April 26, 2014, 12:22:57 AM |
BCNxt had great idea, but you're not fair here. Jaguar is much (much) better developer...
How do you know? I hope it's true. I was decompiling NXT code, when it wasn't published yet, and before the "flawed" 0.4.x sources has been released. I can tell. Satoshi was coding like in 80+', BCNext, like in 90+' (who knows, maybe to mimic satoshi even more), Jaguar codes, like you code nowadays. That being sad, I was and am amazed by the amount of work JeanLuc has done to make the code look decent. interested in knowing what kind of differences you see between 80+', 90+' and 2000+' coding  Can you give some examples? I'd be quite interested in this too.  It would be correct ... examples ... not codes from forthcoming releases
April 26, 2014, 01:00:19 AM |
Alpha in a couple days. 
There ain't no Revolution like a NEMolution. The only solution is Bitcoin's dissolution! NEM!
April 26, 2014, 01:00:54 AM |
227 pages! thing goes well
[NEM] NEM -New Economy Movement - No Envy Movement - Updates+Discussion thread « 1 2 ... 226 227 » utopianfuture 4537replies 92078views Today at 10:28:35 AM Go,go,go..... 100,000views 1 months [NEM] NEM -New Economy Movement - No Envy Movement - Updates+Discussion thread « 1 2 ... 332 333 » utopianfuture 6658replies 141358 views Go,go,go..... 200,000views
The future has come
April 26, 2014, 01:07:25 AM |
Alpha in a couple days.  really? Forgot the question mark 
There ain't no Revolution like a NEMolution. The only solution is Bitcoin's dissolution! NEM!
April 26, 2014, 01:16:37 AM |
And it's client is another take on wesleyh's client aswell. A banner at the top has changed. LOL
"We have the power to begin the world over again" - Thomas Paine
Activity: 1232
Merit: 1001
mining is so 2012-2013
April 26, 2014, 02:20:17 AM |
has there ever been talk of being able to have a coin backed by nem and its blockchain secured by the nem network? can this be done? if so i have an idea! if anyone can confirm this can be done please pm me.. thanks
That is a 2.0 feature. Something that NXT will release in a couple of weeks and something CounterParty and Mastercoin have already done on the bitcoin block chain. If they can do it and their codes are open source, NEM can do it too, but I'm guessing it won't happen on day one.
Activity: 54
Merit: 0
April 26, 2014, 02:47:03 AM Last edit: April 26, 2014, 02:57:39 AM by 3LEM3NT |
I think we should put more priority on the logo. It seems like doing an auction without having a logo is a little backwards.
I love NEM, so don't get me wrong, but the auction will attract attention. We risk looking like we dont have it together.
Can we choose a logo before this??
I know the devs have a full plate. This is why Im saying something.
Activity: 19
Merit: 0
April 26, 2014, 04:23:25 AM |
If there are 120 stakes to auction, what about offering 1/10th stakes? 1200 auction blocks of 100,000 NEM with a 1 btc reserve. If it works we will raise >1,200 BTC. Under the right conditions, it can happen. MaidSafe raised $6 million in just five hours.
April 26, 2014, 04:31:17 AM |
I have read your development plan for the details of NEM's features.support it!
April 26, 2014, 04:44:36 AM |
If there are 120 stakes to auction, what about offering 1/10th stakes? 1200 auction blocks of 100,000 NEM with a 1 btc reserve. If it works we will raise >1,200 BTC. Under the right conditions, it can happen. MaidSafe raised $6 million in just five hours.
Good idea.
Activity: 2124
Merit: 1013
April 26, 2014, 04:52:40 AM |
If there are 120 stakes to auction, what about offering 1/10th stakes? 1200 auction blocks of 100,000 NEM with a 1 btc reserve. If it works we will raise >1,200 BTC. Under the right conditions, it can happen. MaidSafe raised $6 million in just five hours.
Good idea. +1.. but that sets a stake at 10 btc.. :/ seriously? why not? marketcap only 40000BTC (stake 10BTC) it is still cheap

Activity: 69
Merit: 10
We are all entering a new era.
April 26, 2014, 04:56:43 AM |
I am supposed to publish the unified stakeholder list today but I have just finished thread 1. I apologize for the delay but I do need some sleep now so will be back at work tomorrow. Be patient  UP Are you going to kick anyone else out of the genesis block? Yes everyone who joined nem by mistake and now think it is not a good idea. At your discretion, you mean, right? I still want my stake, but you are forcefully kicking me out. Shocking news; 2Kool4Skewl has been banned from Bitcointalk. LOL I say he deserves it!
April 26, 2014, 04:56:58 AM |
Todays cars are high tech products. But no one has to be an engineer to ride the car. Just sit in and drive. NEM should create a similar situation for the coin. For people's widespread acceptance NEM handling should be possible for ordinary people.
Simple NEM handling should be the surface common people see. Technical details may be interesting for experts.
Life is like a chicken ladder - short and shitty
Activity: 17
Merit: 0
April 26, 2014, 05:12:39 AM |
I am supposed to publish the unified stakeholder list today but I have just finished thread 1. I apologize for the delay but I do need some sleep now so will be back at work tomorrow. Be patient  UP Are you going to kick anyone else out of the genesis block? Yes everyone who joined nem by mistake and now think it is not a good idea. At your discretion, you mean, right? I still want my stake, but you are forcefully kicking me out. Shocking news; 2Kool4Skewl has been banned from Bitcointalk. LOL I say he deserves it! Yes he did if this is true.
April 26, 2014, 05:21:14 AM |
any safeguards against clones of nem planned? or will it even be needed?
