mishax1 [10:21 AM]
My client just lost 3m sia . again !
taek [10:24 AM]
what version are you using?
taek [10:24 AM]
0.4.0 is much safer
taek [10:24 AM]
but... shouldn't be causing you problems either
taek [10:25 AM]
did you try restarting the wallet? The coins might come back if you restart siad
taek [10:25 AM]
or wait 40 blocks
mishax1 [10:31 AM]
mishax1 [10:32 AM]
40 blocks ? how long will it take ?
taek [10:32 AM]
400 minutes usually
taek [10:32 AM]
probably easier just to restart siad
taek [10:33 AM]
it will have the same effect
mishax1 [10:33 AM]
already restaarted the pc
mishax1 [10:33 AM]
problem is.. instead of 5m it showed 2+ m
mishax1 [10:34 AM]
I just sent those to the exchange (dont wanna dealn with that client anymore)
mishax1 [10:34 AM]
but i see only 1 address now
mishax1 [10:34 AM]
istead of 4
mishax1 [10:36 AM]
my 3.3.2 client shows 4 addresses and from that wallet i managed to send the 2m
mishax1 [10:38 AM]
not even sure if thats the same wallet i used in 3.3.3
mishax1 [10:39 AM]
can you tell me again where is the wallet file ?
taek [10:39 AM]
if you have also been running that would explain why your coins are getting eaten
taek [10:39 AM] eats coins
taek [10:39 AM]
mishax1 [10:40 AM]
no no no
mishax1 [10:40 AM]
I ran 3.3.2 only after I saw my 3.3.3 lost the wallet/coins
taek [10:41 AM]
wallet file is in Sia/app/resources/dependencies/Sia/wallet/wallet.dat I think
taek [10:41 AM]
taek [10:41 AM]
if the number of addresses that the wallet is showing went down, it means that somehow your wallet file got overwritten
taek [10:41 AM]
taek [10:42 AM]
0.4.0 fixes this problem
mishax1 [10:42 AM]
how did it get overwritten ?
mishax1 [10:42 AM]
can you give me a link to 0.4.0 ?
taek [11:05 AM]
it not released yet
taek [11:05 AM]
was supposed to be ready a few days ago
taek [11:06 AM]
but there have been a series of bugs that have delayed it
taek [11:06 AM]
as far as we know, just 1 bug remains
taek [11:06 AM]
but it's an important one =/
mishax1 [12:40 PM]
so how do i recover the lost sia ?
chanc3r [12:59 PM]
@mishax1: which wallet version did you send the Sia from and on what platform, windows, mac, linux? (edited)
mishax1 [1:04 PM]
taek [1:07 PM]
there's a chance that the coins are in a wallet in your home folder
taek [1:07 PM]
taek [1:07 PM]
but I think most likely destroyed them
taek [1:08 PM]
taek [1:09 PM]
the fundamental problem is that new wallet addresses would be generated and saved to the wallet, but then a different wallet would overwrite the generated addresses
taek [1:09 PM]
and so the generated addresses would not be recoverable
taek [1:10 PM]
We fixed this by making sure that a unique backup of all addresses is made in 0.4.0, so that a backup would never get overwritten
taek [1:10 PM]
additionally, most of the time when you generate a new address, very little changes in the wallet
taek [1:10 PM]
sorry that 0.4.0 is not out yet
chanc3r [1:14 PM]
@taek thats a unix path
taek [1:15 PM]
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Home_directorytaek [1:16 PM]
I meant to suggest $HOME as a os-neutral variable, perhaps $(HOME) would have been more clear
taek [1:16 PM]
windows has a home folder
chanc3r [1:16 PM]
I meant the ‘.config’ bit
taek [1:17 PM]
I think we stored them in '.config' even on Windows
chanc3r [1:17 PM]
taek [1:17 PM]
the alternative place would have been $HOME/.sia/wallet/wallet.dat
taek [1:17 PM]
:stuck_out_tongue: still a dotfile
mishax1 [1:17 PM]
what made the client to destroy my wallet in the first place ?
