I am curious how "The whole SuperNet functionality can be replicated by Crypti's custom block chain support when it rolls out." is possible when SuperNET doesnt have a blockchain.
It seems that you do not really understand SuperNET as it is a way to connect different coins to each other and this can only be done via offchain. You do realize SuperNET is not a coin?
I realize that SuperNET is not a coin, nor does it have a blockchain, but are you sure that the only way that it can be done is offchain? Is it not possible at all to replicate SuperNET with blockchain support?
Let's say for example when Ethereum launches (Ethereum's platform is described similarly to Crypti's custom block-chain support), are you absolutely sure that that a network similar to SuperNET can't be created via a custom blockchain, and linked with its own blockchain with coins used as the "fuel" for the system to perform arbitrary actions? Those arbitrary actions being the connections made between different coins.
Since one of the privacy features of SuperNET is not having a blockchain that is permanently there for alltime and for everyone to be able to process it, yes I am sure that using a blockchain to replicate the non-blockchain aspect of SuperNET is not possible
SuperNET is a self-reinforcing financial engine that reinvests revenue into its participating coin communities. I guess it is possible to set this up with some sort of DAC, but will it be setup? That is the question.
Anyway, if you dont want to be part of SuperNET, that is fine
Okay, technicalities aside, on the financial front, to become a part of SuperNET, any coin has to "surrender" 10% of it's total supply. Don't you think that it's quite a huge ask for a coin to give away 10% of its total supply, only to join a network where it will experience a few tiny benefits from other coins, all of which are probably leeching off other coins on SuperNET to maintain their own userbases.
To me SuperNET seems like a network of shitcoins (plain and simple), bringing together their, mostly useless features, to try and rival other big-currencies in the crypto-space. Let me know when coins like Ethereum, MaidSafe, BitShares X and Peercoin join SuperNET, which of course will never happen.
#Take note this is my personal opinion and does not reflect that of the Crypti Team, of which I am not a part ofWulf I like you but, you haven't done your due dilligence on the matter, and can't speak for the whole community in that sense either.
That being said XCR can't compare to coins in the top 20s or coins/projects that raised millions of dollars (yet).
To me SuperNET seems like a network of coins taking advantages over others to strengthen their networks because the ulterior goal is to break midcap and go top.
What Crypti needs is exposure, userbase, forgers, contributors to appreciate it's innovations
If Crypti connects to Supernet, it does not become "CryptiSuperNet" or labelled in the same section as Vericoin.
I tihnk you get the idea a little twisted, that's all. It's more of a suppliment. Just like we don't become Storj by partnering up with them but strengthen both bases.
At the high level SuperNET is to crypto coins like the Internet is to websites.
Just because two different websites are both on the internet, does not make either website the same as the other, nor does it make either website the internet.
The multisig, DHT and MofN filesystem was all created in the last 10 days, so it is rapidly expanding.
Here is the current SuperNET API:
// multisig
static char *cosign[] = { (char *)cosign_func, "cosign", "V", "otheracct", "seed", "text", 0 };
static char *cosigned[] = { (char *)cosigned_func, "cosigned", "V", "seed", "result", "privacct", "pubacct", 0 };
// Kademlia DHT
static char *ping[] = { (char *)ping_func, "ping", "V", "pubkey", "ipaddr", "port", "destip", 0 };
static char *pong[] = { (char *)pong_func, "pong", "V", "pubkey", "ipaddr", "port", 0 };
static char *store[] = { (char *)store_func, "store", "V", "pubkey", "key", "name", "data", 0 };
static char *findvalue[] = { (char *)findvalue_func, "findvalue", "V", "pubkey", "key", "name", "data", 0 };
static char *findnode[] = { (char *)findnode_func, "findnode", "V", "pubkey", "key", "name", "data", 0 };
static char *havenode[] = { (char *)havenode_func, "havenode", "V", "pubkey", "key", "name", "data", 0 };
static char *havenodeB[] = { (char *)havenodeB_func, "havenodeB", "V", "pubkey", "key", "name", "data", 0 };
static char *findaddress[] = { (char *)findaddress_func, "findaddress", "V", "refaddr", "list", "dist", "duration", "numthreads", 0 };
// MofNfs
static char *savefile[] = { (char *)savefile_func, "savefile", "V", "filename", "L", "M", "N", "usbdir", "password", 0 };
static char *restorefile[] = { (char *)restorefile_func, "restorefile", "V", "filename", "L", "M", "N", "usbdir", "password", "destfile", "sharenrs", "txids", 0 };
static char *sendfile[] = { (char *)sendfile_func, "sendfile", "V", "filename", "dest", "L", 0 };
// privacyNetwork and comms
static char *getpeers[] = { (char *)getpeers_func, "getpeers", "V", "only_privacyServer", 0 };
static char *sendmsg[] = { (char *)sendmsg_func, "sendmessage", "V", "dest", "msg", "L", 0 };
static char *sendbinary[] = { (char *)sendbinary_func, "sendbinary", "V", "dest", "data", "L", 0 };
static char *checkmsg[] = { (char *)checkmsg_func, "checkmessages", "V", "sender", 0 };
// Teleport
static char *maketelepods[] = { (char *)maketelepods_func, "maketelepods", "V", "amount", "coin", 0 };
static char *teleport[] = { (char *)teleport_func, "teleport", "V", "amount", "dest", "coin", "minage", "M", "N", 0 };
static char *telepod[] = { (char *)telepod_func, "telepod", "V", "crc", "i", "h", "c", "v", "a", "t", "o", "p", "k", "L", "s", "M", "N", "D", 0 };
static char *transporter[] = { (char *)transporter_func, "transporter", "V", "coin", "height", "minage", "value", "totalcrc", "telepods", "M", "N", "sharenrs", "pubaddr", 0 };
static char *transporterstatus[] = { (char *)transporterstatus_func, "transporter_status", "V", "status", "coin", "totalcrc", "value", "num", "minage", "height", "crcs", "sharei", "M", "N", "sharenrs", "ind", "pubaddr", 0 };
// InstantDEX
static char *respondtx[] = { (char *)respondtx_func, "respondtx", "V", "signedtx", 0 };
static char *processutx[] = { (char *)processutx_func, "processutx", "V", "utx", "sig", "full", 0 };
static char *orderbook[] = { (char *)orderbook_func, "orderbook", "V", "obookid", "polarity", "allfields", 0 };
static char *getorderbooks[] = { (char *)getorderbooks_func, "getorderbooks", "V", 0 };
static char *placebid[] = { (char *)placebid_func, "placebid", "V", "obookid", "polarity", "volume", "price", "assetA", "assetB", 0 };
static char *placeask[] = { (char *)placeask_func, "placeask", "V", "obookid", "polarity", "volume", "price", "assetA", "assetB", 0 };
static char *makeoffer[] = { (char *)makeoffer_func, "makeoffer", "V", "other", "assetA", "qtyA", "assetB", "qtyB", "type", 0 };
// Tradebots, "code" is C code passed in to be interpreted
static char *tradebot[] = { (char *)tradebot_func, "tradebot", "V", "code", 0 };
The SuperNET provides useful API that works across coin networks and each coin can also create its own set of API to be bundled with the SuperNET reference release. All of this gets put into a single user friendly GUI where users can access all the various functionality. Kind of like google letting to find all the relevant sites.