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Author Topic: Do you trust the co-vid19 vaccine ?  (Read 20723 times)
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December 12, 2020, 01:58:32 PM

I have heard a lot of opinions ... many are pro vaccine but also many are against it ...
And some don't even believe there is a real vaccine ... What about you ?
We don't have other choice. I don't know you will agree or not but we are really want to come out from this pandemic. We don't work freely. So we need a vaccine to come out form this situation. We want a free life.

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December 12, 2020, 02:46:47 PM

I have heard a lot of opinions ... many are pro vaccine but also many are against it ...
And some don't even believe there is a real vaccine ... What about you ?
We don't have other choice. I don't know you will agree or not but we are really want to come out from this pandemic. We don't work freely. So we need a vaccine to come out form this situation. We want a free life.

The other choice is to go to Mars with Elon Musk and stay there in space suits. I prefer to be vaccinated on Earth than later on Mars when some Martian virus will be found. The danger from cancer resulted from vaccination is far lesser than that danger inflicted by high energetic cosmic  particles that strikes human body every second.

there is no cancer risk
they say eating processed meat everyday gives you a cancer risk over 45years of that lifestyle. so requires a hell of alot of meat eating.(its cumulative over years. not single bite risk)

processed meat in one sandwich has 10,000 more minced up proteins and enzymes than a vaccine does.

so if you are like me and a meat eater. you should not worry. or if you are paranoid worry 10,000 less about a vaccine than your meat concern for cancer.

some science
wild viruses have protien patterns to multiply.. vaccines dont
eating meat is eating whole cells that include th nucleus(protein multiplier program)
vaccine is the outer membraine/shell identifier

its the difference between vaccine being an egg shell and processed meat being egg yoke.
you cant make a chicken from just the shell

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December 12, 2020, 03:15:51 PM
Merited by theymos (20), Foxpup (10), Cnut237 (2)

If I get COVID, my chance of dying or getting post-COVID syndrome seems very low, since I'm young and healthy, and post-COVID syndrome is very rare.
Mortality is rare in young and fit people, but it certainly is not zero. Even a mortality risk of 0.01% is a far greater risk than anything posed by this vaccine. We don't have full data on so called "long COVID" yet, but it seems far more common than we think. In previous SARS infections, up to 30% of people still had symptoms beyond 3 years which were severe enough to preclude working and affect what is known as "activities of daily living" (showering, dressing, cooking). With COVID, current data estimate around 10% of people in the 18-49 age group are experiencing long term symptoms, and up to 25% of over 70s. This is completely separate from the well document long term sequelae of any severe illness or intensive care admission.

Personally, also being young and healthy, I put any risk from this vaccine as much smaller than the risk posed by a COVID infection, even a mild one.

- What else is in the vaccine other than mRNA? Presumably there are some preservatives and binders; how much testing has been done on those in other vaccines? How does the non-mRNA stuff compare to the flu vaccine, for example?
See page 11 of

There are some lipid molecules to keep the RNA in solution, some sodium and potassium salts to regulate the pH, and sucrose (a sugar molecule) which helps to protect the RNA whilst frozen. Nothing worrisome in the slightest. No preservatives or adjuvants (not that these are worrisome in other vaccines).

- How exactly do they produce the mRNA? I'd guess that they genetically modified some bacteria or yeast to produce it, but I don't know.
It's entirely synthetic. The reaction involves the template DNA, some of the appropriate polymerase enzyme, and the necessary nucleoside triphosphates (the building blocks of RNA). No bacteria or yeast involved.

