you have no fear that CSWs insane mind will finish its decent into lunacy and utterly destroying whatever you think bsv is?
No. Users are not forced to accept new versions of SW. Anyone is free to continue using the previously existing version. This nullifies any threat.
Of course, it is likely that nChain is a significant miner, which does lead to some exposure in this regard. But
Craig does not hold exclusive chains of power in that organization, and others there are not suicidal. So, somewhat mitigated.
does csw know about this?
he would most likely sue them and take his own devs to court if they ignore his decisions. or split from bsv if they dont listen. just extrapolating this on observed past behavior.
anyway as you say they dont have to follow so it will be intersting as to how long bsv puts up with him.
Seems like the writing is on the wall, CSW becoming a toxic liability and the new BSv directive is to pivot and try to separate BSv from CSW, shills are out in force trying to push this. We should all support CSW in his efforts to sue Ayre for libel. BOSSv (Bitcoin Original Satoshi Super Vision) sounds better too.
Where do you get this tripe?
Anyone trying to make the case that Craig was not part of the team that created Bitcoin is either a scammer or really really stupid...that is the only two categories given the evidence out there. ABC conspirators are market manipulators and scammers:
3 Dec 2018 smart in the industry already knows Craig was the primary member of the Satoshi team.Everyone saying this is not true is stupid or lying or both. I know people who knew Craig when he invented Bitcoin BSV in 2009:
9 Feb 2019 Craig Wright is Satoshi Nakamoto...and #BSV is the only real #Bitcoin. All others are attacking Craig to sell their dysfunctional snake oil crypto products. Craig has proven this to me directly in a number of ways.
29 Mar 2019 do you know someone is a scammer...they are shouting at the top of their lungs that Craig is not Satoshi and they are supporting technology that does not work today. Simple.
8 Apr 2019 am still wrapping my head around the panic that is setting in among all the haters now that Craig has decided to prove his legitimate legacy. They are all free to try to prove their points also, but trolling is not proof, nor is it legal. :-)
11 Apr 2019 you publish something that is not true and you are conflicted and have commercial gain to intentionally liable someone...this is illegal pretty much globally. No amount of misguided "crowd support" changes this fact. :-)
11 Apr 2019 industry needs to grow up and Craig proving he is Satoshi is the only way past this Troll attack that is so bad for the industries reputation. He now has a duty to set the record straight for us all. The Trolls all know he is Satoshi hence the fear.
15 Apr 2019 is something like Tesla Edison rivalry...except Craig is both of them and the other side refuse to even discuss technology and only want to censor. #CraigisSatoshi and the world demands this be proven in court like he wants and the are trying to avoid. :-)
16 Apr 2019 who tries to stop Craig from proving the truth, by shouting Fraud, is engaged in a type of Fraud against humanity. they are also clearly conflicted with association with technologies that do not work as good as real Bitcoin SV does. You can easily see who is involved
17 Apr 2019 how the Catholic Church would react to Jesus showing up today. that is how the high priests of the crypto world are reacting to Craig wanting to now prove in court that he is Satoshi. They are horrified about what he thinks of their stupid plans. :-)
17 Apr 2019 in all the troll talking is the duty Craig has to prove he is satoshi. Duty to his peers, shareholders and customers of nChain, his family and friends and the world at large...all who are suffering damages from this horrible cyberbullying of Craig.
18 Apr 2019 did a decent job pulling together publicly available information that all supports Craig being Satoshi. More will be presented in court to establish his legacy to the judge. Don't believe scammers believe your own eyes...#CraigisSatoshi.
2 May 2019 am hoping to have significant proof of #CraigisSatoshi out no later than Tue May 21. Why wait for Craig's libellous scammers in court to have all the fun right? :-)
15 May 2019 who knows me in the gaming industry and pretty much everyone who knows me in general knows that I would not say I had seen proof that Craig was Satoshi if this were not in fact true.
15 May 2019 anyone new. #CraigisSatoshi and everyone in the industry knows this. They pretend it's not him so others outside the industry are confused so they can keep their scams going. Everyone attacking Craig is a scammer of some sort.
19 Jun 2019! Proof that #CraigisSatoshi has been accepted by US government copyright department.
21 May 2019 I said before...everyone who knows me knows that I would not be saying something publicly unless it was true. #CraigisSatoshi and #BSV is the only real #Bitcoin. Now we prove it to the world.
21 May 2019 as I have told you...I know the entire story and since this is true and therefor permanent....I think the world just has to accept and adjust like we all have. OH ya...BSV is the only real bitcoin also...massive scaling coming.
22 May 2019 friend Stefan Mathews was working with Craig on a gaming project in 2008 when Craig was inventing Bitcoin and was given a copy of the white paper that did not include the Satoshi name on a USB and was a few generations before the one Craig published as Satoshi.
22 May 2019 this if you are not Satoshi only makes you a fraud and in the US you go to jail...Craig is Satoshi so he is the only one that has standing and he is happy to prove it so this is over.
22 May 2019 is hilarious. People are signing their names to a clearly libellous statement in the form of a petition. Is there such a thing as a reverse class action?
