Full Member
Activity: 954
Merit: 104
September 05, 2014, 07:46:44 AM |
Do you ever sleep Meeh?  The ANC team rules!!!
September 05, 2014, 08:37:19 AM |
Do you ever sleep Meeh?  I have a theory! Meeh is a nordic programming collective - 
Most Coins are Shitcoins
September 05, 2014, 04:52:14 PM |
Sounds good K1773R. Just a head up, to those interested. Earlier today enabled withdrawals, fee/commission set to 0.01ANC. Yay...  *Come trade* General usage observation: Had several transactions in route over the last week, only the bluetrade failed, generated a support ticket, had the funds within a day. zAnoncoin has an exciting future, and tremendous team of people behind bringing it all together. What was the problem with bleutrade? Im interested  Did they also create transactions which didnt get confirmed? If so, could you give me the TXID? I was wondering that to, but have no idea the cause, perhaps you can tell. All I know is nothing showed up on the blockchain or in my wallet after 12+hrs, so created a support ticket, then some hours later it showed up, never did get any email from them or comment on the support ticket I had created...just closed it as resolved. Here is the Tx ID: 03feceb0cd385493955a2f63d0cdac08eb7db8da055111eb0a0123d0d5ee9c59 Although I'm not mining, voted it up and commented too. @Marica420 - Most definitely. Welcome Marielle. @drAGon925 - " get more time for buy" Hard to see in the charts, though sure does feel like a bottom formed. We'll see.
Activity: 1792
Merit: 1008
September 05, 2014, 06:23:44 PM |
Sounds good K1773R. Just a head up, to those interested. Earlier today enabled withdrawals, fee/commission set to 0.01ANC. Yay...  *Come trade* General usage observation: Had several transactions in route over the last week, only the bluetrade failed, generated a support ticket, had the funds within a day. zAnoncoin has an exciting future, and tremendous team of people behind bringing it all together. What was the problem with bleutrade? Im interested  Did they also create transactions which didnt get confirmed? If so, could you give me the TXID? I was wondering that to, but have no idea the cause, perhaps you can tell. All I know is nothing showed up on the blockchain or in my wallet after 12+hrs, so created a support ticket, then some hours later it showed up, never did get any email from them or comment on the support ticket I had created...just closed it as resolved. Here is the Tx ID: 03feceb0cd385493955a2f63d0cdac08eb7db8da055111eb0a0123d0d5ee9c59 Ok, if its confirmed then there is nothing to worry about. I didnt mine this TX and its a legal one too.
[GPG Public Key]BTC/DVC/TRC/FRC: 1 K1773RbXRZVRQSSXe9N6N2MUFERvrdu6y ANC/XPM A K1773RTmRKtvbKBCrUu95UQg5iegrqyeA NMC: N K1773Rzv8b4ugmCgX789PbjewA9fL9Dy1 LTC: L Ki773RBuPepQH8E6Zb1ponoCvgbU7hHmd EMC: E K1773RxUes1HX1YAGMZ1xVYBBRUCqfDoF BQC: b K1773R1APJz4yTgRkmdKQhjhiMyQpJgfN
Activity: 1792
Merit: 1008
September 05, 2014, 06:26:18 PM |
[GPG Public Key]BTC/DVC/TRC/FRC: 1 K1773RbXRZVRQSSXe9N6N2MUFERvrdu6y ANC/XPM A K1773RTmRKtvbKBCrUu95UQg5iegrqyeA NMC: N K1773Rzv8b4ugmCgX789PbjewA9fL9Dy1 LTC: L Ki773RBuPepQH8E6Zb1ponoCvgbU7hHmd EMC: E K1773RxUes1HX1YAGMZ1xVYBBRUCqfDoF BQC: b K1773R1APJz4yTgRkmdKQhjhiMyQpJgfN
September 05, 2014, 10:50:04 PM |
Wow... there is almost no Buying orders on Cryptsy for Anoncoin.
... That's no good for the market health ...
Most Coins are Shitcoins
September 05, 2014, 11:05:41 PM |
Still waiting on my tx to come. : ) need my ANC^^ You know this makes me mad, Cryptsy apparently does a mistake (sorry) I write a ticket and they leave me hanging ... for 14 days now. If I was a normal user not checking bitcointalk and not getting involved ... I'd be under the impression I got my coins stolen.
Most Coins are Shitcoins
Activity: 1552
Merit: 1047
September 05, 2014, 11:12:07 PM |
Wow... there is almost no Buying orders on Cryptsy for Anoncoin.
