April 17, 2014, 08:11:16 AM |
Lets speculate on the price again guys!
How long after launch will we see .00001000?
i think 1 to 2.5 cent per pop straight after launch.. puts market cap at 40 to 100million... as for price in bitcoin i dont know.. depends on btc price.. if btc keeps rising the way it is and gets to 3-4grand a pop by mid summer.. id say nem could reach 2-400million marketcap putting it somewhere between 5-10 cent a pop.. (im very optimistic about nem as you can see) Haчaльнaя кaпитaлизaция y NEM дoлжнa пpeвышaть cyммy в 100 000 000 USD. Гдe-тo нa ypoвнe 200 000 000 USD. Пoтoмy чтo вcпoмним AuroraCoin? Taм былa изнaчaльнo низкaя кaпитaлизaция вoт мoнeтa и yпaлa в цeнe, чтo тeпepь нaxoдитcя нa 28 мecтe пo кaпитaлизaции пo вepcии Цeнa cpaзy жe нaчнёт в пepвыe минyты тopгoв нa NEM пaдaть, пoэтoмy, чтoбы нe пoвтopить пeчaльнyю cyдьбy AuroraCoin нaм нyжнa изнaчaльнo выcoкaя кaпитaлизaция мoнeты, чтoбы нe вылeтeть из пepвoй 10-ки кpиптoвaлют. Пoтoмy чтo ecли NEM вылeтит из пepвoй 10-ки, инвecтopы, oни дaльшe 10-гo мecтa пo кaпитaлизaции дaжe и нe cмoтpят. Ecли мoнeтa вылeтaeт из пepвoй 10-ки, тo eй пoтoм oчeнь тpyднo и дaжe нeвoзмoжнo бyдeт вepнyтьcя нa cвoи пpeжниe пoзиции. Пoэтoмy, чeм вышe бyдeт нaчaльнaя кaпитaлизaция NEM, пpeвышaющaя 200 000 000 USD, тeм бoльшe шaнcoв y нeё нa тo, чтo eё зaмeтят и oнa нaвceгдa ocтaнeтcя в пepвoй 10-кe кpиптoвaлют c пocлeдyющим плaвным pocтoм кaпитaлизaции дo 1 000 000 000 USD и вышe. Cдeлaйтe xopoшyю изнaчaльнo цeнy нa NEM вeдь мы жe caми пepвыe влaдeльцы oпpeдeляeм eй нaчaльный кypc. Я cчитaю чтo cтapтoвyю цeнy нa NEM нyжнo бyдeт пocтaвить нa ypoвнe 0.07 USD. Man got a point although it's pretty stupid to write in any other language in English thread. He suggests for us all not to dump coins after release and keep the price around at least $0.005 so Nem would be one of the top ten coins by cap. I don't know how it's possible with 3000 initial stakeholders but still. Я дyмaю чтo пpимepнo пoлoвинa людeй, yчacтвyющиx в дaннoй диcкyccии, являютcя нocитeлями pyccкoгo языкa. 
April 17, 2014, 08:12:34 AM |
Lets speculate on the price again guys!
How long after launch will we see .00001000?
