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Author Topic: Coronavirus Outbreak  (Read 30163 times)
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March 24, 2021, 12:57:48 PM

Another thing with the corona outbreak I noticed in my country is that everybody is speaking of the British, Brazilian or South African virus mutation, but when speaking about the original virus it is not okay to say it is the Chinese virus. How can that be? It feels like there are so many things happening behind closed doors that we will never find out. It's been almost 1.5 years and we still don't know if it was an biological attack or not. I wish the politicians would pressure more to get answers.
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March 24, 2021, 03:15:17 PM

Another thing with the corona outbreak I noticed in my country is that everybody is speaking of the British, Brazilian or South African virus mutation, but when speaking about the original virus it is not okay to say it is the Chinese virus. How can that be? It feels like there are so many things happening behind closed doors that we will never find out. It's been almost 1.5 years and we still don't know if it was an biological attack or not. I wish the politicians would pressure more to get answers.

First thing is that the virus start with china but it has a name and it is corona virus, now different variants exists, and to avoid confusion, the variant where it first mutate is the one name being used to describe it. It's that simple, even in asia, variants that mutates in countries such as Japan were it is called Japanese variant.

If we will have different names for different variants, then confusion will start and ordinary people will even be confused and panic cause of the depth of the names being used.

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March 24, 2021, 06:02:29 PM

After all this time, nobody has come up with Covid virus isolation. Lots of talk that they did. But all the systems used to isolate were open to contamination in many ways. If there was a proper isolation, there wou8ld have been many people expressing it right out in the open all over the place... done many times.


Covid is snake venom. Dr. Bryan Ardis - Search on 'Bryan Ardis' at these links,,,
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March 26, 2021, 04:25:08 PM

After all this time, nobody has come up with Covid virus isolation. Lots of talk that they did. But all the systems used to isolate were open to contamination in many ways. If there was a proper isolation, there wou8ld have been many people expressing it right out in the open all over the place... done many times.


After all this time, you disregard all the researches, widely open in the public that really says they've isolated the virus.

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March 26, 2021, 04:33:50 PM

After all this time, nobody has come up with Covid virus isolation. Lots of talk that they did. But all the systems used to isolate were open to contamination in many ways. If there was a proper isolation, there wou8ld have been many people expressing it right out in the open all over the place... done many times.


After all this time, you disregard all the researches, widely open in the public that really says they've isolated the virus.

it has been done by many people in many places many times
its how different countries know about varients and have the sequences of such.
badecker is just confused because he is only refering to a april 2020 outdated myth talking about data some idiot found in -january-february that only china tried.

badecker does not realise that by march many countries done their own isolates.. and so by the very day the idiot released his blog.. he was already outdated.
and by badecker still thinking its january2020 and the only info he has seen is the blog.. he is just making himself look like an idiot too

there are thousands of isolate reports. badecker has been linked them but continues to ignore them

he will never learn that its not january 2020 anymore. he will never accept time moves forward. or that science does things after january 2020.
he will stay in is ignorance and cry like a baby that no one is feeding him things he wants to be fed

Please do your own research & respect what is written here as both opinion & information gleaned from experience. many people replying with insults but no on-topic content substance, automatically are 'facepalmed' and yawned at
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March 26, 2021, 05:17:52 PM

After all this time, nobody has come up with Covid virus isolation. Lots of talk that they did. But all the systems used to isolate were open to contamination in many ways. If there was a proper isolation, there wou8ld have been many people expressing it right out in the open all over the place... done many times.


After all this time, you disregard all the researches, widely open in the public that really says they've isolated the virus.

it has been done by many people in many places many times
its how different countries know about varients and have the sequences of such.
badecker is just confused because he is only refering to a april 2020 outdated myth talking about data some idiot found in -january-february that only china tried.

badecker does not realise that by march many countries done their own isolates.. and so by the very day the idiot released his blog.. he was already outdated.
and by badecker still thinking its january2020 and the only info he has seen is the blog.. he is just making himself look like an idiot too

there are thousands of isolate reports. badecker has been linked them but continues to ignore them

he will never learn that its not january 2020 anymore. he will never accept time moves forward. or that science does things after january 2020.
he will stay in is ignorance and cry like a baby that no one is feeding him things he wants to be fed

The popular isolations of the virus aren't isolations at all. They are simply good guesses that the virus might exist in the conglomeration of junk withdrawn from a sick or dead person. Just because similar withdrawn substance has certain aspects found basically in almost all sick or dead patients with the symptoms, doesn't mean that the virus has been isolated. It simply means that there are certain substances in sick or dead patients.

