee 2% [AMD only]*
+ Minor performance improvement on algorithm 'dynex' [Dynexcoin]
+ Bug fixes for algorithm 'dynex'*
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Performance improvement on algorithm 'dynex' [Dynexcoin]
+ Added parameter '--gpu-dynex-r' (performance tuning for algorithm 'dynex' - min 1, max 16)
+ Removed auto tuner for algorithm 'dynex' [it was causing data reporting issues]
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Updated algorithm 'dynex' to support dynexsolve 2.3.0 (new job types, FP64, etc.)
+ Removed support for INTEL GPU's on algorithm 'dynex'
+ Removed support for NVIDIA GPU's on algorithm 'dynex' [temporary]
+ Fixed dual ERG/ETC/ETH + SHA256DT kernels on some GPU's broken since V2.2.6
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Improved mining performance on algorithm 'dynex' for AMD/NVIDIA/INTEL GPU's*
+ Added algorithm 'memehash_apepepow' (APEPEPOW coin) for CPU mining, fee 2%*
+ Added shares (accepted/rejected) statistics for CPU mining
+ Reduced miner binary size
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Improved mining performance on algorithm 'memehash' for AMD/NVIDIA/INTEL GPU's
+ Added VerusCoin PBAAS support
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Added algorithm 'memehash' (PEPEPOW coin) for CPU/GPU mining, fee 2% [AMD/NVIDIA/INTEL]
+ Minor improvement for algorithm 'dynex' in dual mining mode
+ Fixed hashrate regression on 'sha512_256d_radiant' algorithm for RX6600 GPU's [single mode]
+ Fixed algorithm 'lyra2v2_webchain' on NVIDIA GPU's broken in previous versions
+ Fixed algorithm 'autolykos2' in dual mining with 'sha512_256d_radiant' for some GPU's broken in previous version
+ Added sum of accepted/rejected/hw error shares to stats
+ Added parameter '--disable-gpu-dual-kernels' [disables usage of optimised dual kernels]

+ Significantly improved mining performance of dual kernels for algorithm 'dynex' [AMD/NVIDIA/INTEL]
+ Added kernels for DUAL mining : DYNEX/BLAKE3_ALEPHIUM, DYNEX/SHA256DT
+ Improved mining performance on algorithm 'dynex' for some GPU's
+ Fixed algorithm 'sha256dt' broken in previous versions
+ Fixed algorithm 'dynamo' broken in previous versions
+ Fixed algorithm 'autolykos2' in dual mining for Nvidia Turing GPU's broken in previous version
+ Fixed low hashrate issue (again) when connecting to some ALEPHIUM pool/s [,, woolypooly for ex.]
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Improved mining performance on algorithm 'blake3_alephium' for AMD/NVIDIA/INTEL [Alephium]
+ Improved mining performance on algorithm 'sha256dt' for AMD/NVIDIA/INTEL [Novo]
+ Improved mining performance on algorithm 'dynex' for some AMD/NVIDIA GPU's [Dynexcoin]
+ Improved mining performance on algorithm 'sha512_256d_radiant' for NVIDIA (Pascal, Turing) and AMD gfx1100 [Radiant]
+ Improved mining performance on algorithm 'sha3d' for NVIDIA GPUS [Kylacoin]
+ Improved mining performance on many dual algorithms for AMD gfx1100
+ Added kernels for DUAL mining : DYNEX/BLAKE3_IRONFISH, DYNEX/KASPA
+ Added support for AMD gfx1100 on algorithm 'sha3d'
+ Better auto tune for algorithm 'dynex'
+ Fixed low diff shares issue when connecting to some RXD,NOVO and KYLACOIN pool/s [ for ex.]
+ Fixed low hashrate issue when connecting to some ALEPHIUM pool/s [,, woolypooly for ex.]
+ Fixed some bugs when using --multi-algorithm-job-mode 3
+ Removed keyboard shortcut 'h'. Hashrate stats will be displayed periodically.
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Significantly improved mining performance on algorithm 'dynex' for AMD/NVIDIA/INTEL
+ Improved mining performance on algorithm 'blake3_ironfish' for AMD/NVIDIA/INTEL in single and dual modes
+ Added support for algorithm 'sha3d' on NVIDIA/INTEL GPU's
+ Ironfish is now compatible with pools using stratum v2
+ Added optimised kernel for DUAL mining : DYNEX/SHA512_256D_RADIANT
+ Added auto tune for algorithm 'dynex' that will try to find an optimal gpu intensity value
+ Removed CPU POW [algorithm 'dynex']
+ Algorithm 'xdag' is now compatible with xdagj 0.6.1
+ Fixed broken RXD/ALEPH mining on RDNA gpus [linux]
+ If using '--gpu-reset-oc' parameter, it will get applied also on miner shutdown
+ Bug fixes

+ Improved mining performance on algorithm 'dynex' for AMD/NVIDIA/INTEL
+ More chips can now fit in VRAM on algorithm 'dynex'
+ Lowered devfee for algorithm 'dynex' to 2.5%
+ Small hashrate improvements on algorithm 'blake3_alephium' & lower power consumption
+ Small hashrate improvements on algorithm 'blake3_ironfish' & lower power consumption
+ Fixed --gpu-coffset and --gpu-moffset parameters on Windows
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Improved mining performance on algorithm 'dynex' for AMD/NVIDIA
+ Added fan control for NVIDIA GPU'S : --gpu-fan0, --gpu-fan1, --zil-fan parameters
+ Added support for gfx900 on ROCM drivers for algorithm 'dynex'
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Moved CPU part of the POUW work for algorithm 'dynex' on NVIDIA GPU's to the GPU*
+ Better utilization of CPU's that have more threads than running GPU's for algorithm 'dynex'
+ Parameter '--dynex-cpu-pow' now expects GPU id's of devices on which you want to use the old CPU POW method
+ Increased value of auto intensity a little bit under Linux OS for algorithm 'dynex'*
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Moved CPU part of the POUW work for algorithm 'dynex' on AMD and INTEL GPU's to the GPU*
+ Added parameter '--dynex-cpu-pow' which uses the old way of 'dynex' hashing
+ Added parameter '--gpu-reset-oc' which resets OC settings to their default values on miner start [NVIDIA]
+ Reduced default value for intensity (number of chips) on algorithm 'dynex'
+ Removed auto-tune for algorithm 'dynex'
+ Bug fixes for algorithm 'dynex'

