I'm answering a lot of questions in this reply, and in whatever order they opened up in my browser in.
If someone stores child pornography on my PC, am I fked?
Every file is encrypted. How do you know the content of a file?
On the first page Taek says:"Any file can get into storage. The clients will encrypt them first, but the network doesn't care. If you want to upload an unencrypted file (so it's available to the public), you will be able to do so. I'm not sure what you mean by "crappy" file, but it's just storage. If someone uploads a virus, it can't hurt your computer because the client doesn't open or read files, only stores them. If you try opening it with some program however, it might infect you."
So it is possible to upload stuff like rape/child porn/pirated music or movies unenrypted on my hard drive...
I dont want this shit on my PC.
As a host, you get the option to reject any contracts that you don't like. As it happens, unless you've got a hash of every piece of illegal or copywright-protected file on the Internet, there's not an automatic way to block objectionable content. Especially since the hash can be altered just by manipulating a small piece of the file, or even just encrypting it using a new password.
Dropbox, S3, Mega, etc. all have to deal with this same exact problem. It's
impossible to guarantee that garbage will not be uploaded to your computer. The law understands this however. You are not responsible for files on your computer if you don't know what they are. If law enforcement says 'this file is illegal, remove it', then you have to remove it. But you are not in trouble as long as you comply with the takedown request within a reasonable timeframe.
All files are encrypted by default, and none of our recent releases have code that allows you to upload un-encrypted files. If someone decides to modify the code to remove encryption, there's not much we can do about it. But if this happens, it's easy enough for you to just delete the offending file.
I think all files should be encrypted, but the keys to public files readily available. Storers now have a reasonable defense.
This is how things currently operate. When you share a file, you share the encryption keys. We can't stop somebody from intentionally modifying our code to remove the encryption, but we can encrypt every file, even public files, by default.
Actually not. Storers are still distributing illegal stuff.
It is like seeding torrent.
I think even if you are seeding password protected .zip file with tons of nasty things, you will be still fked by police.
The only solution comes on ym mind, is to obligatory split each file into 1024 or so encrypted parts, regardles of size.
That's not an easy thing to control. If an attacker modifies their node to never use encryption, there's not anyway I know of that would allow the network to detect and block that file.
how mine to remote wallet?
It's not currently possible, and isn't very high on the priority list compared to some other major features we need.
I am currently mining to a remote wallet, using the "redir" utility in Linux. Redir lets you redirect a local TCP port to a remote TCP port.
On my mining machine, I'm doing as follows:
redir --lport=9980 --caddr= --cport=9980 &
./sia-gpu-miner -C 50 -I 20
And it works, I already found a block.
You'll probably have to install redir, e.g. in Ubuntu with
sudo apt-get install redir
Please be careful with doing that. I'm not sure if you've got encryption on that connection, but it looks like someone could MITM you and start talking to your local api. If they can talk to your local api, they can ask the wallet to send them all of your coins.
We plan on password and encryption protecting the api in the next release. But those protections don't currently exist.
Just realized another cool way to utilize SIA Storage, great place to back up all my wallet.dat files from BTC to Alts and SIA lol.
Talk about the ultimate in cold storage

However for the time being I will use just for back ups. Free up my flash and external drives a bit... plus those can get damaged, stolen or just fail.
Though we have 8x redundancy on the current network, we don't really have a good way of measuring how reliable the average node is, or how safe the average file is. We don't know how the network will handle large amounts of stress, or if there are any significant bugs in the nodes that could cause major outages.
Basically: Sia is still very new, and it would be risky to trust Sia as the sole backup of very important files. The risk of course will decrease as Sia gets more usage, more testing, and more development.
Is there a period of time you have to wait after uploading a file before you can use shareascii with it?
Yes, with two reasons.
1. The renter won't let you share a file if there's less than 3x redundancy on it, which means it likely hasn't finished uploading.
2. There's a bug where sometimes a file will just stop uploading. We haven't taken the time to track it down. The good news about this bug is that you don't pay for a file until you finish uploading it. So if you run into a problem and need to delete-and-reupload your file, you're likely not paying very much because you didn't even hit 3x redundancy.
0.4.0 will have substantial improvements to the uploading process. We've chosen not to pursue the above bug because we'll be rewriting large portions of the upload process soon anyway, and the bug is not very severe. Additonally, storage right now is virtually free.
Hey fair asking. Always better to not click unknown links. But, yes this is a "slackin" created by the dev team or on their behalf to enable new users to receive instant invites to the siatalk.slack
Maybe would be better to host it on siacoin.com..
It's already on our todo list

