Can I ask what shows up if you type the following?
$ awk '{print $3, $1}' allbets.txt | grep '^32000 ' | uniq -c | sort -n | tail
$ awk '{print $3, $1}' allbets.txt | grep '^32768 ' | uniq -c | sort -n | tail
$ awk '{print $3, $1}' allbets.txt | grep '^48000 ' | uniq -c | sort -n | tail
$ awk '{print $3, $1}' allbets.txt | grep '^52000 ' | uniq -c | sort -n | tail
$ awk '{print $3, $1}' allbets.txt | grep '^56000 ' | uniq -c | sort -n | tail
$ awk '{print $3, $1}' allbets.txt | grep '^60000 ' | uniq -c | sort -n | tail
$ awk '{print $3, $1}' allbets.txt | grep '^64000 ' | uniq -c | sort -n | tail
awk: cannot open allbets.txt (No such file or directory)

I'm regenerating the list such that I can sort it into the order that the bets were placed rather than payout order. That should give better numbers I think. It will take a few hours though.
Edit: the list of bets I'm generating has the block number and transaction number within the block, so I can sort it once it's done. I just checked a few early entries to make sure the bets were being listed right, and it showed me:
32000 5020 L 178122-8 0.04
24000 5019 L 178122-8 0.04
12000 5018 L 178122-8 0.04
ie. the 8th transaction (counting from 0) in block 178122 contains 3 bets of 0.04 BTC. I checked this against ( but found that these 3 bets were in the 9th transaction, and that there were bets in the 3rd transaction which show up in my list as being the 37th transaction. So I was worried my code is listing the transactions in the wrong order.
It turns out though that my code lists the transactions in the same order as blockexplorer ( so it's that's listing the transactions in an apparently random order.
It's only got as far as last October so far, but already found sequences of 30 and 26 wins in a row at lessthan 32768, and 23 losses in a row too:
$ grep '^32768 ' allbets.txt | sort -k2n | awk '{print $3}' | uniq -c | sort -n | tail -3
23 L
26 W
30 W
Edit2: It's up to December 28th now, and I've improved the code that finds the longest sequences so it tells you which block and transaction number each sequence starts and ends at:
lessthan 1 0 wins (None to None ) 0 losses (None to None )
lessthan 2 0 wins (None to None ) 0 losses (None to None )
lessthan 4 1 wins (213426-111 to 213426-111 ) 4293 losses (177365-68 to 213425-123 )
lessthan 8 1 wins (191198-55 to 191198-55 ) 1676 losses (191205-145 to 202814-661 )
lessthan 16 1 wins (191139-261 to 191139-261 ) 1582 losses (176832-53 to 191139-252 )
lessthan 32 1 wins (184331-26 to 184331-26 ) 3363 losses (184331-33 to 191139-252 )
lessthan 64 1 wins (184331-26 to 184331-26 ) 4209 losses (191139-273 to 209097-247 )
lessthan 128 1 wins (184218-167 to 184218-167 ) 3165 losses (194000-15 to 206389-210 )
lessthan 256 2 wins (208181-71 to 208181-71 ) 1297 losses (210373-648 to 214001-353 )
lessthan 512 1 wins (177492-65 to 177492-65 ) 564 losses (206416-327 to 207020-196 )
lessthan 1000 2 wins (180131-98 to 180136-87 ) 388 losses (185647-135 to 186200-55 )
lessthan 1500 2 wins (180806-572 to 180806-574 ) 221 losses (186994-57 to 187443-156 )
lessthan 2000 3 wins (190605-433 to 190605-479 ) 280 losses (192015-159 to 192877-145 )
lessthan 3000 3 wins (190605-433 to 190605-479 ) 274 losses (196923-121 to 197196-178 )
