Devs spoke to him, we are yet to get response/oppinion on the situation. He came out in the open because people were talking about bots/scripts/bug/exploits, it is human pool. I guess he was afraid of getting their addresses killed and approached. Syd checked their flips, they were high quality, made with effort flips. Even used some actual memes for flips, like they are making flips because it is fun to them.

It's Dalik or Max on telegram. Funny guy.

Don't have energy to sum it up and type again after whole day typing yesterday in 10 chats, i agree with Syd, so i will quote him
Syd - Idena Gang Today at 10:39 AM
My take on that subject...
It's good that it's not an IA/exploit bug. Like Sysy said here, what happens is the "game". Sad game, but it was always a legit risk for Idena (in that sense i always thought bugs in short session were an issue but bad flips were less, because it's "part of the human game", whether we like it or not). For me, Farms were always a problem and a risk, but it's also true that I didn't expect such scale that early.
I've looked a bit at the farmers, they all seem to have done good flips, i even saw funny memes in it. It's not even like they are putting no effort. It seems really russian-based (so i would argue, a bit less clueless atm than indian or nigerian farmers). It seems like they kinda... "care?" I dont think only one guys do all the flips, right ? Anyway, why all accept to give all the power to one person ? well it was said, money of course. But the scale of that thing that quickly, the fact also that it's not that "careless" , all of this makes me think that it has to be some trust that started the thing. Note also that they have many "humans" status and good results, and manage to achieve to get invites. That's why i unironically think it can be a russian "village" (at least at core) or something more than low paid workers from africa. We kinda need to realize us Westerners than not all the world has that individual logic : in many conservative countries, it's normal to give your vote to a third part. Back in time in France, the village gave the vote to the priest that would then represent them toward the King.
So now what to do?
In the short term, we actually need farms to fight each others (go help johnston

- if you didn't understand yet, for info, he is not the 600 guys farm owner). Farms will exist in idena, that's a certitude, we just need that it doesn't kill idena in its infancy, for that we need some kind of balance of power. Like bitcoin, that could have easily died in the very early stage, Idena is in the hardest period before we could scale and reach some turning point. I'm not that worried of the fact that a farm exist : it's more than only one guy managed to do that scale that is worrying.
In the medium term, there will be things to educate people, like watermarks, like many ideas we discussed. Make it EASY to validate. The most hardcore thing is to HF farmers like Ubi suggested. It's a big debate, kinda similar to ETH/ETC debate. Do we let only protocol decide or not ? Like Rioda said the issue is that the frontier is not everytime clear. And they will find ways to clear their marks if we do this... So i don't really like that idea. But good thing imo is that it put the business model at risk. Make CEOs doubt of the value of their organisation. Not very scientific reasoning, but to be unclear on that subject makes the business model more risky. Also that's why i liked the private key idea, even if lemoe made some good point against.
So to sum up: Educate people/Make validation ultra easy/Put the business model of farmers at risk everytime.
In the long run, we can't fight them in other manner than educate and hope for the best. And Scale, that's the only long run solution : making that even a 600 farm owner will own only a marginable part of the network. That's why the early stage are so difficult and why in some way i hope for some balance of power between farms for now...
Devs are talking and thinking about it they will tell their opinion to us soon hopefully.