Activity: 4858
Merit: 1290
January 19, 2021, 07:00:11 AM |
I have heard a lot of opinions ... many are pro-vaccine but also many are against it ... And some don't even believe there is a real vaccine ... What about you?
___________ Right now? I don't trust covid vaccine that's why I want to receive last that kind of cure to make me identify when it all safe in my family and my health. Note that there are a wide variety of tools being discussed here. The RNA and DNA ones are, generally speaking, gene therapy development efforts which have been re-labeled vaccines. The so-called 'pandemic' opened the door for massive trials of these re-toolings, and the developers - don't have to pay normal rates for trial participants - get more trial participants than they know what to do with - get outside help (the government) to do the grunt work of data collection - get full legal indemnity for anything which doesn't work out Pretty sweet deal! The important thing to note is that because the so-called 'vaccines' differ so markedly in their mechanism of action, some are less risky in some ways. With some effort, one could try to opt for one of their choice. My priority would be: - Do nothing since as a healthy 50 year old I have no reason to worry about 'covid-19' and if I get sick I can stay home. - Figure out how to get in with the 'insiders' to get fake injections and fraudulent 'immunity passports'. Just like the CEO of Pfizer, RNA vaccines are not recommended for 'my type.' - Get one of the (mostly) Chinese vaccines which are (mostly) inactivated virus type. They carry the normal risks of adjuvated vaccines, and some extra ones due to coronavirus not being amenable to immunity through vaccination, but probably far less risk than the others in my opinion. - Get a 'subunit' vaccine. The developments here seem to be mostly that they are fiddling around with new kinds of adjuvants. Not one's own genetic material. - Get one of the other non-GM vaccine technologies such as VLP - Get an mRNA one. I'd choose Pfizer over Moderna since the latter is sqalene adjuvated and I don't want joint problems. - The last thing I would get would be one of the DNA 'vaccines' such as AstraZeneca which give every sign of being developed for herd culling. AstraZeneca seems to be destined for the poor populations in the developing world (India, Philippines, etc) which one could expect of medicines emanating from the old English schools like Oxford or Imperial College (who had a big hand in bringing us the scamdemic in the first place.)
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Activity: 4508
Merit: 5059
January 19, 2021, 07:25:11 AM |
so what tvbcof is basically saying is he hates china but will get one of their vaccines even with all the adjuvents if its the inactivated virus form.... what he means is he is happy to take the british inactivated virus(oxford AZ) vaccine
so. there we have it. drama over
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January 19, 2021, 10:03:18 AM |
Base on my understanding regarding the results and findings of Covid's effect, Covid is never been deadly, yet it weakens the immune system. As the immune system weakens, any kind of disease or virus the patient already has will be strengthened, thus results in deaths or complications. You are very off, if you misunderstood every finding you can see in the surface of the web.
Regarding the vaccine, no science shows that the vaccine is dangerous, though there are maybe complications to people with weakened body, just like any other vaccines may have. There are many different factors that have been not yet studied regarding the vaccine, due to the lack of research time to conduct the studies. Nonetheless, the vaccine had been proven to be effective, yet results may vary.
You should keep in mind that there is no perfect things that can be invented in this world. There are many factors that can affect the effectiveness of medicines/vaccine when it comes to pharmaceutical. That's why they used the term EFFICACY instead of Effectiveness when stating the percentage.
Actually, Covid only weakens an already weak immune system. If the immune system wasn't weak in the first place, Covid wouldn't have any affect. All the vaccines do are to weaken the immune system some more, but in ways that might make the body less attractive to Covid a little. However, the further weakening from the vaccines make the whole body unable to resist all kinds of other things. The main point of these novel vaccines is to reprogram people so that they have a difficult time resisting 5G electromagnetics acting to reprogram them further.  Care to explain how can 5G electromagnetics "REPROGRAM" someone. Please care to cite research/studies that backs the "REPROGRAMMING" of people through electromagnetics.