+ Added algorithm 'dynex' (DYNEX coin) for GPU mining, fee 3.0%* [AMD/NVIDIA/INTEL]
+ Added INTEL ARC support for algorithms : autolykos2, etchash, ethash, ubqhash, blake3_ironfish
+ Added INTEL ARC support for dual mining : autolykos2/kaspa, autolykos2/heavyhash, autolykos2/sha512_256d_radiant, autolykos2/sha256dt, autolykos2/blake3_alephium, autolykos2/blake3_ironfish
+ Added dynex specific parameter '--mallob-endpoint'
+ Fixed 'blake3_ironfish' algorithm [also for DUAL modes]
+ Fixed 'sha256dt' algorithm for Nvidia ADA and HOPPER architectures
+ Added parameter '--disable-ptx-check' [nvidia]
+ Fixed bugs with NVIDIA OC parameters

+ Added support for INTEL Alchemist architecture (INTEL ARC 300/500/700)
+ ZIL is now mineable in any single/dual algorithm combination [triple mining]*
+ Added ZIL parameters '--zil-enable', '--zil-pool', '--zil-wallet', '--zil-password', '--zil-esm', '--zil-epoch', '--zil-oc-script'
+ Added ZIL OC parameters '--zil-cclock', '--zil-mclock', '--zil-coffset', '--zil-moffset', '--zil-plimit'
+ Added auto buffer mode for ZIL mining*
+ Added parameters '--disable-gpu-intel', '--gpu-disable-auto-buffer'
+ Added OC parameters '--gpu-cclock1', '--gpu-mclock1', '--gpu-coffset1', '--gpu-moffset1', '--gpu-plimit1'
+ Removed parameters '--gpu-ethash-dag-cache', '--a0-is-zil'
+ Renamed parameters '--a0-start-script' to '--a0-oc-script' , '--a1-start-script' to '--a1-oc-script', '--start-script-delay' to '--oc-delay'
+ Added '--esm 2' which indicates that 'EthereumStratum/1.0.0' + nicehash mode is used for communication with the pool*
+ Allowed separator ',' (comma) which can be used as an alternative for the current '!' separator in all parameters except in '--password'
+ Added custom miner version for Hiveos so you can run 2 SRBMiner instances on the same rig*
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Improved mining performance on 'sha512_256d_radiant' for AMD RDNA/RDNA2 GPU's and NVIDIA Ampere GPU's
+ Improved mining performance on dual ETCHASH/ETHASH + SHA512_256D_RADIANT for AMD RDNA2 GPU's
+ Added experimental support for NVIDIA architectures older than 'Pascal'
+ Added GPU OC parameters '--gpu-coffset', '--gpu-moffset' [ NVIDIA - LINUX only ]
+ Fixed bug with --gpu-cclock , --gpu-mclock and --gpu-plimit getting applied in dual mining mode
+ Removed obsolete algorithms: cosa, circash, 0x10, frkhash, balloon_zentoshi
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Added support for NVIDIA 'Hopper' architecture
+ Added NVIDIA support for algorithms : UBQHASH, DYNAMO, BLAKE3_IRONFISH
+ Added GPU OC parameter '--gpu-plimit' [ NVIDIA only ]
+ Re-added kernels for dual ETHASH/ETCHASH/AUTOLYKOS2 + BLAKE3_IRONFISH because of testnet3 [ NVIDIA support added ]
+ Fixed detection of NVIDIA GPU's
+ Fixed compatibility with older NVIDIA drivers
+ Various fixes for mining on nicehash pools / nicehash mode
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Added support for NVIDIA architectures : Pascal, Turing, Ampere, Ada Lovelace
+ Added parameters '--disable-gpu-amd', '--disable-gpu-nvidia'
+ Added GPU OC parameters '--gpu-cclock' and '--gpu-mclock' [NVIDIA Volta and newer]
+ Added GPU efficiency to stats & API

+ Added support for gfx1100 (RDNA3 : RX 7900) GPU's
+ Fixed hashrate regression on 'autolykos2' algorithm for Vega/Ellesmere GPU's that was introduced unintentionally in an earlier version
+ Renamed '--adl-disable' parameter to '--gpu-sensors-disable'
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Fixed miner crashing on ETHASH/ETCHASH + KASPA/HEAVYHASH dual mining options that appeared in previous version [ 1.1.2 ]
+ Added parameters '--a0-start-script' and '--a1-start-script' which run a user defined script every time algorithm 0 or 1 become active*
+ Added parameter '--start-script-delay' which delays mining for x seconds after a0 or a1 startup script was executed

+ Added algorithm 'sha256dt' (NOVO coin) for CPU/GPU mining, fee 0.85%
+ Added ETHASH/ETCHASH + SHA256DT dual mining mode
+ Added AUTOLYKOS2 + SHA256DT dual mining mode
+ Lowered devfee for 'sha512_256d_radiant' algorithm to 0.85% (CPU/GPU)
+ Reworked auto-tune procedure for GPU's
+ Added parameter '--gpu-disable-interleaving' which disables interleaving of threads (only when same GPU runs 2+ threads) - might get better hashrate in some cases
+ --gpu-buffer-mode 1 should work more stable on 4GB GPU's now
+ Bug fixes & minor improvements

+ Added algorithm 'evrprogpow' (EVRMORE coin) for CPU/GPU mining, fee 0.85%
+ Performance increase on 'cryptonight_gpu' algorithm for RDNA/RDNA2 GPU's
+ Performance increase on 'sha512_256d_radiant' algorithm for RDNA2 GPU's
+ Performance increase on 'lyra2v2_webchain' algorithm for GPU's
+ Progpow algorithms bugfixes [kawpow, firopow, epic, sero, veil, veriblock, zano]
+ Added parameter '--force-msr-tweaks' which forces usage of MSR tweaks for CPU mined algorithm/s *
+ Added support for gfx1036
+ Fixed detection of RX550 GPU's on newer AMD drivers

+ Performance increase on 'sha512_256d_radiant' algorithm for GPU's
+ Small performance increase on 'sha512_256d_radiant' algorithm in DUAL mining modes [ ETHASH/ETCHASH/AUTOLYKOS2 ]

+ Added algorithm 'pufferfish2bmb' for Polaris/Vega cards
+ Performance increase on 'sha512_256d_radiant' algorithm for GPU's
+ Reworked ZIL mining modes*
+ Added automatic caching of ZIL DAG for ETHASH/ETCHASH + ZIL (if GPU has enough VRAM to hold both DAG's)
+ Added nicehash compatibility for algorithm 'verushash'
+ Added parameter '--disable-auto-affinity'
+ Bug fixes

+ Added algorithm 'blake3_ironfish' (IRONFISH coin) for CPU/GPU mining, fee 0.85% *
+ Added ETHASH/ETCHASH + BLAKE3_IRONFISH dual mining mode
+ Added AUTOLYKOS2 + BLAKE3_IRONFISH dual mining mode
+ Added algorithm 'pufferfish2bmb' for RDNA cards [ 5xxx ]
+ Performance increase on 'autolykos2' algorithm for RX5700/XT GPU's
+ Small performance increase on 'kaspa' algorithm for RDNA cards [ 5xxx ]
+ Algorithm 'autolykos2' possible fix for situation when miner isn't creating dataset
+ Algorithm 'autolykos2' now uses 1 thread per GPU as default (was 2) - hashrate should be more stable
+ Possible fix for miner crashing when it's trying to reconnect to the pool

