Activity: 3
Merit: 0
August 24, 2017, 05:31:20 PM |
why are you stealing money and dont answer my requests?
No one steal from anyone. I need you to give more detail other than 'how to get access to my account'. Please send me at least your username or latest deposit tx hash and the reason why can't you enter your account to safedice@protonmail.com. I don't understand you are saying that withdrawals are working perfectly but from past few days i always tried to withdraw and it shows hot wallet empty when depositing there is no issue but when we want OUR funds hot wallet is always empty please fix it xmr is all time high. My username : giveen
Hello giveen, please retry again. Some people were trying to withdraw at the same time and consuming the hot wallet, but it should be enough for most withdrawal now  Safedice Admin, please check PM's Noted, thank you sourc3 , I've read it and will respond to you asap  Hello Admin, I am trying to make a large XMR withdraw and it is not working. I emailed you, please let me know the status of the withdraw.
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
August 24, 2017, 05:57:55 PM |
Now it is for sure a scam I had very large xmr balance and the page froze and I got logged out and when I log back in my balance is 0 and it show I lost all my monero? I have 2fa and betting disabled it is a complete fucking scam site!!
Activity: 22
Merit: 0
August 24, 2017, 08:29:51 PM |
why are you stealing money and dont answer my requests?
No one steal from anyone. I need you to give more detail other than 'how to get access to my account'. Please send me at least your username or latest deposit tx hash and the reason why can't you enter your account to safedice@protonmail.com. I don't understand you are saying that withdrawals are working perfectly but from past few days i always tried to withdraw and it shows hot wallet empty when depositing there is no issue but when we want OUR funds hot wallet is always empty please fix it xmr is all time high. My username : giveen
Hello giveen, please retry again. Some people were trying to withdraw at the same time and consuming the hot wallet, but it should be enough for most withdrawal now  Safedice Admin, please check PM's Noted, thank you sourc3 , I've read it and will respond to you asap  I've wrote to you 2 times PM and to email as well. Are you kidding?
August 24, 2017, 11:07:46 PM |
Thank you so much SafeDice, BCH/BCC was integrated now on your site and I received my coins correctly!  I hope you have success by accepting this new currency and increase your traffic again like before.
SafeDice (OP)
August 25, 2017, 10:33:53 AM |
why are you stealing money and dont answer my requests?
No one steal from anyone. I need you to give more detail other than 'how to get access to my account'. Please send me at least your username or latest deposit tx hash and the reason why can't you enter your account to safedice@protonmail.com. I don't understand you are saying that withdrawals are working perfectly but from past few days i always tried to withdraw and it shows hot wallet empty when depositing there is no issue but when we want OUR funds hot wallet is always empty please fix it xmr is all time high. My username : giveen
Hello giveen, please retry again. Some people were trying to withdraw at the same time and consuming the hot wallet, but it should be enough for most withdrawal now  Safedice Admin, please check PM's Noted, thank you sourc3 , I've read it and will respond to you asap  I've wrote to you 2 times PM and to email as well. Are you kidding? Yes, I got your second PM yesterday. Please check your email and don't worry, I'll help you throughout the recovery process. Thank you so much SafeDice, BCH/BCC was integrated now on your site and I received my coins correctly!  I hope you have success by accepting this new currency and increase your traffic again like before. Thank you for noticing cash ! Yes, it has been few days we run our BCH platform and we plan to do more promotion on BCH soon 
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
August 25, 2017, 08:21:34 PM |
That is great. I think you are the first one who integrate BCH/BCC in your website. best of luck to your business.
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
August 25, 2017, 10:29:23 PM |
Hello? You have not responded to my emails, messages, or posts here. You stole my money! SafeDice,
why are you stealing money and dont answer my requests?
No one steal from anyone. I need you to give more detail other than 'how to get access to my account'. Please send me at least your username or latest deposit tx hash and the reason why can't you enter your account to safedice@protonmail.com. I don't understand you are saying that withdrawals are working perfectly but from past few days i always tried to withdraw and it shows hot wallet empty when depositing there is no issue but when we want OUR funds hot wallet is always empty please fix it xmr is all time high. My username : giveen
Hello giveen, please retry again. Some people were trying to withdraw at the same time and consuming the hot wallet, but it should be enough for most withdrawal now  Safedice Admin, please check PM's Noted, thank you sourc3 , I've read it and will respond to you asap  I've wrote to you 2 times PM and to email as well. Are you kidding? Yes, I got your second PM yesterday. Please check your email and don't worry, I'll help you throughout the recovery process. Thank you so much SafeDice, BCH/BCC was integrated now on your site and I received my coins correctly!  I hope you have success by accepting this new currency and increase your traffic again like before. Thank you for noticing cash ! Yes, it has been few days we run our BCH platform and we plan to do more promotion on BCH soon 
Activity: 53
Merit: 0
August 26, 2017, 03:29:43 AM |
I got my XMR out safely. thanks.
also admin did replied my email eventually.
