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Author Topic: Coronavirus Outbreak  (Read 30162 times)
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June 03, 2020, 08:27:13 AM
Last edit: June 03, 2020, 02:59:28 PM by Tash

Chlorine dioxide, hydroxychloroquine, chloroquine, zink.... is emergency fix.  Two options add proton or take away electron.

80 - 90% of dis-eases can be avoided with correct balanced diet of 60 - 80% ALKALINE foods  and the rest Acidic.
 Hydroxychloroquine,  C18H26ClN3O and Chloroquine C18H26ClN3
C18H26  Substance to make Pill, does nothing
O, Oxygen
ClN3, Chlorine azide decomposes acids, corrects electron – proton imbalance
ClO2, Chlorine dioxide (MMS) decomposes acids corrects electron – proton imbalance

The body can tolerate some abuse and is a great alchemist to find solutions to have a healthy balanced blood pH level of 7.35 to 7.45.
If the acid load is to great, short term or long term different dis-eases will emerge.  (covid, flu.. short term, longer term cancer…)
Wuhan, July 2019 lots of protest for bad air, acidic
Middle of winter, fresh veggies are rare and expensive
All seafood is acidic, people in fish marked have lots of cheap seafood available
Junk food is junk.
Bun, acidic
Burger, acidic
Cheese, acidic
Sauce, acidic
Ah yeh there is some green stuff in it, is it enough to have a well balanced meal?  If it is fake then its acidic
Wash it all down with a Soda drink (CO2),  acidic
Some 2-minute noodle soup in the break, acidic
And for evening a pizza, acidic

Amazingly, the body can still handle it, until it is attacked with some new radio wave to destroy a cell or two and from then it takes its course.

PRAL (Potential Renal Acid Load) measures the acidity or alkalinity of a food
When an alkaline food is metabolized, it will leave behind alkaline trace minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium
When an acidic food is metabolized, it will leave behind acidic trace minerals, such as  proteins, and phosphor
Takes about 3,5 Apples with Pale value of -1,92 for 100g of salted Mackerel, with Pale of  5.12 for healthy equilibrium.
pH (potential for hydrogen) healthy saliva value is 7 - 7.5

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June 03, 2020, 10:58:36 AM

the water that goes down your throat and into your stomach does not have the same composition as the water fluid that enters your blood stream. nor is it the same composition as the fluid that gets into your cells. nor the same composition as the fluid in your lungs that you exhale

drinking bleach would burn your throat and stomach but not destroy the virus in the lungs
but your an idiot for thinking that drinking water goes into the lungs and not the stomach

Chemistry is chemistry. Lots of people can talk all kinds of chemistry.

The important thing for us is, HCQ, CQ, and CD are curing people from Covid, just like they cure people from malaria.


Covid is snake venom. Dr. Bryan Ardis - Search on 'Bryan Ardis' at these links,,,
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June 03, 2020, 03:15:14 PM

The bad thing is that there's still no vaccine for covid - 19

Yes but till then we have to take care of ourselves and our loved ones. I have gone through some ayurveda videos of India and started eating basil leaves to prevent infection.
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June 03, 2020, 03:32:58 PM
Last edit: June 03, 2020, 04:30:40 PM by Tash

The bad thing is that there's still no vaccine for covid - 19

Yes but till then we have to take care of ourselves and our loved ones. I have gone through some ayurveda videos of India and started eating basil leaves to prevent infection.

Basil is ok (dried leafes better), but damn what is tastier some Basil or dried Apricots,  Raisins...
Second what good does it do when you then also eat some Vanilla Pudding, with a monster potential renal acid load of 85,3

Spices and HerbsPRAL mEq/100mg
Parsley, freeze-dried-108,6
Coriander leaf, dried-99,4
Chervil, dried-92,4
Basil, dried-85,3
Celery flakes, dried-84,5
Parsley, dried-81,4
Dill weed, dried-74,5
Basil, fresh-10,0
Apricots, dehydrated-33,0
Figs, dried-18,1
Litchis, dried-16,2
Currants, santé, dried-14,2
Dates, medjool-13,7
Plums, dried (prunes)-13,4
Avocados, raw,-8,2
Black Currants-6,5
Rhubarb, raw-6,3

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June 03, 2020, 03:49:13 PM

The bad thing is that there's still no vaccine for covid - 19

Producing and formulating a vaccine is not an easy job for the scientists out there. It will took at least a year before they actually manufacture it. It will undergo series of trials which consists different stages that includes tests of vaccines to small animals such as rats and once it passed, it will be tested on larger animals and once passed again it will now be applied to monkeys which is the closest animal to us homo sapiens based on our dna structure. After that, it will now be on Human trials. See, it is not easy. So it will take a lot of time to formulate a vaccine.

