I got logged out and cannot sign back in, 2 days now just says wrong password or too many requests! Is there a way for me to reset password or something to get back on?
The best thing you can do is contact the Admin here:
safedice@protonmail.ch and send as much info as possible about deposits and withdraws and such to proof the account is yours.
Yeah I am just worried I have been scammed or hacked or something, can't really risk more without knowing this is not the case

First of all, have you actually set a username and password in the 'settings'? If so, did you set a strong password? Have you saved it (copy/paste) anywhere? Most likely it's just a case of a typo, or an extra space etc. But if the password was weak, easy to guess or you use the same one for different sites, then you might have been hacked.
If you just messed up the password, then worry not, I'm sure admin will help you out next time he's available.
On an unrelated topic,
BetKing, one of the SD's competitors, just announced they are closing (the owner decided enough is enough and it's time to move on to other things), so likely that should cause some increase in SD's activity and the bankroll.
Thank you, being very helpful as always guys

yeah I have emailed them a few times, but no response

I have investments and wanted to add more also.
Yeah he is a busy guy and now being in the holiday season ain't helping much but he is always very helpful when he comes online. You can open another account and invest the btc you have there while waiting for recovery of your other account.
Yeah I am just worried I have been scammed or hacked or something, can't really risk more without knowing this is not the case

Hello liam, sorry to make you wait, I believe it has not been longer than 24 hours from your first email but let me know if I missed something.
There was no withdrawal and you changed your password on Dec 22, I just sent you email to help you.