No isolation of the virus means that we don't really know what the virus needs to be "poisoned" with, because we haven't pinpointed the virus to test it. Instead, we play the game of disrupting people's lives with a blindfold on our eyes.

That's the medical for you. The interesting thing is that they know they don't know, but many are covering it up like franky1.


Covid is snake venom. Dr. Bryan Ardis - Search on 'Bryan Ardis' at these links,,,
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March 26, 2021, 05:45:52 PM

they didnt just take a sample and put the whole sample into someone else..
EG make someone else drink mucus.. they have actually separated the parts and isolated things down to the genetic level where all thats left in the separate is one thing. they then tested that separated thing..
separate thing=isolate

stop trying to dig around an out dated blog from april 2020 talking nonsense and only trying to hint at stuff from january 2020.
it passed koch rivers and bell. and it even passed your centrifuge question too.. stop being ignornant and forgetting this stuff

update yourself with what has actually happened around the world from march 2020-march 2021

you are circling nonsense outdated stuff and its just making you look more stupid the longer you  repeat it.

wake up to the real world of march 2021. and DO SOME RESEARCH

Please do your own research & respect what is written here as both opinion & information gleaned from experience. many people replying with insults but no on-topic content substance, automatically are 'facepalmed' and yawned at
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March 26, 2021, 08:23:26 PM

they didnt just take a sample and put the whole sample into someone else..
EG make someone else drink mucus.. they have actually separated the parts and isolated things down to the genetic level where all thats left in the separate is one thing. they then tested that separated thing..
separate thing=isolate

stop trying to dig around an out dated blog from april 2020 talking nonsense and only trying to hint at stuff from january 2020.
it passed koch rivers and bell. and it even passed your centrifuge question too.. stop being ignornant and forgetting this stuff

update yourself with what has actually happened around the world from march 2020-march 2021

you are circling nonsense outdated stuff and its just making you look more stupid the longer you  repeat it.

wake up to the real world of march 2021. and DO SOME RESEARCH

But you are implying that I said that they took the whole cow, and called it an isolation.

Koch's Postulates says to do an isolation. He even suggests the way.

Then Rivers gives his recommended postulates - which are very good, btw - and explains them by stating that to do it Koch's way would take too long. So we need another method that is almost an accurate isolation, but has a little guesswork in it, yet is still close enough to accurate so that there is the greatest chance that there was a true isolation.

Today's so-called isolations don't even approach Rivers' work. Certainly they don't take the whole cow. They absolutely do separate a little bit of it out. But they are as far from a definite isolation as taking the whole cow is from grabbing some snot out of the cow's nose.

Keep on mixing up the point... just like the medical often does, simply by changing definitions, and worse, changing symptom definitions mid-stream in a so-called pandemic.

Unfortunately, the medical has turned into a money-making process, often irregardless of how many people it hurts or kills.


Covid is snake venom. Dr. Bryan Ardis - Search on 'Bryan Ardis' at these links,,,
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March 27, 2021, 12:49:53 AM

your assumption of lack of isolate is purely based on your ignorance of taking a blog opinion post from april 2020 from a non-genetesist

it has passed koch and rivers .. and even bell
they separated the parts right down to the single item level of a single thing that they then genetically sequenced

no human mucus left as that got discarded and they kept the single thing and they tested it on other specimens to see what symptoms it produced.

they then looked at what was in sick people but not in healthy people. as another confirmer

they then had other labs do it to triple confirm no contamination
they then had other labs do it with different methods to quadruple confirm it was not a process flaw

stop refering your info from the myth of the one year old blog from someone with no ands on experience.

actually learn something real.. you have had a year. so you cannot say you never had the time

Please do your own research & respect what is written here as both opinion & information gleaned from experience. many people replying with insults but no on-topic content substance, automatically are 'facepalmed' and yawned at
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March 27, 2021, 12:56:26 AM

... and AstraZeneca only had a 80 percent effectiveness which is below the others.

Hands down 100  percent effectiveness would be better than 80% one but when million of people are already dead  and there is a huge  shortage of more effective  vaccines AstraZeneca is a good deal to mitigate  the spread of infection. IMO, NIAID statement  looks like an  "information" weapons used by business rivals - "may have included outdated information" is not equal to "undoubtedly, included", everything looks like nothing.