- I know that the mRNA should not normally integrate into your DNA, but what if you have some reverse transcriptase floating around from another virus? Is it possible, and would it be harmful?
No, it's not possible. Reverse transcriptases do not function on any random mRNA they find, and need specific instructions on the relevant piece of mRNA, which do not exist in the case of this vaccine. Even if it somehow could, all that would happen is the cell would produce more spike protein before being killed anyway by your immune system. If you are interested, there is a good article about this here, although it is quite technical for the lay person:

- I'm not sure, but maybe you're going to get quite a large amount of spike protein floating around inside of you, since each bit of mRNA can (I think) cause your body to produce many copies of spike protein. In other words, the total amount of foreign material that will be in your body is far more than the contents of the syringe. Is it possibly harmful to have so much spike protein in you? Could it destroy important cells? Could it accumulate in tissues and then cause problems later, maybe long after the vaccine?
Each piece of mRNA can be taken up by a single cell, and that cell will produce spike protein for a limited amount of time before the mRNA breaks down. The spike proteins are incorporated in to the cell membrane and presented to the immune cells - they are not released in to the general circulation. Cells which have presented the spike protein will be killed by your immune system. Also worth pointing out that anyone who has had a COVID infection (even if asymptomatic) will have been exposed to far greater quantities of spike protein than will be produced from this vaccine.

- DNA/RNA has a tendency to experience random mutation through exposure to light, temperature, etc. How likely is it that some mRNA in the vaccine will mutate into something really harmful?
Mutations in the RNA happen when it is being transcribed, not when it is inert or being translated to protein.

With FDA approval, looks like I'll be vaccinated before Christmas. Can't wait!
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December 12, 2020, 04:28:07 PM

What does that really mean? That you are basing your study of symptomatic people on 40 out of 100,000?

If you started to explain in ways that made sense, somebody might actually give you a little credibility.

its based on actual data of >40,000 out of ~100million americans between 15-45 that suffer from bells palsy every year.

should you ever have a moment to search the wonders of the internet away from your bookmarked conspiracy sites it would take you only a moment to find this info.
they have this (sarcasm) new technology called google, it makes it simple to find things. use it

See? If you had explained what you meant in the first place, somebody might have understood what you were talking about. Actually, this that you said here^^, doesn't look like it has anything to do with what you said in the first place.

Standard frank1. Jump all over the place to make it look like you know something. And when you are asked for an explanation, jump some more.

Google has sense behind it. You can find all kinds of info via Google. But nobody can even begin to figure out what frank1 is talking about. However, it makes him feel good to do it this way. So, he just keeps on going like this.


Covid is snake venom. Dr. Bryan Ardis - Search on 'Bryan Ardis' at these links,,,
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December 12, 2020, 05:26:48 PM

What does that really mean? That you are basing your study of symptomatic people on 40 out of 100,000?

If you started to explain in ways that made sense, somebody might actually give you a little credibility.

its based on actual data of >40,000 out of ~100million americans between 15-45 that suffer from bells palsy every year.

should you ever have a moment to search the wonders of the internet away from your bookmarked conspiracy sites it would take you only a moment to find this info.
they have this (sarcasm) new technology called google, it makes it simple to find things. use it

See? If you had explained what you meant in the first place, somebody might have understood what you were talking about. Actually, this that you said here^^, doesn't look like it has anything to do with what you said in the first place.

Standard frank1. Jump all over the place to make it look like you know something. And when you are asked for an explanation, jump some more.

Google has sense behind it. You can find all kinds of info via Google. But nobody can even begin to figure out what frank1 is talking about. However, it makes him feel good to do it this way. So, he just keeps on going like this.


I don't see any misinterpretation in the previous replies on those statements, The messages and replies are clear for the topic of Bells Palcy in PFIZER's research. I guess your lack of comprehension starts to rise in this situation. He just clearly stated facts that the number of bell palsy incidents on the side effect of the vaccine is clearly an insignificant number in the study, and can be even disregarded. If you ever scroll back to the start of that thread, you can even see that the bells palcy is only temporary. So no insignificant messages there.

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December 12, 2020, 05:49:00 PM

What does that really mean? That you are basing your study of symptomatic people on 40 out of 100,000?

If you started to explain in ways that made sense, somebody might actually give you a little credibility.

its based on actual data of >40,000 out of ~100million americans between 15-45 that suffer from bells palsy every year.

See? If you had explained what you meant in the first place, somebody might have understood what you were talking about. Actually, this that you said here^^, doesn't look like it has anything to do with what you said in the first place.