+ Added algorithm 'pufferfish2bmb' (BMB - Bamboo) for GPU mining [ rdna2 only ], fee 1.00%
+ Small performance increase on 'pufferfish2bmb' algorithm for CPU's
+ Reduced devfee for 'autolykos2' (ERGO) to 1.00%
+ Possible fix for 'Can't switch to algorithm 1' issue when using --multi-algorithm-job-mode 3
+ Bug fixes

+ Added algorithm 'pufferfish2bmb' (BMB - Bamboo) for CPU mining, fee 1.00%*
+ Algorithm 'xdag' is now compatible with the new XDAGj network protocol

+ Added algorithm 'sha512_256d_radiant' (RAD - Radiant Layer One) for CPU/GPU mining, fee 1.00%
+ Added ETHASH/ETCHASH + SHA512_256D_RADIANT dual mining mode
+ Added AUTOLYKOS2 + SHA512_256D_RADIANT dual mining mode
+ Fixed issue with dual mining ethash using nicehash mode
+ Added automatic caching of ZIL DAG in dual mining mode [ETH/ETC] (if GPU has enough VRAM to hold both DAG's)
+ Added parameter '--gpu-ethash-dag-cache' to set caching of specific ETH/ETC epoch in dual mining mode [ def. is epoch 0 - ZIL ]

+ Improved performance on all dual mineable algorithms for RDNA2 GPU's
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Added algorithm 'mike' (Vkax coin) for CPU mining, fee 0.85%
+ Significantly improved performance on 'curvehash' algorithm for GPU's
+ Reduced devfee for 'kaspa' and 'heavyhash' to 0.85%
+ Using any of the supported dual mining combinations, automatically enables auto tune
+ Added possibility to disable an algorithm in dual mining mode per GPU*
+ Default value for '--gpu-dual-max-loss' is lowered from 5% to 3%*

+ Added ETHASH/ETCHASH + HEAVYHASH (OBTC/PBTC) dual mining mode
+ Added AUTOLYKOS2 + HEAVYHASH dual mining mode
+ Faster DAG creation on RDNA2 GPU's
+ Possible fix for case when some RDNA/RDNA2 GPU's won't create DAG for ETHASH/PROGPOW algorithms on Linux based OS

+ Added auto tune for dual mining (use --gpu-auto-tune 1 to enable)*
+ Added parameter '--gpu-dual-max-loss' which defines the maximum loss of A0 hashrate we allow while auto tuning in dual mode, defined in percent
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Added ETHASH/ETCHASH + BLAKE3_ALEPHIUM dual mining mode
+ Added AUTOLYKOS2 + BLAKE3_ALEPHIUM dual mining mode
+ Fixed ETHASH/ETCHASH + KASPA mining on nicehash
+ Added parameter '--gpu-table-slow-build' which slows down DAG/Datatable creation for ETHASH/ETCHASH/UBQHASH/PROGPOW/AUTOLYKOS2 algorithms (might help in avoiding crash)
+ Parameter '--gpu-dual-mode' isn't needed anymore, miner will auto check if selected algorithms are eligible for dual mining
+ Fixed a few bugs related to dual mining mode

+ Improved performance of KASPA mining in dual mode for ETH/ETC+KASPA and AUTOLYKOS2+KASPA for some GPU's
+ Added algorithm 'curvehash' for GPU mining
+ Fixed compatibility of KawPow with miningpoolhub pool

+ Added ETHASH/ETCHASH + KASPA dual mining mode
+ Added AUTOLYKOS2 + KASPA dual mining mode
+ Performance increase on 'curvehash' algorithm for CPU ( up to ~40% )
+ Added parameter '--gpu-dual-mode' which must be used to enable the new dual mining mode
+ Upgraded command line parser*
+ Bug fixes

+ Performance increase on 'kaspa' algorithm for RDNA2 GPU's
+ Performance increase on 'heavyhash' algorithm for RDNA2 GPU's
+ Lower power consumption on 'kaspa' algorithm for RDNA2 GPU's
+ Lower power consumption on 'heavyhash' algorithm for RDNA2 GPU's
+ Added limited support for some algorithm's on Vega's (gfx900) for drivers newer than 20.40 (Linux - ROCm) *
+ Added GPU power reading capability for Polaris/Vega on Windows
+ OpenCL variables will be now set automatically from miner

+ Added algorithm 'kaspa' (KAS - Kaspa coin) for CPU/GPU mining, fee 1.00%
+ Small performance increase on 'heavyhash' algorithm for RDNA2 GPU's
+ Lower power consumption on 'heavyhash' algorithm for RDNA2 GPU's
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Added algorithm 'yescryptr8' for GPU mining, fee 0.85%
+ Added algorithm 'yescryptr16' for GPU mining, fee 0.85%
+ Added algorithm 'yescryptr32' for GPU mining, fee 0.85%
+ Added algorithm 'frkhash' (Expanse's next algorithm) for CPU/GPU mining, fee 0.85%
+ Lowered devfee for 'autolykos2' algorithm to 1.5%
+ Lowered devfee for 'blake3_alephium' algorithm to 0.85% (CPU/GPU)
+ Small performance increase on 'autolykos2' algorithm for RDNA2 GPU's
+ Small performance increase on 'dynamo' algorithm for GPU's
+ A little bit faster dataset creation on 'autolykos2' algorithm for some GPU's
+ A little bit lower power consumption on 'autolykos2' algorithm for Ellesmere GPU's
+ A little bit lower power consumption on 'ethash' algorithm for RDNA2 GPU's
+ A little bit lower power consumption on 'etchash' algorithm for RDNA2 GPU's
+ If using --cpu-threads parameter, affinity is now auto set for CPU's with 64+ threads too
+ Added parameter '--set-console-title' (Windows only) [set custom title to miner console window]
+ Added parameter aliases for --algorithm, --cpu-threads, --password, --pool, --wallet ( -a, -t, -p, -o, -u )
+ Parameter '--diff-factor' now accepts values in decimal format too
+ Removed support for older GPU's (pitcairn, tahiti, hawaii, fiji, tonga)
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Added algorithm 'sha3d' (Bsha3, Kylacoin, Yilacoin) for CPU/GPU mining, fee 0.85%
+ Added algorithm '0x10' (CHOX - ChainOX) for CPU/GPU mining, fee 0.85%
+ Performance increase on 'curvehash' algorithm (Pulsar coin) ( ~25% )
+ Removed 'astrobwt' algorithm
+ Removed parameter '--gpu-cn-mode'
+ Fixed issue [ ]