... That's no good for the market health ...
 Price (BTC) ANC Total (BTC) 0.00074105 0.59774904 0.00044296 0.00074104 1.09714997 0.00081303 0.00074103 0.33736826 0.00025000 0.00074102 1.41906703 0.00105156 0.00074101 1.09115463 0.00080856 0.00074100 0.69326660 0.00051371 0.00074099 0.55074493 0.00040810 0.00074098 0.41907781 0.00031053 0.00074097 0.62247617 0.00046124 0.00074096 1.09716574 0.00081296 0.00074095 0.18962771 0.00014050 0.00074094 0.15968242 0.00011832 0.00074093 0.17370838 0.00012871 0.00074091 0.22711118 0.00016827 0.00074088 0.27161640 0.00020124 0.00074085 0.20083463 0.00014879 0.00074081 1.25631485 0.00093069 0.00074080 3.32321473 0.00246184 0.00074079 1.21711797 0.00090163 0.00074077 1.00211087 0.00074233 0.00074076 1.44637950 0.00107142 0.00074074 1.14103505 0.00084521 0.00074073 1.43235488 0.00106099 0.00074069 1.43796300 0.00106508 0.00074067 0.80856325 0.00059888 0.00074064 0.63252069 0.00046847 0.00074062 0.96107839 0.00071179 0.00074061 1.04743881 0.00077574 0.00074060 0.25890959 0.00019175 0.00074059 1.07470382 0.00079591 0.00074058 1.19796026 0.00088719 0.00074057 0.81198241 0.00060133 0.00074055 0.26833521 0.00019872 0.00074053 0.46582757 0.00034496 0.00074050 0.08493780 0.00006290 0.00074048 0.94634507 0.00070075 0.00074045 0.53164361 0.00039366 0.00074044 1.35272847 0.00100161 0.00074041 1.34076364 0.00099271 0.00074039 0.62800492 0.00046497 0.00074037 0.84911158 0.00062866 0.00074035 0.92584719 0.00068545 0.00074032 0.90992330 0.00067363 0.00074029 0.90205379 0.00066778 0.00074027 0.35288635 0.00026123 0.00074025 1.09498035 0.00081056 0.00074023 0.95162464 0.00070442 0.00074020 1.20378163 0.00089104 0.00074018 0.00919557 0.00000681 0.00074014 1.08468018 0.00080282 0.00074010 1.47077910 0.00108852 0.00074007 0.44575158 0.00032989 0.00074004 0.68390409 0.00050612 0.00074002 0.20972222 0.00015520 0.00074000 15.49909459 0.01146933 0.00073829 1.31797259 0.00097305 0.00073824 1.44487284 0.00106666 0.00073819 0.82882500 0.00061183 0.00073812 1.19040515 0.00087866 0.00073807 0.09948761 0.00007343 0.00073803 1.28259817 0.00094660 0.00073797 1.48457159 0.00109557 0.00073790 0.58118834 0.00042886 0.00073785 0.76734851 0.00056619 0.00073781 0.99414063 0.00073349 0.00073774 1.27773769 0.00094264 0.00073769 0.72646125 0.00053590 0.00073765 0.94286117 0.00069550 0.00073762 0.32351785 0.00023863 0.00073759 0.57946393 0.00042741 0.00073754 1.28230417 0.00094575 0.00073749 5.89800000 0.00434972 0.00073748 1.14362693 0.00084340 0.00073744 0.75739085 0.00055853 0.00073740 0.28914517 0.00021322 0.00073735 0.76882862 0.00056690 0.00073729 1.05647892 0.00077893 0.00073725 0.27428228 0.00020221 0.00073720 0.49198350 0.00036269 0.00073716 0.64667099 0.00047670 0.00073712 0.82310435 0.00060673 0.00073708 0.92061736 0.00067857 0.00073704 1.43487264 0.00105756 0.00073698 1.03804644 0.00076502 0.00073693 0.78189580 0.00057620 0.00073688 0.66083540 0.00048696 0.00073683 0.29785709 0.00021947 0.00073679 1.12531561 0.00082912 0.00073674 0.53530603 0.00039438 0.00073671 1.13179707 0.00083381 0.00073666 1.16232183 0.00085624 0.00073663 1.31827707 0.00097108 0.00073661 1.12431605 0.00082818 0.00073657 1.41688980 0.00104364 0.00073652 0.07320689 0.00005392 0.00073648 1.10521521 0.00081397 0.00073644 0.67040813 0.00049372 0.00073639 1.02667421 0.00075603 0.00073635 0.52807634 0.00038885 0.00073632 119.30220556 0.08784460
If you only consider visible buy orders, this is true. However someone has placed a lot of very small orders so there is no way to see most of the order book, but there are many orders placed below 0.0073632 which accounts for a large amount of ANC. I'm not sure if cryptsy allows viewing the full order book. But what you are seeing now is some kind of manipulation/bot placing very tiny orders to make the order book effectivly useless.
