Activity: 2982
Merit: 1091
--- ChainWorks Industries ---
June 10, 2015, 11:08:45 AM |
trying to mine this on a old card 6870
only getting 1.3 mh/s ? norm get 320 mh/s on scrypt etc ...
is this normal i see everyone reporting usual rates for 280x etc 700-800 mh/s
Have added
to .bat
Am i missing something , is it age of card? ( norm gets 320) any help appreciated , dont gonna mine any blocks with 1.3 mhs
thanks in advance
no ... we are getting around 50MH on a gigabyte 280x oc ... the other figures that are getting thrown about at the moment ( as far as i know ) are the devs that have redeveloped the miner ( or created their own ) with their optimizations ... so dont worry too much ... #crysx
Taek (OP)
June 10, 2015, 11:14:34 AM |
trying to mine this on a old card 6870
only getting 1.3 mh/s ? norm get 320 mh/s on scrypt etc ...
is this normal i see everyone reporting usual rates for 280x etc 700-800 mh/s
Have added
to .bat
Am i missing something , is it age of card? ( norm gets 320) any help appreciated , dont gonna mine any blocks with 1.3 mhs
thanks in advance
no ... we are getting around 50MH on a gigabyte 280x oc ... the other figures that are getting thrown about at the moment ( as far as i know ) are the devs that have redeveloped the miner ( or created their own ) with their optimizations ... so dont worry too much ... #crysx The latest optimized miner has been released. It apparently didn't do too much for amd  I've only got an Nvidia card, so that's where all my benchmarks are coming from. Wolf0 gave me some pointers though, maybe we can milk a little extra speed out.
Taek (OP)
June 10, 2015, 11:15:23 AM |
Is there a way I can upload a file and get paid KSC each time someone downloads it?
This would be a great thing to implement in the future. Is it on the development roadmap? It's not really feasible unless you are the host. There's no way to control who the host gives the file to or how much they charge. We'd have to add DRM of some sort, and that's more pie than we want to eat.

Activity: 94
Merit: 10
June 10, 2015, 11:21:53 AM |
Ok thank your for the replies  appreciated It said i mined 3 blocks on the miner and this will take 24hrs to even display in wallet correct? no indication of blocks mined and number of confs right? Q
June 10, 2015, 11:31:08 AM |
I checked this & I found the address here is different from my wallet address . Come on anybody? Is this normal? Will my miner automatically connects with my wallet? If not how to connect? My wallet balance is still 0 & I had mined a couple of blocks yesterday as my miner suggested.
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Taek (OP)
June 10, 2015, 11:34:25 AM |
I checked this & I found the address here is different from my wallet address . Come on anybody? Is this normal? Will my miner automatically connects with my wallet? If not how to connect? Yes that's normal, your miner is connected right. If you are finding blocks, the reward is going into your wallet (after 144 confirmation delay) Ok thank your for the replies  appreciated It said i mined 3 blocks on the miner and this will take 24hrs to even display in wallet correct? no indication of blocks mined and number of confs right? Q It'll take 144 confirmations, which is usually 24 hours.
Activity: 2982
Merit: 1091
--- ChainWorks Industries ---
June 10, 2015, 11:37:05 AM |
trying to mine this on a old card 6870
only getting 1.3 mh/s ? norm get 320 mh/s on scrypt etc ...
is this normal i see everyone reporting usual rates for 280x etc 700-800 mh/s
Have added
to .bat
Am i missing something , is it age of card? ( norm gets 320) any help appreciated , dont gonna mine any blocks with 1.3 mhs
thanks in advance
no ... we are getting around 50MH on a gigabyte 280x oc ... the other figures that are getting thrown about at the moment ( as far as i know ) are the devs that have redeveloped the miner ( or created their own ) with their optimizations ... so dont worry too much ... #crysx The latest optimized miner has been released. It apparently didn't do too much for amd  I've only got an Nvidia card, so that's where all my benchmarks are coming from. Wolf0 gave me some pointers though, maybe we can milk a little extra speed out. i have both cards taek ... only just started testing it on the amd cards ... wolf is brilliant at what he does ... his pointers and advice are worth taking note of ... there are others on the dev space that can do a great job also ... pallas - djm34 and a handful for amd ... a few more in the nvidia space - as ive messaged you before ... ill pull down the test machine ( 2 x gigabyte 750ti oc lp ) and try and get it running with that ... i have a few other things to get finalized first - then bed  ... so tomorrow ... i always understood that opencl implementation was best on amd cards ... maybe i misunderstood ... anyway - will test tomorrow on nvidia ... tanx taek ... #crysx

