Estimated Price Per GB: 9544371788.52846 KS

Why is that number so big?
I tried to announce some free space, but nobody wants to take my cheap prizes

The cost estimator glitches out sometimes. If you restart siad, the problem should resolve. My current estimated price is 2.3 KS / GB (6 weeks of storage). That seems pretty reasonable to me
Just a few people are uploading right now and we're not sure exactly what it's going to take to kick-off people using the storage feature. I'm sure the existing 500mb cap has something to do with it. I'll probably post some links to share my image library, maybe you guys have stuff you're interested in sharing too.
I only uploaded a few small files. But nothing is clear or explained exactly how all this works. For example,
in google drive, I choose an amount of storage 1TB for 9.99 a month (recent huge price drop but we can talk about that later).
So now as a user i know I've paid for 1 TB of storage for one month. Its mine to add and delete as many files as often as I
want for that cost I already paid.
Now can one of the devs give a detailed explanation how renting storage works now and how it will work in the future?
Right now when I upload I don't know how much its going to cost me. I don't know if I can download it and reupload it
at additional cost. I don't know what these contracts mean because Sia doesn't ask me or tell me how much I am paying
or let me know I'm entering a contract.
Obviously Sia just started, its not stable and will go through a thousand fixes and changes. But I think I covered why
nobody is using the storage function yet. I think we are waiting until it is more user friendly and clear how it works.
Enterprise use and torrent replacement is part of the vision so you guys must know how all that will work one day.
I'm fascinated to see how people can one day build on top of sia and stream services or search and watch videos like youtube
using Sia as backend.
Btw no matter how much the big guys drop their prices Sia will always compete because if they can profit at whatever price
they drop it to, then Sia hosts certainly can at the same or lower due to low to no overhead. Plus as someone mentioned
I peronally would pay a premium for Sia (given if its stable and proven reliable) because I know nobody can hack into
it. If Jennifer Lawrence used Sia then her nude photos would never have been hacked into and released. It was good
for us guys but embarrassing for her.
Sia is open source, decentralized and unhackable (hopefully).
As opposed to Jennifer Lawrence, who has to trust a dimwit employee at Apple not to leak her password intentionally
or unintentionally. I can safely upload to the Sia network my "I can't stand my mother in law" letter that must never see
the light of day or I'm dead. In Sia its never getting read by anyone but me.