September 05, 2014, 11:19:01 PM |
I checked it.
Cryptsy DOES NOT show the whole order book.
Plus we can't be sure about the bots filling orders in seconds and giving volume to the market. Still I dislike what's happening^^
Most Coins are Shitcoins
September 06, 2014, 04:21:44 AM |
Was playing around with getting the order books from the different exchanges for ANC : These are the API commands I've got so far, all are public and don't require account access: URL's below return a JSON response string. At least some testing has been done with each of them:*Bleutrade's default of 20 on depth covers the whole orderbook right now, set the depth to 99 in above example, if there is more you can up it. **The limit on Coins-e may default to 20, haven't figured out how to increase that if the depth goes up, may need to edit this command. ***Didn't see an api for BTC38, it may very well have one. Catches: 1) You've got to be able to reformat the JSON responses so you can read them. 2) Cryptsy may be the one your most interested in seeing beyond all the small trades, unfortunately the above URL no longer returns all the orderbook positions. 2 months ago was able to get the complete order book off Cryptsy this way, now for some reason they are only returning aprox~ what you can already see depth wise on the buy/sell webpage. Hm there must be a new depth parameter, if so, I'm not seeing it listed on the API help page. Perhaps you now have to use an account authorized POST request in order to get a copy of the complete set of buy/sells orders....any ideas? The exchange list on the anoncoin wiki could be updated to include, also feel free to grab these links for API access to include on that page if you want.
Activity: 1792
Merit: 1008
September 06, 2014, 09:00:46 AM |
Still waiting on my tx to come. : ) need my ANC^^ You know this makes me mad, Cryptsy apparently does a mistake (sorry) I write a ticket and they leave me hanging ... for 14 days now. If I was a normal user not checking bitcointalk and not getting involved ... I'd be under the impression I got my coins stolen. Your correct, they did a huge mistake and dont have the balls to cover it. Why? Fixing something cost money, which they dont want to spend. So your using a service but once they have problems, they leave u hanging and dont give a fuck about you. Thats a great exchange/service!
[GPG Public Key]BTC/DVC/TRC/FRC: 1 K1773RbXRZVRQSSXe9N6N2MUFERvrdu6y ANC/XPM A K1773RTmRKtvbKBCrUu95UQg5iegrqyeA NMC: N K1773Rzv8b4ugmCgX789PbjewA9fL9Dy1 LTC: L Ki773RBuPepQH8E6Zb1ponoCvgbU7hHmd EMC: E K1773RxUes1HX1YAGMZ1xVYBBRUCqfDoF BQC: b K1773R1APJz4yTgRkmdKQhjhiMyQpJgfN
September 06, 2014, 12:25:58 PM |
Hi girls,
so what about the Logo now? Is the one on the wiki the official one now? If so I will request changing them on coinmarketcap and cryptmarketcap.
I also requested a listing of ANC on bittrex and asked for a listing too.
Another question, what about the Android wallet? I would know 2 people who made Wallets for Coins... should I contact them or is the wallet already in the works?
Most Coins are Shitcoins
Activity: 1792
Merit: 1008
September 06, 2014, 05:31:11 PM |
Hi girls,
so what about the Logo now? Is the one on the wiki the official one now? If so I will request changing them on coinmarketcap and cryptmarketcap.
I also requested a listing of ANC on bittrex and asked for a listing too.
