CLAMS recently listed on Poloniex!Everyone please give Poloniex a round of applause! They are the first, and only, exchange to begin the process of claiming and giving out the exchange wallet held CLAMS to their users! This sets a great precedent and really shows how much Poloniex cares about their users. Bravo!

Now listed at Austin Global Exchange (<-- Earn CLAMS, Forge the CLAM Shell[/url]
CLAMS Sub-Reddit is now Live!
Have Bitcoins, Litecoins or Dogecoins? Well then, you already own CLAMS!Import your Bitcoin, Litecoin, or Dogecoin wallet into CLAM Client and BLAMO! You've got CLAMS!If your sca-sca-sca-sca-scared! Send your Bitcoins, Litecoins and Dogecoins to a new wallet, then try CLAMS out!Claim your free CLAMS today, and be one of the 1st to stake a block on the first Proof-of-Chain block chain!
DistributionProof-Of-Chain.100% distributed BEFORE launch.
Complete, See "Proof-Of-Chain Distribution" below.
Block Creation 100% Proof-Of-Stake.No Proof-Of-Work stage.
See 'Mining' below.
Mining kHashier.comAutomated Profit-Switch Multi-Pool.
Designed from the ground up for long-term support of the Clam Network.
New, unique payout system.
See 'Clam Shell: Pearl Payouts' below.
Total Coin Supply Increases with Adoption: Users == Total Coin SupplyIf every single Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Dogecoin user became a CLAM user Total Supply would be < 14.9 Million.
This is due to lost and stolen privateKeys, and burnt coins in the BTC, LTC and DOGE blockchains.
The current total coin supply is likely EXTREMELY small at the present moment.
More CLAMS users = More CLAMS.
In addition, Proof-Of-Stake has 1% Annual Return.
This is designed to replace coins lost or inaccessible over time.
Proof-Of-Chain Distribution The first crypto-currency completely and widely distributed, BEFORE launch.In respect of the giants that came before: an ode community.CLAMS has already been distributed, or "air-dropped", utterly and completely BEFORE launch. In fact, if you had Bitcoin, Litecoin, or Dogecoin in your personal wallet you almost certainly already have some CLAMS.
Our goal, from the very beginning of this project, was to create a crypto-currency with the widest initial distribution. Ever. But how?
Conventional "air-drop" mechanics lend themselves to trust-based developer promises.
DON'T like trusting people.
Giveaways are notoriously susceptible to cheating and bias those who happen to hear of them.
DON'T like tit-for-tat arrangements.
Many intelligent people are aware that
Bitcoin's most valuable asset is the block chain itself.
The block chain represents the combined efforts, commitment, and participation of the entire community.
It is the revolution that sets crypto-currency apart from other value systems.
It is trust-less and wonderful.
DO like the trust-less block chain.
So! We took the Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Dogecoin block chains, found every address(PubKey) with a balance above dust, and sent each and every one of them a little over ~4.6 CLAMS each. It isn't perfect, but it includes everyone.
How Your Protected. We've made every effort to provide a transparent process.
All code updates since the fork are viewable in github.
We used the gitian build system to compile the client which allows for a deterministic process.
As more people with the skills required build and sign the binary do so, the trust of the CLAM client will grow.
We want you to have complete peace of mind with your choice to participate in the CLAM Network.
Our data from the imported chains was locked in time at the moment we dumped the addresses.
It does not matter where your funds are now, but where they were during the dump.
If you are concerned with exposing your privateKey to the CLAM Client, it is perfectly okay to first empty the wallet of BTC/LTC/DOGE coins.
This will not affect your ability to claim your CLAMS.
How do I get my CLAMS?We've done our best to make seeing your CLAMS in your wallet as easy as possible.
The CLAMS are already associated and controlled by your Private Key on the block chain.
Download The CLAM ClientConsumer/Investor Disclosures:
- Crypto-Currency is a new, UNTESTED, and rapidly evolving technology.
- Crypto-Currency has historically been EXTREMELY VOLATILE and may not be a stable investment.
- Disbursements and/or transfers of funds on the Clam Network, like all crypto-currencies, are NON-REVERSIBLE.
- The Software provided for the CLAM Network is provided WITHOUT GUARANTEE, WARRANTY and AS IS.
Windows!dNVUnQoK!Wpo29mMqho4KMewsOjaWWHpO4jZvSj-4jVGr85v39rsLinux!9QNigLDb!Xq9mDNPc7yv8qarQ1Vy062WKG-e2favfuNPONnqmbj0Open Source Soon..
The Three-Step Claim Your CLAMS Guide (The Quick Guide)Important: Make sure the Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Dogecoin Clients are Not Running and wallet.dat files are BACKED UP.
1. Run clam-qt.exe once to auto-magically create the AppData/Clam folder.
2. Copy the BTC, LTC or DOGE wallet.dat file into the AppData/Clam folder.
3. Run clam-qt.exe with the --salvage wallet argument.
OPTIONAL: Enjoy your share of free CLAMS

