Searing,say what you want when you want bro
Hey edgar,go fuck yourself,you old whining fart!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is how the game is played with edgar and others...never ever read edgar once he is on ignore....then just go about posting etc
out of say every 5 or so posts i see edgar posting a reply ..i assume it is not in praise of whatever i'm posting....whatever you do
never look at edgars posts it defeats the purpose of the cheating at solitare you always feel bad afterwards..the
goal of this game is to make everyone happy on bitcointalk!
so the catch is edgar does NOT /ignore me or anyone from what I I am obviously driving the guy nuts by
having him on /ignore..i think it is a philosophical issue with him ..or some such...again that is his right/choice
but for me i love /ignore so don't read and don't harm no foul ....
the only exception is when someone else quotes edgar or others on /ignore and then bashes me as well..i then may reply to that person posting
before I /ignore them (hey i'm up to 25 folk good to have goals) ..and maybe I toss edgar and or others whomever...a bone and reply via that quoted post
have to be careful thou ...only a bit too keep him motivated in making posts i'll never read...(keeps him off the streets and busy)
the theory is much like when you are on your cycle and a farm dog starts to chase your bike slow down.....give the dog
a goal..then speed up...slow down speed up..the dog is happy thinks they accomplished something when actually they just wasted
time and energy on a futile quest..much like edgar trolling bitcointalk..but to each his own
it is a fun game of 'ignore the troll' they are happy cause they can lambaste you up/down/sideways are happy cause you
just see the /ingore on their postings after your postings...knowing you got them riled up for some reason and don't peak again
like solitare.thus how i play the game
and occasionally toss them a bone (like the dog) to keep them motivated in their angst/tirade/etc gets their blood rate up
clears out all that gunk out of the arteries....probably add years to their life...
the troll is happy he gets to vent
you are happy you just see him on ignore and chuckle
all is well in the world.......ships passing in the night and all that....
/ignore is a great option on bitcoin talk if used correctly in the above manner...........too bad their is not such an option for 'world peace'