It may surprise you but I am a member of the UK Labour Party. UK government are about to make a big push into crypto. Last month I met with John McDonnell (shadow chancellor of the exchequer) in Liskeard, Cornwall on the “New Economics Forum” and we talked on these issues. We do that sort of thing here, Keep checking the world news. It's happening. End of October.
Wow, an actual in-the-wild (albeit self-indentified) Labour member, right here on BitcoinTalk of all places!
No wonder your initial posts triggered me so!
Are you a Corbynite? What do you think about Jeremy demolishing the party and remaking it in his own image?
Did you know he's a radical (not very crypto) Marxist? Are you a Fabian also?
How are you not terrified by the prospect of crypto enabling financial sovereignty? Don't you realize that halts your long march through western institutions and quashes your dreams of enforced equality of outcomes?
No idea WTF I'm talking about? Watch this, it's a deep dive but well worth it, especially if you haven't been keeping up and require remedial background.