
Activity: 81
Merit: 10
June 15, 2015, 03:47:42 PM |
No CPU miner available ?
I won't do it. Unless you are extremely lucky, you're not going to mine a single block for days, with the current difficultly levels. If you are getting 300GH/s, you should be mining ~1 block per week. If you are mining with a CPU, you should be getting ~1 block per year. It's not worth mining on a cpu. Where/how can we check the network hashrate ? I can't access to the block explorer. With a normal GTX 980, I can mine at about 650mh/s : I know there are some private miners with a R9 280X mining at 800mh/s, but I can't believe hashrate is so high than you need 300GH/s which correspond to a good gpu farm (375 280x) to mine a block per week. Pretty sure he meant MH/s. The current network rate is 417 GH : Us poor AMD folk are getting much less. I just stopped mining. My measly 55 MH/s just does not cut it. Edit: By poor AMD folk, I mean just me. Ya I have cut my amd miners off. Even the Nvidia guys with maybe 1 or 2 gpu's will struggle as well to hit a block with the network hash so high now. Better off almost mining for a bitcoin lol Either have a decent farm or ya got lucky in the first 24 hours of mining. Even with my AMD's I did find many blocks right out of the gate once I figured out the miner software, after a 3 hours and almost giving up, glad I didn't. but by the next day I was finding maybe 1 block each 24 hrs with 400 MH total. I agree with you. SIA just only be Nvidia mining Give up AMD, Don't Waste the electricity.
June 15, 2015, 03:52:38 PM |
I agree with you.
SIA just only be Nvidia mining
Give up AMD, Don't Waste the electricityI guess what goes around comes around lol in the old days you could really only mine BTC with AMD (and most scrypt) and yes I mined a lot then. But now it has flipped with SIA... NVidia is the winners... oh well guess we got to take the good with the bad  And you can bet, its only a matter of time before SW is out for asic mining as well.... its coming one day. I am sure there are some code writers already burning the midnight oil working on it as we speak  I am just wondering will it be SHA mining or scrypt mining?... or both lol cause this coin started out as CPU mining.

Activity: 81
Merit: 10
June 15, 2015, 04:23:23 PM |
I agree with you.
SIA just only be Nvidia mining
Give up AMD, Don't Waste the electricityI guess what goes around comes around lol in the old days you could really only mine BTC with AMD (and most scrypt) and yes I mined a lot then. But now it has flipped with SIA... NVidia is the winners... oh well guess we got to take the good with the bad  And you can bet, its only a matter of time before SW is out for asic mining as well.... its coming one day. I am sure there are some code writers already burning the midnight oil working on it as we speak  I am just wondering will it be SHA mining or scrypt mining?... or both lol cause this coin started out as CPU mining. I don't think so AMD mining is the majority of people I think you should understand me. Money maximization
Activity: 966
Merit: 1000
June 15, 2015, 04:24:40 PM |
There are some idea about when the coin will be in the exchange?
June 15, 2015, 05:11:11 PM |
There are some idea about when the coin will be in the exchange?
6-8 weeks for the exchange, as far as I know there are other priorities at the moment.
June 15, 2015, 05:34:37 PM |
Has anyone confirmed that announcing on port 9982 actually works on 3.3.1 W7? I had my local ISP open the ports Friday, in their DSl modem. I have been getting the error message again, but had at one point got a message saying you have already announced" so maybe it works sometimes and sometimes maybe not? Just would like to know if its me or is this an on going issue even when we believe the ports are open correctly.
My ISP says they are. k any feed back....
June 15, 2015, 05:57:40 PM |
I agree with you.
SIA just only be Nvidia mining
Give up AMD, Don't Waste the electricityI guess what goes around comes around lol in the old days you could really only mine BTC with AMD (and most scrypt) and yes I mined a lot then. But now it has flipped with SIA... NVidia is the winners... oh well guess we got to take the good with the bad  And you can bet, its only a matter of time before SW is out for asic mining as well.... its coming one day. I am sure there are some code writers already burning the midnight oil working on it as we speak  I am just wondering will it be SHA mining or scrypt mining?... or both lol cause this coin started out as CPU mining. There won't be ASICs for a long while - I might be able to put on FPGA, but no company is paying to have chips mass-produced until profit is a certainty. Wow BTC mining progress all over again lol GPU > FPGA What you say makes perfect sense (asics) 
June 15, 2015, 06:10:02 PM |
FPGA kinda kill GPU in most actual hashing algorithmsThat's what I meant 
June 15, 2015, 06:21:58 PM |
I cnnt upload files, plz give me some siacoin,I'll try it . thank you . my address:ebc91bcef40326f93165dd154dc0fb2d6bc6543b10a6fc56053b05fcdeb1548a
June 15, 2015, 06:31:39 PM |
So is this live? Can one sell storage space for coins yet? I happen to have a couple of extra terahash I could enjoy a small profit on. Has there been a build for the raspberry pi? It would be a big saver in electric and justhost hard drives through usb adapters, if so could someone link it?