Not planned as of now and not really possible without adding a little sketchyness to NEM imho. I'm not all that worried though. Look at the clones of NXT. If that's the kind of stuff we'll have to deal with then let them clone and fall on their faces 
April 26, 2014, 05:26:55 AM |
"It's hard to say, the currency will be the mainstream of future virtual currency." Lucas said, "if someone came up with an understanding of virtual currency, fluctuations in the value of small, very good, it may be accepted by the masses of money, rather than the currency."
Activity: 19
Merit: 0
April 26, 2014, 05:49:50 AM |
If there are 120 stakes to auction, what about offering 1/10th stakes? 1200 auction blocks of 100,000 NEM with a 1 btc reserve. If it works we will raise >1,200 BTC. Under the right conditions, it can happen. MaidSafe raised $6 million in just five hours.
Good idea. +1.. but that sets a stake at 10 btc.. :/ seriously? If well advertised, I can definitely see it. Many will be from outside the alt coin scene. The auction would need happen outside of the Bitcoin Forum, and on our own website. There are those who are on the lookout to invest in the next big thing, and if this is it, $5,000 is chump change. Owning one million NEM would be a good opportunity. At the moment this auction is the only way to acquire it and with only 1,200 openings it will be perceived as rare. +1btc for one of 1,200 spots is relatively "cheap".
April 26, 2014, 06:28:52 AM |
Consider that there are a lot of POS coins that distribute stakes at no cost and they are sold at 1 - 2 btc after 1 week. The Majority have no innovation, no major plans, no real long term looking community, no no dev team and a lot of other problems. If people understand the difference between signal and noise and the immense potential that lays in this project then I think the price will be easily well above 3 btc, maybe around 5 - 10 btc or more. Now there are a lot of fake Nem supporters that try to spread a wrong message about Nem and its price with the hope of buying it very cheap. In any case we must not forget that a lot of time, energy and effort has been put into this project and without a doubt there will be some real whales who will pay real money to get some more Nem stakes. This project is very different from the average clone or shitcoin, just look the the demographics of this great community, at the projects being developed( https://trello.com/b/GEWEPSZJ/nem-promotion) and draw some conclusions. Problem with IPOs is that there are lot of speculators that invest and that are looking for short time gains and those people will likely dump the coin soon as possible because in their heads at the end is all calculated in FIAT  It would be wise for NEM stakeholders to distribute the coin gradually by offering bounties for projects to build applications and services and infrastructure that will use the coin and not just sell the coin for dirty cheap or dirty expensive. Ask your self what can you do with 1M NEM what business could you start what service or application can you make and not just how to sell (dump) the coin. People please stop thinking only in terms of FIAT (MarketCrap,USD,EUR) and try to understand a bigger picture how crypto currency can save us from the current state of things and from the power of the few and give us more economic freedom. A man without economic freedom is not a free man. Just my 2 NEM  Totally agree. I think it would be also very important to set up a starting price from which the auction should begin(eg. 5btc) and value all the innovation and hard work of the dev team and the community that has been put into this project up until now. In other words we should set a valuation for NEM and auction should start from that price letting the market decide how much the price should go up. This is the way all the smart projects are doing it. Shouldn't the price be determined by the market ? Imho this auction should be set up as to proceed in the best interest of the community.
So for the impressive hard work, innovation, great community, brilliant dev team and promising plans, a starting pre-auction valuation should be agreed upon and the price should be allowed to go from there up, but not down. Meaning the market should determine which should be the right price starting from lets say at least 5 btc per stake but not below that. This is how an auction is really helping the community and project, otherwise the downside would defeat the purpose of the auction. If the price payed is not set by an agreed serious valuation then this auction will only serve the purpose of a big dump. If we can agree that this project is comparable to etherium, maidsafe etc, is very promising, long term aimed and here to stay, then I think we should act as such and value all this movement has achieved up until now. After all, look around, we have made some good progress, things are starting to clear out, the alpha is almost ready and a lot of other projects are set to launch. Update: In addition, a valuation with a reasonable price payed for a stake during the auction will serve as some sort of bottom price solidification. With this step, this project would gain more interest and credibility and will also be transitioning from an interesting idea of sorts to real project in progress. Presumably, this would make even dumpers think twice before dumping their stakes right after the free market phase arrives. It could also raise a lot of attention from the media if we market the auction accordingly. So what do you guys think about a pre-auction valuation? Utopian?
Activity: 1232
Merit: 1001
mining is so 2012-2013
April 26, 2014, 06:39:24 AM |
As a NEM stakeholder I want to see it succeed. It would be great if it was worth a lot too. I understand that starting the price in an auction high would in theory make everyone else richer, at least on paper. But that kind of tactic is price manipulation and would best benefit the first person that dumps. I'd rather the auction start at 0 or at least the price of the last stake holders fee and let the free market raise it up from there.
Maidsafe recently tinkered with the price of their mastercoins and have been heavily criticized for it. They were basically given away shares at off free market prices that maidsafe "fixed" and it left a lot of people turned off by maidsafe. I'd rather have NEM not start off with more enemies than need be.
April 26, 2014, 06:59:01 AM |
As a NEM stakeholder I want to see it succeed. It would be great if it was worth a lot too. I understand that starting the price in an auction high would in theory make everyone else richer, at least on paper. But that kind of tactic is price manipulation and would best benefit the first person that dumps. I'd rather the auction start at 0 or at least the price of the last stake holders fee and let the free market raise it up from there.
Maidsafe recently tinkered with the price of their mastercoins and have been heavily criticized for it. They were basically given away shares at off free market prices that maidsafe "fixed" and it left a lot of people turned off by maidsafe. I'd rather have NEM not start off with more enemies than need be.