Detailed Guide For Windows Users:1. Download the CLAM Client, below.
2. Find the location of your BTC, LTC, or DOGE wallet.dat file.
3. This is usually the folder: "C:/Users/<YOUR_USERNAME>/AppData/Roaming/<COIN_NAME>/"
4. You may have to enable "Show Hidden Files And Folders" to see this folder.
5. Replace <YOUR_USERNAME> with your Windows account username.
6. Replace <COIN_NAME> with either Bitcoin, Litecoin, or Dogecoin.
7. Inside of that folder you will find the WALLET.DAT file that holds the private keys for your wallet.
8. Make a copy of this file and place it in your "C:/Users/<YOUR_USERNAME>/AppData/Roaming/Clam/" folder.
9. Run the CLAM Client with the commandline argument --salvagewallet (Note the double --).
10. You should see your Clams.
Detailed Guide For Linux Users:1. Download the CLAM Client, or compile from git below.
2. Find the location of your BTC, LTC, or DOGE wallet.dat file.
3. This is usually the folder: "/home/<username>/.<COIN_NAME>/"
4. Replace <YOUR_USERNAME> with your linux account username.
5. Replace <COIN_NAME> with either Bitcoin, Litecoin, or Dogecoin.
6. Inside of that folder you will find the WALLET.DAT file that holds the private keys for your wallet.
7. Make a copy of this file and place it in your "/home/<YOUR_USERNAME>/.clam/" folder.
8. Run the CLAM Client with the command line argument --salvagewallet (Note the double --).
9. You should see your Clams.
Detailed Guide For MultiBit Users:1. Download the CLAM Client, below.
2. Open MultiBit.
3. Click Tools -> Export Private Keys.
4. Select "Do not password protect export file".
5. Enter your wallet password, if any.
6. Click "Export Private Keys".
7. Find the multbit.key file (or whatever you named to exported keys).
8. Copy it into the folder where you have the clam-qt.exe file.
9. Open the CLAM Client.
10. Click Help -> Debug window.
11. Select the "Console" Tab.
12. Type: importwallet multibit.key (or whatever you named to exported keys).
13. Enjoy your CLAMS

For OSX/Mac Users:Gitian OSX build coming soon...
The Clam Shell: Pearl Payouts The long-term, accrued share, payout system @ kHashier.comPearl PayoutsThe integrated multi-pool at features a new type of payout system designed to reward dedication and devotion in mining.
Similar to way in which a clam creates a pearl via coating a fleck of grit, slowly and methodically over time: this payout system, coined "Pearl Payouts", tracks accrued share percentage and algorithm profitability over the life of the pool as opposed to per 'round'. Payouts are issued to miners in proportion to their all-time dedication and contribution of hash, as opposed to their per-round share percentage. Much like P2Pool, but to a greater degree, all payouts from the pool are based on the miner's actual long-term contribution of value and profitability.
The CLAM ShellIn the wild, clams secrete calcium carbonate to create a protective shell.
'Pearl Payouts' provide a wonderful opportunity for both The CLAMS Network in general and the miners of the pool. Given significant dedication and contribution, 'Pearl Payouts' have the potential to continue and persist long after the miner has ceased to mine. Because 'Pearl Payouts' are based on long-term accrued contribution, those miners who choose to participate have a vested interest in the long-term viability and value of the CLAMS network.
No solution is ever perfect or infallible. That said, solutions which are aligned with the interests of the parties involved tend to meet the needs of those parties more completely. Down-turns are inevitable and crypto-currency is notoriously volatile. In addition, this volatility combined with the payout system at conventional mining pools tend to incentivize what many call 'Pump and Dump' operations. The CLAMS Network has an interest in price growth and stability. Miners of the 'Pearl Payouts' pool, in contrast with conventional systems, also have an interest in price growth and stability. Of equal importance to miners of a single-coin payout multi-pool, is the desire that the coin in question is not purchased at inflated prices.
Introducing, "The CLAM Shell".
The CLAM Shell is NOT a silver-bullet. It does NOT ensure price-growth "
To The Moon!". Anyone who promises perfection; is destined to disappoint their community. Instead, The CLAM Shell is designed to attempt to meet the needs of the parties involved and provide at least some stability in a notoriously turbulent market system. Miners want their payout crypto-currency purchased at a reasonable, and hopefully lower price. In addition, the long-term characteristics of the 'Pearl Payout' system also creates a desire and need in miners for future value. The CLAM network itself, would love a bit of price stability and down-turn buy support/security. The CLAM Shell aims to meet these needs by placing at least 25% of the resources earned by the pool into what is known as "The CLAM Shell". The CLAM Shell is comprised of an accruing account of sub-market price buy orders at market. These buy orders have two primary characteristics: they are placed at between 50% and 75% of the current market price, and any order that falls to below 50% of the current market price will periodically be accrued and moved up to track the current market price. All CLAMS purchased with these buy orders are distributed to the pool miners via the accrued 'Pearl Payouts' system.
The intention is that this has two primary consequences. Firstly, if a down-turn in market price occurs, these buy orders should be executed at previously sub-market, and more reasonable prices. Hopefully, this results in a larger share of CLAMS to distribute to the mining pool participants. Secondly, since mining pool participants have a vested long-term interest in The CLAMS Network, the buy support provided by The CLAM Shell should provide a welcome 'blunting' of the volatility and dumping that most crypto-currency markets experience.
Mine @
ExchangesPoloniexAustin Global Exchange -
Important LinksProfit-Switch Multi-Pool, kHashier.comCLAMS @ TwitterCLAMS @ Reddit
Merchants, and Other Links will be added as they become available.
P.S. The requisite glitter to go along with a gift to the community. We hope the irony isn't missed