Activity: 1904
Merit: 1277
February 03, 2021, 03:54:38 PM |
@Cnut237 I honestly don’t understand was it’s Vettle’s over confidence, or arrogance or lack of faith, in himself which led him to give poor performances for Ferrari despite his vast talents. Lastly I don’t think that Hamilton will be beaten this year too, as I see no driver available that can beat Hamilton and win the title.
I think Vettel is a good driver but not a great driver. Perhaps the Red Bull car suited him better, or the specific regulations and car builds for those years suited his driving style, I don't know. But at Ferrari he's gone from great to good. I think this hit his confidence, and he's been into a downward spiral ever since. Plenty of drivers can drive well from the front, and Vettel can. But it's harder to drive near the front amongst challengers. I don't think Vettel can do that. Low confidence and not having the undisputed #1 car means he's trying too hard, which leads to mistakes, which means trying harder and having lower confidence, etc. And then for 2020, after he was told his contract wouldn't be renewed, I think he just lost motivation. Hamilton 2021. Yes, I don't think anyone will beat him. Remember the reason that other cars were getting close to the Mercs at the end of 2020 was because Mercedes were so dominant in the first part of the season that they just stopped developing their 2020 car altogether and switched to working on the 2021 version. So Mercedes already have a significant development headstart on other teams, in what was already the best car anyway. And Hamilton is the best driver, this can't be disputed. Others (Verstappen etc) may have talent but don't have the racecraft or the maturity to eke out a result when things are going against them.
Sr. Member
Activity: 770
Merit: 284
★★ Play Plinko or Invest!
February 03, 2021, 07:07:33 PM |
Activity: 3682
Merit: 2741
Wheel of Whales 🐳
February 03, 2021, 07:56:40 PM |
So Im pretty sure we already know the name of the next champion in season 2021 and it's going to be the 8th world championship title for him too. Michael Schumacher's last rock is wobbling! Damn who/what comes after him?
Activity: 3360
Merit: 1426
Slava Ukraini!
February 04, 2021, 10:29:57 AM |
And finally all this drama ends. I hardly imagined that won't sign new contract.
In other news it was officially announced that Grosjean will race in IndyCar. He will meet old mate Marcus Eriksson there, interesting will we hear "I think Eriksson hit us" again lol. Anyway, it's great that will be able to race just few months after that horrible crash in Bahrain.
Sr. Member
Activity: 770
Merit: 284
★★ Play Plinko or Invest!
February 04, 2021, 12:20:15 PM |
And finally all this drama ends. I hardly imagined that won't sign new contract. Well if he wants to go for his 8th title he had to sign this contract. Now he got the best chances on winning it again. But I think this whole circus around this contract was just for the public, everyone knew already that he would sign it anyways. Hamilton wanted for 4 years but Mercedes got here what the want, just for 2 years. I think for that Hamilton got his veto about his teammate.
Activity: 2366
Merit: 1084
February 04, 2021, 03:56:48 PM |
After the Argentina and Texas Series were postponed to an undetermined date, the latest news if MotoGp Thailand canceled the temporary schedule for the Moto GP 2021. In addition, they also postponed renewing the five-year contract from 2021-2025 to 2022-2026. This was done because the Covid-19 pandemic continued. The price of the resignation license has not changed they still pay 25 million euros. But Dorna's side has not officially confirmed the delay so far. Source:
February 05, 2021, 12:33:23 PM |
It is still a basic agreement and we are waiting for a full agreement and an official announcement. But I don't think there will be any problem from now on. I can't wait to see Hamilton getting his 8th title. 
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Sr. Member
Activity: 770
Merit: 284
★★ Play Plinko or Invest!
February 05, 2021, 12:44:56 PM |
It is still a basic agreement and we are waiting for a full agreement and an official announcement. But I don't think there will be any problem from now on. I can't wait to see Hamilton getting his 8th title.  The clausule of his veto for the teammate is already been called the 'Verstappen clause'. So Hamilton can decides that he doesnt want to have Verstappen as his teammate.
Activity: 4256
Merit: 1483
Life, Love and Laughter...
February 05, 2021, 03:42:29 PM |
^ He already had a couple of bad experiences with Fernando Alonso and to some extent with Nico Rosberg. I’d like to see him pair up with Vettel tho. I have always been curious how fast he would be inside that Merc. Prolly beating everybody at qualifying at every event.