Standard frank1. Jump all over the place to make it look like you know something. And when you are asked for an explanation, jump some more.

maybe i try to reveal the facts but without spoonfeeding every detail with pages and pages of explanation..
maybe its upto you to then look at the detail separately. like double check it. or simply to learn the finer details..
maybe i leave out certain detail or use a certain stat to steer the idiots into their own hole to let them fall into their own hole when they try to defend their theory.
maybe if idiots actually check they want fall into their own hole

EG if you actually checked and done the math you could have called me out on the 20:100k number and say 'franky your wrong its actually 40:100k'.. but you didnt.
i purposefully only mentioned the 20:100k to let you fall into a hole either way.
because even if you did workout its 40:100k. you then end up debunking your own stance.
so win win for me

you might call it jumping.. i call it being a couple steps ahead.
but you badecker and tvbcof like to flip flop.. or as you call it one step forard one step back..and that tactic wont get you anywhere

heck i can even tell the next theory you will spout out before you even do it.
im guessing your next theory will be the one that although pfizer is the most cleanest least preservative added vaccine. its being handed out to priority groups and healthcare people.. and later once those groups had the good vaccine the rest of the people that you deem dont need the vaccine due to healthier bodies. will be given the other brands of vaccine that do have more preservatives in it. and thus you will run down a path that leads to a hole of saying tht the summer vaccine season for younger people are given bad vaccines full of stuff you have not checked or know anything about.
and worry not. i already have some debunks prepped for that theory too

Please do your own research & respect what is written here as both opinion & information gleaned from experience. many people replying with insults but no on-topic content substance, automatically are 'facepalmed' and yawned at
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December 12, 2020, 05:51:25 PM

What does that really mean? That you are basing your study of symptomatic people on 40 out of 100,000?

If you started to explain in ways that made sense, somebody might actually give you a little credibility.

its based on actual data of >40,000 out of ~100million americans between 15-45 that suffer from bells palsy every year.

See? If you had explained what you meant in the first place, somebody might have understood what you were talking about. Actually, this that you said here^^, doesn't look like it has anything to do with what you said in the first place.

Standard frank1. Jump all over the place to make it look like you know something. And when you are asked for an explanation, jump some more.

maybe i try to reveal the facts but without spoonfeeding every detail with pages and pages of explanation..
maybe its upto you to then look at the detail separately. like double check it. or simply to learn the finer details..
maybe i leave out certain detail or use a certain stat to steer the idiots into their own hole to let them fall into their own hole when they try to defend their theory.
maybe if idiots actually check they want fall into their own hole

you might call it jumping.. i call it being a couple steps ahead.
but you badecker and tvbcof like to flip flop.. or as you call it one step forard one step back..and that tactic wont get you anywhere

heck i can even tell the next theory you will spout out before you even do it.
im guessing your next theory will be the one that although pfizer is the most cleanest least preservative added vaccine. its being handed out to priority groups and healthcare people.. and later once those groups had the good vaccine the rest of the people that you deem dont need the vaccine due to healthier bodies. will be given the other brands of vaccine that do have more preservatives in it. and thus you will run down a path that leads to a hole of saying tht the summer vaccine season for younger people are given bad vaccines full of stuff you have not checked or know anything about.
and worry not. i already have some debunks prepped for that theory too

Stop spouting theory for once, and realize that if you don't have clear references, it's only your opinion, even if it is upheld by hidden facts.


Covid is snake venom. Dr. Bryan Ardis - Search on 'Bryan Ardis' at these links,,,
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December 12, 2020, 07:53:09 PM

Yes, the new vaccine is more faster than the formal one that was still making people die in the isolation center.  This new vaccine is a pure original vaccine which can cure the virus within two days which many people has confirmed the vaccine pure original vaccine base on the way the thing is acting in the covid-19 cases in the isolation center.
Even the government has improve it for their citizens to make use of it, to cure corona virus in the country. Many other countries has testified about the vaccine which is very active to the virus and to make the person well within two days after taking the vaccine.

