Activity: 2646
Merit: 1722 ... Dr. WHO < KLF
February 16, 2017, 12:27:12 AM |
We need to establish a independent nodes using Tor .Onion addresses or the Free I2P eepsites if someone who is already doing that. There are too many obstacles inside the internet to function. Bitcoin only works because it as first mover status and steamrolls its way through, but Gapcoin needs to become smaller and more intelligent to resist the Censors. We won't make it out of here otherwise in the dumps.
I will send someone 5000 or more Gap to establish at least 5 .onion seeder addresses for Gap and or I2P eepsites. Depends on how I like it after testing.
I've previously set-up (and dissolved) many Tor addnode = .onion for other coins in the past including DNET (now Pivx), NAV and others. I perhaps ran the first known public Bitcoin Tor .onion under an alternative forum account named 'xeronet'. The crypto community masses here generally don't donate anything any more or in the main even bother to fully utilize such offerings that helped in making Bitcoin great. Whilst your offer is appreciated, with respect, 5000 GAP at the current exchange rate wouldn't really even cover the costs of set-up or administration of one node for much more than a few months, even if the node was also mining GAP itself. ~ Great progress usually only facilitates when philanthropy or investment recognises the people of genius or projects of certain merit, like GAP. This is now most certainly a dichotomy of establishing a truly successful alternative currency. I could add Tor support to my single remaining Gapcoin VPS node, although I have no idea how long I might be able to run that for, when the immediate costs often outweigh the benefits. If I still had a bunch of Bitcoin I would do it (as well as for a load of other cool projects), but I don't, so sadly I cannot.
The Cryptophilanthropist
February 17, 2017, 08:15:53 PM |
Is the wallet in the OP the correct one? I seem to remember some updated wallet from awhile back. Could someone please advise which version is the one to use, thanks 
GdonateqfnmiJKv7mfnUcyvZHaiqxcTQS1 - XGTC DEV FUND 1G2PTf59cYsWKoZjj3i3Cv1Bb8NuNaeho2 - BTC POOL DEV
Activity: 2646
Merit: 1722 ... Dr. WHO < KLF
February 20, 2017, 01:11:24 AM |
We need to establish a independent nodes using Tor .Onion addresses or the Free I2P eepsites if someone who is already doing that. There are too many obstacles inside the internet to function. Bitcoin only works because it as first mover status and steamrolls its way through, but Gapcoin needs to become smaller and more intelligent to resist the Censors. We won't make it out of here otherwise in the dumps.
I will send someone 5000 or more Gap to establish at least 5 .onion seeder addresses for Gap and or I2P eepsites. Depends on how I like it after testing.
Aiming to reinstate some Tor addnode=.onion nodes for some other coins, also ... ( gapcoin.conf .onion test node) - GfPgFXmuH1XFTBtjHcVH1Bju4SbaeqWYeR addnode=gapr7miih6qnvpa5.onionDonations and/or investor offers for 5 more nodes considered! 
The Cryptophilanthropist
February 20, 2017, 04:20:05 AM |
Looking forward to getting back into GAP! Having trouble using Gapminer 5 with the crt files could someone post a quick how-to for Windows ? Also some tips on miner compilation for linux as well please, I use both but am far less proficient with the latter.
I also have a few servers we could use for nodes, PM me instructions or possibly for access to set up. Thanks again!
GdonateqfnmiJKv7mfnUcyvZHaiqxcTQS1 - XGTC DEV FUND 1G2PTf59cYsWKoZjj3i3Cv1Bb8NuNaeho2 - BTC POOL DEV

Activity: 256
Merit: 60
February 23, 2017, 02:53:54 PM |
Thank You! That 1 Tor Node will help build peers faster on gapcoin.conf node list.
Sent you 1000 G.A.P. with 100 Tip!
Didn't expect to find someone with proficiency so fast, hopefully you will stick around.
I can't actually get the Linux Wallet to build either, which is why again I hope for a proficient debian package. ByteCoin and Bitshares crowd seems to be the only proficient debian users.
Cryptophillanthropist hope you can get it working for windows wallet use " SetGenerate True " command and " Help " to get a complete list of commands.
Apparently only one person has figured out how to use the GPU miner so my "noob" request might take a while because everyone has tons of time to spend figuring everything out like a pro. Especially without any good manuals or instructions!
The wallets in the OP are the current updated Yitang Zhang Algo, but there were lots of instructions posted by Jonn9 how to create custom sifts recently, but using the CPU miners versus the in-wallet CPU miner is no difference unless you expect to get the GPU miner working!
Activity: 23
Merit: 0
February 24, 2017, 03:04:19 AM |
The wallets in the OP are the current updated Yitang Zhang Algo [...] Why do you call it this? It has nothing to do with Zhang or his work, and he isn't connected in any way to the algorithm used. there were lots of instructions posted by Jonn9 how to create custom sifts recently j0nn9 last posted in mid-2015, about the same time as his last commit, which is a stretch of "recently." I hope he's doing well. But the point is true that using different shift values helps search different ranges, improving the number of results. Gapcoin has fallen below 1000 records, now holding about 1.1% from its peak of 1614 records and 2.1%. It's debatable whether this is a good measure. Right now there are big spikes around length 85, 347, and 232. These are for the shift values of 25 (the original setting), 896, and 512 respectively. pdazzl had quite a few posts about different shift amounts in 2015. The length page no longer shows data, and the files from the downloads page are gone also. So no more gapcoin records recorded unless someone digs them out of the blockchain.