August 26, 2017, 06:13:55 AM |
"Site Profit: 18515.384748955614 | Site Bankroll: 3736"
So has anyone had experience investing Monera into Safedice? The amount of volume through the site looks great I was wondering how consistent the payout/profit is? is it worth doing for 3-6months?
Activity: 1043
Merit: 1032
★Bitcoin Gambling Reviews★
August 26, 2017, 07:03:39 AM |
Hot wallet is empty, please refill it..
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
August 26, 2017, 02:43:25 PM |
Something went wrong, hot wallet may be empty please be patient or contact us via email in the FAQ section.
0.5% Edge
0 Hot Wallet
August 27, 2017, 12:50:24 AM |
this site should stop delaying peoples withdrawals pretending hot wallet is empty. if you want to run a fuckn site, stay on line most times to make sure you fill in the hotwallet if you aint ready to put enough coins in there. this is just a trick to make you play more and end up loosing all. do u think we are all fools? 
Activity: 2310
Merit: 1422
August 27, 2017, 04:32:41 PM |
Also by delaying people's withdrawals more tickets and emails to support are sent thus slowing down the whole operations of the site's owner.
Another thing I don't understand is that SS has been one of the first to offer BCH on its platform and that's been poorly advertised. The Opening page should be updated.
Customer care is very important in this business.
August 27, 2017, 06:27:24 PM |
this would have been one of the best site if admin responded to issues promptly. dude reads questions but will never respond. gives me the feeling that they might fuck a player up one day. silence is just to dangerous
Activity: 1414
Merit: 1000
August 27, 2017, 08:41:08 PM |
I question the wisdom of adding an extremely low quantity/volume coin like Monero, sounds like there's been nothing but problems with that decision. Wtf is going on right now? a gambling site that allows the btc hot wallet to empty for more than a day shouldn't be trusted.
August 28, 2017, 03:21:14 AM |
I question the wisdom of adding an extremely low quantity/volume coin like Monero, sounds like there's been nothing but problems with that decision. Wtf is going on right now? a gambling site that allows the btc hot wallet to empty for more than a day shouldn't be trusted.
yes i totally lost trust on this site ow. why leave hot wallet empty for close to a day. for me, it looks like he is purposely doing that to scam. he does that to make you play till u loose all. no more trusted. my friend just wanted going there to gamble with about 6btc and i told him not to try it. what is the need of depositing in a site where you cant withdraw and the bloody admin never responds
August 28, 2017, 06:57:30 PM |
I question the wisdom of adding an extremely low quantity/volume coin like Monero, sounds like there's been nothing but problems with that decision. Wtf is going on right now? a gambling site that allows the btc hot wallet to empty for more than a day shouldn't be trusted.
A hot wallet can run out, but longer then one day. Anyone heard anything from admin about this?

Activity: 201
Merit: 11
August 30, 2017, 02:26:25 AM |
I've been playing here various times throughout the week and I've not had any issues with BTC or BCC/BCH withdrawals (BCH withdrawals were opened up early, had been scheduled for Sept. 1) - Both have been instant send with high fees attached, so I'm not sure why so many complaints. Is this only with XMR withdrawals that people are having issues with?

Activity: 201
Merit: 11
August 30, 2017, 02:32:43 AM |
pay this site ?
I've been doing quite well on SD - I'm +0.15BTC with only 5.9BTC wagered and +0.195BCH with only 1.03BCH wagered. Compared to other sites, I'm doing SIGNIFICANTLY better stats-wise. This in combination with the fact that they only take 0.0001 in fees yet sending with 350-450 sats/byte makes this a very ideal site for me to play at. Really have no idea why there are so many complaints about SD. You'll see me betting on here often, just check the "All Bets" tab and click on my username to see my stats 
August 30, 2017, 03:25:55 AM |
pay this site ?
I've been doing quite well on SD - I'm +0.15BTC with only 5.9BTC wagered and +0.195BCH with only 1.03BCH wagered. Compared to other sites, I'm doing SIGNIFICANTLY better stats-wise. This in combination with the fact that they only take 0.0001 in fees yet sending with 350-450 sats/byte makes this a very ideal site for me to play at. Really have no idea why there are so many complaints about SD. You'll see me betting on here often, just check the "All Bets" tab and click on my username to see my stats  People are impatient, if you don't mind waiting for admin to show up the site is really good he just isn't running it fulltime, hot wallet has coins most the time but sometimes it doesn't and people freak out. For example I made a 2nd account recently and forgot the pw waiting on admin for 2 days so far but no rush I'm patient and it was my mistake.
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