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December 12, 2020, 07:55:33 PM

Yes, the new vaccine is more faster than the formal one that was still making people die in the isolation center.  This new vaccine is a pure original vaccine which can cure the virus within two days which many people has confirmed the vaccine pure original vaccine base on the way the thing is acting in the covid-19 cases in the isolation center.
Even the government has improve it for their citizens to make use of it, to cure corona virus in the country. Many other countries has testified about the vaccine which is very active to the virus and to make the person well within two days after taking the vaccine.
Quick, quick make sure you are in the front-line.

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December 12, 2020, 08:37:01 PM

Stop spouting theory for once, and realize that if you don't have clear references, it's only your opinion, even if it is upheld by hidden facts.

take your own advice especially when your opinion is only upheld by hidden other opinions from theory.

atleast people can find facts to back up my claims and i can reveal facts to back up my claims. if i chose to.
your opinions have no facts to back it up. only quotes from idiots that have opinions of idiot theories

so for emphasis.. follow your own advice

Please do your own research & respect what is written here as both opinion & information gleaned from experience. many people replying with insults but no on-topic content substance, automatically are 'facepalmed' and yawned at
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December 12, 2020, 11:34:26 PM

Stop spouting theory for once, and realize that if you don't have clear references, it's only your opinion, even if it is upheld by hidden facts.

take your own advice especially when your opinion is only upheld by hidden other opinions from theory.

atleast people can find facts to back up my claims and i can reveal facts to back up my claims. if i chose to.
your opinions have no facts to back it up. only quotes from idiots that have opinions of idiot theories

so for emphasis.. follow your own advice

Other people can't find any more facts than you can. And that's why you don't present any of them.


Covid is snake venom. Dr. Bryan Ardis - Search on 'Bryan Ardis' at these links,,,
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December 13, 2020, 01:49:40 PM

Other people can't find any more facts than you can. And that's why you don't present any of them.

use google. not conspiracy bookmarks.
you asked many times for links to examples of the koch, bell, rivers.. i did show you many times and you just went into some weird amnesia.

your reluctance to search for things yourself. your amnesia game. are your problems. not other people.

Please do your own research & respect what is written here as both opinion & information gleaned from experience. many people replying with insults but no on-topic content substance, automatically are 'facepalmed' and yawned at
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December 13, 2020, 01:58:29 PM

Other people can't find any more facts than you can. And that's why you don't present any of them.

use google. not conspiracy bookmarks.
you asked many times for links to examples of the koch, bell, rivers.. i did show you many times and you just went into some weird amnesia.

your reluctance to search for things yourself. your amnesia game. are your problems. not other people.

Google is controlled by fascists who want to enslave you. They are very subtle about it. So, use Google in addition to all kinds of other search engines, so you can see just exactly how Google is betraying you.

Wikipedia isn't as subtle as Google, even though they are somewhat subtle. Don't take much of anything that they say as fact until you check it out with the old books.


Covid is snake venom. Dr. Bryan Ardis - Search on 'Bryan Ardis' at these links,,,
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December 13, 2020, 02:07:26 PM

I have heard a lot of opinions ... many are pro vaccine but also many are against it ...
And some don't even believe there is a real vaccine ... What about you ?

There are more than one. Are you asking us if we trust/not trust all of them?

I believe we need to wait for other people to take it first. Even then, the side effects of those vaccines wouldn't be visible on human body for years.

I just don't trust a vaccine that's developed this fast.

Another thing is, if everybody takes it and gets the immunity, then you don't need to take it anyway.

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December 13, 2020, 02:57:51 PM

I have heard a lot of opinions ... many are pro vaccine but also many are against it ...
And some don't even believe there is a real vaccine ... What about you ?

There are more than one. Are you asking us if we trust/not trust all of them?

I believe we need to wait for other people to take it first. Even then, the side effects of those vaccines wouldn't be visible on human body for years.

I just don't trust a vaccine that's developed this fast.

