Activity: 39
Merit: 0
June 29, 2014, 02:46:14 AM |
.... You can start by checking out the "zerocoin" branch of and looking in src/libzerocoin . Try reading Tutorial.cpp to get an overall feel for how zerocoin works, then move on to understanding the rest of it. Most of that code was not written by me, by the way. .... Curious, who wrote most of the zerocoin code? I would imagine only a handful of programmers in this world have the right knowledge and skills to implement the zerocoin algorithm.

Activity: 101
Merit: 10
June 29, 2014, 03:20:51 AM |
Okay, troll, I'll bite just this one time. [...] Lol, too bad it's never gonna happen. There hasn't even been 1 commit on Github. The "devs" arent going to implement zerocoin, it was all talk.
As I said before, I've spent far too much time on this to abandon it. Most of my activity has been spent on the server for distributed RSA UFO generation (the "UFO server"). This is currently closed-source (to prevent gaming it), but will be opened up after generation is complete. Once generation starts, this aspect of the project will require minimal time, so I can return to Zerocoin development itself. Not to mention, Cryptonote is more anonymous than zerocoin "would" be. Im 100% sure that zerocoin will never be made, why you may ask? Because it was abandoned by it's own devs.
I recently had some time to look at Monero (Cryptonote variant) and it appears that it is actually less anonymous. Transaction size is proportional to the number of outputs you mix with, while this is not the case for zerocoin. This is aside from the fact that a lot of these "anonymous" currencies don't run over Tor/I2P (last time I checked, Darkcoin was "planning it" but was still running on clearnet). This means all of their fancy crypto and algorithms do nothing against an attacker that can monitor people's Internet connections. Zerocoin was abandoned by the JHU team that created it because they saw efficiency advantages to zk-SNARKs. The problem with those is that there is no known way they can be made fully trustless. Adding this is not a quick fix, but instead would require the kind of cryptographic breakthrough that only comes after years/decades.
ANC:AU4hFCFZLhB2gTyG4VbaEurXGrTMNW2nu6 | BTC: 14QnfqVG3CqLGBYHgD8tPYJVLxQ2AfvPEx | GPG: E6D0 96DE 5B3E 16C7 C57F DC3B 654D BB7A D847 993A
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
June 29, 2014, 06:48:45 AM |
Is it possible to implement Cryptonote, DarkSend (if sources ever will opened), ZeroCoin and MeehChaosIdea (could someone explain what it is?) in one coin? Can be added native i2p routing through the tor? Will it be in AnonCoin? P.S. Sorry for bad English.

Activity: 101
Merit: 10
June 29, 2014, 07:09:51 AM |
Is it possible to implement Cryptonote, DarkSend (if sources ever will opened), ZeroCoin and MeehChaosIdea (could someone explain what it is?) in one coin?
Probably. I actually don't know what MeehChaosIdea is, but Meeh could answer that if he's around. Can be added native i2p routing through the tor?
Will it be in AnonCoin?
The first of these four to be added will be Zerocoin. After that, it may be possible to add something like Cryptonote, but research will be required. To add DarkSend, it will have to be all of these: - decentralized
- secure (meaning it doesn't allow forgery or de-anonymization)
- incentive-compatible
...and I have doubts about all three of these. To be honest, though, I haven't researched all of it, and it would be hard to do without either having the source or reverse engineering the binaries (which would be very time consuming).
ANC:AU4hFCFZLhB2gTyG4VbaEurXGrTMNW2nu6 | BTC: 14QnfqVG3CqLGBYHgD8tPYJVLxQ2AfvPEx | GPG: E6D0 96DE 5B3E 16C7 C57F DC3B 654D BB7A D847 993A
Full Member
Activity: 189
Merit: 100
जगत् िमत
June 29, 2014, 11:15:10 AM |
Dear friends total 10 pages have been created on wiki page for Anoncoin. You can view them here : None of the articles can be taken as complete. So, please share your views & suggestions , and also i request to contribute there. You can also suggest a few page or article ideas to be added there. Hey, this helps a lot. Thanks! We might be able to find better hosting than, though  @Gnosis- , Its great to see you active on the forum.  If @meeh, can set up a wiki in subdomain like I can move all the articles there and we can have a nice ads free wiki section.  also, the forum at is very slow for some reason..

