Another round about the denomination issue:
This is my proposal, let's change drastically the unit, let's move straight forward to
Pros- We can use KBY acronim, it's not yet chosen by any other crypto (at the moment).
- It's shorter, not "mega", not "giga", just one letter "K".
- Sounds well in many languages (key-byte in english).
- It's clear that many of the new people arriving to crypto are prone to invest in lower denominated assets. It's about psychology, but most of them prefer to buy "thousands" of coins instead of just a portion of one.
- Let's forget about "byteball", that two words sound not so good for most of english native speakers. I'm not one of them, but I think that KBYTE should be the name of the plattform instead of byteball.
- No need to make any major change in the wallet, very easy to implement.
- We recently celebrated our first anniversary, it's time for a rebranding.
- Right now it's easier to do the change, because this coin is not at many exchanges.
- All recent rebrandings in the crypto world have been successfuly supported by users and rewarded with higher prices.
Cons- None I discovered.
Lets comment about this proposal!
As a gift only for the first one who catch it

Here is your link to receive
1000 KBYTE (≈0,84 USD):