Don't rush an update to , I just lost all coins while test sending 10ks to another wallet.. merge didn't help. update on your own risk.
I am staying with, Taek you should take care of this ASAP. This is unacceptable!
Anything below is going to probably get hardforked off of the network in the next few days, there is a consensus bug. You really do need to upgrade.
I'm not sure what happened with mishax1, but:
0. Always, always back up your wallet before you do anything. New addresses get created everytime you:
+ upload a file
+ send money to someone
+ mine a block
+ get a new hosting contract
When a new wallet address gets created it's almost certain that there will be coins sent to that address. It's part of the privacy features of the wallet. (because of this reason, it's actually very hard to create something like a 'rich list' in Sia). This new address is not going to be in any of your previous backups, which means you need to back up the wallet again. My guess is that mixhax1 sent his coins after he created the wallet, and then when he upgraded the new address got obliterated.
We should have set up the wallet to use pregenerated addresses. That was a mistake on our part, and it's a fix coming in 0.4.0.
1. Don't use the 'auto-upgrade' button. Download the new UI from the github page.
2. Make sure that siad is NOT running when copying over the wallet file. Sometimes, siad is running in the background. And easy way to check is to go to 'localhost:9980'. If you get the message "Browser access disabled due to security vulnerability. Use Sia-UI or siac." it means that siad is still running in the background, and you need to close it before updating the wallet.
Again we are sorry for the hassle. We know how to address at least some of these problems, but pulling together the fixes is going to take time. This upgrade is the last upgrade for a while, please take the time to upgrade and move your coins over. There is a hard fork coming and you need to have upgraded before it happens. You will not lose coins as long as you avoid using a wallet that you already backed up.
how mine to remote wallet?
It's not currently possible, and isn't very high on the priority list compared to some other major features we need.
Uh got it, someone removed the code needed to make timing work on linux. Why the hell, I really don't know. I'll need to revert some changes manually 😠
Still works for me, I'm not sure why removing that code caused problems. I thought that the code I removed was about changing the timer from nano-seconds to milli-seconds. The linux mining timer still works for most machines.