Activity: 4858
Merit: 1290
January 19, 2021, 11:34:43 AM |
so what tvbcof is basically saying is he hates china but will get one of their vaccines even with all the adjuvents if its the inactivated virus form.... what he means is he is happy to take the british inactivated virus(oxford AZ) vaccine
so. there we have it. drama over
Good God but you are an idiot! AstraZeneca (and Sputnik V and J&J) splice designer DNA into the DNA of an adenovirus then put that into your own cells nucleus. One of the ones Merck bought uses measles for the purpose. From there the DNA spins off designer mRNA which get back out of the nucleus into the cytoplasm to instruct the cell to start making spike proteins and God only knows what else. It's the 'money shot' where mRNA gene therapy (BioNTech, Moderna) go only half way. Another designer DNA gene therapy that Merck bought might be able to be administered 'orally'. I wonder what color of sunsets these ones will produce? There are some interesting ideas including Imperial College's 'self amplifying' RNA and Queensland's 'molecular clamp'. The latter strikes me as having some real potential to say the truth; it basically holds target proteins in a transient form allowing the immune system to recognize them more readily. This stuff is genuinely interesting to me scientifically, and probably will result in 'safer' vaccines if it's ever in the interest of TPTB to have them. Particularly some of the subunit vaccine efforts. The globalists (Gates, WEF, UN, etc) who are coordinating this whole sham worldwide are going to use the Chinese for muscle once the controlled demolition of the U.S. is complete so they don't need the chinks to be all fucked up. And when they do, that society is so controlled that they could do it at any time they please. So, 'China', such as it is, probably threw something together right quick to play along with the scamdemic. Could be saline for all I know, and since the well connected leaders in the country I'm in smuggled it in for their own selves to use it wouldn't surprise me at all. Any leader or rich fucker who couldn't figure out the scam on their own will certainly have advisers who can. People who have not figured out that, via 'globalization', there is only the skeleton of individual nations left even at THIS point in time really don't have the intellectual tool-chest to make decent analytical inferences. Oh well.
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Activity: 1190
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January 19, 2021, 03:26:59 PM |
Full list of adverse reactions from China's Sinopharm vaccine. A total of 75 adverse side effects. in healthy come out sic.
Activity: 4858
Merit: 1290
January 20, 2021, 02:20:14 PM |
Now here's a vaccine which as made for ' my type' Major Japan CEOs getting under-the-table immunizations with unapproved Chinese vaccine Chinese man the couple met at the clinic works back and forth between Japan and China, and recommended the vaccine to the company president, who he has known for 20 years. He advised them not to worry about side effects, and said that all they would have by a way of trouble is pain in their muscles where they receive the shot -- the kind of issues normally found with vaccinations. As he spoke, he handed them a clipboard with a document to confirm they agreed to have the vaccine.
No muscle pain as with 'normal' vaccinations? I'm lik'n it...and apparently so was a particular president and some generals. Sign me up!
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Activity: 1190
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Pro financial, medical liberty
January 20, 2021, 03:52:36 PM |
So very true 
Activity: 4508
Merit: 5059
January 20, 2021, 05:22:41 PM |
So very true
when tash quotes someone else. proves he believes in propaganda. and by blindly repeating it without independent thought and just blindingly saying very true. shows he is controlled by those who write scripts for him
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Activity: 14
Merit: 2
January 20, 2021, 05:41:31 PM |
The CDC has said COVID-19 vaccines can cause side effects for a few days that include fever, chills, headache, swelling or tiredness, “which are normal signs that your body is building protection.” However, severe reactions are extremely rare.
January 20, 2021, 05:51:00 PM |
The pfrizer vaccine was reported to have side effects which many died already particularly the seniors in UK. Compare to what was reported as well is that Chinese vacinne Sinovac was preferred in the middle-east and most part of Asia. But all these came from TV news channels does has political bets that is why its still not a trusted source.
January 20, 2021, 07:25:21 PM |
In the media, many options for the development of the event after vaccination are published. Some write that no problems arise. Others write that everything is bad. There are even people who die. Personally, I don’t trust the new covid-19 vaccine yet.
Activity: 4858
Merit: 1290
January 20, 2021, 07:33:14 PM |
The pfrizer vaccine was reported to have side effects which many died already particularly the seniors in UK. Compare to what was reported as well is that Chinese vacinne Sinovac was preferred in the middle-east and most part of Asia. But all these came from TV news channels does has political bets that is why its still not a trusted source.
