when the Safe network goes live and you'll need to convert your Maidsafe coin to Safecoin
That 'exchage-the-one-thing-for-some-other-presently-vaporous-thing' thing didn't exactly work out well for Nautilus.
Why will Maid work where NAUT (miserably) failed?
It's a method of distribution, POW has failed for more coins than it has succeeded for
POS has failed for more coins than it has succeeded for .
IPO and ICO have failed more than succeeded
A method of distribution can be good for some projects and bad for other projects depending on what that project is, what it does and how it does it, do you honestly not understand this or are you intentionally being stupid?
Och, aren't we a wee bit touchy this evening?
Other than generic platitudes about POW/POS, do you know any specific reason why Maid's 'exchage-real-BTC-now-for-some-presently-vaporous-thing-later' scheme will be any less of a failure than NAUT's similar attempt?
You have been able to test the software for well over a year building your own instances
You can read the github of over 70,000 lines of code , rewritten from over 600,000 lines of a different computer language.
You can right now this second download and test it out for yourself with all the other people who are doing so. upload files and create apps on the network
Please learn the definition of "vaporous"
Other than generic platitudes? you have taken 1 completely banal fact about a coin (distribution of a token to later be exchanged when the network is fully functional) then leaped to some random conclusion. "this coin's Dev said bacon, the only ever time i have seen a dev say bacon, it was a failed project which failed for 20 different reasons, not one of them related to saying bacon, how will this coin succeed after the dev said bacon?"
What would you like to know that you couldn't take 5 minutes out of your day to find out yourself?
It is blockchainless , so truly anonymous . Only identifying data on a coin is last previous owner and the current one , once you trade it, which would take under a half a second and be near instantaneous , the data now has you as the previous owner and the new owner as current and that's all they will have. Just like actual cold hard cash, you know who you give it to has it and you had it before, but you wont know who he gives it to , or who you got it from.
It doesn't suffer from blockchain bloat
It is effectively turning hard drive space into a commodity/asset that can be traded globally .
Network is DOS proof, it effectively speeds up the network, more people who are accessing a file the faster it can be accessed, more people using a website the faster it downloads, so a DOS attack that costs money for the attacker will just be improving the service for everyone else.
Totally self encrypted network for your files and for your viewing pleasure , not even your ISP knows what you are looking at
It is an incentivized, decentralized internet that rewards content creators ,security and resource providers.
Any of this information can be easily found if one was to take a look for themselves at the maidsafe forum , all the code can be verified and you can literally get onto the network this second, while also being able to build your own network by folking the code and seeing it all in action working on your own built instances.
Anyone who was to be genuinely curious could of asked a whole range of questions regarding what answers they so sought out, but no you asked "i saw another coin fail that tried to do a similar distribution plan to this one, and even thou they have completely 100% verifiable code, and an actual means of testing and seeing the actual software in action, i still cannot think of anything else other than that 1 pointless fact that has no connection to the success or failure of the coin, why will this project not fail even thou everything about it except 1 thing is different?" which you could literally answer yourself if you did even the tinniest amount of your own research.
With that conclusion , it is either you are trolling , being intentionally stupid and lazy or are just stupid and lazy, Going from your legendary forum status i would of assumed it was intentionally stupid rather than actual stupid . Not touchy , I saw a stupid comment and asked if that person was being intentionally stupid, in a matter of fact way. But we are dealing with someone who fails at understanding definitions so a classic deflection was to be expected as a reply and a false emotional context placed on my post was to be expected.