lessthan 4000 3 wins (187645-74 to 187668-17 ) 123 losses (191201-362 to 191339-143 )
lessthan 6000 25 wins (205973-153 to 205973-153 ) 86 losses (187233-224 to 187273-126 )
lessthan 8000 21 wins (212274-43 to 212274-113 ) 91 losses (197734-53 to 197745-364 )
lessthan 12000 12 wins (208332-49 to 208332-313 ) 73 losses (208332-469 to 208335-22 )
lessthan 16000 18 wins (203664-170 to 203664-179 ) 39 losses (204260-155 to 204260-306 )
lessthan 24000 14 wins (213616-75 to 213616-1053) 22 losses (201314-281 to 201319-67 )
lessthan 32000 34 wins (184344-956 to 184345-16 ) 65 losses (184391-665 to 184391-739 )
lessthan 32768 30 wins (180866-367 to 180868-167 ) 24 losses (213052-220 to 213052-475 )
lessthan 48000 68 wins (182535-247 to 182536-268 ) 17 losses (189347-98 to 189347-126 )
lessthan 52000 59 wins (202481-127 to 202567-150 ) 13 losses (209193-229 to 209193-229 )
lessthan 56000 56 wins (193592-338 to 193614-452 ) 14 losses (209941-317 to 209945-15 )
lessthan 60000 158 wins (208494-103 to 208532-864 ) 21 losses (208647-415 to 208647-458 )
lessthan 64000 439 wins (180744-103 to 181691-101 ) 2 losses (177069-43 to 177087-37 )
That looks like a genuine run of 30 wins on lessthan 32768. Isn't that incredibly unlikely? Like a 1-in-a-billion chance?
Edit3: I see a problem. It used to be that all the bets in a single transaction would get the same lucky number. It's also possible to bet on the same address multiple times in a single transaction. That means you can win the same bet twice in a single transaction, and I'm counting that as 2 in a row. See the 'lessthan 256' above - it says "2 wins (208181-71 to 208181-71)". That's because he bet on lessthan 256 twice in the same transaction, and both bets got the same lucky number: see lines 3 and 8
OK, so it's finished making the list, and I've changed the script to ignore multiple bets in a single transaction in blocks earlier than block 213879 (when the rule changed). Here's a list of the current losest winning and losing streaks per bet:
lessthan 1 1 wins (222877-119 to 222877-119 ) 85965 losses (176831-34 to 222877-118 )
lessthan 2 0 wins (None to None ) 0 losses (None to None )
lessthan 4 1 wins (213426-111 to 213426-111 ) 4259 losses (177365-68 to 213425-123 )
lessthan 8 1 wins (191198-55 to 191198-55 ) 4946 losses (202814-664 to 217110-578 )
lessthan 16 1 wins (191139-261 to 191139-261 ) 1581 losses (176832-53 to 191139-252 )
lessthan 32 1 wins (184331-26 to 184331-26 ) 6360 losses (196254-318 to 219048-260 )
lessthan 64 1 wins (184331-26 to 184331-26 ) 4204 losses (191139-273 to 209097-247 )
lessthan 128 1 wins (184218-167 to 184218-167 ) 3158 losses (194000-15 to 206389-210 )
lessthan 256 1 wins (179750-57 to 179750-57 ) 1289 losses (210373-648 to 214001-353 )
lessthan 512 1 wins (177492-65 to 177492-65 ) 564 losses (206416-327 to 207020-196 )
lessthan 1000 2 wins (180131-98 to 180136-87 ) 566 losses (214383-45 to 214430-239 )
lessthan 1500 2 wins (180806-572 to 180806-574 ) 303 losses (222782-200 to 222904-322 )
lessthan 2000 3 wins (190605-433 to 190605-479 ) 280 losses (192015-159 to 192877-145 )
lessthan 3000 3 wins (190605-433 to 190605-479 ) 274 losses (196923-121 to 197196-178 )
lessthan 4000 3 wins (187645-74 to 187668-17 ) 123 losses (191201-362 to 191339-143 )
