Activity: 30
Merit: 0
June 10, 2015, 07:38:24 PM |
Open a command prompt, go to the directory where you had Sia (the graphical exe), and run siad in this command prompt; leave it open. Then open another command prompt, run "siac status" (might take a couple seconds for the daemon to start.) Check block height - run "siac sync" to order the daemon to sync, and use "siac status" again to see if the block height goes up.
more to the point, "siac gateway" will show you if you have any peer connections. If you have no connections you're outta luck. I think the issue is due to changes to the wallet.dat save format, but I need to run some tests to make sure.Taek pointed out that v0.3.2 was still the testnet, not the fullnet. So those coins are no good now, sorry. Can someone answer please why this is not on an exchange yet?
no need to shout lol. We're working with an exchange right now, just need to implement some API calls to support their platform:
June 10, 2015, 07:40:17 PM |
Can someone answer please why this is not on an exchange yet?
Probably a bit trickier for an exchange to add, not your normal wallet 

Activity: 98
Merit: 10
June 10, 2015, 07:44:48 PM |
Also, no go on PC reboot. New wallet upgrade still loses all previous wallets data.
Back on old version, but my coins are there.
 That is a big relief. I was gonna cry if I caused you to lose your coins. Ya no sweat, I really appreciate your help  I just copied wallet address from my storage wallet (via status page lol) and am getting ready to try and send coins to it now... will let ya know  You do not need to use the status page. You can just select your address and then press ctrl+c to copy the address in windows. (then ctrl+v to paste) To EVERYONE updating their wallet. This is not like most coins, it is obviously new code and your wallet DOES NOT save to the roaming directory. Your wallet file is located in a sub-directory of the folder you installed Sia to. I found it in C:\siacoin\win64\resources\sia\wallet SO that is the wallet you need to back up and that is where you need to put the backup in the new client to get your same addresses. Your my hero! Backed up that wallet and am using 3.3.1 now and all my coins and pre existing address is there for future payouts! Awesome dude, everything is in order now your the best! Thank you!!  Going to try mining now on this wallet Your welcome I try and help. I hope not to many people lose sia upgrading their wallet if they don't backup the right place could be bad. Yeah, I think my 12 million SC are goners. If no way to connect with v3.2 and send the coins.. They're not gone. You simply need to execute Sia from the same directory as you did before. I put the v3.3 executable in the v3.2 folder, ran it, and it just sits unresponsive same as v3.2 executable does. No connections apparently. Did you try running "siac sync"? If I knew what and where I would try it. BTW, I am not using command line. Tried to download it, but the page could not be found. Well, idk where to find the Windows bins for the latest Sia, but if you can't find them, try the penultimate release. Open a command prompt, go to the directory where you had Sia (the graphical exe), and run siad in this command prompt; leave it open. Then open another command prompt, run "siac status" (might take a couple seconds for the daemon to start.) Check block height - run "siac sync" to order the daemon to sync, and use "siac status" again to see if the block height goes up. Thank you for your help. I tried your suggestion and for sia status I actually get a rolling error as follows: [7480:0610/153732:INFO:CONSOLE(25)] "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'l ength' of null", source: file:///C:/Siacoin/Sia-UI-v0.3.2-bet a-win64/win64/resources/app/site/scripts/ui/views/overview.js (25)
June 10, 2015, 07:45:33 PM |
Can someone answer please why this is not on an exchange yet?
Probably a bit trickier for an exchange to add, not your normal wallet  its not one of those bitcoin clones - its true innovation and that takes a while for them to notice and to add it
June 10, 2015, 07:47:01 PM |
Can someone answer please why this is not on an exchange yet?
Probably a bit trickier for an exchange to add, not your normal wallet  its not one of those bitcoin clones - its true innovation and that takes a while for them to notice and to add it Totally agree! and its exciting to be part of it, despite the headaches 
June 10, 2015, 07:51:21 PM |
For fun and giggles I tried this miner DL out, it just sits and spins with half the MH showing at best. Says initializing at the very top. back to the old miner 
June 10, 2015, 08:02:47 PM |
Can someone answer please why this is not on an exchange yet?
Probably a bit trickier for an exchange to add, not your normal wallet  Ya who knows how long it will take them. They may actually have to put in new code to add this I imagine as it is not your standard clone so same exact withdraw/deposit methods may not work. The new miner works well for me but as it is more stable it seems to be running my gpu's more consistently which is good but on this hot summer day they almost be overheating! Wish there were some controls at least a max temp command to shut down work.
June 10, 2015, 08:09:26 PM |
Can someone answer please why this is not on an exchange yet?
Probably a bit trickier for an exchange to add, not your normal wallet  Ya who knows how long it will take them. They may actually have to put in new code to add this I imagine as it is not your standard clone so same exact withdraw/deposit methods may not work. The new miner works well for me but as it is more stable it seems to be running my gpu's more consistently which is good but on this hot summer day they almost be overheating! Wish there were some controls at least a max temp command to shut down work. Exactly which GPU miner are you using? post a DL link if possible  I'm on W7 64
June 10, 2015, 08:15:46 PM |
For fun and giggles I tried this miner DL out, it just sits and spins with half the MH showing at best. Says initializing at the very top. back to the old miner  I'm pretty sure I copied the README into that archive; note that they added extra parameters for GPU control. The defaults are probably gonna be set a lot weaker, as people were reporting lockups. THX will check that out

