April 25, 2014, 03:46:41 AM |
BCNxt had great idea, but you're not fair here. Jaguar is much (much) better developer... How do you know? I hope it's true. [/list]
April 25, 2014, 03:46:55 AM |
Nem should have something more innovative than multipool. expect...
except what? and its not going to be just an ordinary multipool.. lol just gota find a dev that wants to do it! multipool been everywhere it. Should expect something more innovative than multipool out, so it has a high valuation nem. dont worry if my idea works.. lol youl be happy! :L what your idea??
Activity: 866
Merit: 1002
April 25, 2014, 04:14:23 AM |
lol,I can't give you dates because nem is a scam!
doesn't he remind you guys Frictionless?
Activity: 866
Merit: 1002
April 25, 2014, 04:41:46 AM |
BCNxt had great idea, but you're not fair here. Jaguar is much (much) better developer...
How do you know? I hope it's true. I was decompiling NXT code, when it wasn't published yet, and before the "flawed" 0.4.x sources has been released. I can tell. Satoshi was coding like in 80+', BCNext, like in 90+' (who knows, maybe to mimic satoshi even more), Jaguar codes, like you code nowadays. That being sad, I was and am amazed by the amount of work JeanLuc has done to make the code look decent.
Activity: 54
Merit: 0
April 25, 2014, 05:04:25 AM |
Nem should have something more innovative than multipool. expect...
except what? and its not going to be just an ordinary multipool.. lol just gota find a dev that wants to do it! multipool been everywhere it. Should expect something more innovative than multipool out, so it has a high valuation nem. dont worry if my idea works.. lol youl be happy! :L what your idea?? cant say in public.. il make a small ann when i know more.. If you can make this BIG idea work then do it. Please just don't let the multi-pool plan get delayed if you can't do the BIG idea. Don't let this lose momentum and fade away. You had a great idea, now see this to completion. Thanks for being point on this. You got my support. UP please stay in contact with him and get him what he needs if possible within your framework. Everything is going slow, this getting done quickly would be good at this stage. To be clear, I understand why things are slow, a lot has to be done. NEM could use a nice boost right now before the auction.
Activity: 2124
Merit: 1013
April 25, 2014, 05:05:14 AM |
Could someone point to the right discussion thread for NEM (be it on bitcointalk or elsewhere)? I am lost with so many threads. Plus, where could I have the current status and roadmap for NEM? Thank you.
You are in the right thread. I can't give you dates because there are no ETAs but this is what's coming in the very near future (in no special order): - stake auctions
- release of final stakeholder list
- refunds
- alpha
- other stuff that comes up

I can't give you dates because there are no ETAs but this is what's coming in the very not so near future (but also not very distant) (in no special order): - logo
- branding
- open beta
- whitepaper release
- stake distribution
- official launch
- exchanges
- stake distribution
- UP reveals that he's really satoshi
- Jaguar reveals that he's really BCNext
Woo, we have BCNEXT and satoshi in the core team haha imagine what that would do for nem if it was actually verified lol it would be on news channels everywhere that satoshi is building a new coin with the creator of the first 2.0 coin. now that would be a headline! :L If that is true we all will be millionaries 
April 25, 2014, 05:10:03 AM |
How the BitCoin network becomes centralized?Google translate original russian post from Sasha PortMan : http://mmgp.ru/showpost.php?p=6543233&postcount=2136The first stage - it was possible mining at home on videocards. The second stage - it was possible mining at home on farms from ten videocards. The third stage - mining it is possible was at home on tens farms from hundred videocards. The fourth stage - the whole industrial pavilions, from hundred ASIC of mayner. The fifth stage - tens mega constructions from thousands of ASIC of mayner. The sixth stage - mega the corporations which are engaged in a mining which will have huge territories on the areas which will be specially adapted under a mining. And the seventh stage, final - the strongest corporations from corporations will survive. They will be then not only to control the prices, but also to carry out all transactions. If the price of a coin is low, the network and any transaction will simply stop won't be carried out while the price doesn't become favorable to a mining. But it will be already in the most final phase when all mining one or two mega will control corporations on the mining, under control certainly to the government. Because probably you know if someone starts controlling that not in power was to control before to the governments within the corporation, the governments shortly will start controlling the one who controls the uncontrollable. In general, I consider a mining - an error of decentralization. All computing capacities once will appear in hands of one mega corporations that conducts to centralization and control from the governments. Satoshi when I created it, I he think knew and guessed to what at the end everything leads it. Freedom is given only in the beginning when everyone can мaйнить at home on videocards, thereby forming the decentralized network. But here its complexity grows and grows that finally leads to centralization and to total control, up to even before network destruction if supervisory authorities of it want. And most likely they will want because yet time will find as someone sold for BitCoins drugs or sponsored terrorism, and so on. BitCoin for them at present as a splinter which just like that can't be pulled out. But Satoshi created it everything temporary, as a result a ball one will govern mega corporation and sure to appear over it will rule the governments. It will be the beginning of the end of a network BitCoin.