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Activity: 2688
Merit: 1005
fly or die
February 06, 2021, 10:58:10 PM |
Ferrari really made him bald in my opinion with all the stress that he endured for all this season.
I think it goes both ways, and Vettel's performance (or lack of) probably caused some baldness amongst Ferrari officials, too  It has to be said he really underperformed in the red car, and not just last season. There were a couple of years where the Ferrari package was right up there with Mercedes, but Ferrari didn't have the drivers to beat Hamilton. Did they? Merc always had the best car since the switch to the V6. I mean imagine switching Vettel and Hamilton during that time when ‘Ferrari had the package’... I think Vettel would be winning the championship by a mile cos really Ferrari is kinda behind in F1 auto development for more than a decade now. Ferrari never had the best car but more could have been done with the car they had. Imagine if Alonso had been kept instead of Vettel, I'm sure they would have more wins, maybe even a championship.
Activity: 3360
Merit: 1426
Slava Ukraini!
February 07, 2021, 12:04:46 AM |
At least some good news about DTM. In recent years there was so many manufacturers who decided to withdraw from competition, that in 2020 season there was only Audi and BMW remaining. And Audi also left it after previous season. Not the best times for this racing series. BTW, correct me if I'm wrong, but Alex Albon will participate in this competition in 2021 in these weekends when there is no F1 races.
February 07, 2021, 03:47:21 AM |
MOTOSPORT GENERAL DISCUSSION TREAD Considering that motosport season starts next weekend with formula1 and motogp lets discuss little about upcoming season in all motosport. Share your opinion in races team who will win first race ... and more On the year 2020, Valtteri Bottas continued being driver on the team Mercedez and it is a good thing for Mercedez since Bottas is a very skillful driver. In pre-season practice, he set the fastest time at the Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya. At the season-opening Austrian Grand Prix, Bottas took pole position and led the race from start to finish. In wet conditions, Bottas qualified fourth for the Styrian Grand Prix and went on to finish second behind Hamilton in the event, cutting his championship lead to six points. At the Hungarian Grand Prix, Bottas qualified second behind Hamilton, but made a false start and lost four positions in the first corner. By the end of the Grand Prix, he was able to reclaim third place, but lost the championship lead to Hamilton. And a lot of things happened between Hamilton and Bottas but Bottas left losing the series. But for this year 2021, Bottas remained loyal to Mercedez Team
Activity: 1904
Merit: 1277
February 07, 2021, 09:10:51 AM |
There were a couple of years where the Ferrari package was right up there with Mercedes, but Ferrari didn't have the drivers to beat Hamilton.
Did they? Merc always had the best car since the switch to the V6. I mean imagine switching Vettel and Hamilton during that time when ‘Ferrari had the package’... I think Vettel would be winning the championship by a mile cos really Ferrari is kinda behind in F1 auto development for more than a decade now. Ferrari never had the best car but more could have been done with the car they had. Imagine if Alonso had been kept instead of Vettel, I'm sure they would have more wins, maybe even a championship. Certainly for a lot of the V6 period Mercedes have had the best car, and sometimes by a significant margin. However that hasn't been the case the whole time. Considering 2018 as an example, the Ferrari package was certainly equal to Mercedes and even ahead of them for some of the season. I'd agree with aesma on the Alonso angle. If Ferrari had Alonso instead of Vettel in 2018, it could well have been a Ferrari championship win. If Hamilton has the best car, he wins. If Hamilton in a Merc is competing with Vettel in a just-as-good Ferrari, Hamilton wins. But put Alonso or maybe Verstappen in that just-as-good Ferrari, and whilst I'd still favour Hamilton, the question is certainly a lot more open.
February 07, 2021, 03:15:47 PM |
There were a couple of years where the Ferrari package was right up there with Mercedes, but Ferrari didn't have the drivers to beat Hamilton.