Activity: 256
Merit: 60
February 24, 2017, 11:04:48 AM |
Well Yomki, I think you seem like you know many angles, of course this is a simple Random Number Generator!
First it needs to be honest and not a controlled number generator, but feel free to explain yourself so we can all learn from you if you disagree!
Now moving on this is just a simple random number generator used to calculate gaps on any scale desired.
Are you familiar with Colored Coins technology? It can be overlayed upon the Blockchain? So for instance I wish to design a simple 1 bit sift circuit, I would utilize colored coin schemes to encrypt my pathway. If someone can guess the path and the color they can break the encryption.
Moving on, so we can customize our computer circuits to travel the galaxies encoding our pathways using such random circuits as our base paths.
So a 256 bit sift would entail 256 color coded sifts to generate 1 circuit of encrypted pathways 256 sifts deep.
Activity: 2646
Merit: 1722 ... Dr. WHO < KLF
February 26, 2017, 10:31:57 PM |
Looking forward to getting back into GAP! Having trouble using Gapminer 5 with the crt files could someone post a quick how-to for Windows ? Also some tips on miner compilation for linux as well please, I use both but am far less proficient with the latter.
I also have a few servers we could use for nodes, PM me instructions or possibly for access to set up. Thanks again!
crt-rev5.1 cpu miner release: - contains some crt .txt examples (which you can demo/test/use) -; crt-22m-512s.txt |== ChineseSet ==| n_primes: 74 size: 11703 n_candidates: 822 offset: 3258873678094441969978037244324258254780779132068161148845329055794575495061802888673327604486925210609362724628749476892666358160934842851313197663884
Place the crt folder in the same folder containing gapminer-cpu.exe Create a new desktop shortcut for gapminer-cpu.exe > 2nd mouse button > shortcut (Tab) > properties > Target (field) after /gapminer-cpu.exe add; -o -p 31397 -u gapcoinrpc -x YOURRPCPASSWORD --threads 8 --fermat-threads 7 --shift 512 --crt crt/crt-22m-512s.txt --sieve-primes 10000 Save. Start the miner using the shortcut. --threads are the number of CPU threads : should be at most --threads minus one. i.e. a single dual-core PC with 2 threads would be --threads 2 --fermat-threads 1 There is no point in using crt mining with a single core PC. In fact, it is easier to simply; setgenerate true in the gapcoin wallet > console and do getprimespersec to confirm its working ok. This also applies to using the daemon on linux. On a single core linux VPS you are again best mining with the wallet daemon / capcoin-cli. gapcoin.conf example; listen=1 daemon=1 server=1 port=31469 rpcport=31397 rpcuser=gapcoinrpc rpcpassword=YOURRPCPASSWORD maxconnections=8

Activity: 256
Merit: 60
March 05, 2017, 02:43:51 PM |
" Getmininginfo " is a better command to use after " Setgenerate True " to check your mining. Never hurts to have a CPU hardware Temperature Monitor to make sure you installed all your computer hardware correctly. New AMD hardware looks good to mine G.A.P.
Activity: 2646
Merit: 1722 ... Dr. WHO < KLF
March 05, 2017, 05:25:28 PM |
Thank You! That 1 Tor Node will help build peers faster on gapcoin.conf node list.
Sent you 1000 G.A.P. with 100 Tip!
Didn't expect to find someone with proficiency so fast, hopefully you will stick around.
I can't actually get the Linux Wallet to build either, which is why again I hope for a proficient debian package. ByteCoin and Bitshares crowd seems to be the only proficient debian users.
Cryptophillanthropist hope you can get it working for windows wallet use " SetGenerate True " command and " Help " to get a complete list of commands.
Apparently only one person has figured out how to use the GPU miner so my "noob" request might take a while because everyone has tons of time to spend figuring everything out like a pro. Especially without any good manuals or instructions!
The wallets in the OP are the current updated Yitang Zhang Algo, but there were lots of instructions posted by Jonn9 how to create custom sifts recently, but using the CPU miners versus the in-wallet CPU miner is no difference unless you expect to get the GPU miner working!
@UsernameNumber7 Donation / contribution confirmed! Thank you. In the recent past I have successfully built the linux daemon, wallet and GPU miner for Gapcoin. I will endeavour to post some guides soon once I have collated the notes that I have.