Tezos address : KT1PPmJn9ZfVUSp6VDv92S7epKdZoU1cHV5f
Activity: 54
Merit: 0
April 25, 2014, 05:16:07 AM |
Yes, Bitcoin has a shelf life.
April 25, 2014, 05:55:23 AM |
In general, I consider a mining - an error of decentralization. All computing capacities once will appear in hands of one mega corporations that conducts to centralization and control from the governments. Satoshi when I created it, I he think knew and guessed to what at the end everything leads it. Freedom is given only in the beginning when everyone can мaйнить at home on videocards, thereby forming the decentralized network. But here its complexity grows and grows that finally leads to centralization and to total control, up to even before network destruction if supervisory authorities of it want. And most likely they will want because yet time will find as someone sold for BitCoins drugs or sponsored terrorism, and so on. BitCoin for them at present as a splinter which just like that can't be pulled out. But Satoshi created it everything temporary, as a result a ball one will govern mega corporation and sure to appear over it will rule the governments. It will be the beginning of the end of a network BitCoin.
So much of this. The only real winners are manufacturer's and those with deep pockets to buy asic's and other specialist mining hardware. PoW is no more decentralized than FIAT, in fact it's worse because those with the influence are more anonymous and just as powerful. PoS has the capacity to be just as centralized - poor distributed IPO, or other such tatics seen with the MaidSafe IPO. NEM so far has been a step in the right direction. I must say though the concept of releasing stakeholders coins periodically (Rather than in an immediate lump sum) to discourage dumping and more dedication to the cause - an idea i saw mentioned a few pages ago - intrigued me. Food for thought.
Activity: 1596
Merit: 1000
I am not Dorian Nakamoto.
April 25, 2014, 06:00:50 AM |
Maidsafe had almost no presence on the net a few months ago, it was some obscure vaporeware project. Suddenly, out of nowhere, they annouced some coin and received millions in hours until it was partially closed. Someone invested 900 BTC ($450K) in one transaction alone. Based on what? No photos and stuff copied from freenet? No escrow? No marketing? Something there doesn't pass the smell test. Especially since mastercoin has pretty much no future anyway.
Activity: 1232
Merit: 1001
mining is so 2012-2013
April 25, 2014, 06:01:11 AM |
In general, I consider a mining - an error of decentralization. All computing capacities once will appear in hands of one mega corporations that conducts to centralization and control from the governments. Satoshi when I created it, I he think knew and guessed to what at the end everything leads it. Freedom is given only in the beginning when everyone can мaйнить at home on videocards, thereby forming the decentralized network. But here its complexity grows and grows that finally leads to centralization and to total control, up to even before network destruction if supervisory authorities of it want. And most likely they will want because yet time will find as someone sold for BitCoins drugs or sponsored terrorism, and so on. BitCoin for them at present as a splinter which just like that can't be pulled out. But Satoshi created it everything temporary, as a result a ball one will govern mega corporation and sure to appear over it will rule the governments. It will be the beginning of the end of a network BitCoin.
So much of this. The only real winners are manufacturer's and those with deep pockets to buy asic's and other specialist mining hardware. PoW is no more decentralized than FIAT, in fact it's worse because those with the influence are more anonymous and just as powerful. PoS has the capacity to be just as centralized - poor distributed IPO, or other such tatics seen with the MaidSafe IPO. NEM so far has been a step in the right direction. I must say though the concept of releasing stakeholders coins periodically (Rather than in an immediate lump sum) to discourage dumping and more dedication to the cause - an idea i saw mentioned a few pages ago - intrigued me. Food for thought. I agree that bitcoin and crypto in general has a huge mining problem. It is a great idea, but definitely all the quarks haven't been worked through yet. Go NEM!
Activity: 1232
Merit: 1001
mining is so 2012-2013
April 25, 2014, 06:04:00 AM |
lol,I can't give you dates because nem is a scam!
doesn't he remind you guys Frictionless? I think it is Emule. Moved on from NXT to NEM. hahaha. That would mean a major NXT player has moved on from NXT to NEM too. In my opinion Emule was the alter ego of somebody in the core NXT group.
Activity: 1596
Merit: 1000
I am not Dorian Nakamoto.
April 25, 2014, 06:09:44 AM |
I thought BCNEXT was Satoshi.
Activity: 1596
Merit: 1000
I am not Dorian Nakamoto.
April 25, 2014, 06:20:53 AM |
Could someone point to the right discussion thread for NEM (be it on bitcointalk or elsewhere)? I am lost with so many threads. Plus, where could I have the current status and roadmap for NEM? Thank you.