Note that Sinovac and Sinopharm are two different companies. Sinopharm is working on at least two different products. It's a state owned outfit and China is advanced enough to be doing some gene therapy work (a-la the Sputnik V DNA injection out of Russia) so I could imagine their 2nd effort being something like that. But information on all this stuff is sparce, and particularly so out of the Chinese work. At least one of Sinopharm's products is current generation adjuvated inactivated virus as is Sinovac's. I've been unable to discover WHAT the adjuvant being used in any of the Chinese ones. Adjuvant variants containing mainly aluminium are the go-to standard, but for years they've been trying other things. Moderna (mRNA gene therapies still require adjuvation when trying to use them as vaccines) uses squalene which is chemically similar to the oil lubricating one's joints. This is important because it is common for the immune system to develop excessive activity against whatever is used as an adjuvant, and joint problems are commonly associated with squalene adjuvant experiments and implementations. Think of the adjuvant as the 'nitrous oxide' of vaccines. The fool the immune system into going crazy...and often enough it results in chunks in the oil-pan (autoimmune diseases and such.) Squalene was used in some injections/experiments on troops for Gulf war 1 back in the early 1990's and is implicated in some of the joint related elements of 'gulf war illness'. As far as I know, they have for a couple of years been giving it to oldsters in the flu vax. I guess they figure that old people's joints tend to be fucked up already and they won't know the difference. Back on subject, one of Sinopharm's (supposed) products is what seems popular with the wealthy and well connected. That might be their 'third vaccine'. The Saline+[nothing] variant.
sig spam anywhere and self-moderated threads on the pol&soc board are for losers.
Activity: 1694
Merit: 1208
January 20, 2021, 08:03:36 PM |
The pfrizer vaccine was reported to have side effects which many died already particularly the seniors in UK. Compare to what was reported as well is that Chinese vacinne Sinovac was preferred in the middle-east and most part of Asia. But all these came from TV news channels does has political bets that is why its still not a trusted source.
Note that Sinovac and Sinopharm are two different companies. Sinopharm is working on at least two different products. It's a state owned outfit and China is advanced enough to be doing some gene therapy work (a-la the Sputnik V DNA injection out of Russia) so I could imagine their 2nd effort being something like that. But information on all this stuff is sparce, and particularly so out of the Chinese work. At least one of Sinopharm's products is current generation adjuvated inactivated virus as is Sinovac's. I've been unable to discover WHAT the adjuvant being used in any of the Chinese ones. Adjuvant variants containing mainly aluminium are the go-to standard, but for years they've been trying other things. Moderna (mRNA gene therapies still require adjuvation when trying to use them as vaccines) uses squalene which is chemically similar to the oil lubricating one's joints. This is important because it is common for the immune system to develop excessive activity against whatever is used as an adjuvant, and joint problems are commonly associated with squalene adjuvant experiments and implementations. Think of the adjuvant as the 'nitrous oxide' of vaccines. The fool the immune system into going crazy...and often enough it results in chunks in the oil-pan (autoimmune diseases and such.) Squalene was used in some injections/experiments on troops for Gulf war 1 back in the early 1990's and is implicated in some of the joint related elements of 'gulf war illness'. As far as I know, they have for a couple of years been giving it to oldsters in the flu vax. I guess they figure that old people's joints tend to be fucked up already and they won't know the difference. Back on subject, one of Sinopharm's (supposed) products is what seems popular with the wealthy and well connected. That might be their 'third vaccine'. The Saline+[nothing] variant. Besides that by googling "squalene vaccines" it's clear that it has been debunked so many times there is a review from 2010 on pubmed reviewing older studies debunking it, but... Do you really think that some couple of thousand of evil scientists all around the world are trying to inoculate poisonous shit into people on porpouse? And that the vast mayority of other scientists are partner in crime with them or too dumb to recognize what's happening? Some people seems prone to belive everything that gives them the perception to have some sort of "exoteric" knowledge about how thing in the world really are. Not unusually they turn to seems pretty stupid from outside, like flat-eartheners, but from inside their group they think they are smartasses and everyone around them is stupid or corrupted or evil. There's not even a little chance that you anti-vaxxers could be mistaken like them or the reptilian guys? Because I ensure you that for the vast mayority of the medical community, me included, you seems like the flat eartheners of medicine.