Another thing is, if everybody takes it and gets the immunity, then you don't need to take it anyway.

so ull risk inhaling a virus that by definition multiples and damages. you will eat minced up enzymes in processed food. which goes from farm to plate in 5 days. without as many checks/trials..
but you will avoid a safer vaccine that has had 9 months of trials..
sorry but a vaccine is safer than a virus and processed food.

a vaccine in 2020 does not have the multiplication factor. thus the 'cancer' conspiracy is null and void.

the only true factual concern is how effective it is at protecting you from getting the virus later.
some people may take the vaccine. not causing harm. but then getting too relaxed that they are then immune and so start gathering and mingling.. and then end up getting the virus due to doing more socialising and upclose activities than they ever did before 2019

its like being told a cake has half the calories.. so some people will relax their diet and start eating 4 cakes..
ending up gaining weight. thus defeating the point of the low calorie cake diet

hopefully the effectiveness is actually 95%.(5% risk) whereby relaxing social distancing respect for personal space by 4x would only be 20% risk. or just going back to their normal daily activity of 5% risk
but if effectiveness is only 50%(50% risk) then reducing social distance respect 4x. would be 200% risk.
or 50% risk under normal daily activity.

so be more wary of the effectiveness and the stupidity of people being overly personal thinking they are immortal.

Please do your own research & respect what is written here as both opinion & information gleaned from experience. many people replying with insults but no on-topic content substance, automatically are 'facepalmed' and yawned at
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December 13, 2020, 04:15:44 PM
Merited by mindrust (1)

Google is controlled by fascists who want to enslave you. They are very subtle about it. So, use Google in addition to all kinds of other search engines, so you can see just exactly how Google is betraying you.

Wikipedia isn't as subtle as Google, even though they are somewhat subtle. Don't take much of anything that they say as fact until you check it out with the old books.


I was an active editor of Wikipedia from 2004 until 2011. I have more than 100 article creations to my name and close to 10,000 edits. Initially, Wikipedia was a neutral organization which published articles solely based on facts. But things changed in 2010-11, when there was an organized campaign to get left-leaning individuals elected as the moderators/arbitrators. Things started changing from that period. Articles related to Geography, Botany, Astronomy.etc are still reliable. But those related to Politics, History, Religion.etc are heavily distorted by the leftists.
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December 13, 2020, 06:41:57 PM

so ull risk inhaling a virus that by definition multiples and damages. you will eat minced up enzymes in processed food. which goes from farm to plate in 5 days. without as many checks/trials..
but you will avoid a safer vaccine that has had 9 months of trials..

I don't consume much of that processed food. I am aware of what I am eating.

sorry but a vaccine is safer than a virus and processed food.

And you know this because... you made the vaccine yourself?

a vaccine in 2020 does not have the multiplication factor. thus the 'cancer' conspiracy is null and void.

the only true factual concern is how effective it is at protecting you from getting the virus later.
some people may take the vaccine. not causing harm. but then getting too relaxed that they are then immune and so start gathering and mingling.. and then end up getting the virus due to doing more socialising and upclose activities than they ever did before 2019

I didn't say it is going to give you cancer.

its like being told a cake has half the calories.. so some people will relax their diet and start eating 4 cakes..
ending up gaining weight. thus defeating the point of the low calorie cake diet

hopefully the effectiveness is actually 95%.(5% risk) whereby relaxing social distancing respect for personal space by 4x would only be 20% risk. or just going back to their normal daily activity of 5% risk
but if effectiveness is only 50%(50% risk) then reducing social distance respect 4x. would be 200% risk.
or 50% risk under normal daily activity.

so be more wary of the effectiveness and the stupidity of people being overly personal thinking they are immortal.

It is one of these situations. You (should) tell everybody else to take it but you don't. If the vaxx works, everybody gets the immunity, the virus disappear and you slip away without risking your body. If the vaxx was a scam, well you still profit because you didn't risk it.

The only thing that boggles my mind is if they keep this current situation and force the fucking thing on everybody by law. Like not allowing to work, travel, eat outside without the vax pass. Don't give a damn anyway I am not a pay check slave and I probably won't be using airlines for years.

If they still demand you to get vaxxed after 2-3 years now thats fucked up.

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December 13, 2020, 06:58:49 PM

Google is controlled by fascists who want to enslave you. They are very subtle about it. So, use Google in addition to all kinds of other search engines, so you can see just exactly how Google is betraying you.