Yes, it is live and you can sell your space for siacoins now.
June 15, 2015, 06:37:20 PM |
I agree with you.
SIA just only be Nvidia mining
Give up AMD, Don't Waste the electricityI guess what goes around comes around lol in the old days you could really only mine BTC with AMD (and most scrypt) and yes I mined a lot then. But now it has flipped with SIA... NVidia is the winners... oh well guess we got to take the good with the bad  And you can bet, its only a matter of time before SW is out for asic mining as well.... its coming one day. I am sure there are some code writers already burning the midnight oil working on it as we speak  I am just wondering will it be SHA mining or scrypt mining?... or both lol cause this coin started out as CPU mining. Private miners for amd are superior. I would bet sia mining is mainly on amd gpu farm with wolf0 or pallas private miners
June 15, 2015, 07:32:07 PM |
Has anyone confirmed that announcing on port 9982 actually works on 3.3.1 W7? I had my local ISP open the ports Friday, in their DSl modem. I have been getting the error message again, but had at one point got a message saying you have already announced" so maybe it works sometimes and sometimes maybe not? Just would like to know if its me or is this an on going issue even when we believe the ports are open correctly.
My ISP says they are. k any feed back....
Just got off the phone again with my ISP and the needed ports are definitely opened to my SIA Hosting server. Had to clear my DSL modem (pin hole trick) then they forwarded the ports to the attached device based on mac address and the dedicated IP to it. Permanently programed now.  Also, If I add a second server I will need to contact them again to open the ports again for that new device. (2nd server) and so forth. This is just what it took for me with my ISP and hardware for hosting SIA. Results may vary lol I got the big green check mark when announcing my hosting  500 Gb @ 1 SC/Gb/Month Not going to get rich at 1 SC, but its a start lol Wondering if we will see a contract amount (SC) in client info display if any storage is used?
Activity: 29
Merit: 0
June 15, 2015, 08:56:42 PM |
I cnnt upload files, plz give me some siacoin,I'll try it . thank you . my address:ebc91bcef40326f93165dd154dc0fb2d6bc6543b10a6fc56053b05fcdeb1548a
Sent you some. Enjoy! 
June 15, 2015, 09:10:39 PM |
The going hosting storage rate..... So am I seeing this correctly: 1 GB of storage for 30 days is at 1 SIA coin. If so, someone could rent 1 TH (1000) Gb for 1000 SIA coins. (assuming there is enough "Known host" and storage available) on the network. This is based on what SIA wallet shows as Estimated Competitive Price. or (ECP) we'll call it  Please correct me if wrong or seeing a different ECP. 
June 15, 2015, 09:40:11 PM Last edit: June 15, 2015, 09:57:08 PM by TerraMaster |
Based on current rate: I have 2 files uploaded. 2 songs mp3's, My cost per month based on the 1 SC/GB/MO = .02000/KS Estimated Price Per GB. (EPPG) So, basically, (assuming I am reading this right and math is correct), My cost to store these 2 files comes out to be: 20.00 SIA coins per month? So theoretically about 100 songs would cost 1000 SIA coin. per month. That's assuming that this number .02000/KS is based on the amount of data uploaded now, at the current Estimated Competitive Price ECP. (1 SC) Ok, just hasn't been much discussion on all this type of stuff  We can translate all this into $ cost later. lol EDIT: this number .02000/KS, changed and fluctuated when I added a file and then deleted it...
Activity: 2156
Merit: 1131
June 15, 2015, 09:56:08 PM Last edit: June 15, 2015, 10:20:24 PM by superresistant |
There are no peers on this network. Anyone got a peerlist ?
Also for everyone (because I've been very confused) :
1KS mean 1000S and there is no M for million so 1000KS is 1 million S.
June 15, 2015, 10:44:23 PM |
There are no peers on this network. Anyone got a peerlist ?
Also for everyone (because I've been very confused) :
1KS mean 1000S and there is no M for million so 1000KS is 1 million S.
that's correct