how do you associate a new or specific Byteball address with the Blackbyte distribution?
or are you stuck with the default?
Copy and paste - the bot accepts the address (just like a BTC address), followed by the usual dialog
To find your BB-adresses with balance:
use cogwheel (next to the wallet name) -> advanced -> wallet information -> scroll down -> balance by adresses
Maybe also helpful: Edit: added link
when i copy and paste my byte ball address it asks me sign a btc address to is as per the documentation.
so it does not re assign the black bytes addressMaybe a misunderstanding
There are two ways to participate in this distribution:
A. You link Bitcoin which you own or borrowed
B. You buy some Bytes (not Blackbytes !) or get them from a third party and have to link them (It is necessary to link the Bytes to receive also Blackbytes).
So there is no need to link an address where only blackbytes are located!
Blackbytes do not participate in the distribution, so their price (currently) is much lower.
To link a specific BB-address, send the BB-address to the bot via copy paste, then he will ask for the associated BTC address...
Linkin means to create a pairing from a BTC and one or more BB addresses: BB address <-> BTC address .
Once the BB-address is assigned to any BTC-address (can also be empty) this BB-address is linked.
(It is not about to send a BB address anywhere or register it somewhere.)
The other way is, simply follow the bot dialog and then consolidate your bytes (not Blackbytes !) on the linked BB address. (The bot tells you the corresponding BB-address)
Blackbytes do not participate in the distribution.
To link Bytes, you always need also a BTC address ( make a pairing BB-address<->BTC-adress ...that's what we call linking).
The BTC-address can also be empty, the amounts on the BB address are then taken into account when the blackbytes are distributed (Bytes -> Blackbytes)
The linking of Bytes is only necessary to receive blackbytes as the blackbytes can not be distributed without linking due to their private properties.
If you try to assign a BTC address to several BB addresses, the BTC address is blacklisted.