
Activity: 81
Merit: 10
January 08, 2018, 08:18:37 PM |
Byteballs is about to get the fuck out from top 100 omg 
tonych (OP)
Activity: 965
Merit: 1033
January 08, 2018, 08:22:21 PM |
Simplicity is beauty
January 08, 2018, 08:50:42 PM |
Byteballs is about to get the fuck out from top 100 omg  At the same time Byteball is better than ever, markets are crazy
Full Member
Activity: 392
Merit: 130
Taschen leer neue Blockchain her
January 08, 2018, 09:11:44 PM |
Byteballs is about to get the fuck out from top 100 omg  At the same time Byteball is better than ever, markets are crazy Maybe, this is the key feature from Byteball. No other coin has this ability  the price is more new user friendly than before.
January 08, 2018, 10:05:37 PM |
Done with Dutch translation of the wallet, checked everything. Who knew there is so much text in a wallet? 
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
January 08, 2018, 10:18:18 PM |
Our ICO bot now supports BTC and ETH (meaning you can pay in BTC or ETH to buy a token issued on Byteball platform)., almost all pieces are in place to become an ICO platform. Any likelihood of better documentation on how to go about performing an ICO? I understand TitanCoin is the first to use the ICO bot but I'm unable to find anything outside of the GitHub repo regarding docs / guides.  Interested in exploring / testing the ICO bots capabilities. Where is the best place to find help / info on this? 
January 08, 2018, 10:52:15 PM |
Can you add bosnian? I do this with my friends ;-)
Activity: 3122
Merit: 1538
January 09, 2018, 05:28:17 AM |
Done with Dutch translation of the wallet, checked everything. Who knew there is so much text in a wallet?  Good work. We need good men like you, each carrying one of the bricks to build the house. Let’s keep translation efforts up people!

Activity: 252
Merit: 11
January 09, 2018, 07:38:09 AM |
I also agree with cryptohunter.
It is tonychs project and he has done a great job on the technical side. I can fully understand that he wants to stay in control. But Byteball currently is not a decentralized currency which is run by a community like Bitcoin was from the very beginning. My impression is it is more or less run by a single person.
A community does not come out of nowhere just by doing airdrops. You need to give people the chance to get involved.
Bitcoin was fully centralized in the beginning. You can check explorer, there was one miner in the beginning, likely Satoshi. Then he passed this forum, github to trusted people, more people start mining. By the way Satoshi style is very similar to tonych style) yes, but those were different times. Satoshi had no competition, and the adopters were all tech enthusiasts and visionaries. Now there are around 1000 coins, 99% of them being absolutly shit, the buyers are the shoe shiners of '29, crazy to may any crypto coin. If we stay on the current path, byteball will loose all the attention, and will eventualy die off. We are heading towards a bubble burst, and when it happens only a few coins will survive. Those that have a strong community and a lot of attention. Byteball has neither. I'm one of those enthusiasts that embraced satoshi vision and used bitcoin as a real coin when it was worth 10$. I spent thousands. Didn't hold to much unfortunatly but what I did allows me to play with alts now and make a ton of money. The point I'm trying to make is that even though I fully believe in this tony's technical vision and know that this coin is one of the 3-4 coins of real life value out of all those 1000, my money is out because byteball as it is doesn't pay, and unless something changes I'm certain it never will.
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
January 09, 2018, 09:19:58 AM |
In the last quarter so many new people in crypto space. And all those people get aware of byteball because of the free airdrop in march. More and more people will realise that the allts nonsense will not last forever and they will also start to invest some of their money in good projects. And in good projects there is not much choice. All those coins have only promises, byteball have working products. More and more business will start to accept byteball because of the cash back program. I am sure 2018 is the year of byteball.
Sr. Member
Activity: 420
Merit: 251
January 09, 2018, 10:26:58 AM |
Norwegian translation finished, now needs approval.
Activity: 19
Merit: 0
January 09, 2018, 10:46:06 AM |
I would have to agree. Not sure how much work this entails and the time period it would take but i don't see anything wrong with seeing additional liquidity and more brand awareness in the community unless I'm missing something?
Activity: 2646
Merit: 1138
All paid signature campaigns should be banned.
January 09, 2018, 12:14:59 PM |
yes, but those were different times. Satoshi had no competition, and the adopters were all tech enthusiasts and visionaries. Now there are around 1000 coins, 99% of them being absolutly shit
Check out this list of new shit: number of forks since the Bitcoin cash showed how easy it is to make money out of thin air.
Our family was terrorized by Homeland Security. Read all about it here: and Any donations to help us recover from the $300,000 in legal fees and forced donations to the Federal Asset Forfeiture slush fund are greatly appreciated!
Activity: 29
Merit: 37
January 09, 2018, 01:19:59 PM |
As earlier stated, I finished the Danish website translation, but there's no request for a Danish wallet translation yet. I would happily provide the danish translation for the wallet as well but need it to get listed at along with the other translations. Any chance someone could pick up on this and add Danish language translation so we can get the ball rolling here in .dk as well?  Edit: Also - a slack invitation would be sweet 
Activity: 1078
Merit: 1307
January 09, 2018, 01:35:14 PM |
yes, but those were different times. Satoshi had no competition, and the adopters were all tech enthusiasts and visionaries. Now there are around 1000 coins, 99% of them being absolutly shit
Check out this list of new shit: number of forks since the Bitcoin cash showed how easy it is to make money out of thin air. And the next Forks coming in 2018 like BitcoinRhodium  Only Devs of this Forks get rich and Projects like ByteBall are undervalued the the whole time. 
Activity: 59
Merit: 0
January 09, 2018, 01:38:03 PM |
I also agree with cryptohunter.
It is tonychs project and he has done a great job on the technical side. I can fully understand that he wants to stay in control. But Byteball currently is not a decentralized currency which is run by a community like Bitcoin was from the very beginning. My impression is it is more or less run by a single person.
A community does not come out of nowhere just by doing airdrops. You need to give people the chance to get involved.
Bitcoin was fully centralized in the beginning. You can check explorer, there was one miner in the beginning, likely Satoshi. Then he passed this forum, github to trusted people, more people start mining. By the way Satoshi style is very similar to tonych style) Bitcoin lacks decentralization now speaking about the fork)
Activity: 8
Merit: 0
January 09, 2018, 03:30:06 PM |
Regarding the discussion about the Coin Supply. The current supply is 1,000,000 GBYTE which is not high in my point of view.
You can not multiple the current supply with billion and say we have 1,000,000,000,000,000 Bytes as supply. As this is not usable due to the fees per transfer (583 Bytes per usual transfer)
Recently i have tested the wallet and made some micro (1 byte) and small (1,250,000 = 1$) transactions. I have paid 588 Bytes fee per transfer which equals to 0,0004664 $ (800$ per GByte / 1,000,000,000 x 583 fee)
If we assume that highest reasonable fee is 0,01 Cent. Then Gbyte should maximally rise with factor 21. The maximum price for 1 GByte would be then 16800$ per GByte
January 09, 2018, 03:42:34 PM |
Activity: 2165
Merit: 1002
January 09, 2018, 08:18:14 PM |
yes, but those were different times. Satoshi had no competition, and the adopters were all tech enthusiasts and visionaries. Now there are around 1000 coins, 99% of them being absolutly shit
Check out this list of new shit: number of forks since the Bitcoin cash showed how easy it is to make money out of thin air. LOL, there's stuff there I didn't even now existed. I'd better claim before they die out. bitcoin has proved to be the best passive income earner among cryptos. Just keep it in cold storage and let it fork 