Another question, what about the Android wallet? I would know 2 people who made Wallets for Coins... should I contact them or is the wallet already in the works?
wrt logo, yes it is
[GPG Public Key]BTC/DVC/TRC/FRC: 1 K1773RbXRZVRQSSXe9N6N2MUFERvrdu6y ANC/XPM A K1773RTmRKtvbKBCrUu95UQg5iegrqyeA NMC: N K1773Rzv8b4ugmCgX789PbjewA9fL9Dy1 LTC: L Ki773RBuPepQH8E6Zb1ponoCvgbU7hHmd EMC: E K1773RxUes1HX1YAGMZ1xVYBBRUCqfDoF BQC: b K1773R1APJz4yTgRkmdKQhjhiMyQpJgfN
meeh (OP)
September 07, 2014, 12:34:33 AM |
Hi girls,
so what about the Logo now? Is the one on the wiki the official one now? If so I will request changing them on coinmarketcap and cryptmarketcap.
I also requested a listing of ANC on bittrex and asked for a listing too.
Another question, what about the Android wallet? I would know 2 people who made Wallets for Coins... should I contact them or is the wallet already in the works?
wrt logo, yes it is I will add graphics to the new codebase on the same commit as my Qt tweaks 
meeh (OP)
September 07, 2014, 03:37:05 AM |
Do you ever sleep Meeh?  The ANC team rules!!! Good question really  hehe.. Well, I've been a "bit" over-stressed with my dayjob tasks the past week, moving BB metric system before my SSD says 0b left, writing some of the big ANC change, getting more known with the internal logic of I2P since we're embedding it as well, and blog, and mail, etc... So I've jumped over sleep for a night here and there the past week to get time to make urgent tasks both at ANC and I2P.  drinking however waaaay to much energy drinks.  And of course now when heading to bed, I think maybe I found a start on a trustless decentralized exchange.. wee..  anyway writing notes now and will discuss with Gnosis or Orignal for help with checking my math, and if my idea is possible.. Just say I've borrowed some fundamentals in ZC.  Since I've been awake a while now, I probably done something wrong.. But with luck maybe it was something... If so I'll get back with awesome news haha  Night Night! Also, I hope (I should ) get time to patch insight as a new blockexplorer for ANC within the week. Did some local tests earlier today too.
September 07, 2014, 05:05:27 PM |
Great news @Meeh. : ) Lay off the Energy drinks though ... they can be pretty harmful to your system.
Due to the high acid level in'em bladder stones can build easily....
Okay another thing, I got word from Bittrex ... I don't know if you guys are interested to get this listed on another exchange
Bittrex: Follow us on twitter @bittrexexchange and tweet about how much you like this coin and Bittrex. We respond to creative and insightful posts to help market your favorite coins and Bittrex. I'd also consider coming to our irc channel #bittrex on and do some guerrilla marketing. The traders there can help you gain exposure for your coin.
Most Coins are Shitcoins
September 07, 2014, 05:37:40 PM |
I checked it.
Cryptsy DOES NOT show the whole order book.
Plus we can't be sure about the bots filling orders in seconds and giving volume to the market. Still I dislike what's happening^^
Look at the order depth now. The small buy orders are gone and you can see the actual buy orders.
September 08, 2014, 12:16:45 PM |
Great news @Meeh. : ) Lay off the Energy drinks though ... they can be pretty harmful to your system.
Due to the high acid level in'em bladder stones can build easily....
Okay another thing, I got word from Bittrex ... I don't know if you guys are interested to get this listed on another exchange
Bittrex: Follow us on twitter @bittrexexchange and tweet about how much you like this coin and Bittrex. We respond to creative and insightful posts to help market your favorite coins and Bittrex. I'd also consider coming to our irc channel #bittrex on and do some guerrilla marketing. The traders there can help you gain exposure for your coin.
Well alright, I figure nobody is interested so I drop the idea. Sad that there are so few people with Anoncoin really, I always wondered why there are so few 
Most Coins are Shitcoins
September 08, 2014, 01:25:16 PM |
Great news @Meeh. : ) Lay off the Energy drinks though ... they can be pretty harmful to your system.
Due to the high acid level in'em bladder stones can build easily....
Okay another thing, I got word from Bittrex ... I don't know if you guys are interested to get this listed on another exchange
Bittrex: Follow us on twitter @bittrexexchange and tweet about how much you like this coin and Bittrex. We respond to creative and insightful posts to help market your favorite coins and Bittrex. I'd also consider coming to our irc channel #bittrex on and do some guerrilla marketing. The traders there can help you gain exposure for your coin.
Well alright, I figure nobody is interested so I drop the idea. Sad that there are so few people with Anoncoin really, I always wondered why there are so few  Do not worry, we are just lazy to respond or go on twitter.. The thing is that we know ANC will be on bunch of exchanges very soon, with ZC release. Everybody is watching you, so keep good work with promotion!