+ Performance increase on 'curvehash' algorithm (Pulsar coin) (up to ~40% on some CPU's)
+ Removed algorithm 'argon2id_ninja'
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Added algorithm 'dynamo' (DYNAMO - Dynamo coin) for GPU mining
+ Algorithm 'dynamo' supports only 'pool' mode (yiimp stratum compatibility removed)
+ Lowered devfee for 'dynamo' algorithm to 1% (CPU/GPU)
+ Added parameters '--gpu-progpow-safe' and '--gpu-dynamo-experimental'

+ Added algorithm 'dynamo' (DYNAMO - Dynamo coin) for CPU mining, fee 3.00% (~ 20x-24x (+2000%) faster than the available public miner)
+ Small performance increase on 'blake3_alephium' algorithm for CPU's with AVX2
+ Added '--gpu-auto-tune 3' mode (auto tuning goes through every algorithm, but tuning one at a time - not all simultaneously)
+ If creating DAG/Dataset but mining multiple algorithms, miner now pauses work on other algorithms while the DAG/Dataset is created
+ Possible fix for 'not connected to pool' bug that appeared in previous version (0.9.0)
+ Better auto setup values for eth/etc + alph 'dual' mining
+ Added a workaround for 'blake3_alephium' algorithm pools that send both set_difficulty and set target in job
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Added algorithm 'blake3_alephium' (ALPH - Alephium coin) for CPU/GPU mining, fee 1.00%
+ Added algorithm 'xdag' (XDAG - Dagger coin) for CPU mining, fee 1.00%
+ Fixed broken 'yespower' algorithms (broke in previous 0.8.9 version)
+ Rewrote miner restarting mechanism on Windows
+ Removed algorithm 'rx2'
+ Bug fixes

+ Added algorithm 'randoml' (LOZZ - Lozzax coin) for CPU mining, fee 0.85%
+ Performance increase on 'ghostrider' algorithm with dynamic thread management
+ Performance increase on 'verushash' algorithm for CPU's with AES
+ Performance increase on 'scryptn2' algorithm
+ MSR tweaks are now allowed for every CPU mineable algorithm
+ Dataset for 'autolykos2' algorithm is now created differently, so hopefully video driver won't time-out on slower gpu's
+ Added file Help\Tdr_Fix\tdr_fix.reg for Windows, to increase driver time-out value (helps with DAG/dataset creation)
+ Removed algorithm 'eaglesong'
+ Removed algorithm 'kadena'
+ Removed algorithm 'bl2bsha3'
+ Removed algorithm 'phi5'
+ Removed algorithm 'cryptonight_cache'
+ Removed algorithm 'cryptonight_heavyx'
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Added socks5 proxy support (--proxy parameter)
+ Added algorithm 'argon2d_16000' (ADOT - Alterdot coin) for CPU/GPU mining, fee 0.85%
+ Performance increase on 'heavyhash' algorithm for Vega GPU's (up to ~13%)
+ Performance increase on 'argon2id_chukwa2' algorithm for RDNA/RDNA2 GPU's (up to ~12%) & lower power consumption
+ Performance increase on 'argon2d_dynamic' algorithm for RDNA/RDNA2 GPU's (up to ~45%) & lower power consumption
+ Removed devfee for 'yespoweric' algorithm
+ Removed devfee for 'yespowerlitb' algorithm
+ Removed devfee for 'yespowerres' algorithm
+ If using '--multi-algorithm-job-mode 3' miner now auto sets --max-no-share-sent to 45 minutes if no other value was set
+ Rewrote restarting mechanism on Linux so it shouldn't spawn a new process anymore on miner auto restart
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Fixed hashrate regression on 'heavyhash' algorithm for Navi cards
+ Fixed 'progpow' algorithms that got broken with previous release (0.8.6)

+ Performance increase on 'heavyhash' algorithm for Polaris GPU's up to ~10%
+ Performance increase on 'heavyhash' algorithm for VEGA GPU's ~5%
+ Fixed 'heavyhash' algorithm for RX6500/6600/6700 GPU's
+ Fixed detection of GPU's on some linux systems

+ Performance increase on 'heavyhash' algorithm for VEGA/RDNA/RDNA2 GPU's
+ Fixed 'verushash' algorithm 'invalid solution version' error

+ Performance increase on 'heavyhash' algorithm for GPU's
+ Fixed display of hashrate while doing gpu auto tune process
+ Changed GPU temperature to show 'edge' value instead of 'hotspot'

+ Performance increase on 'heavyhash' algorithm for GPU's (up to ~20% on some cards)
+ Fixed issue with recognising some GPU's on newer drivers (broken since v0.8.1)
+ Reworked hashrate reporting/stats - now reporting average for 1 min / 1 hr / 6 hr / 12 hr (in API too)

+ Added possibility to preload dataset/s on 'autolykos2' algorithm with '--gpu-autolykos2-preload' parameter (even on 4Gb cards!)
+ Little faster dataset creation on some GPU's
+ Job notifications are now displayed in console less frequently, unless extended log is enabled
+ Reverted 'autolykos2' kernels for hawaii, tonga and fiji to the ones from ver. 0.7.3
+ Bug fixes in algorithm switching mode ('--multi-algorithm-job-mode 3')

+ Added algorithm 'firopow' (FIRO - Firo coin) for CPU/GPU mining, fee 0.85%
+ Added algorithm 'kawpow' (RVN - Raven coin) for CPU/GPU mining, fee 0.85%
+ Added algorithm 'progpow_sero' (SERO - Super Zero coin) for CPU/GPU mining, fee 0.85%
+ Added algorithm 'progpow_veil' (VEIL - Veil coin) for CPU/GPU mining, fee 0.85%
+ Added algorithm 'progpow_zano' (ZANO - Zano coin) for CPU/GPU mining, fee 0.85%
+ Added algorithm 'progpow_veriblock' (VBK- Veriblock coin) for CPU/GPU mining, fee 0.85%
+ Added algorithm 'progpow_epic' (EPIC - EpicCash coin) for CPU/GPU mining, fee 0.85%
+ Added algorithm 'astrobwt' (DERO - Dero coin) for CPU mining, fee 0.85%
+ Added algorithm 'minotaurx' (LCC - LiteCoin Cash coin) for CPU mining, fee 0.85%
+ Lowered devfee for 'lyra2v2_webchain' algorithm to 0.85%
+ Small improvements on 'autolykos2' algorithm for RX550 & RX560 GPU's
+ Added shares statistics per GPU ( accepted | rejected | gpu validation errors )
+ Added watchdog for CPU workers (detect if a cpu thread stops hashing)
+ Added parameter '--gpu-progpow-mode' (which progpow program to use)
+ Added parameter '--gpu-progpow-preload' (how many periods to pre-create)
+ Fixed crashing on Ryzen 3000 series CPU's on 'autolykos2' algorithm
+ Fixed compatibility with P2P pools
+ Fixed 'Internet not found' issue on some linux distributions
+ Changed default value for '--max-no-submit-responses' parameter from 0 to 5
+ Renamed parameter '--disable-gpu-watchdog' to '--disable-worker-watchdog'
+ Reduced miner binary size (Windows)
+ To fix miner disconnects on 'autolykos2' with 'WoolyPooly' pool, try --keepalive true
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Added algorithm 'randomgrft' (GRFT - Graft coin) for CPU mining, fee 0.85%
+ Performance increase on 'ethash' algorithm for RX6800/6900 GPU's
+ Performance increase on 'etchash' algorithm for RX6800/6900 GPU's
+ Performance increase on 'ubqhash' algorithm for RX6800/6900 GPU's
+ Performance increase on 'verthash' algorithm for RX6800/6900 GPU's
+ Performance increase on 'heavyhash' algorithm for RX6800/6900 GPU's
+ Performance increase on 'autolykos2' algorithm on ZEN2+ AMD CPU's (up to ~90%) (*)
+ Fixed 'cryptonight_gpu' algorithm for RDNA/RDNA2 GPU's
+ Fixed 'cryptonight_xhv' algorithm for RDNA/RDNA2 GPU's
+ Added GPU power consumption details to stats & api
+ Decreased time needed for algorithm switch when using --multi-algorithm-job-mode 3 with cpu mining
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Added algorithm 'cosa' (COSA - Cosanta coin) for CPU mining, fee 2.0%
+ Fixed hashrate regression on 'heavyhash' algorithm for Navi cards