chanc3r [1:18 PM]
with mine is in <directory>\win32\resources\app\sia\wallet
taek [1:18 PM]
I forget all of the reasons that would screw up. The most common I think was accidentally running 2 instances of 'siad' at a time
taek [1:18 PM] doesn't use the home folder
chanc3r [1:18 PM]
chanc3r [1:20 PM]
so if mishax ran or 0.3.2 they couldnt overwrite each others wallet.dat as they have them in different places
taek [1:21 PM] had them in both places =/
taek [1:21 PM]
so it would overwrite the wallet as well as it's own wallet
taek [1:22 PM]
basically, some very bad programming
mishax1 [1:22 PM]
i didnt open 3.3.2 untill i saw that 3.3.3 lost my wallet and balance
taek [1:23 PM]
@mishax1: I think you would have been okay if you hadn't opened, but I'm not sure where those coins went. We should check the block explorer once it's fixed
cryptoscalper [1:28 PM]
@taek: shouldn't he be ok if there is a backup even with the overwrite?
taek [1:29 PM]
that's the bad part. When you send coins, you create a new address (because of the way outputs work, a refund goes back to you)
taek [1:30 PM]
that new address is not in your backup in the old versions
taek [1:30 PM]
(in 0.4.0, it IS in your backup, because it's a pregenerated address)
cryptoscalper [1:30 PM]
oh yeah... i recall going over this before... my bad
mishax1 [1:30 PM]
my 3.3.3 still shows a single address
mishax1 [1:31 PM]
what can i do to recover my wallet to 3.3.3 ?
taek [1:40 PM]
if you don't have a backup there isn't anything you can do
taek [1:40 PM]
but if you can find a backup with more than 1 address, then you might get your coins back
mishax1 [1:44 PM]
i didnt backup sia
mishax1 [1:48 PM]
my .config wallet was modified in june
mishax1 [1:48 PM]
can i recover from it ?
taek [1:51 PM]
chanc3r [2:00 PM]
@taek how about (last ditch attempt)
mishax1 searches user directory tree for all sia wallet.dat files
make unique copies wallet01.dat wallet02.dat etc
ie collect them all together (their may be only 2) in win64\resources\app\Sia\wallet
feed them 1 at a time into the wallet directory
copy wallet01.dat wallet.dat - run Sia - check balance
copy wallet02.dat wallet.dat - run Sia check balance
taek [2:01 PM]
it's possible that it would turn up something
taek [2:01 PM]
but I am not optimistic
taek [2:01 PM]
he'd want to search for wallet.dat and wallet.bak
chanc3r [2:11 PM]
mishax1 [2:24 PM]
cant find any .bak
mishax1 [2:24 PM]
i guess that the client fucked me over again
mishax1 [2:24 PM]
mishax1 [2:25 PM]
taek that one is on your head.
mishax1 [2:27 PM]
its the second time the client messed up my wallet , and its not even the same bug
mishax1 [2:28 PM]
3.2m sia..
taek [2:28 PM]
the warning hasn't changed: don't open
mishax1 [2:29 PM]
3.3.2 wasnt the problem
taek [2:31 PM]
I'm not sure what else would have done it
mishax1 [2:31 PM]
i still have that 3.3.3 with that singe address
taek [2:32 PM]
Nobody else has been having problems like that with
taek [2:32 PM]
afaik nobody has lost coins from using exclusively
mishax1 [2:32 PM]
i dont know what to tell you
mishax1 [2:33 PM]
i was mining sia and due to wrong msi afterburner settings my pc froze
mishax1 [2:33 PM]
i had to restart it and thats when the problem appeared , as a 0 balance wallet with a singe new address on 3.3.3
taek [2:34 PM]
you failed to mention that your computer froze
mishax1 [2:34 PM]
i did mention it
mishax1 [2:35 PM]
how does it make any difference ?
taek [2:36 PM]
I don't see it in the logs, but maybe I'm missing it. It's pretty late.
taek [2:36 PM]
Honestly I don't think it should make a difference
taek [2:36 PM]
the wallet saves itself every time it generates a new address
taek [2:36 PM]
if your computer froze at the exact wrong time, there might have been an issue but the window is only a few milliseconds wide
taek [2:36 PM]
if it even exists at all
taek [2:37 PM]
so I don't think it would have made a difference
taek [2:37 PM]
I don't know why your coins disappeared, but if you opened it would have replaced your wallet with the wallet that was being used by whenever the last time you opened it was
taek [2:37 PM]
which is how I'm guessing you lost the coins
taek [2:38 PM]
*the coins were lost
mishax1 [2:40 PM]
3.3.2 and 3.3.3 were suppose to have the same wallet file
mishax1 [2:40 PM]
anyways.. the 3.3.3 still have that singe address wallet , why 3.3.2 doesnt replace it right now ?
taek [2:41 PM]
I am not sure, I would have expected to have the same wallet at this point
mishax1 [2:42 PM]
well it doesnt.. so there is a hole in your theory..