22 May 2019 the way...#CraigisSatoshi and the only scammers are the guys attacking him so he will not expose their scams. Since they all are promoting shite coins that do not scale, everyone smart is going through the same evolution Jason explains in his piece here.
24 May 2019 what happens to #Bitcoin (#BSV), Segwit Coin BTC and alphabet Soup coin (ABC/BCH/BAB) when #CraigisSatoshi gets his million coins once Tulip trust vests Jan 2020 and he dumps Segwit and Alphabet and buys Bitcoin? Things that make you go hummmm? :-)
26 May 2019 have had my lawyers dig through Craig's case. It is air tight so this is nothing more than a great opportunity to get a UK judge to pronounce Craig Satoshi:
1 Jun 2019 strong evidence to add to the overwhelming evidence already public that #CraigisSatoshi. Anyone contesting this is involved in a scam of some sort that Craig would be against.
29 Jun 2019 need to retweet this and add that my lawyers have reviewed all the material that is out there and can confirm it is beyond any doubt that #CraigisSatoshi. There is a book coming out soon by a respected investigative reporter that comes to the same obvious conclusion.
29 Jun 2019 just to try once again to help everyone. I have had my lawyers review Craigs history and it is beyond any doubt that he is Satoshi. I know two people personally that knew him when he invented Bitcoin and recall him talking to them about it. There is NO controversy here.
8 Jul 2019 has no interest in hurting segwit BTC market because of his massive position, my huge Segwit mining business and the fact that the business models do not compete AT ALL anymore. Buy and Hodl vs Earn and Spend. However he still has to reclaim his legacy as Satoshi.
28 Aug 2019 have seen all the evidence that will be released in the court cases in UK. Its coming quickly so you can digest there. Kleiman case will likely settle so I don't expect much to come out there.
30 Aug 2019 two groups still insist Craig is not real . Those who know the truth and are scamming and know Craig is going to call them out so demonise him to deflect and moronic Trolls, not smart enough to know the truth.
31 Aug 2018 following it as am a bit busy, but they are putting the mountain of evidence together as I have seen some of the boxes of historical documents including old versions of the white paper in Craigs handwriting and printed and with his notes and coffee on them and rusty staples.
3 Oct 2019 smart knows #CraigisSatoshi. Only Satoshi could write the below and point out what SPV really means. Another tech now only availble on origininal #Bitcoin #BSV and covered by nChain patents:
9 Oct 2019 two guys I know who knew Craig when he invented bitcoin don’t know this person 🎃
6 Nov 2019 I know for a fact that #CraigisSatoshi and this is easily obviouse to anyone smart using publicly available info.
21 Nov 2019 6 year old can understand that #BSV is the original #Bitcoin protocol so is Bitcoin and no others are. Yet for some reason no leader on the other chains can. I would suspect lying and a connection to why they also deny #CraigisSatoshi
28 Nov 2019 will say this one more time. I or my lawyers have confirmed #CraigisSatoshi beyond any doubt and Craig's lawyers say there is zero doubt in the evidence he is submitting to court next year. Also to be clear, he has ALL the education he says he has. He is a polymath.
30 Nov 2019 wtf he's not even sure if it was himself or his lawyer who confirmed
its a great shot...#CraigisSatoshi is in a good spot these days...everyone smart accepts him as the only possible Satoshi and #BSV as original #Bitcoin. He is allowed to goof off now a bit. :-)
8 Dec 2019, Craig is Satoshi. I believe there is enough in the public domain for anyone smart to be able to see this but even dim witted folks will understand before 2020 is over so just wait my friend.
28 Dec 2019 have seen most of the evidence and I know personally two guys working with Craig in 2008 in gaming who remember him talking about his creating Bitcoin. there is all the evidence you need public now. All deniers are scammers.
28 Dec 2019, I have proven beyond a doubt to myself and my team that #CraigisSatoshi and that #BSV is original #Bitcoin protocol and has special powers due to its economic model. Anyone smart should be coming to the same conclusion now.
29 Dec 2019*Notice Calvin's retweet;dr
13 out of 14 kindergartners can spot a pivot (one ate his crayon), but can jbreher?? Btw jbreher did you ever ended up taking sides on Faketoshi? Or still sitting on the sidelines to see how it turns out before jumping in?
So Ayre has proof that Fakeoshi is Satosh but is not showing it to the BSv holders because reasons. Fakeoshi will dump million BTC in january (without having private keys) but Fakeoshi has no interest in hurting segwit BTC. Fuck and apparently now i'm involved in fraud against Humanity. Oh well, guess it's time for a lobotomy so my logic can sleep at night. Ohh he still has these diamonds hanging, so yeah definitely credible
Anyone actively involved in trying to stop Craig from proving his legitimate legacy to the world is involved in this fraud against Humanity. We need the Truth now!
The father of Bitcoin is Dr Craig Wright.
17 Apr 2019 now operate entirely in BCH for everything globally. I only use suppliers who accept BCH and I keep all my treasury only in Bitcoin fiat or alt coins like BTC etc. The infrastructure is all in place.
23 Apr 2018 from Key 9?....Satoshi Lives...likely upset at Bitmain and for attacking Bitcoin.
16 Nov 2018