+ Added algorithm 'circcash' for GPU mining, fee 0.85%
+ Performance increase on 'heavyhash' algorithm on GPU's (~15-25%)
+ Performance increase on 'verushash' algorithm on CPU's supporting SSE4.2 and AES (~4%)
+ Added parameter '--gpu-manual-tuning' for real time editing of memory timings (check Help\Gpu_Manual_Tuning.txt)
+ Added parameter '--log-file-mode' (check Help\Cmd_Common_Parameters.txt)
+ Fixed auto setup on Ethash algorithm for Navi/Navi2 cards that broke in previous version
+ Removed devfee for 'randomwow' algorithm
+ Removed devfee for 'bl2bsha3' algorithm
+ Removed devfee for 'eaglesong' algorithm
+ Removed devfee for 'k12' algorithm
+ Removed devfee for 'kadena' algorithm
+ Removed devfee for 'minotaur' algorithm
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Added algorithm 'lyra2v2_webchain' (MINTME - coin) for CPU/GPU mining, fee 2%
+ Added algorithm 'ghostrider' (RTM - Raptoreum) for CPU mining, fee 0.85%
+ Added algorithm 'cryptonight_turtle' for CPU/GPU mining, fee 0.85%
+ Added algorithm 'randomyada' (YDA - Yada coin) for CPU mining, fee 0.85%
+ Added algorithm 'yespowerarwn' (ARWN - Arowana coin) for CPU mining, fee 0.85%
+ Better auto setup for 'yespower' algorithms
+ Removed devfee for 'cryptonight_cache' algorithm
+ DevFee for 'heavyhash' algorithm lowered to 1%

+ Fixed auto-tune option for 'autolykos2' algorithm that broke in previous version
+ Fixed hashrate regression on 'autolykos2' algorithm for Baffin, Hawaii, Tonga, Fiji cards
+ Small improvements on 'ethash' algorithm
+ Small improvements on 'etchash' algorithm
+ Added possibility for escaping separator characters in --password field with # (use #; and #!)
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Fixed hashrate for 'autolykos2' algorithm on RDNA and RDNA2 GPU's that broke on previous version (0.7.4)
+ Fixed 'autolykos2' algorithm for Tonga, Fiji and Hawaii GPU's that broke on previous version (0.7.4)

+ Dataset creation for 'autolykos2' algorithm faster
+ Small improvements on 'autolykos2' algorithm & lower power consumption on Windows OS
+ Small improvements on 'ethash' algorithm
+ Small improvements on 'etchash' algorithm
+ --gpu-tweak-profile and --gpu-boost should now work with latest AMD drivers
+ Added parameter '--gpu-buffer-mode', can be used with ZIL dual mining (check Help\Other\Dual-mining-ZIL.txt)
+ Added '--gpu-ethash-mode 3' for older cards, no DAG is created on Ethash, Etchash (use it if you feel really lucky)
+ Changed the way how 'ignored jobs' are displayed. If you want to see 'ignored job' messages, you need to enable extended logging
+ More bug fixes with ZIL 'dual' mining
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Small improvement on 'cryptonight_xhv' algorithm for some GPU's
+ Fixed '--gpu-off-temperature' parameter
+ Fixed bugs with 'dual' mining ZIL + any other algorithm (check Help/Other/Dual-mining-ZIL.txt)
+ Removed parameters '--gpu-target-temperature' and '--gpu-target-fan-speed' - use external application instead
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Added algorithm 'heavyhash' (oBTC - Optical Bitcoin) for GPU mining, fee 2.5%
+ Dataset creation for 'autolykos2' algorithm on 'ellesmere' GPU's faster ~3%
+ DevFee for 'verthash' algorithm lowered to 1%
+ DevFee for 'rx2' algorithm lowered to 1%
+ Parameter '--disable-workers-ramp-up' changed back to '--enable-workers-ramp-up', so default value of ramp-up is now disabled
+ Api doesn't report 0 h/s anymore while creating dataset for 'autolykos2' algorithm, so HiveOs shouldn't trigger a restart procedure
+ Added parameter '--max-no-submit-responses' (for details check --help )
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Added algorithm 'heavyhash' (oBTC - Optical Bitcoin) for CPU mining, fee 0.85%
+ Added algorithm 'yespowermgpc' (MagPieCoin) for CPU mining, fee 0.85%
+ Small improvements on 'autolykos2' algorithm
+ Fixed crash on 'panthera' algorithm on non-ryzens
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Reduced power consumption on 'autolykos2' algorithm for Ellesmere GPU's ~2-3%
+ Reduced power consumption on 'verthash' algorithm for Ellesmere GPU's ~5%
+ Reduced power consumption on 'verthash' algorithm for Vega GPU's ~10%
+ Performance increase on 'verthash' algorithm for Vega GPU's ~3%
+ Performance increase on 'verthash' algorithm for CPU's ( ~5% )
+ Added parameter '--verthash-dat-path'
+ Fixed 'verthash' algorithm stack smash issue
+ Fixed watchdog not triggering on dead GPU issue
+ Fixed crash on 'panthera' algorithm
+ Removed parameters : --gpu-watchdog-disable-mode, --watchdog-rounds
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Added algorithm 'verthash' for CPU & GPU mining, fee 1.25%
+ Performance increase on 'autolykos2' algorithm on GPU's (~1-6%)
+ Performance increase on 'autolykos2' algorithm on CPU's with AVX2 (run as admin/root) (~25%)
+ Reduced power consumption on 'autolykos2' algorithm on Vega GPU's
+ Small improvements on 'rx2' algorithm
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Added algorithm 'rx2' (LuxCoin) for CPU mining (8GB Ram needed), fee 1.25%
+ Performance increase on 'autolykos2' algorithm on Vega GPU's (~6-9%)
+ Performance increase on 'autolykos2' algorithm on rest GPU's (~3-5%)
+ Added abort mechanism for 'autolykos2' dataset creation on GPU