taek [2:43 PM]
=/ guess so
mishax1 [2:58 PM]
you said i should be looking for wallet .bak , but there arent any..
taek [2:58 PM]
it's been a while, and I forget the exact behavior, but the early versions of the wallet all made backups
taek [2:58 PM]
taek [2:59 PM]
in the same folder as the regular wallet
mishax1 [3:02 PM]
wallet.backup not .bak i guess
taek [3:03 PM]
oh. my mistake
mishax1 [3:03 PM]
how does .backup help me ?
taek [3:03 PM]
it might have the address with the coins
taek [3:03 PM]
unlikely at this point, but there's a chance
taek [3:04 PM]
first move should always be to backup existing files somewhere safe
taek [3:04 PM]
then you should shut down siad and replace wallet.dat with wallet.backup
taek [3:04 PM]
please only run
taek [3:04 PM]
run siad, and see if it finds the coins that got lost (edited)
chanc3r [3:06 PM]
mishax1 - if you copy wallet.backup to wallet.dat then start sia it will use that backup file as the wallet
chanc3r [3:07 PM]
I always load my wallet files into keepass with my other passwords which can store them encrypted and then backup the encrypted files to USB / CD etc and put in a safe :simple_smile:
taek [3:08 PM]
I am really sorry about the lost coins. It was avoidable, but the early versions of the wallet are poorly implemented
taek [3:09 PM]
we made several novice mistakes that combined make everything kind of fragile
taek [3:09 PM]
but it is a risk inherent to using beta software
mishax1 [3:15 PM]
what abou .config wallet file ? what should i do with it ?
taek [3:17 PM]
(I swear we're writing an faq soon)
taek [3:18 PM]
I'm pretty sure that you just want to keep the same .config file
chanc3r [3:20 PM]
@mishax1 when you run do you have any coins in that wallet?
chanc3r [3:20 PM]
@taek but hopefully not with issues like this :confused:
mishax1 [3:25 PM]
what i ran 3.3.3 after the pc crashed it was empty with a new address (wallet)
taek [3:26 PM]
that seems odd. That would indicate that the old file got destroyed completely
taek [3:26 PM]
not just corrupted but disappeared altogether
mishax1 [3:29 PM]
wonder how..
mishax1 [3:38 PM]
can i try the 0.4.0 to recover the coins

mishax1 [3:39 PM]
i'm getting pissed of with these bugs alrady
chanc3r [3:41 PM]
mishax1 0.4.0 will not do anything magic let stick with and 0.3.2
if the wallet containing the private key to your previous address is no-longer on your PC then anything to do with that wallet is lost forever
this is the same with ALL crypto - if the private key is lost then it can never be recovered
mishax1 [3:42 PM]
but it is on my pc...
chanc3r [3:42 PM]
now you have 2 copies of Sia - yes - and 0.3.2 ? yes/no (edited)
chanc3r [3:44 PM]
when you run you get a wallet with a ‘new address’ and 0KS?
mishax1 [3:44 PM]
chanc3r [3:45 PM]
when you sent the transaction of 2M coins it was from 0.3.2 or
mishax1 [3:46 PM]
332 since i panicked that i might lose all coins again like before
chanc3r [3:46 PM]
chanc3r [3:47 PM]
so looking back you sent 2M or 3M coins from 0.3.2 wallet to an address?
mishax1 [3:47 PM]
note that 3.3.2 was empty before... (coz i lost all coins)
chanc3r [3:47 PM]
you started this with my wallet lost 3M coins again
cryptoscalper [3:48 PM]
hey... didn't create a wallet folder into two different places? maybe that's why is still showing the same address
chanc3r [3:48 PM]
shh we covered that read up.. trying to do this slowly!
mishax1 [3:48 PM]
yeah. i had 5m in 333 and 0 at 332 (since the last incident.
cryptoscalper [3:49 PM]
@chanc3r: oops... i'll read more carefully next time (edited)
chanc3r [3:49 PM]
so you had a 333 wallet showing 5m
mishax1 [3:49 PM]
then after the freezing and pc restart i found that 333 had 0 coins and some new address
mishax1 [3:49 PM]
333 and 332 had the same wallet files
mishax1 [3:50 PM]
so i opened 332 and found 2m
chanc3r [3:51 PM]
so when you upgraded previously you copied the wallet.dat from 332 to the 333 directory because they have then in different places
mishax1 [3:51 PM]
yeah i copied the wallet files.
chanc3r [3:52 PM]
so when did the balance on your 3.3.3 wallet become 5m?
mishax1 [3:53 PM]
bought 1 a week ago, mined a few the passed months..