Activity: 4508
Merit: 5059
January 21, 2021, 12:29:58 AM Last edit: January 21, 2021, 12:52:50 AM by franky1 |
Do you really think that some couple of thousand of evil scientists all around the world are trying to inoculate poisonous shit into people on porpouse? And that the vast mayority of other scientists are partner in crime with them or too dumb to recognize what's happening?
conspiracy idiots have the same mentality as the republican neo-nazi. and so by thinking the nazi's could do anything they please that must mean modern science must be evil. yes insanity and illogic. but thats how their minds work its as if they cant research real facts. and so spend their evenings watching movies like 'nazi zombies', 'terminator','matrix' and then fantasize how those movies are the real world where some secret movie plot joins the movies scripts together... and thats how they come up with their crap complete fantasy i guarantee you antivaxxers spend more time finding fantasy stories to pretend they are denouncing healthcare. rather then spending proper time safety reports about how they do safety checks. they would rather learn about mutated aliens than spectral analysis eg tvbcof buzzwording genetic therapy and crossing out vaccine. without understanding that covid vaccines do not modify DNA i have yet to see a antivax idiot make a comment about the quality assurance processes that vaccine companies do. comparing them. and then finding out what government health institutions then do on receipt of vaccine. becasue if they did do the research properly/at all, they would learn that the 'fetus cells' are cells from 1970's that are used to test the effectiveness of a vaccine in a sterile lab. and not used as a material ingredient in the end vaccine heck they dont even look at what vaccine disability compensation schemes exist for worse cases. they have no desire to look at which vaccines are safest. instead they just want to make them all look bad, because their fantasy life is more entertaining
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Activity: 4074
Merit: 1390
January 21, 2021, 04:07:25 AM |
In addition to the below, the vaccine is simply a test drug or test injection. The results will be analyzed and recorde over time through methods in the below article.
The New mRNA COVID Vaccines Inject an Operating System into Your Body - Not a Conspiracy Theory, Our first article of 2021 featured a video of an interview with Catherine Austin Fitts, titled: Catherine Austin Fitts Explains how the Globalist Billionaires and Technocrats are Planning on Taking Over the Planet, and How We can Stop It. In this interview, Catherine compared the new mRNA COVID vaccines to a computer operating system, stating that just like computer operating systems such as Windows, that there would be a "back door" where the technocrats will be able to control our bodies through regular "updates." I thought it was a brilliant analogy of what the technocrats seek to accomplish with this new class of vaccines. Well, it turns out this was NOT an "analogy" at all! Moderna, the manufacturer of one of the COVID mRNA vaccines that has currently been issued emergency use authorization, has actually published on their website that this is true: the mRNA vaccine injects an "operating system" into your body that they call "The Software of Life." The Globalists have become so bold, and the human masses have become so compliant, that they are no longer doing these things in secret, but right out in the open for all to see. 
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January 21, 2021, 01:52:31 PM |
Activity: 14
Merit: 5
January 21, 2021, 03:57:02 PM |
I fully support the use of vaccines, but I worry about possible long-term side effects with the new vaccines. How can anyone say with any confidence there will be no long-term consequences with vaccines that have been developed so rapidly?
Activity: 3542
Merit: 2613
January 21, 2021, 04:31:30 PM |
I fully support the use of vaccines, but I worry about possible long-term side effects with the new vaccines. How can anyone say with any confidence there will be no long-term consequences with vaccines that have been developed so rapidly?
Don't worry we will learn it in a few years. Let the suckers beta test it first. If you want to be a beta tester yourself, go on get vaxxed.
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Activity: 4508
Merit: 5059
January 21, 2021, 04:36:18 PM |
I fully support the use of vaccines, but I worry about possible long-term side effects with the new vaccines. How can anyone say with any confidence there will be no long-term consequences with vaccines that have been developed so rapidly?
rna is not the same as DNA so just avoid talking to idiots calling it gene therapy. as for other things like can the proteins and enzymes cause long term health risks well now thats like talking to a vegan about how processed meat causes cancer if your vaccinated with mrna 2 times a week for 10 years then things could happen.. but thats not reality in short dont talk to hippies about science. instead read the actual science reports. mrna breaks down quickly in you body once its done its job. it does not hang around for years RNA and DNA are different things DNA is for life rna is for days RNA does not reprogram your DNA
I DO NOT TRADE OR ACT AS ESCROW ON THIS FORUM EVER. Please do your own research & respect what is written here as both opinion & information gleaned from experience. many people replying with insults but no on-topic content substance, automatically are 'facepalmed' and yawned at