NAID isn't making anything off these vaccines, and since it's not like the US is lacking in vaccines. If you're elderly, you can get a vaccine in almost any developed country today. AstraZeneca probably tried to either manipulate data or put out data that was false/old by accident, so they'll be stopped at the door if they try to get authorization in the US. I just find it weird the NAID would publicly comment, makes me believe these data "errors" might not have been accidental (keep in mind, if you're a business, you get big bucks for an FDA authorization bc your vaccine will be rolled out to millions all paid for by the government).
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March 27, 2021, 10:51:04 AM

your assumption of lack of isolate is purely based on your ignorance of taking a blog opinion post from april 2020 from a non-genetesist

it has passed koch and rivers .. and even bell
they separated the parts right down to the single item level of a single thing that they then genetically sequenced

no human mucus left as that got discarded and they kept the single thing and they tested it on other specimens to see what symptoms it produced.

they then looked at what was in sick people but not in healthy people. as another confirmer

they then had other labs do it to triple confirm no contamination
they then had other labs do it with different methods to quadruple confirm it was not a process flaw

stop refering your info from the myth of the one year old blog from someone with no ands on experience.

actually learn something real.. you have had a year. so you cannot say you never had the time

You still don't get it, do you! Anybody can say, "We isolated it," any billion times. But where is the actual isolation process written down in enough detail - where it talks the researchers, the step-by-step, the machines used, the filters used, the whole shebang - plus lab location info, and researcher names and contact points.

There are a lot of words in so-called isolation reports. But the important info actually recording the isolation process in action as it is being done, is always missing. But here is the big point.

This is a worldwide thing, possibly affecting billions of people, with hundreds of thousands of doctors and researchers and other medical people. But there doesn't even seem to be one video of the whole process being done using Koch's or Rivers' Postulates. How strange, especially since videos of everything are a big thing these days.

Do you have two videos of the step-by-step process of isolation being recorded, with the researcher explaining what he/she is doing every step of the way?

So you see, there's a big problem with the whole explanation of Covid. It's all coverup. Or can you supply the wording from a report that shows the step-by-step process. So far, all the reports you have provided only say that some process was used. But that isn't how a lab researcher keeps his notebook. Let's see the notebook, or the written report right from the notebook. And, the video.

One thing you might do, since you are so well connected, is to get one of your medical buddies to actually isolate the virus using Koch's or Rivers', and write up the report as it should be written. And include video with explanation.


Covid is snake venom. Dr. Bryan Ardis - Search on 'Bryan Ardis' at these links,,,
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March 27, 2021, 11:57:11 AM

With this corona virus outbreak really affect the people globally, economy, industrial, tourist and everything in this health is at stake, you've got to have a strong immune system other you will easily affected too. All over the world government of diff. country didn't what to do, it's so sudden and sadden everyone we don't know when would this end be?only God knows. 

Keep aside this covid 19 is self made or natural, the world is under the attack by third wave of Covid-19. I wonder how many covid-19 waves we have to see before all this pandemic ends.
Even after the vaccine, there is no stoppage of spread of this virus and experts says it will get worse with time.   ▄████████████████████████████████████▄
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April 22, 2021, 02:37:09 AM
Last edit: April 22, 2021, 02:59:36 AM by tvbcof

Lately we see some of our peers here on this board with a simple 'I can't wait to get vaxxed' message.  Sometimes it is stand-alone and seems pretty much out-of-the-blue.  The people popping up with this message are in some cases known to have a career doing on-line work and, of course, are bobbing for pennies with footer spam and the like.

Look at the work item description of this whistle-blowing 'influencer':

Oh, Hi there Nutilduh!  Gettin them 'deliverables' accepted?

sig spam anywhere and self-moderated threads on the pol&soc board are for losers.
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April 22, 2021, 06:39:19 PM

Lately we see some of our peers here on this board with a simple 'I can't wait to get vaxxed' message.  Sometimes it is stand-alone and seems pretty much out-of-the-blue.  The people popping up with this message are in some cases known to have a career doing on-line work and, of course, are bobbing for pennies with footer spam and the like.

Look at the work item description of this whistle-blowing 'influencer':

Oh, Hi there Nutilduh!  Gettin them 'deliverables' accepted?

I like that where you say "... pretty much out-of-the-blue." You'll probably find most of the people that you are talking about, are in and coming out of the Blue States.