chanc3r [3:53 PM]
mishax1 [3:54 PM]
i believe the previous issue with 332 and 333 was on a different pc... not im not sure anymore
chanc3r [3:54 PM]
and your address under 3.3.3 and 3.3.2 until the crash was the same yes/no?
and when you ran 3.3.2 this was your old address yes/no?
chanc3r [3:55 PM]
when you checked the balance on 3.3.2 did you notice if it had any peers and if the block height was current?
chanc3r [3:58 PM]
basically if the answer is yes, yes, dont know or ‘no’ then
make sure no sia is running
under 3.3.3 folder
cd win64\resources\app\Sia\wallet
mkdir temp
copy wallet.* temp (get the wallets out of the way)
copy $HOME/.config/Sia/wallet/wallet.dat . (copies 3.2 wallet back to 3.3)
start Sia
your original address from 3.2 should be there
your balance is what it is…. (edited)
chanc3r [4:01 PM]
you may be lucky and you may have only seen 2M in a rush with the 3.2 sia if it wasnt synced and it may be there if the 3.2 and 3,3 wallet.dat were indeed the same
mishax1 [4:05 PM]
do you mean, to try .config wallet on 333 ? did that.
mishax1 [4:07 PM]
i now have 5 addresses in that wallet and balance is 0
chanc3r [4:57 PM]
andyatcrux [7:23 PM]
3.3.2 has been flagged as a do-not-use wallet for some time now. I know that when I open 3.3.3 if often shows no balance and sometimes will reload the blockchain if I have not started it in a while. mishax1, you may have just needed to wait. Your 5 million coins were probably there. Sorry to hear this happened to you.
mishax1 [9:13 PM]
@taek: can you give me 0.4.0 to try and recover the coins ?
taek [9:16 PM]
0.4.0 can't read the old wallets. If can't find them, there's nothing more we can do.
mishax1 [9:17 PM]
so how do you upgrade to 0.4.0 ?
chanc3r [9:19 PM]
very carefully :sweat: :bomb:
mishax1 [9:20 PM]
when will the block explorer will be ready ?
mishax1 [9:22 PM]
for fucks sake those 3.2m were 50% of my sia :triumph:
chanc3r [9:28 PM]
explore.siacoin.com seems to be back
mishax1 [9:29 PM]
that doesnt help
mishax1 [9:29 PM]
I dont know the block height
mishax1 [9:29 PM]
mishax1 [9:31 PM]
mishax1 [9:32 PM]
taek [9:46 PM]
oh yes, explore.siacoin.com has been back for about 4 hours I believe
taek [9:46 PM]
forgot to mention
chanc3r [11:16 PM]
mishax1 what was the address that held the coins
----- Today August 28th, 2015 -----
mishax1 [8:08 AM]
@chanc3r: should be one of these
taek [8:10 AM]
http://explore.siacoin.com/hash?h=edc7c90282b0259fe4f441ed9432c52459ca79212a48d0b181af153bc1f6b3a9316b2d263a96&submit=Submittaek [8:11 AM]
the last addr received 1M siacoins
taek [8:11 AM]
but that address has never sent any siacoins at all
taek [8:11 AM]
all the other addresses are completely blank, meaning they've never been involved in transactions either
taek [8:12 AM]
so you should still have the 1M, and the rest of the money was never in those addresses
mishax1 [8:12 AM]
i bought 1m lately using that address. (edc7...)
mishax1 [8:14 AM]
so whats the problem ? why am i seeing 0 balance ?
taek [8:16 AM]
Is your height up to date?
taek [8:17 AM]
if you have the edc7c address in your wallet, then there is definitely 1M in the wallet
mishax1 [8:22 AM]
it now is.
mishax1 [8:26 AM]
and where are the rest of the coins ? if these addresses havent been used, where did the mined coins went ?
taek [10:30 AM]
either they went to different addresses (most likely) or the coins never existed
mishax1 [10:50 AM]
what different addresses ? and why havent I seen any of these different addresses ?
mishax1 [10:54 AM]
what am i suppose to do with that information.. ? wtf
taek [10:57 AM]
the miner mines into addresses that are not displayed on the UI
taek [10:58 AM]
each block gets a different address that the reward pays out to
mishax1 [11:00 AM]
and let me guess.. there is no record of that..
taek [11:01 AM]
there's not an easy way to display those addresses
mishax1 [11:07 AM]
and ?
taek [11:11 AM]
I'm sorry but I do not think that there is any way for you to recover the coins that were lost