Is there a period of time you have to wait after uploading a file before you can use shareascii with it?
Not sure but all of my files I can share code now some I uploaded a couple of hrs. ago. all have blocks remaining. Odd though one of my files when I click share says: cannot share inactive file" ? what's that all about lol
I get:
Could not share file:
siac returns 0. Helpful.

That's bug

Is 1.02 miner suitable for wallet?
No matter what i do, my Antivirus software (Bit Defender 2015) keep block like very file in SIA folder. Even if I add exception for it, it still put it in quarantine or deletes...
I have two questions:
Can I earn SIAcoin by just offering my HDD space?
If someone stores child pornography on my PC, am I fked?
1. Yes
2. You are not, because the law protects you against people who maliciously upload things without your knowledge or consent. As long as you promptly remove all illegal files that you are aware of, you are okay.
Yes fake. A compatibility fix for (apparently some versions of) Linux have been removed, thus the hashrate bug of the early releases is back.
have we got fix?
There are a handful of lines to cut and paste, I'd do it now if I weren't so relaxed on my couch :-)
quick fix: go back a few commits with "git checkout 6069500" :-)
Sorry about that it's my fault. I misunderstood what that code did. We'll update master but I don't know how close we are to releasing a new miner. I think, with luck, we can have a miner + mining pool inside of 2 weeks.
Everyone please keep in mind this is still all Beta... brand new technology with no well defined do's and don'ts, because there isn't any yet. None of us paid a dime for this software, we are here because it is new and cutting edge and for the purpose of helping the development process along with guys like Taek, nemo and others. Ya it gets frustrating... but we raised our hands and said yes we will play with it and test it all out and see where it goes. ok, I have to remind myself of this as well sometimes
Lets keep our eye on the ball and get to the goal line.
Thanks for the reminder. We are trying our best to work out all the kinks as fast as possible, but creating fast, secure, private, and intuitive wallets is a tough challenge. I will take time and several iterations to get everything right. Unfortunately, some people are going to get cut by the sharp corners in the meantime.
Please do not use Sia with coins that you are not willing to risk, or with files that you are not willing to lose. Sia works well 95% of the time, which is not a high number at all. Please be careful.
Have you by chance checked the wallet.backup in your home directory? Strangely it never updates and remains a static copy upon the first instance of SIAD that opens with the UI wallet.
Depends on the version #. For and, the backup wallet in the home directory never gets touched. It was used for a while in, unfortunately in a way that meant people lost coins (Including me!).
If you are on, you should shut down siad, create backups of all the wallets, and upgrade to Don't upgrade while siad is running! And make sure you make those backups
after you turn off siad.
Sorry it's not so easy to understand by reading the thread, is file sharing functionality already live?
You can share individual files, but there's not a way to bulk-share files, nor is there any server that's aggregating files. (...but there might be a platform released next week that lets you search for public files...)
Taek, can you elaborate on this statement?:
"There is a hard fork coming and you need to have upgraded before it happens. You will not lose coins as long as you avoid using a wallet that you already backed up."
Sorry for the miscommunication. You should keep all backups.
After you back up a wallet, if you use the wallet again, you will likely get new addresses and need to create
another backup.
I agree that more instructions should be included in the readme, or perhaps in a tutorial on the website. The learning curve for Sia is high right now. Please bear with us as we continue to improve things.
I am not sure when we will have a tutorial ready. Things are still changing very rapidly, and I fear that by the time a tutorial exists, it will already be wrong, incomplete, or otherwise out of date.