+ Performance increase on 'autolykos2' algorithm on GPU's
+ Devfee increased on 'autolykos2' algorithm from 1.25% to 2.00%
+ Ethash - added 1 or 2 buffer mode for DAG (manually set with --gpu-ethash-mode, check Help\Cmd_Gpu_Parameters.txt)
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Performance increase on 'autolykos2' algorithm on GPU's
+ Reduced power consumption on 'autolykos2' algorithm on GPU's
+ Faster dataset creation on 'autolykos2' algorithm on GPU's
+ Fixed miner crashing when creating dataset on 'autolykos2' algorithm
+ Fixed miner crashing when running --gpu-auto-tune on 'autolykos2' algorithm
+ Possible fix for 'duplicate share' issue on 'autolykos2' algorithm
+ Fixed 'k12' algorithm
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Huge performance increase on 'autolykos2' algorithm on GPU's (up to ~600%)
+ Huge performance increase on 'autolykos2' algorithm on CPU's with AVX2 (up to ~500%)
+ Added abort mechanism for 'autolykos2' dataset creation on CPU

+ Added algorithm 'autolykos2' (Ergo) for CPU/GPU mining, fee 1.25%
+ Performance increase on 'phi5' algorithm on CPU's with AVX2
+ Removed devfee for 'cryptonight_heavyx' algorithm
+ Bug fixes

+ Added algorithm 'phi5' for GPU mining, fee 0.85%
+ Added algorithm 'yespowertide' (Tidecoin) for CPU mining, fee 0.85%
+ Fixed 'cryptonight_xhv', now it works on coins other than Haven
+ Performance increase on 'phi5' algorithm on CPU
+ Bug fixes

+ Added algorithm 'circcash' (Circcash) for CPU mining, fee 0.85%
+ Added algorithm 'phi5' (Combode) for CPU mining, fee 0.85%

+ Added algorithm 'balloon_zentoshi' (Zentoshi coin) for CPU mining, fee 0.85%
+ 'cryptonight_xhv' kernel small changes, pool side hashrate should be a little higher
+ Auto setup for 'cryptonight_xhv' algorithm is a little more agressive now (if you experience some issues, use --gpu-auto-intensity 1 for lighter settings)
+ Removed parameter '--gpu-worksize'

+ Added experimental support for RX 6500/6700/6800/6900 AMD devices
+ Small performance increase on 'cryptonight_gpu' algorithm
+ Small performance increase on 'curvehash' algorithm
+ Slow start (ramp up) of GPU's on miner start is now on by default
+ Added parameter '--disable-workers-ramp-up'
+ Added parameter '--gpu-extra-config' (check details in Help\Gpu_Tweaking_And_Boost.txt)
+ Removed 'tellor' algorithm
+ Removed 'rainforestv2' algorithm

+ Fixed a bug on 'randomx' algorithm that could cause miner to create invalid shares for some jobs ( Important fix! )
+ Removed algorithm 'cryptonight_bbc'
+ Removed algorithm 'cryptonight_catalans'
+ Bug fixes

+ Increased hashrate on 'curvehash' algorithm ~ 10-13%
+ Added possibility to dual mine Ethash+Zil, Etchash+Zil (mine ETH-ETC on any pool, check details in Help\Other\Eth-Etc-Zil.txt)
+ Fixed issue with boost/tweak profiles on some systems
+ Fixed issue with 'internet not found' error on some Windows Server systems
+ Fixed issue with disconnections on Mining Rig Rentals (MRR)
+ Added parameter '--a0-is-zil', use it with '--multi-algorithm-job-mode 3' to mine ZIL
+ Added parameter '--diff-factor' which can set the diff multiplier for some algorithms (Zpool->curvehash for ex.)

+ Added algorithm 'curvehash' (Curvehashcoin) for CPU mining, fee 0.85%
+ Added support for older AMD cards (tahiti, pitcairn) on most of the algorithms
+ Removed 'm7mv2' algorithm
+ Removed parameter '--gpu-tweak-unsupported' because it was useless
+ Small fixes

+ Added algorithm 'etchash' (Ethereum Classic) , fee 0.65%
+ Added algorithm 'randomhash2' (PascalCoin) for CPU mining, fee 0.85%
+ Added algorithm 'scryptn2' (Verium, Bitcoin Subsidium) for CPU mining, fee 0.85% (run as admin/root for more hashrate)
+ GPU tweaking/boosting now available on both Windows & Linux
+ Extended GPU tweaks support with R9 290/380/390 cards
+ Added parameter '--gpu-tweak-unsupported'
+ Added parameter '--gpu-boost'
+ Added parameter '--msr-use-preset'
+ Bug fixes

+ Added algorithm 'argon2id_ninja' fee 0.85%
+ DevFee for 'ethash' algorithm lowered to 0.65%
+ DevFee for 'ubqhash' algorithm lowered to 0.65%
+ DevFee for 'minotaur' algorithm lowered to 0.85%
+ DevFee for 'randomxl' algorithm removed
+ Small performance increase on cryptonight_xhv algorithm
+ Parameter '--gpu-intensity' now accepts raw-intensity values too, so you can mix them if you want (ex. 12+2048 = intensity 12, raw-intensity 2048)
+ Removed parameter '--gpu-raw-intensity'
+ --multi-algorithm-job-mode 3 for CPU mining now uses number of threads defined for algorithm 1 when algorithm 0 can't be mined
+ Bug fixes

+ Added 'argon2id_chukwa2' algorithm for CPU & GPU (new turtlecoin algorithm)
+ Fixed bug that caused invalid shares sometimes in multi algorithm mode mining
+ Fixed bug that made miner console freeze when holding scrollbar (windows)
+ Changed default value for '--retry-time' from 15 to 5 seconds
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Added 'argon2d_dynamic' for GPU mining
+ Added 'argon2id_chukwa' for GPU mining
+ Added 'cryptonight_cache' CPU & GPU
+ Fixed 'duplicate share' errors with 'ethash' algorithm
+ Less stale shares on 'ethash' algorithm in auto mode
+ Faster 'verushash' on CPU's without AES
+ Proper support for 64+ thread CPU's on Windows
+ More bug fixes

