ok i see.
but when i set the update timer on 5m it updates every 5 minutes right? so how does it comply with ROC or RSI indicators? i thought for that it would be good to have shorter interval updates to get a better momentum.
Bitcoinwisdom shows the time charts i ask for but also updates every 5 sec. the candles.
Personally i look for EMA 2hr. short=4 long=7 setup for the bot and cant do that.
For the pump my bot was selling high (hurra) based on the ROC. The price dropped and catched up, triggered a buy,executed a buy, fell all the way back and came into drop loss protection, sent sell signal. sell signal came to late price dropped further.Sell order was placed. Couldn't buy back in because of drop loss protection and un-executed sell order. At the end the bot was stuck on a high sell and the later price was way below.
That why i ask for checking for open order and in case cancel and resell before you come under your buy price. otherwise you will be stuck and experience bad losses.
When we all get a better idea how the indicators are relatad and working according to updates then we can improve.
Tips like buy low high low we have in trollbox and dont really need.
i still think and fell we can get an working bot as far as we paid or and bought.
thanks for your previous reply.