Did they? Merc always had the best car since the switch to the V6. I mean imagine switching Vettel and Hamilton during that time when ‘Ferrari had the package’... I think Vettel would be winning the championship by a mile cos really Ferrari is kinda behind in F1 auto development for more than a decade now. Ferrari never had the best car but more could have been done with the car they had. Imagine if Alonso had been kept instead of Vettel, I'm sure they would have more wins, maybe even a championship. Certainly for a lot of the V6 period Mercedes have had the best car, and sometimes by a significant margin. However that hasn't been the case the whole time. Considering 2018 as an example, the Ferrari package was certainly equal to Mercedes and even ahead of them for some of the season. I'd agree with aesma on the Alonso angle. If Ferrari had Alonso instead of Vettel in 2018, it could well have been a Ferrari championship win. If Hamilton has the best car, he wins. If Hamilton in a Merc is competing with Vettel in a just-as-good Ferrari, Hamilton wins. But put Alonso or maybe Verstappen in that just-as-good Ferrari, and whilst I'd still favour Hamilton, the question is certainly a lot more open. in 2018 ferrari was cheating as they had a system that adds drops of fuel on the straight line so that was the reason why they always were the fastest when it comes to going in straight. The FIA was on them at the end Ferrari teams payed a fine i think and sad they will help the FIA to detecte if any team was using some power unit enhancement they didn't admit to the public but since then their pace was no longer there.
Activity: 3458
Merit: 1209
February 07, 2021, 06:00:38 PM |
I don't know if we have any F1 Virtual Race fans out here but the British Grand Prix is just about to begin! You can watch it on both youtube and twitch! Link to youtube : to twtich : hope Russel will win this one or maybe Arthur Leclerc will manage to pull out a victory! Also Courtois from Real Madrid is in the race!
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Activity: 2688
Merit: 1005
fly or die
February 07, 2021, 08:58:54 PM |
There were a couple of years where the Ferrari package was right up there with Mercedes, but Ferrari didn't have the drivers to beat Hamilton.
Did they? Merc always had the best car since the switch to the V6. I mean imagine switching Vettel and Hamilton during that time when ‘Ferrari had the package’... I think Vettel would be winning the championship by a mile cos really Ferrari is kinda behind in F1 auto development for more than a decade now. Ferrari never had the best car but more could have been done with the car they had. Imagine if Alonso had been kept instead of Vettel, I'm sure they would have more wins, maybe even a championship. Certainly for a lot of the V6 period Mercedes have had the best car, and sometimes by a significant margin. However that hasn't been the case the whole time. Considering 2018 as an example, the Ferrari package was certainly equal to Mercedes and even ahead of them for some of the season. I'd agree with aesma on the Alonso angle. If Ferrari had Alonso instead of Vettel in 2018, it could well have been a Ferrari championship win. If Hamilton has the best car, he wins. If Hamilton in a Merc is competing with Vettel in a just-as-good Ferrari, Hamilton wins. But put Alonso or maybe Verstappen in that just-as-good Ferrari, and whilst I'd still favour Hamilton, the question is certainly a lot more open. in 2018 ferrari was cheating as they had a system that adds drops of fuel on the straight line so that was the reason why they always were the fastest when it comes to going in straight. The FIA was on them at the end Ferrari teams payed a fine i think and sad they will help the FIA to detecte if any team was using some power unit enhancement they didn't admit to the public but since then their pace was no longer there. I think they were burning oil not more fuel. If indeed they had been close to winning the championship, it would have made a major scandal for sure. As it is the FIA buried it for some reason. Well, because it's Ferrari.
Activity: 2674
Merit: 1519
#1 VIP Crypto Casino
February 07, 2021, 09:55:49 PM |
This not official. The deadline is the start of F1 preseason test. The tests will be in Bahrain from 12th to 14th of March, they will be done in the same place where 2 weeks later the 1st race will be done. Hamilton has 5 more weeks to find an agreement with Mercedes.
Activity: 2688
Merit: 1005
fly or die
February 07, 2021, 11:13:43 PM |
Good move from the DTM to use GT3 cars, it makes total sense. All motorsports must reduce costs, there is no need to develop tons of various cars based on the same one because each championship has various rules, that in the end don't make much of a difference.
Activity: 2212
Merit: 1012
February 07, 2021, 11:42:27 PM |
This not official. The deadline is the start of F1 preseason test. The tests will be in Bahrain from 12th to 14th of March, they will be done in the same place where 2 weeks later the 1st race will be done. Hamilton has 5 more weeks to find an agreement with Mercedes. They will still agree on where they will go from each other, because the interest in cooperation from both sides is mutual, although all these things related to signing a contract are already beginning to resemble elements of a staged show to attract audience interest to the team in the off-season. Because it seems that thanks to the new co-owner of the Mercedes racing team, there should be no problems with the financial part of the contract.