Activity: 110
Merit: 10
June 10, 2015, 08:17:26 PM |
Thx, but can you tell me how to increase intensity in this miner ?
Activity: 938
Merit: 1000
June 10, 2015, 08:57:19 PM |
Yes, we can adjust the iterations and what not. So they changed default to 1 iteration every 10 seconds? Kinda confused as to what you are saying. But if so, what was the setting you had it at originally? My tweaks or improve it from 36 to 40 MH/s while the old miner was 72 Mh/s. Thanks for any suggestions you may have.
June 10, 2015, 08:58:18 PM |
selling 30m for 3btc - send me a private message if your interested
(we have more than 50% of the talk about mining and dont have a mining thread and trading posts are not that many, so why not just have all in here)

Activity: 110
Merit: 10
June 10, 2015, 09:03:30 PM |
Only 76-77Mh for 7970/280x (memory on 1500MHz) and nearly 85-90 for r9 290, old miner was 50-60% faster... 
June 10, 2015, 09:04:15 PM |
Hello, I have the error message Initializing...failed to get Device IDs: -1 I have two nvidia card and i believe the error is due to this : code in this miner is : // Get Platform/Device Information ret = clGetPlatformIDs(1, &platform_id, &ret_num_platforms); if (ret != CL_SUCCESS) { printf("failed to get platform IDs: %d\n", ret); exit(1); } ret = clGetDeviceIDs(platform_id, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU, 1, &device_id, &ret_num_devices); if (ret != CL_SUCCESS) { printf("failed to get Device IDs: %d\n", ret); exit(1); } If I read correctly, this means the opencl platform is supposed to be 1, but it can be another number. according to the : for(int i=0; i<num_of_platforms; i++) if(clGetDeviceIDs(&platform_id , CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU, 1, &device_id, &num_of_devices) == CL_SUCCESS){ I am on windows now and compiling the miner seems rather complicated. So if the personne in charge of this miner can try to correct this, I will be grateful...
Activity: 1428
Merit: 1000
June 10, 2015, 09:24:58 PM |
Awesome! New version is working and seems more stable if not faster. Thanks!  I keep getting this error when i run it. curl did not receive correct bytes (got zu, expected 112) Is this the new gui miner Taek was talking about?
Activity: 938
Merit: 1000
June 10, 2015, 09:29:33 PM |
Pondsea, I think you need to update your wallet to
Activity: 1428
Merit: 1000
June 10, 2015, 09:33:29 PM |
Pondsea, I think you need to update your wallet to
Thanks didnt know that!

Activity: 98
Merit: 10
June 10, 2015, 09:37:26 PM |
Also, no go on PC reboot. New wallet upgrade still loses all previous wallets data.
Back on old version, but my coins are there.
 That is a big relief. I was gonna cry if I caused you to lose your coins. Ya no sweat, I really appreciate your help  I just copied wallet address from my storage wallet (via status page lol) and am getting ready to try and send coins to it now... will let ya know  You do not need to use the status page. You can just select your address and then press ctrl+c to copy the address in windows. (then ctrl+v to paste) To EVERYONE updating their wallet. This is not like most coins, it is obviously new code and your wallet DOES NOT save to the roaming directory. Your wallet file is located in a sub-directory of the folder you installed Sia to. I found it in C:\siacoin\win64\resources\sia\wallet SO that is the wallet you need to back up and that is where you need to put the backup in the new client to get your same addresses. Your my hero! Backed up that wallet and am using 3.3.1 now and all my coins and pre existing address is there for future payouts! Awesome dude, everything is in order now your the best! Thank you!!  Going to try mining now on this wallet Your welcome I try and help. I hope not to many people lose sia upgrading their wallet if they don't backup the right place could be bad. Yeah, I think my 12 million SC are goners. If no way to connect with v3.2 and send the coins.. They're not gone. You simply need to execute Sia from the same directory as you did before. I put the v3.3 executable in the v3.2 folder, ran it, and it just sits unresponsive same as v3.2 executable does. No connections apparently. Did you try running "siac sync"? If I knew what and where I would try it. BTW, I am not using command line. Tried to download it, but the page could not be found. Well, idk where to find the Windows bins for the latest Sia, but if you can't find them, try the penultimate release. Open a command prompt, go to the directory where you had Sia (the graphical exe), and run siad in this command prompt; leave it open. Then open another command prompt, run "siac status" (might take a couple seconds for the daemon to start.) Check block height - run "siac sync" to order the daemon to sync, and use "siac status" again to see if the block height goes up. Since that didn't work, how about we get a new wallet that can read the prior version wallet files?
Activity: 1428
Merit: 1000
June 10, 2015, 09:45:13 PM |
Awesome! New version is working and seems more stable if not faster. Thanks!  I keep getting this error when i run it. curl did not receive correct bytes (got zu, expected 112) Is this the new gui miner Taek was talking about? Im now doing 50mh on my 280x instead of 100mh on the old miner.
Sr. Member
Activity: 316
Merit: 250
Simcoin Puny Humans Communicator
June 10, 2015, 10:10:57 PM |
Since that didn't work, how about we get a new wallet that can read the prior version wallet files?
Holy cow are you trying to force testnet mined coins into mainnet? Sia launched on June 7. Were you mining before that? Did you dl the latest Sia on June 7 or did you keep your previous folder? I'm pretty sure like Luke said 3.2 is testnet. Brother let it go. You have 12 millions coins made of play dough. For those confused about updating versions and what not Sia is not an install. The folder you unzipped to is your install directory. For instance I have a Sia folder in my C: directory and I have one on my desktop. They are 2 completely different wallets. When you update to a new Sia version all you should be doing is unzipping the new version to wherever you want, make backup copies of the wallet.dat in your old folder and shove them to the new folder. Wallet.dat is in resources/app/Sia/wallet. You people should be used to revering and protecting your wallet.dat files cuz they are your coins. So no matter what you do playing with your roaming folders and moving and deleting folders if you backup all your wallet files you will never lose your coins.