+ Added 'verushash' for GPU mining
+ 'verushash' on CPU optimised a little bit
+ 'ethash' on GPU optimised a little bit
+ Optimised algorithm redirecting with CPU mined algorithms
+ Removed 'MTP' algorithm
+ Bug fixes

+ Added algorithm 'argon2id_chukwa'
+ Added algorithm 'argon2d_dynamic'
+ Added parameter '--miner-priority' to set priority of main miner process
+ Renamed '--cpu-priority' to '--cpu-threads-priority'
+ Faster hashrate refresh interval for CPU workers
+ Fixed (probably) crash when mining with 'randomepic' algorithm
+ Bug fixes

+ Now supporting real MULTI ALGORITHM mining, you can mine up to 4 algorithms at the same time
+ Changed API and WEB stats to be compatible with the new multi algorithm mining functionality
+ Added GPU auto tune functionality
+ A lot of changes in configuration parameters and the way you define them (check Help folder)

SRBMiner-MULTI thread - HERE
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October 04, 2019, 04:43:36 PM

this miner dont support cn algo? in future too?
doktor83 (OP)
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October 04, 2019, 04:48:03 PM

this miner dont support cn algo? in future too?

You mean RandomX algo ?
I will probably add CPU support, GPU not so sure.

SRBMiner-MULTI thread - HERE
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October 04, 2019, 04:57:57 PM

I shall ask anyways..

5700 support?  Grin Grin
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October 04, 2019, 05:09:24 PM

Bug Report in guided setup.

The new start file is created in the following way
SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --config Config\config-yespower.txt --pools Pools\pools-yespower.txt --disable-gpu --logfile Logs\log-yespower.txt

Correct bat
SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --config-file Config\config-yespower.txt --pools-file Pools\pools-yespower.txt --disable-gpu --log-file Logs\log-yespower.txt

Setup uses the old srbminer format.
doktor83 (OP)
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October 04, 2019, 05:32:06 PM

I shall ask anyways..

5700 support?  Grin Grin

I want to, but i need to buy one first.

@GKumaran thanks for reporting that bug

SRBMiner-MULTI thread - HERE
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October 04, 2019, 06:42:37 PM

Will all CN coins migrate to RamdomX?

I don't think so.
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October 04, 2019, 09:20:42 PM
Last edit: October 05, 2019, 01:21:25 AM by igotek

How to set rigid on to mine MBC ?
I couldnt find any information about it in the read me file.


could you give me any example of mining 0XBTC on keccak algo ?

I cannot live, I cannot die, trapped in myself.
Hold my breath as I wish for death. Oh please god, help me !
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October 04, 2019, 09:53:33 PM

:O  damn man nice, i was JUST saying in an earlier thread i needed a modern miner for my r9's i was firing back up
then you release this, couldn't be better timing.
Gonna test this tonight, nice to see something by a known dev
Have some merit on me Smiley

~Got this girl in my bed, a roof over my head, i mint a couple coins a week, and thats how i make bread~
~On the 12th day of Hatzvah, OGminer said to me: "compute root of the merkle hash tree!"~
Prohashing  -- Simply the best Multipool!
doktor83 (OP)
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October 05, 2019, 03:56:31 AM

How to set rigid on to mine MBC ?
I couldnt find any information about it in the read me file.


could you give me any example of mining 0XBTC on keccak algo ?

Hi, the format is on skypool.

You can't mine 0xbtc with this, i just quick googled it looks like their stratum/net code is different, maybe some other things too.

SRBMiner-MULTI thread - HERE
doktor83 (OP)
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October 05, 2019, 03:58:07 AM

:O  damn man nice, i was JUST saying in an earlier thread i needed a modern miner for my r9's i was firing back up
then you release this, couldn't be better timing.
Gonna test this tonight, nice to see something by a known dev
Have some merit on me Smiley

Sorry i will have to dissapoint you, but i added support for those blindly, i don't own anything older than rx, so please share the results with me too Smiley

SRBMiner-MULTI thread - HERE
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October 05, 2019, 08:13:23 PM

New network launch

-MBCs (MicroBitcoin) which haven't been moved since hardfork will be burned. (There is approximately 2,700,000 BTC activated so far from the 525,001 block)
-Locking up the 50% of the premined contributors' MicroBitcoin. (Almost 5,000,000,000 MBC will be technically locked up until 2021.)
-Maximum Supply will be almost 61,000,000,000 MBC. It will be different according to the snapshot amount.
-Reward for first block of new network will be changed from 12,500 MBC to 5,500 MBC. And reward for each new block will be calculated using the function in the document below.
-To make network more reliable, prevent block spamming and create better fee market, block size will be decreased to 300kb.
-New PoW lgorithm - modified YesPower (sha256 replaced with blake2b)
You can read more about new network in following this post

Your new miner for rainforestv2 algorithm was perfect. But there is an update on the MBC.
Will you support the new algorithm for MicroBitcoin ?

I cannot live, I cannot die, trapped in myself.
Hold my breath as I wish for death. Oh please god, help me !
doktor83 (OP)
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October 05, 2019, 09:08:44 PM

New network launch

-MBCs (MicroBitcoin) which haven't been moved since hardfork will be burned. (There is approximately 2,700,000 BTC activated so far from the 525,001 block)
-Locking up the 50% of the premined contributors' MicroBitcoin. (Almost 5,000,000,000 MBC will be technically locked up until 2021.)
-Maximum Supply will be almost 61,000,000,000 MBC. It will be different according to the snapshot amount.
-Reward for first block of new network will be changed from 12,500 MBC to 5,500 MBC. And reward for each new block will be calculated using the function in the document below.
-To make network more reliable, prevent block spamming and create better fee market, block size will be decreased to 300kb.
-New PoW lgorithm - modified YesPower (sha256 replaced with blake2b)
You can read more about new network in following this post

Your new miner for rainforestv2 algorithm was perfect. But there is an update on the MBC.
Will you support the new algorithm for MicroBitcoin ?