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June 03, 2020, 04:44:03 PM

The bad thing is that there's still no vaccine for covid - 19

Producing and formulating a vaccine is not an easy job for the scientists out there. It will took at least a year before they actually manufacture it. It will undergo series of trials which consists different stages that includes tests of vaccines to small animals such as rats and once it passed, it will be tested on larger animals and once passed again it will now be applied to monkeys which is the closest animal to us homo sapiens based on our dna structure. After that, it will now be on Human trials. See, it is not easy. So it will take a lot of time to formulate a vaccine.

Of course, Covid is already mutating into a different form that will not be affected by the vaccines produced a year from now. That's why the vaccines need to be used RIGHT NOW without any safety testing. Besides, if we die after the untested vaccines are used, nobody can say for sure that it was the vaccine that killed us. It might have been the new, mutated Covid. But, it might have been the new untested vaccine.


Covid is snake venom. Dr. Bryan Ardis - Search on 'Bryan Ardis' at these links,,,
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June 03, 2020, 11:32:16 PM

"Nurses Who Accused Stay at Home Protesters of ‘Killing Granny’ Applaud Thousands of Left-Wing Demonstrators in New York

Apparently, the virus can only spread amongst Trump supporters, not Antifa."
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June 04, 2020, 08:10:51 AM

Producing and formulating a vaccine is not an easy job for the scientists out there. It will took at least a year before they actually manufacture it. It will undergo series of trials which consists different stages that includes tests of vaccines to small animals such as rats and once it passed, it will be tested on larger animals and once passed again it will now be applied to monkeys which is the closest animal to us homo sapiens based on our dna structure. After that, it will now be on Human trials. See, it is not easy. So it will take a lot of time to formulate a vaccine.

US just done a small couple week animal trial and then went straight to a small group human trial(dozen). then they plan on right now doing a couple thousand human trial.
they will watch the results of the animals, dozen human and 2k human trial concurrently rather than consecutively
because when done consecutively they usually watch for 3-6 months each time which is the reason why it would have taken over a year to even get to the 2k human trial stage
those given the trial vaccine are fully aware of risks and volunteered to be 'guineapigs' in return for cash

Of course, Covid is already mutating into a different form that will not be affected by the vaccines produced a year from now. That's why the vaccines need to be used RIGHT NOW without any safety testing. Besides, if we die after the untested vaccines are used, nobody can say for sure that it was the vaccine that killed us. It might have been the new, mutated Covid. But, it might have been the new untested vaccine.

they can actually tell.
your just an idiot

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June 04, 2020, 08:17:54 AM
Last edit: June 04, 2020, 08:29:00 AM by franky1

"Nurses Who Accused Stay at Home Protesters of ‘Killing Granny’ Applaud Thousands of Left-Wing Demonstrators in New York

Apparently, the virus can only spread amongst Trump supporters, not Antifa."

peaceful protesters actually try to keep at a safe distance and not touch each other.
rioters and idiots would happily spit on each other and slap each other..

so yea the idiots protesting about the social distancing by being stupid and getting close and being idiots thinking they are immortal when they dry hump eachother.. will cause more infections

so the advice is this
dont be a drone/sheep being remotely controlled and told to risk your health/your risk of getting a criminal record. if you want to protest think about you and your families safety. keep at a safe distance

if you want a successful protest. instead of trying to cram thousands of people into a 1 square street block
separate at 2 metre distances and cover multiple city blocks

did you know that being crammed into one street is actually what police like. because they only need to stand at 2 ends of the street. and easily manage it.

but if people actually spread out. peacefully it can affect multiple streets. it can stop police/politicians from easily driving to and from work and really give them a headache
....................                     20 people blocking one street

.                    .  .  .   .  .
.                    .
.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                  20 people blocking 6 streets
.                    .
.                    .