Activity: 256
Merit: 60
March 07, 2017, 03:43:21 AM |
Too many Linux distros, just like there are too many Crypto-Currencies. Probably the same crowd/agency pumping out new Linux distros to segregate is also responsible for pumping out new crypto-coins? Or at least they are using the same strategy.
It might work on your Linux, but I can't even get Bitcoin to install from the debian package due to conflictions in the softwares the new Bitcoin Core uses.
But, whatever help you can give I will try to get it to work. I am using Libre Linux distro but I can still install non-free software manually. (except not everything)
Debian packages are usually the best.
I will send you 10,000 G.A.P. if you can put together a Debian package for Gapcoin that I can get to compile and install.
Activity: 2646
Merit: 1722 ... Dr. WHO < KLF
March 07, 2017, 12:21:03 PM |
Too many Linux distros, just like there are too many Crypto-Currencies. Probably the same crowd/agency pumping out new Linux distros to segregate is also responsible for pumping out new crypto-coins? Or at least they are using the same strategy.
It might work on your Linux, but I can't even get Bitcoin to install from the debian package due to conflictions in the softwares the new Bitcoin Core uses.
But, whatever help you can give I will try to get it to work. I am using Libre Linux distro but I can still install non-free software manually. (except not everything)
Debian packages are usually the best.
I will send you 10,000 G.A.P. if you can put together a Debian package for Gapcoin that I can get to compile and install.
Which Libre Linux distro are you using exactly? - should be fairly straight forward to at least get the Gapcoin daemon up and running / mining.  -"GNU Bucks are issued in one denomination—pi—and signed by Free Software Foundation president"... 
Activity: 2646
Merit: 1722 ... Dr. WHO < KLF
March 07, 2017, 10:20:44 PM |
Our block explorer hosting is due to expire soon! -!cryptoExpires 2017-03-14 (in 6 days) I will endeavour to exchange the GAP donation from @UsernameNumber7 to BTC and extend the hosting period - unless I notice that someone else has extended this in the meantime.

Activity: 256
Merit: 60
March 07, 2017, 11:41:20 PM |
| is pretty much the only Libre distro that works with modern M.2 drives at least that I got to work anyway. (I tried most all of them) It is simple really, debian and ubuntu based. I had not come across the Gnu-Buck yet. Do you own any? I did not realize chainz cryptoid cost anything.............................. I got a AMD Nano graphics card I could use, but not really as I would need to rebuild it for heat issues, but if I can test run it I would build another computer to host it......... Seems like your 1 .Onion Gap node worked great for about 1 week, seems their sensors have already adapted to it. Half-life of anything is very short...............still works better than not though. I was getting 7-8 connections now down to 4-6 again.............. (I do not endorse GPU mining however due to the required install of proprietary software, of which seems to always crash a computer requireing OS re-install.)
Activity: 2646
Merit: 1722 ... Dr. WHO < KLF
March 08, 2017, 12:44:25 AM |
| is pretty much the only Libre distro that works with modern M.2 drives at least that I got to work anyway. (I tried most all of them) It is simple really, debian and ubuntu based. I had not come across the Gnu-Buck yet. Do you own any? I did not realize chainz cryptoid cost anything.............................. I got a AMD Nano graphics card I could use, but not really as I would need to rebuild it for heat issues, but if I can test run it I would build another computer to host it......... Seems like your 1 .Onion Gap node worked great for about 1 week, seems their sensors have already adapted to it. Half-life of anything is very short...............still works better than not though. I was getting 7-8 connections now down to 4-6 again.............. (I do not endorse GPU mining however due to the required install of proprietary software, of which seems to always crash a computer requireing OS re-install.) Nope. I don't own any Gnu-Buck's (yet)  If the addnode=.onion is still showing as connected, and your Tor connection is good, the you should be all good. However, I have noticed that network connections with Gapcoin do sometimes dwindle the longer the wallet is connected / online (more recently). Simply restarting the wallet will bring the connections back from around 4-6 to 8+ Do PM me if the service goes offline and I will also check its functioning correctly as regularly as possible. So, Gapcoin wallet for linux (quick / dirty) guide ... Crtl + Alt + T (to open a new terminal window) wget sudo apt-get install unzip nano mkdir gapcoin && cd gapcoin && mkdir src && cd && unzip -d gapcoin/src && mv gapcoin/src/gapcoin-rev2-linux/64/static/gapcoin-cli gapcoin/src && mv gapcoin/src/gapcoin-rev2-linux/64/static/gapcoind gapcoin/src && mv gapcoin/src/gapcoin-rev2-linux/64/gapcoin-qt gapcoin/src mkdir ~/.gapcoin cd ~/.gapcoin && sudo nano gapcoin.conf gapcoin.conf example; listen=1 daemon=1 server=1 port=31469 rpcport=31397 rpcuser=gapcoinrpc rpcpassword=YOURRPCPASSWORD maxconnections=8
Add the addnode= list from!network [ node list ] - after maxconnections=8 . ctrl + x and then Y to save. cd cd gapcoin/src ./gapcoin-qt Which should run the QT Gapcoin wallet. If not then you likely need some extra packages, which I'm not going to advise on until awaiting your response (or doing my own testing with that distro etc.,) If the QT will run then great! If not, then you should be able to run the static build daemon instead. Again from gapcoin/src with; ./gapcoind to start and ./gapcoin-cli stop to stop! Anyway, you seem to be quite proficient and I assume you were probably trying to build from source and just missed the static binary downloads?