lessthan 6000 4 wins (199484-177 to 199512-23 ) 96 losses (221597-329 to 221986-337 )
lessthan 8000 9 wins (192997-182 to 192997-232 ) 91 losses (197734-53 to 197745-364 )
lessthan 12000 12 wins (208332-49 to 208332-313 ) 73 losses (208332-469 to 208335-22 )
lessthan 16000 9 wins (184483-183 to 184483-294 ) 42 losses (219440-228 to 219440-350 )
lessthan 24000 14 wins (213616-75 to 213616-1053) 22 losses (201314-281 to 201319-67 )
lessthan 32000 34 wins (184344-956 to 184345-16 ) 65 losses (184391-665 to 184391-739 )
lessthan 32768 30 wins (180866-367 to 180868-167 ) 26 losses (216081-852 to 216081-901 )
lessthan 48000 68 wins (182535-247 to 182536-268 ) 17 losses (189347-98 to 189347-126 )
lessthan 52000 59 wins (202481-127 to 202567-150 ) 9 losses (213719-227 to 213720-86 )
lessthan 56000 60 wins (224067-454 to 224072-192 ) 5 losses (196994-197 to 197000-76 )
lessthan 60000 146 wins (213472-454 to 213513-36 ) 4 losses (210367-580 to 210367-590 )
lessthan 64000 439 wins (180744-103 to 181691-101 ) 2 losses (177069-43 to 177087-37 )
So the 30 wins in a row on lessthan 32768 was real. Even more incredible is the run of 34 wins on the slightly harder lessthan 32000 game.
Edit76: I just noticed "65 losses (184391-665 to 184391-739" on the "lessthan 32000" game. That's a huge number of losses in a row. They're all in the same block, too.
Here's the list of them:
betnum R block-tx# amount
------ - --------- ------
383948 W 184391-663 1000000
383949 L 184391-665 7812500
383950 L 184391-666 1000000
383951 L 184391-667 3000000
383952 L 184391-668 1000000
383953 L 184391-669 3000000
383954 L 184391-670 15625000
383955 L 184391-672 15625000
383956 L 184391-674 3906250
383957 L 184391-675 3906250
383958 L 184391-676 3906250
383959 L 184391-677 3906250
383960 L 184391-679 3906250
383961 L 184391-680 15625000
383963 L 184391-683 7812500
383964 L 184391-684 1000000
383965 L 184391-685 1953125
383966 L 184391-686 1953125
383967 L 184391-687 1953125
383968 L 184391-688 1953125
383969 L 184391-689 1953125
383970 L 184391-690 1953125
383971 L 184391-691 1953125
383972 L 184391-692 1953125
383973 L 184391-693 1953125
383974 L 184391-694 1953125
383975 L 184391-695 1953125
383976 L 184391-696 1953125
383977 L 184391-697 1953125
383978 L 184391-698 3906250
383979 L 184391-699 3906250
383980 L 184391-700 3906250
383981 L 184391-701 3906250
383982 L 184391-702 3906250
383983 L 184391-703 3906250
383985 L 184391-705 3906250
383986 L 184391-706 1953125
383987 L 184391-707 3906250
383988 L 184391-708 3906250
383989 L 184391-709 7812500
383990 L 184391-710 7812500
383991 L 184391-711 7812500
383992 L 184391-713 1000000
383993 L 184391-714 1000000
383994 L 184391-715 1000000
383995 L 184391-716 976563
383996 L 184391-717 976563
383997 L 184391-718 976563
383998 L 184391-719 976563
383999 L 184391-721 3906250
384000 L 184391-722 976563
384001 L 184391-723 976563
384002 L 184391-724 1953125
384003 L 184391-725 976563
384004 L 184391-726 1000000
384005 L 184391-727 7000000
384006 L 184391-728 3000000
384007 L 184391-729 976563
384008 L 184391-730 976563
384009 L 184391-731 1953125
384010 L 184391-733 976563
384011 L 184391-735 1953125
384012 L 184391-736 1953125
384013 L 184391-737 1953125
384014 L 184391-738 1953125
384015 L 184391-739 1000000
384016 W 184391-740 1000000