yes, you are right ... more than one line :-) What i wanted to say is, that open source development does not work the way 'make me donations and i will implement a new features'.
you have to deliver first and hope that it pays out, maybe not always in money, but in reputation.
@yeponlyone i was taking about a fork on github.
Yes, it's true. I never asked for money though.
On the other hand I wasn't seeking as much the reputation, but a solution to a problem both the community and myself have. crowetic even vouched for me. They will still not cooperate, then the next best thing for me is that burst dies so a proper clone can take its place.
And I am willing to provide the pool and miner code, after the reward change. But before this happens, you can see it's not in my advantage to release it. In fact the client code should be added to your miner, to be precise. Mine is dcct cpu port.
In fact they could have had it since february, but they knew better then. And still think they know better now, despite the ongoing crash, which I have predicted.
And the fact is, that I already have a reputation, about 2PB worth of it. They would expect me not to take that into account when dealing with them? How so?
Usually the coders only seek the reputation here, so people got used to this kind of humble attitude.
Not me, my interest are in mining and making a good profit. But my proposals benefits the community, not just myself, if they cannot see that, let's wait until xmas and do nothing... i guess. Though when hashrate drops more - and it will - due to the price, I will do something. It's not a threat, it's a fact.