April 24, 2014, 02:00:43 PM |
Maidsafe had almost no presence on the net a few months ago, it was some obscure vaporeware project. Suddenly, out of nowhere, they annouced some coin and received millions in hours until it was partially closed. Someone invested 900 BTC ($450K) in one transaction alone. Based on what? No photos and stuff copied from freenet? No escrow? No marketing?
There ain't no Revolution like a NEMolution. The only solution is Bitcoin's dissolution! NEM!
April 24, 2014, 02:06:05 PM |
NEM final stakeholder list can not see  NEM final stakeholder list:3055 yweetot Y 2e41eaaf5c330fa6f836386e7b2028e993a2cf3392592bce22c51bbf95fda46f
NEM is the future
Activity: 1162
Merit: 1005
April 24, 2014, 02:27:29 PM |
hmmmm, just a thought. would it be a good idea to hold the auction until an alpha is out on a test net? then the auction could go live. the profits from the auction could be used to by miners for the miner pool. that way the profits from the auction would indirectly be going back to all the share holders as the profits from the miners would go towards propping up NEM. is it an okay idea? as far as I am concerned, I would be okay with an auction at testnet phase and then even another one at launch, maybe even lots of shares. If a lot of money could be generated to buy miners, that would be really awesome.
that would kickstart the mining pool with A LOT of hashing power. that is what these mining pools need. once it was big enough, lots of other people would join in it and make it bigger. NXT's problem was reaching a tipping point with their mining pools where they had enough power to really mine some of the more serious coins.
Do not forget, that pool be effective for NEM and mined coins exchanged to NEM only then NEM will be in exchanges. I don't think that with alpha release NEM will be in exchanges.
April 24, 2014, 04:36:37 PM Last edit: May 03, 2014, 05:20:52 AM by hamiltino |
Maidsafe had almost no presence on the net a few months ago, it was some obscure vaporeware project. Suddenly, out of nowhere, they annouced some coin and received millions in hours until it was partially closed. Someone invested 900 BTC ($450K) in one transaction alone. Based on what? No photos and stuff copied from freenet? No escrow? No marketing? Maidsafe has been in development for over 8 years, they have presented in universities and even a google developer talk which can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLA77zxk-vATheir code is open source and can be seen here: https://github.com/maidsafeStop looking at technology in terms of its IPO, That's ignorant closed minded and emotionally driven.
stacking coin
April 24, 2014, 04:39:51 PM |
Maidsafe had almost no presence on the net a few months ago, it was some obscure vaporeware project. Suddenly, out of nowhere, they annouced some coin and received millions in hours until it was partially closed. Someone invested 900 BTC ($450K) in one transaction alone. Based on what? No photos and stuff copied from freenet? No escrow? No marketing? Get your thumb out of your arse. Maidsafe has been in development for over 8 years, they have presented in universities and even a google developer talk which can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLA77zxk-vATheir code is open source and can be seen here: https://github.com/maidsafeStop looking at technology in terms of its IPO, That's ignorant closed minded and emotionally driven. I was referring to the coin. If these guys need money then they should be selling equity (especially at the prices they're asking) not coins.
There ain't no Revolution like a NEMolution. The only solution is Bitcoin's dissolution! NEM!
Activity: 2124
Merit: 1013
April 24, 2014, 04:55:52 PM |
Yes. I can clearly see NEM more innovative than the PoS coins! 10 million market cap is easily reachable. I predict next week's auction bid price would be at least 1 btc per stake!
I expect it is going to come true ! I have already seen people offering 5 BTC for stake of NEM. true
April 24, 2014, 06:33:34 PM |
Yes. I can clearly see NEM more innovative than the PoS coins! 10 million market cap is easily reachable. I predict next week's auction bid price would be at least 1 btc per stake!
I expect it is going to come true ! I have already seen people offering 5 BTC for stake of NEM. true You think it would be 5+ BTC for all 120?
There ain't no Revolution like a NEMolution. The only solution is Bitcoin's dissolution! NEM!

