Activity: 3962
Merit: 9209
April 04, 2016, 07:22:17 PM |
I think the real crime is this: $10/hour
I mean how the fuck does Vern find all these free and minimum wage employees? Actually I think the minimum wage in DC is $10.50 but the point is that said employees are either unqualified, or idiots. Or dcgirl missed a zero or some other digit there.
Gleb Gamow
In memoriam
Activity: 1428
Merit: 1145
April 04, 2016, 07:28:54 PM Last edit: April 05, 2016, 05:56:13 AM by Gleb Gamow |
I think the real crime is this: $10/hour
I mean how the fuck does Vern find all these free and minimum wage employees? Actually I think the minimum wage in DC is $10.50 but the point is that said employees are either unqualified, or idiots. Or dcgirl missed a zero or some other digit there.  Since Susan ONLY has two boys from her dead husband (spoiler alert: HE'S ALIVE), I guess it'll be okay to post a pic of some random 9/10-year-old girl donning a Batman shirt while coding (perhaps) on her laptop. <NO CHEATING WHILE I'M PENNIN' MY EPIC POST AND USING GOOGLE TO GET A HEADS-UP AS TO WHERE I GLEANED THAT PIC, MMMKAY?>
Gleb Gamow
In memoriam
Activity: 1428
Merit: 1145
April 04, 2016, 07:50:16 PM |
The Story of a Girl Developer in CryptoLand: I have almost more work than I can handle. Good work, fun work. I talk to the UTC team every day. They put my name on the website. I tweet for Ultracoin (I’m ultracoingirl on Twitter). I wrote a price chart website for them. I’m almost finished writing an android game (called Whack a Troll, in honor of the Trollbox). And I’m currently creating a software engine and website that will take advantage of the incredible transaction speed of UltraCoin. I get paid bounties for everything I do. (original source forthcoming if one exist)
In addition to making some fun Android apps (including what she’s called Whack-a-Troll, Whack-a-Brother and Sarcastic Magic 8 Ball), Kenzie and her Dad have created a card game that mimics a bit of Magic the Gathering’s gameplay where you battle one another for victory but it’s far simpler and intended specifically for kids but is fun and quick enough for adults to play with them. The goal of the game is to gather together the cards needed to complete a computer system before your opponent. That’s a picture to the left of the cards Kenzie designed along with the instructions and game play details. She wants to do the next game as a battle to build a motherboard and then battles to create programs. So there’d be one game for creating a program with JavaScript and another for Scratch, Ruby, etc. She likes the overall name TechTitans with a sub-title for each game (e.g., TechTitans: Battle over Hardware). Yes? No? Maybe So?
I’m sure you’re incredibly busy so we truly appreciate your feedback and support AND LOOK FORWARD TO FINALLY GETTING YOU THESE KILLER SWAG BAGS KENZIE’S SO PROUD OF!
Thanks, Susan (and Kenzie) Wilson
...,442 backers pledged $24,534 to help bring this project to life. Hey, Susan Wilson, who be trollin' who, Girl? Wait till them folks over at NeoGAF discover what you've been doing during the interim while awaiting awards to arrive. HAHAHA
Activity: 40
Merit: 0
April 04, 2016, 07:57:34 PM |
Activity: 3962
Merit: 9209
April 04, 2016, 08:05:22 PM |
Whack a Troll
It's a TARP. She's using Google to lure you in and whack you.
Gleb Gamow
In memoriam
Activity: 1428
Merit: 1145
April 04, 2016, 08:12:35 PM |
Whack a Troll
It's a TARP. She's using Google to lure you in and whack you. I think it's suffice to say that I'm about to fuck up Susan Wilson's life big time. HAHAHA Full Disclosure: This is more fun than fucking pigs. 

Activity: 79
Merit: 10
April 04, 2016, 08:52:08 PM |
So , he we go - watch as the lawyers rake in the money and the rest of us get nothing. Here in UK we can not claim , even if we wanted to. //waves bye bye to my BTC that I had painfully collected and mined. //looking for arsonist to burn down lawyers -- not in my name or on my behalf obviously 
1M68XehjYww77DLgwW9rk2zRid8Z8B7uw7 <-- my new BTC addy since Cryptsy took everything
April 04, 2016, 08:58:37 PM |
"assets" ~ bwaahahaah what assets?  LOLLL!
©2021*MY POSTS ARE STRICTLY FOR NOVELTY AND/OR PRESERVATION/COLLECTING PURPOSES ONLY!*It should not be regarded as investment/trading advice.*advocate to promote sharing and free software for the bitcoin community* #EFF #FSF #XTZ ===> START WITH NOTHING AND BUILD IT INTO SOMETHING!
Gleb Gamow
In memoriam
Activity: 1428
Merit: 1145
April 04, 2016, 09:17:01 PM |
<the doctor told me that if my erection doesn't end in four hours, find a pig to fuck> Image gleaned from site linked below. Susan Wilson of Stevensville, Maryland launched a Kickstarter campaign for $829 to send her nine-year-old daughter Kenzie to role-playing game design camp last Thursday, she never expected donations to surpass $20,000. She also didn't expect to be branded and scammer, a manipulator and a child abuser. The threats of violence were also a big surprise.
As the Kickstarter project, titled "9 Year Old Building an RPG to Prove Her Brothers Wrong!", soared far beyond its original goal, the internet community began to ask questions. Why does Susan Wilson, a "millionaire" who was once named one of Fortune's Most Powerful Female Entrepreneurs, need Kickstarter to raise $829? Where is all of this extra money going? Why does a Kickstarter campaign for $829 have a $10,000 reward tier? 
