To upgrade the client without reinstalling the .msi just open the client, click on "help" -> "debug window" then on the opened window select the "console" tab and there type "upgrade".
that's the right process, if the client receives an upgrade that is necessary to install trough a new .msi install, devs will tell us =)
Thanks, that's what I was looking for.
Whats your boinc utilization?
Second Question:
Just download and install the client again. Thats what i did, not sure if its the best way though.
Right now it's 69 (with 386 AVG Daily points), although it's supposed to be 100% (as it's set in my BOINC preferences). And in addition to that the QT takes the whole 25% of my CPU fully loading one of my cores. Don't know what to do, can this problem be solved?
I doubt it's intended behavior.
Thank you.
UPD: I upgraded my QT, but in "Information" tab the version is still v1.1.5.2-g71-prod (with the build date of October 10). Is it a bug or my QT wasn't updated properly?
Regarding process utilization by the wallet, Im not seeing that on my four machines. Im seeing 1% - 0% utilization. Have you tested this out after sql is done syncing > 40000 blocks? Once thats done it should be nil. Also, try going to task manager and run qt on one core to see if there is any difference.
Regarding trouble with the integrated upgrader, also try ensuring the program files (x86)\gridcoin directory is not read only. If it is take ownership of it.
More positive news on the upgrader:
I just put out v7.5 with a new upgrader; in order to upgrade to this version you may have to install it from the MSI if your upgrader is not working; but if it is you can do an upgrade to download this version.
Once installed, go to the rpc and do an unecessary Upgrade to see if the upgrader says "v1.1" on the screen; if so you are on the latest version of upgrade.
Then test it.
Were going to need to isolate this down to either a timeout issue Or a permission issue. The new version has a 1.5 minute timeout per file and 10 tries before it fails.
Once running the new version, try doing an upgrade even though you do not need to to test it. Check the program directory and tell me which files succeeded and which failed by looking at the timestamps.
Also, if your upgrade fails, check the permissions on that program files folder and see if it is read only. If they are, take ownership of the folder, verify it is no longer read only, and do another upgrade.
Tell us what fixes it if so.