Crikey, my last post was a disaster from start to finish. Please allow me to explain and hopefully redeem myself

In my frustration with the extremely divisive and damaging "name" issue, I tried to convey too many things all at once, hoping to illustrate that messaging can and does create peoples perceptions, and the same can be true for ByteBall - but I made a mistake, I rushed it - that image and the concept was way too under developed to be published at that time.
The truth is, I was really excited, because I believed I'd found a perfect symbol for ByteBall & the DAG (and still do).
It was the concept (in my mind anyways) of a "ball of bytes" speeding through cyberspace that first grabbed my attention, and the DAG growing...getting more powerful and faster over time...leaving a kind of tail of connected data... I found the image to be energizing & exciting, just like ByteBall.
So, more to the point of
"Simplicity is beauty", I've tried to refine the concept a bit. (Unfortunately, my Photoshop skills are quite limited. A real graphics pro could take this concept much further than I, with font adjustments, size of the "Ball of Bytes", tail adjustments, better color grading variations etc. etc.)
I really think it's worth another look, and
we simply have to get the energy up with regards to the ByteBall name. So here's my updated version:

Do you see the "Ball of Bytes" & the DAG as well?
All kinds of variations are possible, like this:

or maybe this

So, what do you think? Perhaps it just doesn't resonate with anyone but me - and that's ok. It would just be nice to know.
If there is no response again (good or bad) for all that effort, I will have learned something else I need to know about this project as an actual investor. (yes, I have real money invested - no free ride for me - gives one a very different perspective - don't you think?)
Let me tell you this, if we as a community don't fix this silly name thing soon, it's gonna bite us. I don't want that to happen.
It seems to me that Tonych has no desire to change the name - and why should he, it's a great name - especially with the right graphics, messaging & marketing, and the support of the community of course. Anyone who giggles at the name is . . . well, ignorant. Why do we as a community tolerate it?
Please do your part to purge this disease from our midst so we can get on with more important things.
Additional References: - let's get past our squabbles - we have work to do. - some really powerful distribution possibilities - just needs some imagination & creativity to overcome the "potential abuse" objections - more on that later.