You do not need to use the status page. You can just select your address and then press ctrl+c to copy the address in windows. (then ctrl+v to paste)
To EVERYONE updating their wallet. This is not like most coins, it is obviously new code and your wallet DOES NOT save to the roaming directory. Your wallet file is located in a sub-directory of the folder you installed Sia to. I found it in C:\siacoin\win64\resources\sia\wallet SO that is the wallet you need to back up and that is where you need to put the backup in the new client to get your same addresses.
Yes, we're sorry about that. Wallet is stored in the roaming directory, this is something we're going to change for the next release. The next release is probably 3-6 weeks away, and should be a lot smoother.
This is the first time we've ever released production code, we're learning on our feet. Thanks for bearing with us. Having a strong, not-buggy product is important to us and we've dropped the ball.
This Is just great,,,lol, now I cant paste the copied address of my receive wallet into the box on the wallet I am sending how the hell do we send coins?
Always guess we could type in each and every little character in address and hope we don't get a typo lol
What are we missing here?
Just in reference to this - that's not a joke - I copied an address wrong (missed the last two digits, cause it wrapped in my terminal, which had been in a screen session at the time, causing the newline to be copied) and send 20MSia to oblivion.
The next release is going to have checksums appended to the wallet. Stupid typos will have a 1-in-a-trillion chance of going unnoticed.
Yeah, I think my 12 million SC are goners. If no way to connect with v3.2 and send the coins..
They're not gone. You simply need to execute Sia from the same directory as you did before.
v0.3.2 (btw guys, it's not 3.2, it's 0.3.2) is testnet. Those coins won't appear in v0.3.3 or v0.3.3.1 because both of those releases are mainnet only. Even if you were using v0.3.2 after the release, you were only mining testnet coins.
It is definitely more stable, I just wish I knew why it was slower for me. If 72Mh/s is not finding blocks after 15 hours, 36mh/s is an exercise in futility.
There are no pools yet

, but if you're okay leaving it on for a week you should get a block or two. The hashrate on the network is really high at this point though.
I have the error message
Initializing...failed to get Device IDs: -1
I have two nvidia card and i believe the error is due to this : code in this miner is :
// Get Platform/Device Information
ret = clGetPlatformIDs(1, &platform_id, &ret_num_platforms);
if (ret != CL_SUCCESS) { printf("failed to get platform IDs: %d\n", ret); exit(1); }
ret = clGetDeviceIDs(platform_id, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU, 1, &device_id, &ret_num_devices);
if (ret != CL_SUCCESS) { printf("failed to get Device IDs: %d\n", ret); exit(1); }
If I read correctly, this means the opencl platform is supposed to be 1, but it can be another number.
according to the :
for(int i=0; i<num_of_platforms; i++)
, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU, 1, &device_id, &num_of_devices) == CL_SUCCESS){
I am on windows now and compiling the miner seems rather complicated.
So if the personne in charge of this miner can try to correct this, I will be grateful...
Can you post that to Github? It'll be easier for us to find later if it's on our issue tracker instead of on page 41/? of a forum thread.
Can someone please help me.
I would like to start mining Sia but I'm having trouble.
Is there a simple way to just download a file and click & mine (where can I find it)?
I'm having a lot of trouble.
This is the best we've got, it doesn't seem to work for everybody:'ve got a guy working on it part-time but we're mostly out of our element. We are accepting pull requests though if you know how to make things better. We're working on it.
Since that didn't work, how about we get a new wallet that can read the prior version wallet files?
Holy cow are you trying to force testnet mined coins into mainnet? Sia launched on June 7. Were you mining before that?
Did you dl the latest Sia on June 7 or did you keep your previous folder? I'm pretty sure like Luke said 3.2 is testnet.
Brother let it go. You have 12 millions coins made of play dough.
For those confused about updating versions and what not Sia is not an install. The folder you unzipped to is your install directory.
For instance I have a Sia folder in my C: directory and I have one on my desktop. They are 2 completely different wallets.
When you update to a new Sia version all you should be doing is unzipping the new version to wherever you want, make backup
copies of the wallet.dat in your old folder and shove them to the new folder. Wallet.dat is in resources/app/Sia/wallet.
You people should be used to revering and protecting your wallet.dat files cuz they
are your coins.
So no matter what you do playing with your roaming folders and moving and deleting folders if you backup all your wallet files
you will never lose your coins.
I do feel responsible for the confusion. Having a wallet in a roaming directory was (in hindsight) a bad idea. The next release will have a stable directory, and there will be a place in the UI that tells you where the wallet.dat file is (along with all your other files). The next release is probably going to be 3-6 weeks.
Can someone answer please why this is not on an exchange yet?
Probably a bit trickier for an exchange to add, not your normal wallet

Ya who knows how long it will take them. They may actually have to put in new code to add this I imagine as it is not your standard clone so same exact withdraw/deposit methods may not work. The new miner works well for me but as it is more stable it seems to be running my gpu's more consistently which is good but on this hot summer day they almost be overheating! Wish there were some controls at least a max temp command to shut down work.
We were talking with an exchange but our wallet api is incomplete for their needs. When we roll out the next release it will include an expanded api that will be usable by exchanges. I'm putting an eta of 8 weeks on making an exchange. If things go well, it could be as soon as 4. I doubt it will be faster than that though.