Activity: 81
Merit: 16
Crypto-Commodities are the People's Money!
April 24, 2014, 06:46:06 PM |
looks like I should of READ the FINE PRINT I donated and posted my Transaction ID of two different transactions on the same BITCOIN TALK ACCOUNT I still see my name twice on the contributor list but I think the second was counted as a Donation. I would really appreciate if somebody could PM me to see if we can sort this out.
David Latapie
April 24, 2014, 06:58:28 PM |
Could someone point to the right discussion thread for NEM (be it on bitcointalk or elsewhere)? I am lost with so many threads. Plus, where could I have the current status and roadmap for NEM? Thank you.
April 24, 2014, 07:01:54 PM |
Could someone point to the right discussion thread for NEM (be it on bitcointalk or elsewhere)? I am lost with so many threads. Plus, where could I have the current status and roadmap for NEM? Thank you.
You are in the right thread. I can't give you dates because there are no ETAs but this is what's coming in the very near future (in no special order): - stake auctions
- release of final stakeholder list
- refunds
- alpha
- other stuff that comes up

I can't give you dates because there are no ETAs but this is what's coming in the very not so near future (but also not very distant) (in no special order): - logo
- branding
- open beta
- whitepaper release
- stake distribution
- official launch
- exchanges
- stake distribution
- UP reveals that he's really satoshi
- Jaguar reveals that he's really BCNext
April 24, 2014, 07:04:15 PM |
When is white paper being released?
Does it uses Java's standard library ecdsa ?
David Latapie
April 24, 2014, 07:04:50 PM |
Could someone point to the right discussion thread for NEM (be it on bitcointalk or elsewhere)? I am lost with so many threads. Plus, where could I have the current status and roadmap for NEM? Thank you.
You are in the right thread. I can't give you dates because there are no ETAs but this is what's coming in the very near future (in no special order): - stake auctions
- release of final stakeholder list
- refunds
- alpha
- other stuff that comes up

Thanks  Could I have some information about what really is proof-of-importance?
Activity: 866
Merit: 1002
April 24, 2014, 07:25:58 PM |
When is white paper being released?
Does it uses Java's standard library ecdsa ?
ecdsa - yes. from java standard lib - no.
April 24, 2014, 07:43:47 PM |
When is white paper being released?
Does it uses Java's standard library ecdsa ?
ecdsa - yes. What curve?

Activity: 73
Merit: 10
April 24, 2014, 07:59:12 PM |
April 24, 2014, 08:11:20 PM |
Don't forget that there's also a stake for Chuck Norris if he wants to join.  And he won't have to pay for it, we will pay him to take our money 
Activity: 1162
Merit: 1005
April 24, 2014, 08:11:53 PM |
Could someone point to the right discussion thread for NEM (be it on bitcointalk or elsewhere)? I am lost with so many threads. Plus, where could I have the current status and roadmap for NEM? Thank you.
You are in the right thread. I can't give you dates because there are no ETAs but this is what's coming in the very near future (in no special order): - stake auctions
- release of final stakeholder list
- refunds
- alpha
- other stuff that comes up

I can't give you dates because there are no ETAs but this is what's coming in the very not so near future (but also not very distant) (in no special order): - logo
- branding
- open beta
- whitepaper release
- stake distribution
- official launch
- exchanges
- stake distribution
- UP reveals that he's really satoshi
- Jaguar reveals that he's really BCNext
Woo, we have BCNEXT and satoshi in the core team haha imagine what that would do for nem if it was actually verified lol it would be on news channels everywhere that satoshi is building a new coin with the creator of the first 2.0 coin. now that would be a headline! :L  Media announcement: "Creator of 1.0 coin Satoshi and creator of 2.0 coin BCNEXT building 3.0 coin NEM"
Activity: 866
Merit: 1002
April 24, 2014, 08:18:54 PM |
can't tell yet, as this might be subject of change after alpha, and I wouldn't like to be the one who'd be accused of saying A while there is B.
April 24, 2014, 08:18:58 PM |
What was decided about the multi-pool? Do we really need to create another or better still why not partner with a third party who already has the resources and proven track record of delivering high BTC/MH?
If we are interested I can talk to the admin of one of the multi-pools to facilitate this; recently done it for another coin.
^ I am with STUPID!
Activity: 866
Merit: 1002
April 24, 2014, 08:22:17 PM |
BCNxt had great idea, but you're not fair here. Jaguar is much (much) better developer...