Allow me to quote the main part of this link:
What if… Byteball makes a special ‘Discover Byteball’ page where people can upload their contactlist with email addresses. Every email address you provide will receive 1 MB (± $0,70) via textcoin from this fund.
I see two main problems with this:
1. Basically, it's spamming people. And although that is a powerful method used by almost every social media website, I personally hate it when a company sends me an email because someone else leaked my email address.
2. It will be very easy to abuse. Giveaways in general are heavily abused, and if all that's required is an email address, many people will claim this many times.
I agree with LoyceV. These emails must come from a known trusted sender. It is either a person-to-person email/chat, or a mass mailing from a business/organization you already have some relations with.
Thank you both for responding, and I completely agree with your point about spam and abuse. The first method is way too spammy for my taste and for the ByteBall Brand.
Invitations must come from a known and trusted person or entity. If anything like this were to be used, Conditions MUST be put in place to prevent that kind of abuse.
However, there was far more to that discussion than just that first post.
For the benefit of all who did not go deeper, here is more information about what many of us in the ByteBall community consider to be simply the most compelling, ethical and productive distribution method possible.
In essence:
We have a very powerful tool and a Lot of leverage with Undistributed Bytesa)
Exchange Listings: What if an exchange was able to offer every one of their clients a little bit of "free money" and get some in return (say 10% of what is distributed to their clients for performing a service that ByteBall wants) - a little taste of ByteBall for all their clients as a promotion - do you think the Exchange would like that? I do. It would be a Fantastic No-Brainer Promotion that I would jump on in a second (good for them, good for us, good for everyone).
Imagine if we could sign up a couple million new users in a few weeks time by offering this to a few
exchanges we feel are worthy. The Amounts Distributed could be too small and too diverse to make heavy selling a possibility (and why would they want to sell? - I think they would buy more

), the wallet would also then be in the hands of people who are already crypto enthusiasts - the exact people that can and will direct funds from other cryptos into Bytes, tell their crypto buddies about it and actually use Bytes in commerce. This is targeting at its finest.
Engage the Community in Distributions - to the Platforms Extreme BenefitA similar kind of offer could be made to all ByteBall holders:
What if we set up a Smart Contract whereby
a Byteballer Invites someone to participate, and gets a 10% refferal fee (or other percentage)? I don't personally know how to do that but someone around here must be able to come up with something that works. There must be ways to do similar things with Textcoin and many other features of the Tech. The perfect way to demonstrate the full spectrum of technology available on the ByteBall Olatform. We all know that once people actually experience the Wallet, they are converts. Perhaps the exact method I described is not viable as I'm more of a marketing guy, but surely our tech wizards can build variations that are.
What else could better engage commerce and unify the community in a potentially spectacular viral marketing campaign, promoting the actual real use of Bytes in our Economy?
Get the currency moving, building value. New Byte holders are immediately entitled to the same incentive. wow.
Merchants: Why not offer this same concept to Merchants as well, so they can have a marketing tool not only for themselves, but for the ByteBall economy as a whole.
A Byteballer who Invites a new merchant into the Platform would get a percentage of the funds. This type of arrangement would recruit new merchants faster than anything else I can think of. This is a fantastic vehicle for coffee shops, boutiques and the like to promote their business with their customers. almost any business really. what a great marketing tool for them (and us).
The amounts of Bytes involved could vary, depending on the situation or type of buzz we want to create. Very Sweet I think.
We are about commerce, right? This could be an honest to goodness (ethical) marketing machine like no other. It has the potential to go viral in a big way. What an amazing way to engage the community, demonstrate the technology and give the ByteBall economy a massive kick start all at once... and it could dovetail perfectly with a
Strategic Marketing Plan. Simply Outstanding!
I believe what is outlined above is simply the
Most Powerful Way to make Distribution Really Work to ByteBalls Complete Advantage.
Love to hear why this (or some variation thereof) is not a good ides.
Additional references: - if you don't think this article had something to do with restoring confidence and a rise in the ByteBall asset value, you are not paying attention. Remember, our Reddit platform is arguably the most public face of ByteBall right now. - a must read if we are to succeed long term. - some basic marketing advice from an old SEO/SEM guy with a lifetime of marketing experience.