Activity: 65
Merit: 10
June 10, 2015, 12:22:00 PM |
What does this error mean?
"The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b)."
Running wallet with GPU miner 1.01 x64 in the same folder.
The same error, pls fix it or tell what we are doing wrong
Taek (OP)
June 10, 2015, 01:24:51 PM |
Okay so after I did a reboot, I opened the client with a brand new address and the blockchain seemed to be syncing (again). My coins dont show up. I havent touched anything else. Can anyone please show me how to fix this please?
The UI was showing a different address? It sounds like you ran the program from a different folder. Sia doesn't do any sort of installing right now, all the data is kept in the same folder. This is going to be fixed in the next release.
June 10, 2015, 02:02:27 PM |
Okay so after I did a reboot, I opened the client with a brand new address and the blockchain seemed to be syncing (again). My coins dont show up. I havent touched anything else. Can anyone please show me how to fix this please?
The UI was showing a different address? It sounds like you ran the program from a different folder. Sia doesn't do any sort of installing right now, all the data is kept in the same folder. This is going to be fixed in the next release. problem solved. somehow the whole folder was moved somewhere else after the reboot.
Sr. Member
Activity: 336
Merit: 250
AKA jefdiesel
June 10, 2015, 02:05:19 PM |
Does sia create multiple addresses for each new mining session? wallet/status shows {"Balance":0,"FullBalance":0,"VisibleAddresses":["957f3cb77db909ef85ddc41ebc7bb243d2f951a2e58f36c52b3321e39e99dfbd"],"NumAddresses":9
June 10, 2015, 02:12:07 PM |
how come it seems like block is being generated at a rate faster than 10min/block?
Activity: 48
Merit: 0
June 10, 2015, 02:24:51 PM |
Uploading a word doc now, let ya know if it works or gives message
EDIT:5999 blocks remaining.. hmmm could be because not many on the actual network yet, or ported correctly? just guessing. But your right! like I said gonna be a while lol
Yeah it's gonna take awhile hahaha. I just want to spread my European and Aussie Hardstyle goodness. WHERE ALL MY PARTY LOVERS AT? see your KS contract price per GH lol, whew! Mine about the same ...wonder if it will deduct it from wallet... heh" I just changed my hosting contract price to .000001  Dammit i can't change it cause i can't port forward because I'm at work.... but i managed to mine 300KS on an i5 HAHAHAHHAHA No kidding! lol, that's pretty cool  i5 not sure if my CPU mined coins are legit though version miner are you using ? Sia UI version: 0.3.0 b365 CPU VERSION from TAEK
June 10, 2015, 02:28:43 PM |
Difficulty hasn't adjusted to the higher block rate yet, but it will.
when? at this rate we are hitting 30,000Sia per block in about half a year : ))
Activity: 48
Merit: 0
June 10, 2015, 02:49:20 PM |
Finally got my PC to start mining. It's a potato though hahaha.
30 MH/s on an R7 200 series | GPU CLOCK - 1188MHz | Memory Clock - 1625 MHz
It's so bloody loud though. Might just keep it running when I'm not sleeping lols... using my neighbours electricity ....

Activity: 81
Merit: 10
June 10, 2015, 04:10:33 PM |
GPU miner!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Often collapse

Activity: 98
Merit: 10
June 10, 2015, 04:13:58 PM Last edit: June 10, 2015, 04:51:41 PM by Bradfrogger2 |
My 3.2 wallet will not seem to sync up. I see my SC in the Overview, but no block height.. it just sits there non-responsive. Any ideas?
Also, replacing the wallet file in the newer version doe not make my mined coins appear. Huh?
June 10, 2015, 04:25:40 PM |
Thanks for all the stats! And if anyone wants to know the inflation rate per year paste this into google and it will give you a graph: y=(1.5768/(42.05+1.5768(x-1)))*100
For the first year (x=1) the inflation is about 3.75%, 10th year it is about 2.8%, and 50th year about 1.32%.
I'm pretty sure that's wrong. For the first year, inflation is much closer to 90%. Maybe my math is off, but I wrote this program: Inflation Rate of Sia Inflation at Year 1: 90.39% Inflation at Year 2: 39.37% Inflation at Year 3: 21.44% Inflation at Year 4: 11.50% Inflation at Year 5: 4.39% Inflation at Year 6: 3.44% Inflation at Year 7: 3.32% Inflation at Year 8: 3.22% Inflation at Year 9: 3.12% Inflation at Year 10: 3.02% Inflation at Year 11: 2.93% Inflation at Year 12: 2.85% Inflation at Year 13: 2.77% Inflation at Year 14: 2.70% Inflation at Year 15: 2.62% Inflation at Year 16: 2.56% Inflation at Year 17: 2.49% Inflation at Year 18: 2.43% Inflation at Year 19: 2.38% Inflation at Year 20: 2.32% Inflation at Year 21: 2.27% Inflation at Year 22: 2.22% Inflation at Year 23: 2.17% Inflation at Year 24: 2.12% Inflation at Year 25: 2.08% Inflation at Year 26: 2.04% Inflation at Year 27: 2.00% Inflation at Year 28: 1.96% Inflation at Year 29: 1.92% Inflation at Year 30: 1.88% Inflation at Year 31: 1.85% Inflation at Year 32: 1.81% Inflation at Year 33: 1.78% Inflation at Year 34: 1.75% Inflation at Year 35: 1.72% Inflation at Year 36: 1.69% Inflation at Year 37: 1.66% Inflation at Year 38: 1.64%
Sorry, yeah the equation y=(1.5768/(42.05+1.5768(x-1)))*100 is for the inflation rate after all 42.05Billion coins have been mined (about 5.5 years). So I meant at the first year (x=1) after the first 30,000 block has been mined the inflation is about 3.75%, 10th year it is about 2.8%, and 50th year about 1.32%.
June 10, 2015, 04:33:23 PM |
Hey dumb question lol, when I want to upgrade to latest wallet version, do I simply install from directory and will it simply up date relevant wallet files and preserve all coins, addresses and uploaded files? or is there more to do such as a backup and if so what is the best way to back up all wallet data before wallet version upgrade? I have ideas but not sure 100% THX Maybe I missed that part 
June 10, 2015, 04:59:30 PM |
Hello guys, How's your mining going? Is it stable & going smoothly all day/night long? Mine is not stable even with those newer version of miner/wallet. Although it takes litter more time to go black screen than with older version.
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