Activity: 99
Merit: 10
June 29, 2014, 08:38:10 PM |
tried to withdraw some anc from cryptsy 24 hrs ago, still pending. they are aware of the issue and trying to fix it. anyone else in the same situation?
Been like that for a few days now, many who's had the same experience. I got my ANC after 4 days. It's been four days after being processed for me....and the last two emails I sent to support I haven't had any response at all. At roughly the same time a few days ago I bought some anoncoin and sent it to two different wallets. One brand new wallet, where the coins arrived with no problem, and one anoncoin wallet I have had for a while, the coins have not shown up yet issues have been posted about other coins recently, philosophersstone etc. There is a tx id on cryptsy but no coins. That happens with cryptsy. You have to open a Support Ticket with them and include the TXID details. I have 2 open now for 2 different coins.
June 29, 2014, 10:55:45 PM |
tried to withdraw some anc from cryptsy 24 hrs ago, still pending. they are aware of the issue and trying to fix it. anyone else in the same situation?
Been like that for a few days now, many who's had the same experience. I got my ANC after 4 days. It's been four days after being processed for me....and the last two emails I sent to support I haven't had any response at all. At roughly the same time a few days ago I bought some anoncoin and sent it to two different wallets. One brand new wallet, where the coins arrived with no problem, and one anoncoin wallet I have had for a while, the coins have not shown up yet issues have been posted about other coins recently, philosophersstone etc. There is a tx id on cryptsy but no coins. That happens with cryptsy. You have to open a Support Ticket with them and include the TXID details. I have 2 open now for 2 different coins. Okay but if a person does not notice it, just sends the coins to a cold wallet, and never checks it or sends a ticket to cryptsy then they just lose? Will the coins eventually appear if no ticket is sent? Where are thrse coins going? I think they periodically do audits to catch things like this (like every few weeks or so).
June 30, 2014, 12:34:34 AM |
Okay but if a person does not notice it, just sends the coins to a cold wallet, and never checks it or sends a ticket to cryptsy then they just lose? Will the coins eventually appear if no ticket is sent? Where are thrse coins going?
I think they periodically do audits to catch things like this (like every few weeks or so). Let's see. AnonCoin ASrmjhb29xQqu45MST1MPcruhg1WkQS9td 213.79691608 ANC Yes 2014-06-26 19:15:08 Processed TrxID: 199ea7e24c2f29b73c5518e3f967a040540f282950d78d9c68bb66f641e91d6d @ 2014-06-26 19:20:12 Supposedly sent 3 days ago. Actually not yet sent. won't send a support ticket and see if it eventually arrives. Definitely put a support ticket in unless you are ok waiting a couple weeks.

Activity: 101
Merit: 10
June 30, 2014, 12:50:19 AM |
The UFO server is ready!You'll need to do a "git pull && npm install" to update it and dependencies and then run it with "node . ~/ufo_config.yml" (or nodejs if you have it installed that way). 
ANC:AU4hFCFZLhB2gTyG4VbaEurXGrTMNW2nu6 | BTC: 14QnfqVG3CqLGBYHgD8tPYJVLxQ2AfvPEx | GPG: E6D0 96DE 5B3E 16C7 C57F DC3B 654D BB7A D847 993A
Full Member
Activity: 189
Merit: 100
जगत् िमत
June 30, 2014, 02:39:44 AM |
The UFO server is ready!You'll need to do a "git pull && npm install" to update it and dependencies and then run it with "node . ~/ufo_config.yml" (or nodejs if you have it installed that way).  Will that generate new Key?
Full Member
Activity: 189
Merit: 100
जगत् िमत
June 30, 2014, 02:53:03 AM |
The UFO server is ready!You'll need to do a "git pull && npm install" to update it and dependencies and then run it with "node . ~/ufo_config.yml" (or nodejs if you have it installed that way).  PMed you my new nick and pubkey via reddit.

Activity: 101
Merit: 10
June 30, 2014, 03:16:14 AM |
The UFO server is ready!You'll need to do a "git pull && npm install" to update it and dependencies and then run it with "node . ~/ufo_config.yml" (or nodejs if you have it installed that way).  Will that generate new Key? No, it uses the key you generated that's stored in ~/ufo_config.yml .
ANC:AU4hFCFZLhB2gTyG4VbaEurXGrTMNW2nu6 | BTC: 14QnfqVG3CqLGBYHgD8tPYJVLxQ2AfvPEx | GPG: E6D0 96DE 5B3E 16C7 C57F DC3B 654D BB7A D847 993A
Full Member
Activity: 189
Merit: 100
जगत् िमत
June 30, 2014, 04:15:06 AM |
The UFO server is ready!You'll need to do a "git pull && npm install" to update it and dependencies and then run it with "node . ~/ufo_config.yml" (or nodejs if you have it installed that way).  Will that generate new Key? No, it uses the key you generated that's stored in ~/ufo_config.yml . Can we get it to work in windows??