Covid is snake venom. Dr. Bryan Ardis - Search on 'Bryan Ardis' at these links,,,
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April 22, 2021, 11:40:19 PM

Another thing with the corona outbreak I noticed in my country is that everybody is speaking of the British, Brazilian or South African virus mutation, but when speaking about the original virus it is not okay to say it is the Chinese virus. How can that be? It feels like there are so many things happening behind closed doors that we will never find out. It's been almost 1.5 years and we still don't know if it was an biological attack or not. I wish the politicians would pressure more to get answers.

Because the people that started calling it "The China Virus" are the same people that spread a bunch of misinformation about China spreading the virus on purpose.  Calling it the China Virus at this point doesn't really do much harm other than make you look like an ignorant idiot.

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April 23, 2021, 04:57:22 PM

Another thing with the corona outbreak I noticed in my country is that everybody is speaking of the British, Brazilian or South African virus mutation, but when speaking about the original virus it is not okay to say it is the Chinese virus. How can that be? It feels like there are so many things happening behind closed doors that we will never find out. It's been almost 1.5 years and we still don't know if it was an biological attack or not. I wish the politicians would pressure more to get answers.

Because the people that started calling it "The China Virus" are the same people that spread a bunch of misinformation about China spreading the virus on purpose.  Calling it the China Virus at this point doesn't really do much harm other than make you look like an ignorant idiot.

And the main reason is, the virus that is the original, has its own name which is "Corona virus", while mutations are different.

They are also called Corona virus, but mutated in different places. Imagine having specific names for different places like

Corona Virus - COVIDoo or something you want it to be named.

To avoid confusion, they use places where it mutates "Covid - South african variant", much easier to be remembered right?

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April 23, 2021, 05:08:03 PM

The only reason coronavirus is effective at all is because people are nutritionally unhealthy.

Nutritionally unhealthy has to do with things like:
- eating too much processed, grocery store food;
- eating too much food with insecticides or herbicides on it;
- taking too many medications;
- drinking too much coffee;
- not getting an appropriate amount of vitamins... especially thiamine;
- more; study up on nutrition on the Net.

The common cold is a coronavirus. People who take vitamin C and never catch a cold, almost never get Covid or one of its variants.


Covid is snake venom. Dr. Bryan Ardis - Search on 'Bryan Ardis' at these links,,,
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April 23, 2021, 05:33:42 PM

The only reason coronavirus is effective at all is because people are nutritionally unhealthy.

Nutritionally unhealthy has to do with things like:
- eating too much processed, grocery store food;
- eating too much food with insecticides or herbicides on it;
- taking too many medications;
- drinking too much coffee;
- not getting an appropriate amount of vitamins... especially thiamine;
- more; study up on nutrition on the Net.

The common cold is a coronavirus. People who take vitamin C and never catch a cold, almost never get Covid or one of its variants.


really, that's why even jetcrash, advocate of vitamins and healthy living in this community, got the virus. Ergo your deduction is incorrect.

You can get the virus even though you're healthy and lively, its just that it will not be as deadly as to people who are unhealthy, and old.

As simple as that.

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April 23, 2021, 06:58:18 PM

The only reason coronavirus is effective at all is because people are nutritionally unhealthy.

Nutritionally unhealthy has to do with things like:
- eating too much processed, grocery store food;
- eating too much food with insecticides or herbicides on it;
- taking too many medications;
- drinking too much coffee;
- not getting an appropriate amount of vitamins... especially thiamine;
- more; study up on nutrition on the Net.

The common cold is a coronavirus. People who take vitamin C and never catch a cold, almost never get Covid or one of its variants.


really, that's why even jetcrash, advocate of vitamins and healthy living in this community, got the virus. Ergo your deduction is incorrect.

You can get the virus even though you're healthy and lively, its just that it will not be as deadly as to people who are unhealthy, and old.

As simple as that.

Anybody can get anything for any number of reasons. How do we know? Loads of people who have gotten the Covid vaccine, still got Covid, afterward.

If the PCR test was used to determine that you have the virus... you might have the virus, but not because the PCR test determines anything. PCR lies back and forth all over the place.

If you are sick with Covid symptoms, you don't really know that it is Covid, even if your doctor tells you. How do we know? Because there aren't really any more flu cases. They suddenly disappeared, and Covid took their place. So, what did Jet Cash really have. Probably the flu, but nobody really knows.


Covid is snake venom. Dr. Bryan Ardis - Search on 'Bryan Ardis' at these links,,,
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April 24, 2021, 07:35:13 AM

We do know for a fact a virus can not be transmitted from person to person. Numerous attempts at doing so, all failed. People are sick of own wrongdoing, thats it.
No test, no pandemic.

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