i know its tempting to want to get famous for looting a store with your friends and punching shop owners or spitting on people. but you are not helping anyone, especially yourself

a $500 TV might sound like helping yourself. but a 6month jail sentance is more costly to you than if you just claimed social security for 1 month and stayed home. the bail would cost more than the TV

dry humping protesters with the flu might make you think you are gaining immortal powers. but a few weeks in hospital gasping for breath is more harm than just playing golf at a safe distance or just standing on a street at safe distance

so just dont be dumb about it

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June 04, 2020, 03:18:03 PM

Of course, Covid is already mutating into a different form that will not be affected by the vaccines produced a year from now. That's why the vaccines need to be used RIGHT NOW without any safety testing. Besides, if we die after the untested vaccines are used, nobody can say for sure that it was the vaccine that killed us. It might have been the new, mutated Covid. But, it might have been the new untested vaccine.

they can actually tell.
your just an idiot

Please show us that you are not an idiot. Show us two things:
1. The steps whereby they can tell;
2. The link to information about the highest powered, commonly used, microscope that can view living things in action.

Note that an electron microscope only works with dead things. We want to see living viruses in action so that we can know what they are really doing, and if they really are doing something at all.

Come on! Prove that you are not an idiot.

Thank you.


Covid is snake venom. Dr. Bryan Ardis - Search on 'Bryan Ardis' at these links,,,
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June 04, 2020, 05:01:14 PM
Last edit: June 04, 2020, 05:32:09 PM by franky1

a virus is not alive.
i know that you are trolling by putting that misdirect into your question

viruses are particles. they dont have arms or legs or tails or vertibrey to move in any 'alive' form' they are static that transfer/transport via the air or on another object or particle or fluid

but what you dont realise is that you debunked yourself months ago because you highlighted the processes. you just didnt research enough to realise the processes had been done

by the way 'electron microscopes' are more powerful than cell observing microscopes.
here is a hint
an electron... ill emphasize it. ELECTRON microscope can see at the atom level of 0.1nm
viruses are at less needed resolution(easier to see) at ~100nm

as for the processes
remember how you mentioned the koch process and as soon as you realised it passed that test you started calling out how its not a good process.. even after you proclaimed hard that it was a process that needed to be done
you also provided links months ago of doctors showing xrays and scans and talking about the other effects. but you yourself then stupidly wanted to say that viruses didnt exist and they died from something else

in short.
you dont actually want proof. you just want an excuse to be an idiot
well many people have called you an idiot. so just accept you are. and if you want proof look at the previous posts of other people that are not like you.

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June 04, 2020, 05:15:23 PM

a virus is not alive.
i know that you are trolling by putting that misdirect into your question

but what you dont realise is that you debunked yourself months ago because you highlighted the processes. you just didnt research enough to realise the processes had been done

remember how you mentioned the koch process and as soon as you realised it passed that test you started calling out how its not a good process.. even after you proclaimed hard that it was a process that needed to be done
you also provided links months ago of doctors showing xrays and scans and talking about the other effects. but you yourself then stupidly wanted to say that viruses didnt exist and they died from something else

in short.
you dont actually want proof. you just want an excuse to be an idiot
well many people have called you an idiot. so just accept you are. and if you want proof look at the previous posts of other people that are not like you.

Thanky, franky1.

Since viruses aren't alive, do they do anything? Pool balls aren't alive, yet they roll around when acted upon.

Have you found some links to a microscope that we can use to view viruses in living tissues, so we can see if they are acted upon by cue sticks or other pool balls?... so that we can tell that they are doing anything at all?

Come on! With all the viruses being talked about out there, surely there must be a microscope there that can watch them live, like a camera watches a live baseball game, even though the camera and the ball are both not living.

When are you going to show us the links to that microscope? The anticipation is growing. Don't deny us proof of virus activity any longer. Pleassssse! We can't take the suspense.


Covid is snake venom. Dr. Bryan Ardis - Search on 'Bryan Ardis' at these links,,,
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June 04, 2020, 05:45:58 PM

idiot again doesnt realise

microscopes can see atoms at 0.1nm
meaning microscopes can see things at easier resolutions
microscopes can see dna at 1nm
microscopes can see bacteriaphages at 20nm
microscopes can see viruses at 100nm
microscopes can see bacteria at 500nm
microscopes can see mitocondria at 600nm
microscopes can see cells at 10,000nm

so again. just for you.
a microscope able to see at 0.1mn
has no problems seeing at 100nm and 10,000nm
so yes microscopes can see viruses in cells

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June 04, 2020, 06:00:42 PM

idiot again doesnt realise

microscopes can see atoms at 0.1nm
meaning microscopes can see things at easier resolutions
microscopes can see dna at 1nm
microscopes can see bacteriaphages at 20nm
microscopes can see viruses at 100nm
microscopes can see bacteria at 500nm
microscopes can see mitocondria at 600nm
microscopes can see cells at 10,000nm

so again. just for you.
a microscope able to see at 0.1mn
has no problems seeing at 100nm and 10,000nm
so yes microscopes can see viruses in cells

No life in electron microscopes.