i think 1 to 2.5 cent per pop straight after launch.. puts market cap at 40 to 100million... as for price in bitcoin i dont know.. depends on btc price.. if btc keeps rising the way it is and gets to 3-4grand a pop by mid summer.. id say nem could reach 2-400million marketcap putting it somewhere between 5-10 cent a pop.. (im very optimistic about nem as you can see) Haчaльнaя кaпитaлизaция y NEM дoлжнa пpeвышaть cyммy в 100 000 000 USD. Гдe-тo нa ypoвнe 200 000 000 USD. Пoтoмy чтo вcпoмним AuroraCoin? Taм былa изнaчaльнo низкaя кaпитaлизaция вoт мoнeтa и yпaлa в цeнe, чтo тeпepь нaxoдитcя нa 28 мecтe пo кaпитaлизaции пo вepcии Цeнa cpaзy жe нaчнёт в пepвыe минyты тopгoв нa NEM пaдaть, пoэтoмy, чтoбы нe пoвтopить пeчaльнyю cyдьбy AuroraCoin нaм нyжнa изнaчaльнo выcoкaя кaпитaлизaция мoнeты, чтoбы нe вылeтeть из пepвoй 10-ки кpиптoвaлют. Пoтoмy чтo ecли NEM вылeтит из пepвoй 10-ки, инвecтopы, oни дaльшe 10-гo мecтa пo кaпитaлизaции дaжe и нe cмoтpят. Ecли мoнeтa вылeтaeт из пepвoй 10-ки, тo eй пoтoм oчeнь тpyднo и дaжe нeвoзмoжнo бyдeт вepнyтьcя нa cвoи пpeжниe пoзиции. Пoэтoмy, чeм вышe бyдeт нaчaльнaя кaпитaлизaция NEM, пpeвышaющaя 200 000 000 USD, тeм бoльшe шaнcoв y нeё нa тo, чтo eё зaмeтят и oнa нaвceгдa ocтaнeтcя в пepвoй 10-кe кpиптoвaлют c пocлeдyющим плaвным pocтoм кaпитaлизaции дo 1 000 000 000 USD и вышe. Cдeлaйтe xopoшyю изнaчaльнo цeнy нa NEM вeдь мы жe caми пepвыe влaдeльцы oпpeдeляeм eй нaчaльный кypc. Я cчитaю чтo cтapтoвyю цeнy нa NEM нyжнo бyдeт пocтaвить нa ypoвнe 0.07 USD. Man got a point although it's pretty stupid to write in any other language in English thread. He suggests for us all not to dump coins after release and keep the price around at least $0.005 so Nem would be one of the top ten coins by cap. I don't know how it's possible with 3000 initial stakeholders but still. Well there will inevitably be some dumping but I hope we have enough stakeholders that actually want to support NEM to not make it a disaster.
April 17, 2014, 08:16:39 AM |
hi,dev how about the waiting list?
Please, give stakes to us all. Like Jesus saves us all!
April 17, 2014, 08:24:17 AM |
where can I find the final stakeholders list and refunding list?
Tomorrow. I will publish both lists plus several other things. This is an important day, looking forward to see the good news 
April 17, 2014, 08:24:32 AM |
I want some Nem N Nems!
Full Member
Activity: 164
Merit: 100
POS killed the POW-star
April 17, 2014, 08:59:24 AM |
I dont see any sense in dumping. It wouldnt satisfy me to make a few quick bucks, i wanna make big money. I hope the other stakeholders think the same way.
April 17, 2014, 09:15:33 AM |
where can I find the final stakeholders list and refunding list?
Tomorrow. I will publish both lists plus several other things. This is an important day, looking forward to see the good news  +1 Well, that is indeed good news
Activity: 1596
Merit: 1000
I am not Dorian Nakamoto.
April 17, 2014, 09:16:42 AM |
Your competitor NAScoin was just added to the first exchange:
your move NEM!
Nem is written from scratch, not a competitor. NEM is like life itself. Life has no opposite.
Activity: 1596
Merit: 1000
I am not Dorian Nakamoto.
April 17, 2014, 09:17:46 AM |
auction is a good idea, would be cool if NEM would be known for trying new things and having fresh ideas. A community who is not just following old patterns but actively creates new ones will be much more interetsing and attractive to all kinds of investors.
Im not afraid of NAS, but NXTL makes me a little nervous. Hope that market wont get saturated with 2.gen too quickly.