Activity: 73
Merit: 10
There's a new king in the streets
June 30, 2014, 06:24:58 AM |
i tested with 1 ANC amounts; - 1st a used address - 2nd a virgin
nothing from either xactions has arrived on to the blockchain and i have a ticket open at Cryptsy
I guess i'll need to roll the larger amount of ANC into BTC to get it out, and get back into ANC somewhere else
anyone know the best exchange ?
BTC: 1gunzeo8X7iYznsnmgveUQDuRj6vhzyK6 ~~~
Sr. Member
Activity: 420
Merit: 251
June 30, 2014, 08:28:30 AM |
Okay but if a person does not notice it, just sends the coins to a cold wallet, and never checks it or sends a ticket to cryptsy then they just lose? Will the coins eventually appear if no ticket is sent? Where are thrse coins going?
I think they periodically do audits to catch things like this (like every few weeks or so). Let's see. AnonCoin ASrmjhb29xQqu45MST1MPcruhg1WkQS9td 213.79691608 ANC Yes 2014-06-26 19:15:08 Processed TrxID: 199ea7e24c2f29b73c5518e3f967a040540f282950d78d9c68bb66f641e91d6d @ 2014-06-26 19:20:12 Supposedly sent 3 days ago. Actually not yet sent. won't send a support ticket and see if it eventually arrives. Definitely put a support ticket in unless you are ok waiting a couple weeks. To find out that kind of information about a financial exchange is worth a lot. Happy to wait and if the coins do not arrive in several weeks I will have learned something that could have been much more expensive. Learned what, that cryptsy are unstable and unreliable? Hell, this whole forum is crammed with posts to that account. You should be able to learn that lesson without leaving your coins in limbo for weeks. There is only one lesson to learn, namely, don't leave your coins online over time unless you are willing to take the risk of losing them.
Activity: 37
Merit: 0
June 30, 2014, 11:26:07 AM |
ive got a bunch of ANC locked on Cryptsy too, tried a 10ANC withdrawal and have not seen it yet in my wallet, or on the blockchain....opened a ticket with them and heard nothing....With Cryptsy starting USD dollar transactions tomorrow and the mountain of issues this will cause, i dont think they will pay too much attention to our ANC withdrawal issues for some time. IF anyone has any luck getting their's out of Cryptsy please let me know.

Activity: 101
Merit: 10
June 30, 2014, 03:22:01 PM |
The UFO server is ready!You'll need to do a "git pull && npm install" to update it and dependencies and then run it with "node . ~/ufo_config.yml" (or nodejs if you have it installed that way).  Will that generate new Key? No, it uses the key you generated that's stored in ~/ufo_config.yml . Can we get it to work in windows?? Not me, but if you have a lot of time to spend on this, try this and let us know what happens: - install Node.js for windows:
- somehow get gmp-ecm running on Windows (source at )
- replace all occurrences of "bigint" with "bignum" in index.js and ufos.js
- "npm install --save bignum"
- In index.js, where it says "child_process.spawn('ecm'", change it to "child_process.spawn('C:\\path\\to\\ecm.exe'"
- try running again
ANC:AU4hFCFZLhB2gTyG4VbaEurXGrTMNW2nu6 | BTC: 14QnfqVG3CqLGBYHgD8tPYJVLxQ2AfvPEx | GPG: E6D0 96DE 5B3E 16C7 C57F DC3B 654D BB7A D847 993A
Full Member
Activity: 189
Merit: 100
जगत् िमत
June 30, 2014, 03:49:33 PM |
Not me, but if you have a lot of time to spend on this, try this and let us know what happens: - install Node.js for windows:
- somehow get gmp-ecm running on Windows (source at )
- replace all occurrences of "bigint" with "bignum" in index.js and ufos.js
- "npm install --save bignum"
- In index.js, where it says "child_process.spawn('ecm'", change it to "child_process.spawn('C:\\path\\to\\ecm.exe'"
- try running again
Trying it. .. Gnosis, Can you create a page where the progress in ufo generation can be seen live? How many days , do you think it will take. It would be nice to see , how many users are online and all..

Activity: 84
Merit: 10
Crypto is the Future!
June 30, 2014, 08:58:01 PM |
******Meeh Please check your email. I would love to RATE your crypto ANC. I see a lot of potential and a high upward trend. Please let me know.
Full Member
Activity: 189
Merit: 100
जगत् िमत
June 30, 2014, 10:08:14 PM |
******Meeh Please check your email. I would love to RATE your crypto ANC. I see a lot of potential and a high upward trend. Please let me know. do you want to know?