Show us a microscope that can view viruses acting in living tissue. Now don't say that we see the viruses in 2,500 power microscopes, but just don't realize what they are or when we are seeing them.

If they can't see viruses in action, all the virus claims are circumstantial evidence claims. After all, there are lots of other materials and objects wiggling around in cell tissues besides viruses.

Come on! show us some real proof, or at least some solid evidence. If you can't find it - you being in medical research - perhaps the proof or evidence isn't there. Maybe nobody really has proof that viruses are the things that are causing the damages.

There are doctors and researchers - most of them having been silenced by the medical - who claim that the viruses are repair units, existing to repair cells damaged by toxins from vaccines.


Covid is snake venom. Dr. Bryan Ardis - Search on 'Bryan Ardis' at these links,,,
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June 04, 2020, 08:52:38 PM

"Nurses Who Accused Stay at Home Protesters of ‘Killing Granny’ Applaud Thousands of Left-Wing Demonstrators in New York

Apparently, the virus can only spread amongst Trump supporters, not Antifa."

peaceful protesters actually try to keep at a safe distance and not touch each other.
rioters and idiots would happily spit on each other and slap each other..

Jersey City Protest from Tuesday:

███████████▀▀               ███
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June 04, 2020, 09:10:00 PM

"Nurses Who Accused Stay at Home Protesters of ‘Killing Granny’ Applaud Thousands of Left-Wing Demonstrators in New York
Apparently, the virus can only spread amongst Trump supporters, not Antifa."
peaceful protesters actually try to keep at a safe distance and not touch each other.
rioters and idiots would happily spit on each other and slap each other..
Jersey City Protest from Tuesday:

thats one group doing it right.
but same city. same day
others were pushing their luck

all trying to squeeze down one street.
hundreds of people stopped by just a couple dozen cops..
risking their health in the process too

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June 04, 2020, 09:34:04 PM
Last edit: June 04, 2020, 09:59:45 PM by TwitchySeal

"Nurses Who Accused Stay at Home Protesters of ‘Killing Granny’ Applaud Thousands of Left-Wing Demonstrators in New York
Apparently, the virus can only spread amongst Trump supporters, not Antifa."
peaceful protesters actually try to keep at a safe distance and not touch each other.
rioters and idiots would happily spit on each other and slap each other..
Jersey City Protest from Tuesday:

thats one group doing it right.
but same city. same day
others were pushing their luck

all trying to squeeze down one street.
hundreds of people stopped by just a couple dozen cops..
risking their health in the process too

I think that was the Manhatten bridge and they didn't know it was going to be blocked off on both sides, but you're not wrong.

Probably the absolute worst scenario, which I'm sure is happening daily now, is everyone packed into a small space getting pepper sprayed and coughing their lungs out all over each other.

███████████▀▀               ███
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June 05, 2020, 03:49:28 AM

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June 05, 2020, 06:14:00 AM

As suddenly as it appeared, Coronavirus is gone.

Incredible Disappearing Coronavirus - The Narrative Has Failed

Just over a week ago much of America faced jail if they dared break the "social distancing" rules put in place by tyrannical governors and other public officials. Now tens of thousands gather to protest a police killing with impunity. And the spikes they warned about in areas where restrictions were eased are not happening. So what is happening? Also, what to make of the Trump/Mattis/Esper spat over US troops deployed against rioters in the US?

Incredible Disappearing Coronavirus - The Narrative Has Failed


Covid is snake venom. Dr. Bryan Ardis - Search on 'Bryan Ardis' at these links,,,
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June 05, 2020, 06:32:31 AM

and the idiot believes some stupid faux media video made by someone no where near him. but he thinks the people in his own state are not real

check your own state badecker. the numbers in your own state are on the increase
mid May it was ~500 a day end of May was over ~700 a day

in your state your numbers are going up. not disapearing.

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