What is differences with NXTL and NEM? I have given a look and screenshots look good for NXTL I don't know what NXTL is, but in case its a copy of NXT, thats a difference. NXTL is another launch that is coming, funding has been sketchy as dev's English is a little rough, and he was eventually forced to stop funding until he showed some actually working code. They recently completed "Phase 3" which was a web based client that assigned original genesis wallet. Seems to be coming along, maybe launch before NEM is completed. I've invested in NXT since January, but it's crazy that hasn't increased it's security or graphical interface, I wouldn't want to launch NEM on that exchange first, as lack of 2-step verification is often a non-starter for many. I would hope we launch on mintpal, or cryptsy if they have fiat by then. Totally agree with this comment about DGEX.
Activity: 1596
Merit: 1000
I am not Dorian Nakamoto.
April 17, 2014, 09:35:13 AM |
Anybody know when the NEM whitepaper will be ready?
Not sure what the plan is for all the NEM features, but I hope to use data from our alpha/beta to write a POI whitepaper.
Activity: 2124
Merit: 1013
April 17, 2014, 09:39:43 AM |
what about waithing list?
price of share? smaller share?
too much time has passed since found raising, and now after more than a month again selling shares?
I think it could only reduce marketcap on start date for NEM.
Activity: 1596
Merit: 1000
I am not Dorian Nakamoto.
April 17, 2014, 09:47:16 AM |
Are there any app programmers out there that can make a simple NEM wallet for a smartwatch? I will help add to the development bounty if this ever becomes a project. Here is a teardown of Samsung's new Gear 2 smartwatch Some neat features include immersion up to 1 meter of water, 2MP camera, heartrate monitor and IR TV remote. I know a developer who make a payment app for Pebble The last time I talked to him about Bitcoin he is not that interested but that was just a brief mentioning of Bitcoin. Anyway if that's the something the community wants then at some point it is best starting to look for a developer and contract him. Bounty system works best when it is really big and got advertised massively. This looks really promising!
April 17, 2014, 09:47:47 AM |
Now the problem is that my account was banned by BTT. Then How can I get my nem when nem launched? 
April 17, 2014, 09:48:07 AM |
All other coins will get hit by the power of NEMbers 

Activity: 119
Merit: 100
April 17, 2014, 09:53:06 AM |
Now the problem is that my account was banned by BTT. Then How can I get my nem when nem launched?  Some people know how to solve this problem? I also encountered difficulties. Thank you.

Activity: 119
Merit: 100
April 17, 2014, 09:55:12 AM |
All other coins will get hit by the power of NEMbers  May be, but we also need to wait for a period of time. 
April 17, 2014, 10:29:16 AM |
I dont see any sense in dumping. It wouldnt satisfy me to make a few quick bucks, i wanna make big money. I hope the other stakeholders think the same way.
100% agreed - opportunities like this don't come around very often, at least not for me and I'd guess most of the other NEM stakeholders so personally I intend to stay with NEM long term and do what I can to help make it succeed. Worst case scenario for me would not be that NEM doesn't fulfill its potential (which BTW I think it will), it would be me, having sold out, then sitting on the sidelines watching it become a huge success.
April 17, 2014, 10:34:12 AM |
When i can open decentralisation web sites on base crypto platform NEM? I want open decentralised anonimous internet sites, based on crypto platform NEM. Our future is NEM
utopianfuture (OP)
Sr. Member
Activity: 602
Merit: 268
Internet of Value
April 17, 2014, 10:38:43 AM |
Now the problem is that my account was banned by BTT. Then How can I get my nem when nem launched?  Some people know how to solve this problem? I also encountered difficulties. Thank you. If you sent in a transaction from a certain account. You can show proof of owning that transaction and request to use a new account if your old account got banned or lost.
April 17, 2014, 10:44:05 AM |
We'll have to wait and see about NXTL. I have reserved a stake (after seeing Jagaur had reserved one) but it could very well be an IPO scam. There's a strong correlation between bad english and IPO scams on this forum. Skillroad, a Russian, might be active but most of the other developers don't have accounts on this forum and and the only one who does Mleekko hasn't logged in since mid-March.
There ain't no Revolution like a NEMolution. The only solution is Bitcoin's dissolution! NEM!