Yes, i will. CPU miner will be ready, for GPU part i am not even sure that there will be one, as yespower is GPU unfriendly Smiley

SRBMiner-MULTI thread - HERE
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October 05, 2019, 10:43:30 PM

:O  damn man nice, i was JUST saying in an earlier thread i needed a modern miner for my r9's i was firing back up
then you release this, couldn't be better timing.
Gonna test this tonight, nice to see something by a known dev
Have some merit on me Smiley

Sorry i will have to dissapoint you, but i added support for those blindly, i don't own anything older than rx, so please share the results with me too Smiley

oh ok, ya so far ive had no luck with rainforestv2 on my 290's, but i have alot of testing yet to do, i should really just retire these things to a scrapyard probably Tongue
590's are like less than 200$ usd now :O seems like a good price

~Got this girl in my bed, a roof over my head, i mint a couple coins a week, and thats how i make bread~
~On the 12th day of Hatzvah, OGminer said to me: "compute root of the merkle hash tree!"~
Prohashing  -- Simply the best Multipool!
doktor83 (OP)
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October 06, 2019, 05:19:05 AM

:O  damn man nice, i was JUST saying in an earlier thread i needed a modern miner for my r9's i was firing back up
then you release this, couldn't be better timing.
Gonna test this tonight, nice to see something by a known dev
Have some merit on me Smiley

Sorry i will have to dissapoint you, but i added support for those blindly, i don't own anything older than rx, so please share the results with me too Smiley

oh ok, ya so far ive had no luck with rainforestv2 on my 290's, but i have alot of testing yet to do, i should really just retire these things to a scrapyard probably Tongue
590's are like less than 200$ usd now :O seems like a good price

What does no luck means ? Smiley
Maybe i can help. Is it working (hashing), or you get some errors, or.. ?

SRBMiner-MULTI thread - HERE
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October 06, 2019, 01:35:46 PM

:O  damn man nice, i was JUST saying in an earlier thread i needed a modern miner for my r9's i was firing back up
then you release this, couldn't be better timing.
Gonna test this tonight, nice to see something by a known dev
Have some merit on me Smiley

Sorry i will have to dissapoint you, but i added support for those blindly, i don't own anything older than rx, so please share the results with me too Smiley

oh ok, ya so far ive had no luck with rainforestv2 on my 290's, but i have alot of testing yet to do, i should really just retire these things to a scrapyard probably Tongue
590's are like less than 200$ usd now :O seems like a good price

What does no luck means ? Smiley
Maybe i can help. Is it working (hashing), or you get some errors, or.. ?

Something is not good with your miner...mining rfv2 with 480/580/570 and miner show dead gpu on some card,i change the clock,voltage,and nothing so i quit i lost 2h for nothing
doktor83 (OP)
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October 06, 2019, 03:57:51 PM
Last edit: October 06, 2019, 04:08:22 PM by doktor83

:O  damn man nice, i was JUST saying in an earlier thread i needed a modern miner for my r9's i was firing back up
then you release this, couldn't be better timing.
Gonna test this tonight, nice to see something by a known dev
Have some merit on me Smiley

Sorry i will have to dissapoint you, but i added support for those blindly, i don't own anything older than rx, so please share the results with me too Smiley

oh ok, ya so far ive had no luck with rainforestv2 on my 290's, but i have alot of testing yet to do, i should really just retire these things to a scrapyard probably Tongue
590's are like less than 200$ usd now :O seems like a good price

What does no luck means ? Smiley
Maybe i can help. Is it working (hashing), or you get some errors, or.. ?

Something is not good with your miner...mining rfv2 with 480/580/570 and miner show dead gpu on some card,i change the clock,voltage,and nothing so i quit i lost 2h for nothing

I got it running for 10 days on 7 rigs, same cards 4/8gb .. that is about 40 gpu's.. did you try anything else beside leaving the default auto config (intensity 0) ?
If you use straps and settings for ethereum, you should give it a little more voltage. Mem clock is not really important so it can be lowered.
Share what have you tried, maybe i/we can help you.
It's the easiest to say the problem is in the miner.. Smiley

SRBMiner-MULTI thread - HERE
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Activity: 60
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October 06, 2019, 04:10:15 PM

:O  damn man nice, i was JUST saying in an earlier thread i needed a modern miner for my r9's i was firing back up
then you release this, couldn't be better timing.
Gonna test this tonight, nice to see something by a known dev
Have some merit on me Smiley

Sorry i will have to dissapoint you, but i added support for those blindly, i don't own anything older than rx, so please share the results with me too Smiley

oh ok, ya so far ive had no luck with rainforestv2 on my 290's, but i have alot of testing yet to do, i should really just retire these things to a scrapyard probably Tongue
590's are like less than 200$ usd now :O seems like a good price

What does no luck means ? Smiley
Maybe i can help. Is it working (hashing), or you get some errors, or.. ?

Something is not good with your miner...mining rfv2 with 480/580/570 and miner show dead gpu on some card,i change the clock,voltage,and nothing so i quit i lost 2h for nothing

I got it running for 10 days on 7 rigs, same cards 4/8gb .. that is about 40 gpu's.. did you try anything else beside leaving the default auto config (intensity 0) ?
If you use straps and settings for ethereum, you should give it a little more voltage. Mem clock is not really important so it can be lowered.
It's the easiest to say the problem is in the miner.. Smiley

If is not the miner what it is? i use your miner before on cryptonight and it was ok..i have 3 rigs and the same problems...i don't know what to use and i put on 0 auto..what do you recommend on this cards to stay stable and not crash the gpu(post your clock,voltage.memclock) Huh? trust me i try hi voltage and the same rezoult gpu die(gpu clock 1150-1000) i don't remember to have that much issuse running miners like this one  
doktor83 (OP)
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October 06, 2019, 04:31:35 PM

:O  damn man nice, i was JUST saying in an earlier thread i needed a modern miner for my r9's i was firing back up
then you release this, couldn't be better timing.
Gonna test this tonight, nice to see something by a known dev
Have some merit on me Smiley

Sorry i will have to dissapoint you, but i added support for those blindly, i don't own anything older than rx, so please share the results with me too Smiley

oh ok, ya so far ive had no luck with rainforestv2 on my 290's, but i have alot of testing yet to do, i should really just retire these things to a scrapyard probably Tongue
590's are like less than 200$ usd now :O seems like a good price

What does no luck means ? Smiley
Maybe i can help. Is it working (hashing), or you get some errors, or.. ?

Something is not good with your miner...mining rfv2 with 480/580/570 and miner show dead gpu on some card,i change the clock,voltage,and nothing so i quit i lost 2h for nothing

I got it running for 10 days on 7 rigs, same cards 4/8gb .. that is about 40 gpu's.. did you try anything else beside leaving the default auto config (intensity 0) ?
If you use straps and settings for ethereum, you should give it a little more voltage. Mem clock is not really important so it can be lowered.
It's the easiest to say the problem is in the miner.. Smiley

If is not the miner what it is? i use your miner before on cryptonight and it was ok..i have 3 rigs and the same problems...i don't know what to use and i put on 0 auto..what do you recommend on this cards to stay stable and not crash the gpu(post your clock,voltage.memclock) Huh? trust me i try hi voltage and the same rezoult gpu die(gpu clock 1150-1000) i don't remember to have that much issuse running miners like this one  

Auto setup sets 2 threads / gpu, so try 1 thread instead.

For 470/570 try :

intensity 27
worksize 64
threads 1

for 480/580 :

intensity 27
worksize 128
threads 1

Also try to play with intensity, not all gpu's can handle the same settings/overclocking settings.

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