Gleb Gamow
In memoriam
Activity: 1428
Merit: 1145
April 04, 2016, 09:21:12 PM |
Gleb Gamow
In memoriam
Activity: 1428
Merit: 1145
April 04, 2016, 09:32:35 PM |
 "When my husband died, Warren Buffett came to the funeral to comfort me and my two boys. It was a very sad day for me wondering how I'll ever make ends meet on less than minimum wage. I'm Susan Wilson aka DCGirl and I approve this image."
Gleb Gamow
In memoriam
Activity: 1428
Merit: 1145
April 04, 2016, 09:40:16 PM |
From the desk of Seeking to Crowdfund Moneys so to Buy a Pig to Rid a 4-Hour-Long Erection:
If Susan Wilson really is innocent and not an internet scammer, why has she attempted, on multiple occasions, to start unsuccessful crowd-funding scams. See above. She wass attempting to convince people that she has designed this iPhone case, readily available from Amazon, herself, and was attempting to sell it over indiegogo for OVER TWICE THE PRICE IT IS ON AMAZON. Once again she exploited social media and women's rights outlets to advertise this "project," which fortunately failed.
Activity: 57
Merit: 0
April 04, 2016, 09:48:10 PM |
So , he we go - watch as the lawyers rake in the money and the rest of us get nothing. Here in UK we can not claim , even if we wanted to. //waves bye bye to my BTC that I had painfully collected and mined. //looking for arsonist to burn down lawyers -- not in my name or on my behalf obviously  I told you the fat cat lawyers didn't care about you. I am actually trying to recover the coins and I've been transparent with the amount for my services all along.
Activity: 57
Merit: 0
April 04, 2016, 09:50:50 PM |
Nice work man, these Cryptsy employees are trying to plead ignorance when they actually played a big part in stealing peoples hard earned Bitcoin. Not one guilty person will escape the wrath of this Bounty Hunter. If you are interested I will add you to the Bounty Hunter task force, if you pass the test that is. Members of the task force are also to be paid a percentage of the bounty reward.
Gleb Gamow
In memoriam
Activity: 1428
Merit: 1145
April 04, 2016, 09:58:26 PM |
Nice work man, these Cryptsy employees are trying to plead ignorance when they actually played a big part in stealing peoples hard earned Bitcoin. Not one guilty person will escape the wrath of this Bounty Hunter. If you are interested I will add you to the Bounty Hunter task force, if you pass the test that is. Members of the task force are also to be paid a percentage of the bounty reward. Dude, I'm pretty busy right now making a case that you're Susan Wilson's [dead] husband, so I'll pass on your offer. EDIT: You wouldn't happen to have a spare pig sitting idle that I could borrow for a few minutes to rid an erection, would you?
Gleb Gamow
In memoriam
Activity: 1428
Merit: 1145
April 04, 2016, 10:28:40 PM |
 Dr. Phil: When I suggested a makeover, that's not what I had in mind, albeit I love the pig nose, Amy Susan.
Gleb Gamow
In memoriam
Activity: 1428
Merit: 1145
April 04, 2016, 10:57:12 PM |
| Wilson2 years ago
Do you think Dell didn't vet every detail? While I can appreciate everyone has a right to their own opinion, you don't have the right to present thoughts or opinions as facts. Mackenzie is now 10 and in 4th grade. She was 9 at the time we did the Kickstarter. I won't argue that she's both tall and smart for her age. But she was in fact born September 30, 2003.
And while I don't claim to be a perfect parent (or person), I AM PROUD of my parenting skills in this particular situation (as is my husband of 20 years). We've talked at length with our kids and all agree it was a positive life experience and the great thing is that we gave away and helped others with the money raised and even added our own funds to help others as part of this campaign. We didn't profit, but we did have the luxury of actually DOING SOMETHING to make the world a better place (versus complaining, talking and spreading hate that does NOTHING to benefit the world). There may be scams in this world, but this isn't one of them. Yet no matter how many reputable media outlets and reporters verify the facts I've provided and a few others enjoy disputing, the reality is you can't argue with the truth.
My children weren't pitted against each other nor are we a broken family (likely because we do disagree and talk openly). Perhaps the things many dislike most about me and this project are precisely what makes me and my family a fairly happy, well-adjusted, typically dysfunctional American family that doesn't pretend to be perfect and loves the freedom of being able to try things and make mistakes but gets out of bed each morning eager to see what the day brings and excited to do what each of us can to make the day better for someone else.
Our children got into an argument which is fairly normal for emotionally stable individuals that live together for hours, months, and years on end. This was a 10 minute disagreement between 2 brothers and their little sister. Any sane person with a family or even a single friend can likely relate. For those that can't, perhaps you should consider using the internet to research self-awareness, access the wealth of useful self-help tools and schedule a play date or actually initiate a face-to-face conversation with a stranger to see if you have within you the inclination, ability and generosity of spirit (or even wallet) to make their day better.
Truly try "giving" because it really does feel better than receiving and certainly does much more to make the world a better place than spewing lies and hate. Now, about that bounty I'm requesting for finding a 12-year-old daughter you forgot you had and bringing your dead husband back to life. To be fair, I'm reducing it to only 15% of profits of your daughter's scammy Kickstarter campaign. Please remit to me an email address so that I can duly submit a PDF contract complete with my signature on every page. Oh, and for ONLY 35 BTC (my renown extortion rate), I won't publish your home address, safely assuming you're monitoring this thread. thread has turned into the bitcointalk trollbox. 
Gleb Gamow
In memoriam
Activity: 1428
Merit: 1145
April 04, 2016, 11:15:49 PM |