Wikipedia isn't as subtle as Google, even though they are somewhat subtle. Don't take much of anything that they say as fact until you check it out with the old books.


I was an active editor of Wikipedia from 2004 until 2011. I have more than 100 article creations to my name and close to 10,000 edits. Initially, Wikipedia was a neutral organization which published articles solely based on facts. But things changed in 2010-11, when there was an organized campaign to get left-leaning individuals elected as the moderators/arbitrators. Things started changing from that period. Articles related to Geography, Botany, Astronomy.etc are still reliable. But those related to Politics, History, Religion.etc are heavily distorted by the leftists.

Who on earth even uses Wikipedia as a reliable source, even high school students know that if they cite that website as their source for their assignments, activity, or even research projects, they will definitely get an F. The thing about Wikipedia is that any person can access that site, and edit the contents. I can't say pretty much about the leftist thing, but different kinds of idiots put malicious content in the middle of the statements in some article as a joke or trolling.

But maybe you can use it as a cross-referencing source, but never as a reliable main source of information.

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December 13, 2020, 07:16:30 PM

sorry but a vaccine is safer than a virus and processed food.

And you know this because... you made the vaccine yourself?

its like being told a cake has half the calories.. so some people will relax their diet and start eating 4 cakes..
ending up gaining weight. thus defeating the point of the low calorie cake diet

hopefully the effectiveness is actually 95%.(5% risk) whereby relaxing social distancing respect for personal space by 4x would only be 20% risk. or just going back to their normal daily activity of 5% risk
but if effectiveness is only 50%(50% risk) then reducing social distance respect 4x. would be 200% risk.
or 50% risk under normal daily activity.

so be more wary of the effectiveness and the stupidity of people being overly personal thinking they are immortal.

It is one of these situations. You (should) tell everybody else to take it but you don't. If the vaxx works, everybody gets immunity, the virus disappear and you slip away without risking your body. If the vaxx was a scam, well you still profit because you didn't risk it.

1. a 0.3ml dose (technically 0.2ml if you ignore the saline) has 0.2 gram of protein and enzymes
a 'quarter pounder' burger is ~113gram
so roughly 500x more foreign protein,enzymes in a burger than in a vaccine
its simple math, science, logic
also a burger has many complex proteins/enzymes and other things.. vaccine is a simple protein

2. if an elderly 85yo is at 100% risk.. getting them down to 5% is more important than someone at 20% risk getting down to 1%
its this exact reason the vaccine is being distributed to the vulnerable groups first. so all the cries about 'you should' fall flat because i am not in the vulnerable group to even be considered for taking it
basically i cant queue jump.. so whats the point

3. i dont profit. firstly im not 'pharma' secondly even pharma dont profit.
international government agreements have already been done months ago that 'pharma' wont sell vaccines for excessive profit. majority of cost is actually in the transportation and distribution from factory to hospital
(pzizer germany via euro tunnel to UK is fast and cheap. plane to usa is slow and expensive)

... just checked your post history, and seen you use certain buzzwords, your a trump supporter, and seemed to have not done your research on multiple topics.
funnier part is you enjoy promoting big business while pretending to be anti-corp by making stuff up about other businesses to hide your corporate admiration.
have you ever took a step back and wondered how you and a few other idiots seem to be spouting the same scripts and buzzwords. almost like your on auto pilot

Please do your own research & respect what is written here as both opinion & information gleaned from experience. many people replying with insults but no on-topic content substance, automatically are 'facepalmed' and yawned at
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December 13, 2020, 07:56:00 PM

If they still demand you to get vaxxed after 2-3 years now thats fucked up.

Where do they get the authority to demand anything of you? Don't they get it because they have the guns and you don't?

It's past time for you to arm yourself, and get together with your friends who are armed, as well. After all, since you are going to die from their vaccine any way, arm yourself and fight. That way you might have the chance to keep from dying.


Covid is snake venom. Dr. Bryan Ardis - Search on 'Bryan Ardis' at these links,,,
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