Activity: 256
Merit: 60
March 08, 2017, 02:36:03 AM |
./gapcoin-qt: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Seems to be the hold up to building the qt. Tried to find it debian package system does not contain it, seems to be some special google rpc library. Definately proprietary...... I did get the ./gapcoind working, not ideal but its a start........  I was indeed trying to build it from source, but I did not know what was the hold up, with your method it told me exactly  Thanks for the good instructions!
Activity: 2646
Merit: 1722 ... Dr. WHO < KLF
March 08, 2017, 05:24:28 PM |
./gapcoin-qt: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Seems to be the hold up to building the qt. Tried to find it debian package system does not contain it, seems to be some special google rpc library. Definately proprietary...... I did get the ./gapcoind working, not ideal but its a start........  I was indeed trying to build it from source, but I did not know what was the hold up, with your method it told me exactly  Thanks for the good instructions! No worries. When I've previously built the Gapcoin daemon and done CPU mining with gapminer-cpu on a VPS it had been necessary to install the following packages (although I might of been running other coin daemons as well): sudo apt-get install git make build-essential libssl-dev libdb++-dev libboost-all-dev libqrencode-dev libgmp3-dev libminiupnpc-dev autoconf libtool pkg-config libmpfr-dev libgmp-dev libpthread-stubs0-dev curl libjansson-dev Remember that if you were to compile from the above then the DB would not be backwards compatible. You can still mine and send coins to another wallet just fine though. To 'fix' - "error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" - you probably just need to install; sudo apt-get install libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler This should be available in a debian repo. for your disto. However, please make backups first and try not to 'break' your distro. 
Activity: 2646
Merit: 1722 ... Dr. WHO < KLF
March 08, 2017, 10:45:02 PM |
Our block explorer hosting is due to expire soon! -!cryptoExpires 2017-03-14 (in 6 days) I will endeavour to exchange the GAP donation from @UsernameNumber7 to BTC and extend the hosting period - unless I notice that someone else has extended this in the meantime. Contribution Date: 2017-03-08 23:18 BTC: 0.004 BTC USD: $ 4.93 Days covered: + 15.4 Sent a small deposit to confirm that the system works!

Activity: 256
Merit: 60
March 08, 2017, 11:38:59 PM |
Thanks, I will try to send some that way too.............
I have everything installed as far as I know.
I did however try installing agian libprotobuf and it said it was already installed. and gave the same error when trying to build the QT
Libprotobuf8 is the actual name of the package, I found it as a RPM file to install.
There is however no Libprotobuf8 package for Debian.
Linux people generally imagine Linux is just like each other. But Debian eyes are pretty exclusive. I think that is why Linux Mint is popular as it tries to bridge the compatibility issues between Linux and Debian/Linux!
But if people would pool themselves around Free software and their work these types of conflictions would not occur.
I have built a QT on Debian, but mostly it is a small crypto world through the eyes of Gnu/Debian
Activity: 2646
Merit: 1722 ... Dr. WHO < KLF
March 10, 2017, 04:41:47 PM |
According to the whois the current project domain expires on; Expires On 2017-05-30 Registered On 2014-05-30 Updated On 2016-05-31 In the absence of j0nn9 F. I have taken the liberty of registering (forwarded to for now) and I will endeavour to migrate the website text, links, downloads and relevant content to new hosting.