You are in the right thread. I can't give you dates because there are no ETAs but this is what's coming in the very near future (in no special order): - stake auctions
- release of final stakeholder list
- refunds
- alpha
- other stuff that comes up

I can't give you dates because there are no ETAs but this is what's coming in the very not so near future (but also not very distant) (in no special order): - logo
- branding
- open beta
- whitepaper release
- stake distribution
- official launch
- exchanges
- stake distribution
- UP reveals that he's really satoshi
- Jaguar reveals that he's really BCNext
Woo, we have BCNEXT and satoshi in the core team haha imagine what that would do for nem if it was actually verified lol it would be on news channels everywhere that satoshi is building a new coin with the creator of the first 2.0 coin. now that would be a headline! :L UP = Satoshi? Inquiring minds want to know. Find out now. https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=583503 (My first poll.)  patmast3r is really UP, BCNEXT, and Satoshi.
April 25, 2014, 08:05:06 AM |
We're forming a SWARM team devoted to the promotion of NEM. We're looking members who are willing to do commenting and upvoting/liking articles, posts, videos etc. in order to promote NEM.
All interested, please send me email to the address nempromotion@gmail.com or PM with your email address and I'll list you! Please include your bitcointalk username in the post.For the record the SWARM team is not yet active, since there is no coin launched. We're forming the team now, so that we'll have it ready when the need comes. E
April 25, 2014, 08:07:11 AM |
We're forming a SWARM team devoted to the promotion of NEM. We're looking members who are willing to do commenting and upvoting/liking articles, posts, videos etc. in order to promote NEM.
All interested, please send me email to the address nempromotion@gmail.com or PM with your email address and I'll list you! Please include your bitcointalk username in the post.For the record the SWARM team is not yet active, since there is no coin launched. We're forming the team now, so that we'll have it ready when the need comes. E +1
David Latapie
April 25, 2014, 08:25:33 AM |
I can tell. Satoshi was coding like in 80+', BCNext, like in 90+' (who knows, maybe to mimic satoshi even more), Jaguar codes, like you code nowadays. And I read Cryptonote is coded like in 2010's
April 25, 2014, 08:31:12 AM Last edit: April 25, 2014, 11:11:21 AM by patmast3r |
Could someone point to the right discussion thread for NEM (be it on bitcointalk or elsewhere)? I am lost with so many threads. Plus, where could I have the current status and roadmap for NEM? Thank you.
You are in the right thread. I can't give you dates because there are no ETAs but this is what's coming in the very near future (in no special order): - stake auctions
- release of final stakeholder list
- refunds
- alpha
- other stuff that comes up

I can't give you dates because there are no ETAs but this is what's coming in the very not so near future (but also not very distant) (in no special order): - logo
- branding
- open beta
- whitepaper release
- stake distribution
- official launch
- exchanges
- stake distribution
- UP reveals that he's really satoshi
- Jaguar reveals that he's really BCNext
Woo, we have BCNEXT and satoshi in the core team haha imagine what that would do for nem if it was actually verified lol it would be on news channels everywhere that satoshi is building a new coin with the creator of the first 2.0 coin. now that would be a headline! :L UP = Satoshi? Inquiring minds want to know. Find out now. https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=583503 (My first poll.)  patmast3r is really UP, BCNEXT, and Satoshi. Dude, that wasn't supposed to come out until next April :X Seriously though....I was obviously joking so please don't write any articles or anything as already suggested.
April 25, 2014, 11:05:28 AM Last edit: April 25, 2014, 11:18:48 AM by hunanay |
Could someone point to the right discussion thread for NEM (be it on bitcointalk or elsewhere)? I am lost with so many threads. Plus, where could I have the current status and roadmap for NEM? Thank you.
You are in the right thread. I can't give you dates because there are no ETAs but this is what's coming in the very near future (in no special order): - stake auctions
- release of final stakeholder list
- refunds
- alpha
- other stuff that comes up

I can't give you dates because there are no ETAs but this is what's coming in the very not so near future (but also not very distant) (in no special order): - logo
- branding
- open beta
- whitepaper release
- stake distribution
- official launch
- exchanges
- stake distribution
- UP reveals that he's really satoshi
- Jaguar reveals that he's really BCNext
Woo, we have BCNEXT and satoshi in the core team haha imagine what that would do for nem if it was actually verified lol it would be on news channels everywhere that satoshi is building a new coin with the creator of the first 2.0 coin. now that would be a headline! :L If that is true we all will be millionaries  +1 millionaries 
Activity: 1185
Merit: 1018
April 25, 2014, 11:26:05 AM |
lol,I can't give you dates because nem is a scam!
doesn't he remind you guys Frictionless? I think it is Emule. Moved on from NXT to NEM. hahaha. That would mean a major NXT player has moved on from NXT to NEM too. In my opinion Emule was the alter ego of somebody in the core NXT group. there is a person over at nxtforum.org CLAIMING to be emule - but nobody believes it! somehow, emule had its own un-mistakable style and whacky kookiness - that is unfakeable! like a price donkey that has learned to bray 'LaTraviata' - any other donkey must fail when trying to copy that. we really miss him/her!